My daughter is undergoing testing due to me getting pregnant with her while on Mirena: Advice?

I got pregnant with my third baby girl while on the Mirena IUD; she is now just over a year old, and we are starting to undergo genetic testing (per her pediatrician) because she is not developing along with others her age, and she has certain facial characteristics to suggest she has some problems caused by the Mirena. Has this happened to other mommas on here? I would love some input to ease my worries or to prepare me for what might be ahead.


Definitely join “IUD AND PREGNANT” group here on facebook… hope this helps


I had mirena and it gave me breast tumors also mutated my cells one lumpectomy in and under surveillance since 29.

I’m so sorry to hear this. I had the Mirena before but luckily never got pregnant. Hope everything goes ok

I got pregnant twice on it and one is fine the other has learning n growth delays nothing that do with the coil it’s genetic I have 3 disabled kids got pregnant on diff contraception with each in fact I have 6 kids all failed contraception lol but try not to worry it’s easier to manage than you think xx

Dont worry doctors always put worse case sinarions to parents its proberbly just some precentage of a minority or majorty test they are doing looking for a precentage on pregnancy true the marina aslong as your a good parent your child is safe fed and loved ur child is safe :heart: every single child born on this earth is unique and faces their own stuggles and diffrences to become who they are as an adlut love and support are key. Best of luck and dont dwell on what might ur told might be an obnarmality what is normal :heart:


I have 3 kids and 2 of them were conceived on birth control but unfortunately all 3 of my children have disabilities. It may not be the Mirena at all that caused the issue. Dont worry to much. Even if your child has something not right, you and your child will be OK. Once you know the problem the hard part is done. Next, do you research on whatever the issue is (if any) and do what you need to do but know you both will be fine and live a normal life.


I am 37 weeks pregnant with a daughter that I also got pregnant with while the mirena was in. The mirena was in for over two years and I had it removed when I found out I was pregnant at 8 weeks. It came out fine and I’ve had no problems this whole pregnancy but reading this has made me worried.

Im sorry hun i might not be able to have children due to mirena growing into they rupturing my uterus

I got pregnant on mirena. I lost the baby. Having it removed was the worst most painful experience in my life. It implanted and tore everything coming out. 10 years we tried for a baby after. My partner can feel the scar. Tampons hurt as they rub the scar n break it open.

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I’m sure she is trying to say that the doctor believes the developmental issues are caused by the mirena, but they have to do genetic testing to be sure since there isn’t a test specifically for mirena defects. She wants to know what she can expect if it does come down to it being the iud that is causing the issues with her baby.


Got pregnant with my now three year old daughter with mirena insert. It migrated out completely a week before I found out. She’s healthy and on track developmentally. She does have a a slightly lazy eye but so do I.

I was on hormonal birth control with my first and she has autism
Strange i never connected that to a possibility.

I agree with everyone else I didn’t get pregnant with my mirena in but genetic testing is just genetics that’s not anything a Mirena would cause especially facial characteristics that would be caused by one.


The Mirena would not cause genetic abnormalities. Your genetics would cause them. Your doctor needs to find a new career if they’re telling you that birth control is causing genetic conditions.


Jeez a lot of you guys are really hung up on the word genetics. She’s obviously just a worried mom asking if any one has gotten pregnant on the mire a. Did your baby experience any issues whether it be birth defects, disorders, delays? Sorry OP I wish I could help more. Please ignore all the Nancy Know It All’s and good luck in finding some answers.


When i got pregnant with my son i had the marina but they took it out as soon as i found out he is almost two healthy and fine

Take a breath people the doctor is doing genetic testing to see if she is flagged if that comes back all cleared they will then looked into possible birth defects caused by outside variables. There is a process that has to be followed.


I got pregnant with a Mirena. Tge only problem I had was getting it removed My daughter was born preemie. I was warned about birth defects but not genetics. I believe the dr is doing genetic testing to rule that out.


I had a friend whose baby was born with her IUD in his fist! He has been a wild one ever since


I got pregnant with Mirena still inside. I wasn’t far along though…I mean I was 8 weeks when my body pushed the Mirena out (I had severe cramps and bleeding went to the hospital and sure enough found out I was pregnant)

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Gentic issues isnt cause by man made birth control… may be birth defects … not all babies develope on mile stones some hit them early some hit them late but man made birth control wouldnt affect her genetics


So I worked in Obgyn for several years. Mirena (and any form of birth control) can cause birth defects if you get pregnant on it, rare but it happens. The pediatrician is most likely doing genetic testing to find out if the developmental issues are due to genetics or birth defects caused by pregnancy while being on the IUD.


Honeslty my sister got pregnant with that birth control and her daughter is normal, only think she has is a bald spot from being scratched with i forgot what it was called while being delivered but no medical issues thats severe other then that, but however all her siblings do get genetic testing because my oldest nephew had cancer and they test to make sure they didnt get it throught genetics

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I think there’s a warning regarding birth defects on the package insert for mirena.


My only advise would be no matter what, it won’t change how much you love your daughter. Things may be hard but always remember she is a precious gift. :heart:


Shes not saying mirena caused genetic testing, just hat they are doing genetic testing because the issues may be due to mirena.

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I had this fitted and now have a 17 year old boy xc mine just pushed its way out and all went okay xc surly genetic testing will be to determine a problem with the genetic from the mother and the father not the marina ? xc

I had to read that four times before I understood the question. Seriously thought it was a Dad saying they got their daughter pregnant.:woman_facepalming:


OT, DI, and Speech therapy were needed for my post Mirena baby.

One of my daughters got pregnant with her mirena and they could t take it out. When my granddaughter was born the mirena was in her scalp! They had to surgically removed. But they did not do any genetic testing. She is 17 now and fine.

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I don’t think Mirena causes genetic issues.


Mirena doesn’t change genetics

They’re probably doing genetic testing to rule out that it’s something genetic.

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Getting pregnant while on birth control can cause issues with your baby and pregnancy. In the past, women who took bc and got pregnant usually had complications with their child being born with downsyndrom, cyreballspalsy & other birth defects… both mentally & physically. I’m currently on the Mirena & seeing how many ladies have conceived while on it is so scary!! Its best to get babygirl checked to see if there are any irregularities. Wishing you best of love :cupid: hopefully its nothing :heart:

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Pretty sure the doctor is just doing the genetic testing to rule it out for the causes to be based solely on the mirena.


I got pregnant w mirena and my baby was born stillborn

Sounds more like a form of trisomy.

I really don’t think its a genetic problem. Even if the off chance the Mirena caused genetic mutations to the fetus, all babies born in hospitals in the USA and even some other countries get a NBS ( newborn screening test) to test for thousands of different genetic disorders. If nothing was flagged on that test most likely there’s no genetic factor. The NBS is how we found out our daughter has an extremely rare genetic disorder. She was flagged in a category and our children’s hospital genetic center was shown her results and contacted us, or they will contact pediatrician at first appointment to tell you. We were rushed to the hospital and further blood testing was done to pin point what it was and to start immediate life saving treatment. After the further tests they were able see what it was but a DNA gentic sequencing test was done to confirm diagnosis which takes about 2-4 months. Her genetic disorder is so rare its estimated to affect 1 in a million! To be considered a rare disorder it has to affect 1 in 40,000 so yeah hers is crazy rare!
Even with pediatrician request I will say getting into see a geneticist is one of the hardest things to do without a diagnosis or flag on the NBS. On average the waiting list is 2-3 years! Good luck I hope it doesn’t take that long and I hope you find answers!

So it does look like Mirena can cause birth defects but I didn’t do more digging into what those could be. And yes you can get genetic testing done to determine if there will be birth defects but thats typical before birth. Im not sure why we would be telling people that if Mirena did cause a birth defect, that genetic testing wouldn’t identify it. Q birth defect would show up in your genes…

Maybe because OP worded this question weird people are confused?


Just correcting the term “genetic testing”. Mirena wouldn’t have anything to do with genetic testing.


Birth control is horrible for your body, and the fact that it can cause birth defects or miscarriage would make me go for a different option.

Your little girl may have some developmental issues, but there’s no reason to stress about it. My first son was behind on crawling and walking and so on, to the point they thought there was something wrong with him, which there wasn’t. He just developed slower motor skills as a baby, he’s 6 now and completely normal.

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They might be doing genetic testing to rule out the birth defects.

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I would agree with others comments however the pediatrician could be wanting to do genetic testing to rule out the defects being due to genetics and Mirena instead