My daughter is very sick...advice?

My 11 month old has had diarrhea about 20 times in the past 36 hours. She is still eating and drinking okay but is very irritable and her vagina and bottom as VERY raw. I have a doctors appointment at 3:00 pm tomorrow but I was wondering if I should take her to the ER or wait? What do y’all think? I called the nurse line and am waiting to hear back.


I’m an NP and a former ER nurse. Take the baby in. 20 times is a lot and that’s a lot of volume for a little baby to lose. You may not be able to play catch up with their fluids orally and they may need to be hydrated.


Take them in… We admitted a child around this age because the mother waited. Dont rely on the internet for help, just take the child in.


how many wet diapers does she have? is her mouth wet or dry? when she cries does she have tears?

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I personally wouldn’t do the ER but I would however seek out an urgent care just to ensure she gets some fluids. In the meantime I would make sure she has some fluids specifically something with electrolytes. And then add in a pre/probiotic to help with the diarrhea. Just to help with retaining some fluids until she can be seen


If she is still drinking plenty of fluids I would avoid the er if at all possible. And just a mom tip if you need it… baking soda in a shallow lukewarm bath is really soothing to raw bottoms.


If she’s eating and drink so not go to the er. Her body is fighting something and you don’t want to introduce new germs that could make her worse. Comfort care until her appointment.


You ask a caring mother, you’re going to get all different answers… follow your heart, pray, and May God bless that little one, and you… If im Beaver Dam, go to Columbus.


My son does this when his teeth came through


Sounds like Stomach bug. Take Mylanta and mix it with destin for her diaper rash (we went through 2 weeks of the stomach bug last year and my kids butts were horrible you couldn’t keep anything on it so I called a pharmacy and they told me get Mylanta and mix it with destin and man it worked wonders) wait to talk to nurse line before going to er cuz if it’s stomach bug there’s really nothing you can do but wait it out :sob:

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ER NOW! That’s what m daughter did when she had ecoli. Ended up in children’s on dialysis for 3 weeks


I always go with “if you have to ask somebody then you should probably take them in” because you’re already feeling concerned so I mean, doesn’t hurt to go and check it out!


Take her to the ER. My son had something similar and we ended up in the hospital for three days.


Thats sounds like gastro.
My daughter had this, it came out of nowhere. Noone else in the house had it but she was eating and drinking fine through the day but at bed time thats when the diarrhoea was at its worse. It literally takes all there energy too. Hoping its not that but please go to a&e.

Take her in, check her blood sugars my son had this and very quickly became delusional and it was hard to keep track of wet nappies because of changing him so often but his blood sugars where so low because it was wiping out his nutrition

Consider something she’s eaten that might be making it’s way out aggressively as it is.

She might have a slight allergy to something if you’re giving anything other than breastmilk/formula. I’ve heard of allergies that don’t have anaphylaxis but more of a digestive tract reaction with diarrhea and upset stomach and sometimes hives

I did the brat diet when my 9 month old had it real bad while cutting teeth. I just gave him baths more and made sure his diapers were always changed everytime he went and when he peed. Kept him doctored down there too. I did take him to the doctor bc I was concerned but since he was eating and drinking ok they said to keep doing what I was until he wasnt and /or I seen signs of dehydration. I also didn’t give him his formula as much and fed him more cereal and that seemed to help a lot. Everytime he had his milk it ran right out if him. I gave him water and pedialyte.

I would call the dr again and try to get an appt for today. Or take her to urgent care.

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When my daughter was 2 month old ended up having salmonella poisoning she had 3 diarrheas in an hour took to Dr right away and ended up I er, she also had a fever with it.

If your child will eat blueberries
They work wonders on the bowel/ gut and have helped/stopped the diarrhea many times in our house:) just some old time knowledge that was passed down to me

Wait until the appointment if she stays hydrated. If it gets worse go to er. Keep her bottom as dry as possible. Use some A and D ointment on her bottom. Boudreaux butt paste also works well.

Make sure she’s getting pedialyte or equivalent; and have someone check her capillary refill (when you squeeze the finger and the tip goes from white back to pink). If it’s slowed too much they’ll recommend iv fluids

As long as she’s staying hydrated I would wait until tomorrow. As far as her butt put Aquaphor

BRAT diet
In small amounts… but with severe diarrhea I always stopped dairy products and would give liquids only… especially Gatorade/Powerade/Pedilyte/cooled down soup broths……and always called Pediatrician

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Pedalyte. Any temp? Take to Dr

Take the child to the er.

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If she doesn’t have a wet diaper every 8 hours take her in

As long as she is drinking and peeing and pooping then Just monitor her

I’d take her in. 20 times is a lot and you don’t wanna play catch up later on.

dehydration is real. if your worried take the baby in.

Is she up and playing? How much is she drinking? Please look up the brat diet to try to calm her stomach

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Pedialyte for hydration can buy at drug store think even most stores

Try to get to eat some crackers also

I would have already been at ER

Take her to the ER don’t play with your daughters sickness…smh come on mama.


Boil white rice and drain off water. Cool and feed the rice water to her. Guaranteed to stop diarrhea.

Be a responsible mom take her to the doctor don’t come on the internet and ask for help how ignorant can you be take your child to the hospital to the doctor’s office or whatever some people don’t deserve to be parents

I’d say go ahead and take her in. Bottoms can become infected fast depending on severity.

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Honestly I’ve taken them into the ER multiple times for that sort of thing just to be sent home … I’d take to urgent care they can properly assess if she needs further care

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Prayers for baby girl in Jesus mighty name :pray: :heart: :blue_heart:

She needs to be checked for food borne illness. Take her in

Use cloth diapers if you can and just throw away the inserts in between accidents! I did this with my daughter and she never had to use butt cream when rashes broke out usually resolved in 4 hours after switching out of normal diapers.

Lactose intolerant ?? …is she on an antibiotic…does she drink the bathwater with soap??? …offer her pedialyte and yes def get her seen !

Sounds like rotavirus. My son spent three days basically living on the toilet when he was two ish. Id say take her in just because of the age but I think you’d get to your doctors appointment faster than waiting in the er at this point.

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I’d say go in but for the raw bottom part. Use cornstarch in the diaper. It will help heal and also help the diaper blow outs. I got that tip with my firstborn and never bought anything else after. I hope your little one starts feeling better soon.

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While you’re waiting for the doctor appointment, get her immediately on Pedialyte! Any drug store or many brackets should have it. She certainly needs it to get her electrolytes balanced after losing so much liquid! When my daughter had a bad case and I was about to take her to ER but first started giving her Pedialyte and it worked almost like a miracle in a half day …but then still took her to Dr.

My grandbaby went thru that an she was crying an hiding because her lil bottom was raw…I would put Aquaphor on it…its like miracle cream…an just tried to get her to drink water an Pedilyte to stay hydrated…an it ran its course…I would wait for your doctor to call…but listen to your heart…you know your child the best…an pray over her an ask God for guidance an to heal your baby…God Bless You Both…:innocent::innocent::innocent:

Our grand daughter just went thru this…went to her dr…it was a virus w teething as well…as long as she was eating and drinking dr said she was fine…as far as her bottom , mom was told to get her an otc cream , different from the usuals…unfortunately I forgot name…and give air baths and soak baths…it was all done in abt 4 days…pretty brutal

If child is drinking and eating just fine, all you should watch out are signs of dehydration. Make sure she gets fluid but don’t force it. It could just be a tummy bug that her immune system fighting until it goess away. Just go to the appointment scheduled for further assessment. For the bottoms, that’s really nasty and painful especially for little children but even hospitals can’t give any instant relief. Seach for reliable medicines or ointments that will alleviate the condition.

20 times is a lot even if she’s still taking fluids in she might need more I’d bring her in for IV fluids

Take her to the Dr. My oldest son almost died from the same thing. Get some Boudreaus Butt Paste for her sore bottom

We just had this. My daughter is five. Lasted an entire week

Never wait & take a chance…poor baby

Take that baby to the ER. Wth are you on here for? Go!

When in doubt, take her out. Go to the ER

If you gotta ask, take them in. There’s no way she’s replenishing the amount of fluid she’s losing.

Go to urgent care! Have it checked out

All the mommas saying take them to the ER. The ER is for EMERGENCIES!