I need help idk what else to do my kids keep getting lice it’s mainly my oldest she has a thick head of hair and I have tried everything give me some ideas mammas please
Rinse her hair in vinegar water after you get rid of them.
Hair spray every day before going to school or going out with friends. Live hate hair spray
Put tea tree oil in their shampoo after treatments. Continues to kill them and keeps them from returning. Did it with all 4 of my kiddos. Good luck
Put her hair up and hairspray
Perms or coloring, they don’t like chemically treated hair
Get the prescription from the pediatrician
Use conditioner and use the lice comb it takes them all out of the hair .because the hair is slippery they can’t grip on
There is also a rosemary spray you can use. My granddaughter kept getting it. Finding the source. Clean her sheets in hot water. We now use a bonnet at night after treatments to help contain and smother.
I feel you on the thick hair. Good luck.
Tea tree oil kills and repels
Coat her head in cooking oil…wrap in a towel, over night!! It suffocates them….
Then wash it with dawn dish soap…then regular shampoo and conditioner…also taking a flat iron to the hair after this treatment works wonders to kill the rest!! The nits you’ll have to use a lice comb to get out….but it’s much easier once they are dead!
If she keeps getting them, she probably isn’t losing them. Job for the weekend! Smear hair with petroleum jelly (Vaseline) until the hair is completely coated. Comb through with a nitty gritty OUTSIDE the following morning. (Or go somewhere else). Put in more Vaseline. Repeat for three days. Then put shampoo directly onto the hair and work through. Then wash as normal. The Vaseline kills the nits and suffocates the lice. Put tea tree oil in their regular shampoo to keep them at bay. It also helps if you leave home for a couple of days because they survive on soft furnishings - bug spray otherwise.
Call her Dr and they can prescribe some strong shampoo to use and it’ll take care of it and add tea tree oil to shampoo and that’ll keep them away
Either you aren’t killing them in your home or someone at school keeps reinfecting her.
Yea tree oil. Put a drop behind each ear and on the back of the neck at the hair line and put some in whatever shampoo you all use. That will help keep them away once you get them gone. Also use hair spray or gel, lice do not like dirty hair. To get rid of them use the lice shampoo from the store some say repeat every 7 or 14 days just follow the instructions. There is spray you can buy for stuff that can’t be washed. Wash everything you can that’s cloth or stuff animals, and wash it in hot water. Not just hers everyone’s stuff.
Only way to get rid of it is to treat everything in your house and car… treat all heads in the house and pick pick pick!! You have to get the nits! All these homemade remedies and what they don’t like is a myth… don’t waste your time or money!! Get the Dr to call in the prescription shampoo and treat everyone… but if you don’t wash all linens… pillows… spray beds… carpet… furniture… car… you will never get rid of it!! Trust me… been there… had a child that brought it home every couple days because they wouldn’t treat the classroom to the kids in it!!
Prescription shampoo and a flat iron daily
Comb through her hair every night looking for nits. Retreat 10 days after her first treatment. Wash all bedding in hot water and heavy duty detergent and dry on high temperature. Wash stuffed animals or throw them away. Wash all jackets and hats. Buy new pillows. Educate her not to share hats, hair decorations or combs. No sleep overs until the lice situation in her school is under control because if she has them so do her friends. Check all her siblings.
I used to put conditioner in and get a paper plate and comb, comb, comb! My poor baby fought it at least a year, I kid you not! Treat the house (furniture, carpets, mattress,everything) and her with nix, and comb, literally almost every single night, while we played games together and talked. We tried absolutely everything! It was a crappy time. Pretty sure it was a form of super lice. But, I loved spending time with my baby, too.
Pretty sure someone at school kept passing it on to her. Elementary kids are so prone, maybe moreso in cold climates, because so much time is spent indoors and lots of clothes and layers.
Good luck!
Coconut oil and apple cider vinegar
I had the same problem with my youngest daughter. One of my ex co workers told me to use suavitel (yes it’s a fabric softener but it works) and I haven’t had a problem since
Put tea tree oil in your shampoo
Tea tree oil and rosemary. Keep it braided.
Tea tree oil and rosemary shampoo.
I know you won’t like this because I hated it, but the only way I could get my daughter rid of them for good was to take her off of the public school bus and drive her to and from school every day. If your kid rides a school bus that could very likely be your problem. They do not allow kids to have any personal space on those buses and they crawl all over the seats.
When I got them, twice in my childhood, from school, it SUUUCKED, BUT:
We used Nix Shampoo, my mom washed EVERYTHING cloth that we owned in lice killing detergent, if memory serves. Clothes, blankets… threw away all pillows.
We had no indoor pets, so we bug bombed the entire house.
After the Nix shampoo and the bug bombing and such, she sat me down, and unfortunately the nit comb didn’t get all the nits. So she literally parted my hair in sections and had to remove the remaining nits strand by strand.
One of her playmates has it
First year was bad… and I had two girls long hair. So I cut hair short … treated the hair… washed everything bedding… left hair with conditioner in it. Rinsed out… Next I combed and combed until nothing comes off. Then hair drier to dry them out. Then pick pick until all gone. I continue to comb everyday… I put teatree oil in their hair detangler … sprayed their hair fixed it everyday… being consistent is the best… not once but do treatment again after a week… even if they’re clean. Comb again. Then just use the spray in hair everyday. Hair up and tell them not to share hair ties or pretties .
When I was younger I was wild always out in the woods & tall grass and I never tied my hair up. I ended up getting lice and my mother treated me twice without it helping before the Dr advised to let me sleep in the treatment overnight. That was the only thing that did the trick. After that she always had our hair tied up (I had two sisters) and she put lots of hairspray in our hair bc I guess bugs dont like it? Idk this was in the 80’s and might’ve been way bad idk lol I’d reach out to her pediatrician for advice.
Treat it 3 weeks in a row
Tea tree oil is fantastic, put youre daughters hair in plaits and wash all her bedding.
She keeps getting it from someone school, doesn’t require to notice students Their is a repellent spray and keep her hair braided or up when she is in the public. Did you wash bedding, walls curtains, combs and clothes. Hot hot water the heater the towels.
Tea tree oil. Fairy tales leave in spray both prevent reinfestation. Blow drying close to the roots helps kill and remove eggs. Going through the hair strand by strand in the sunlight to remove eggs.
I’ve heard smoother their hair and mayonnaise or Vaseline or oil then wrap it in cellophane overnight
They do have treatment salons now that guarantee no reinfestation for like 6 months
Get a robi comb. It is a battery operated lice comb. Follow the directions.
Blow dry her hair every day. Lice breathe through their A$$. I had issues on/off for 2yrs. I finally cut her hair short and per my stylist advice, blow dried her hair every day for weeks. Haven’t had any for months. KNOCK ON WOOD Lol
Walmart sells head lice mousse it is called vamousse and it works great
Mix up water, cheap conditioner and tee tree oil (small amount) in a spray bottle and use it every morning while brushing hair as a preventative
Make sure your treating your house as well ,all upholstery, bedding ,stuffed animals everything blankets clothes , pillows couches and such jackets coats hats if there if some alive somewhere it will keep coming …tell their teachers so they can share with parents to treat their kids your car is a place yiu need to treat also anywhere they go it can spread. Prayers n good luck …very long hair may need cut shorter to properly treat hugs mama its a nasty bug
Do your daughter’s teacher hang jackets, hats and backpacks together. I saw this happen again and again at the same school and same class.
Idk where you live but most cities have lice centers its not cheap but they will clear it up
We use tea tree oil in our shampoo. Also wally world carries a spray to repeal. We haven’t had lice since kid was in 3rd grade, she’s now 25.
This stuff works like a charm! They sell it on Amazon, Walmart or at several drug stores. Fairytale sells conditioner and spray with rosemary for preventative measures. I would suggest vacuuming as usual and washing the bedding, jackets etc.
Use peppermint oil in her hair
This! My kids kept bringing lice home from school and nothing helped until we started using this its been a year now and none of them have brought home lice.
IDK how to get rid of them as I have not encountered this at all. My kids use Renpure tea tree and lemon formula shampoo, conditioner, and leave in spray. They use tea tree and mint body wash of the same brand. We live in central Texas where chiggers and fleas are everywhere in our yard. These products keep my kids bite free and when lice went around my son’s class a few years ago he was the only child to not get it.
Don’t forget stuffed animals, doll with hair, wrap in trash bags , air tight, for about a week to smoother them.
I put my kids for swimming classes . Once a week swimming in chlorine water. My kids haven’t had lice long time now
Tea tree oil. Add a few drops to shampoo and conditioner rinse like normal. I worked in daycare for 30+ years and it’s the only thing that keeps them away
I put tea tree oil in our shampoos, and conditioners and we haven’t had it once this year . My daughter’s use it every time they shower / bath .
Blow dry or use hair straightener, lice repel spray , tea tree oil . Lice free spray out gel or hairspray in hair clean and vacuum beds and bedding
Tea tree oil, you can add it to bottles of shampoo/ conditioner.
Tea Tree oil.
And use it in/add it to her shampoo after to keep them away.
Use a tea tree based shampoo
Talk to your pediatrician they ones here can write a prescription for a strong head lice medicine. You won’t have to treat is as often but make sure to comb nightly and get every not if not they will hatch quick