My daughter pees through everything at night: Advice?

The good nights work great for my 2 boys!!!

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I use the goodnights and they work pretty good. Plus I tried to limit drinks close to bed.

Limit liquids before bed, goodnights pull ups, and wet pads for the bed and making a last trip to the bathroom before bed.
My daughter is 3 and has done well with being potty trained but she still uses goodnights because she can’t hold it at night/ doesn’t wake up. We use pads sometimes if we have to use regular pull ups at night and we always make her go sit on the toilet before bed and encourage her to get up and go if she is still awake and needs to go but has already gone to bed. It’s not 100% but works pretty well.

My son is 4 and we are trying no nappy at bed he has half a cup of juice at 6pm followed by a wee then a little sip of water at 7pm for bed again followed by a wee also we take his potty In the bedroom. I wake him up twice at 9pm and 11pm and put him on the potty. I hope this helps x

Take her to the doctor, have her tested for juvenile diabetes

I used to put a bed pad or puppy pad under my little one and it really helps. You can get some at Dollar Tree

Kids don’t just night train themselves. They’re awake to feel the sensation of needing to pee during the day but at night they’re sleeping and their body doesn’t realize it needs to go, so you have to do that for them until they learn. Cut off liquids right after dinner (or around 7pm,save for maybe a sip or two of water), make her go before bedtime, then wake her to go before you go to bed, then once more sometime during the night. Eventually maybe stop taking her before you go to bed, and see if she’s trained herself to wake up to go. It’s process but it’s worth not having to go through so many sheets. I’d also buy a mattress protector if I were you so you dont have to buy a new mattress every couple of months because those aren’t easy to clean.

Set an alarm get her up take her to the bathroom at least twice a night. Cut off her drinking an hour before bed.

No liquids 2 hrs before bed and potty before bed will help

I usually give my daughter water and send her to use the restroom before bedtime never once has she or my son peed themself. We make it very clear that they should use the restroom before bedtime they both have water bottles cause they get thirsty at night but if they have to they get up and go pee at the restroom… good luck I would say be consistent with her especially at night time or before bed time tell her to go use the restroom

Get pads for the bed too! X

My 4 year old is the same, we’ve put a mattress protector on his bed and a sheet on top, I just have to keep washing it as I can’t find an alternative

As a parent of children who had enuresis, you have to stop allowing any caffeine intake during the day, stop ALL liquids at 6 pm (or back up to 5 pm and/or even 4 pm) to find which time works best. Typically, that will at least bring down the amount she is expelling, if not stopping the nighttime bed-wetting. In addition, if either parent wakes during the night…wake the child and take to the bathroom as that will help as well. These are physicians recommendations. There are medications to help, but docs will have you do these behavioral changes first anyway to see if you can avoid meds.

Chk the adult diaper section and they usually have bigger pads for the beds and some that are washable

A washable, thick pee pad they use in nursing homes. Not sure where to buy, but had a few given to me for my daughter and it was the ONLY thing that saved her bed!!

Wake her up during her sleep and take.her to.the bathroom to help her have a habit of using the potty at night

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Have you tried a chiropractor?

Limkt fluids. No cup taken to bed. Get a plastic liner to put on mattress to save it from urine soaking in. Potty before bed and asap when wake up. If wakes up for any reason… Immediately on potty. A small sip of water will work if needed. Watch caffinated drinks and even fruits late at night… Which tend to make a urine come on sooner.

No liquids about an hour or so before. I mean obviously a small sip of water before bed is okay, but not much else. That is what helped with our son. We also got up with him to take him to the bathroom. The first week it was about every 2 hours to see if he had to go. Then I was able to kinda see when he’d go timing wise. I would wake him up when he normally had to go and then he was in the habit of getting up to go on his own.

Goodnites and goodnite pads on top of a waterproof mattress protector.

She will grow out of it