Okay, mamas (particularly nurse or doctor), my daughter is four months old and had a crying fit where she held her breath and completely stopped breathing for 15 seconds, which felt like a lifetime. She stiffed up and was staring straight at me, but after blowing in her mouth, she came to and was fine. Has this happened to any of you before? This is my second child, and my first never did this? She’s been fine since, but now every time she cries, I panic. I called after and they said it happens but I wanted some opinions
My oldest use to do that when she was about that age. She did it once when getting shots and the nurse told me to just blow in her face just like you did. She would start breathing and crying again
Mine did the same thing i was told to blow in tge3 babay face
Perfectly normal all 6 of my kids have done this my 9 month old does this when he gets really really upset
I had to blow in my kids face. And she’d take a breath. They cry soooooo hard. Over NOTHING😂. At first i was scared but told it was normal. Felt like it was a toddler thing too.
Yep this is very normal, my oldest is to do this until she passed out,
Normal my son did to
G take her to the hospital ASAP
My son did it and did pass out a couple of times… totally normal
Totally normal my youngest passed out on me twice. They grow out of it
One of my grandsons did this for a short time. It did pass tho.
Don’t fret over it because if she happens to pass out she will immediately start breathing again- my friend who is a dr told me this——
My daughter and all of my nieces and nephews did it. Just blow into their mouth it will force them to breath.
My cousin did this. Mu aunty raced him to hospital and the Dr’s laughed and said he was doing it for the attention and he eventually grew out of it learning that he wasn’t going to get his way if he held his breath
She’s getting your attention and a reaction…
My daughter did this at some point in her pre-toddler life. I blow hard on her face or clap my hands right in front of her to distract her. Worked well.
Some kids do this. Absolutely normal
If you blow in her face when she does this it’s a natural reaction for her to inhale
Totally normal. Try blowing on babies face. Usually pisses them off and makes them stop holding their breath.
My son does this all the time I blow in his face
My son used to do this, dont panic, stay calm and blow in her face.
Blow air in her face. Stay calm. Deep breaths
My 15 month old still does that when he falls into something or he’s pissed off. It actually gives me or anyone around me a second to mentally brace ourselves for the window breaking scream that’s about to come out of his little lungs. I tell him to breath or blow into face like everyone else said. If you freak, she’ll learn to do it to freak you out for entertainment
My daughter did this and used to turn purple😩
Everyone used to tell me to blow in my daughters face. One time it got really bad and swore she passed out. After that i bought a small squirt gun and would shoot her a little. It worked. And it helped get her to stop.
My son does this sometimes, a simple blow on the face and solves that problem
Lord my 9 month does this as well, scares the crap out of me considering he was in the NICU for a month due to his lung not being fully developed. It’s every time I step not even 5 ft from him he freaks out that I’m getting up or if I have to go help my toddler he will cry until I come back and right as I’m back right next to him he’ll do it. Doesn’t matter if he’s with his dad or any other family members, as soon as he sees me walk away he freaks out😩
Normal. I think most kids do this. Especially for fits.
Breath holding spells. Normal and sometimes involuntary. My son did it randomly after he turned 1. If he ate something too hot, fell, didn’t want his diaper changed…he passed out a couple times and it would sometimes look like seizure activity; it can be scary but as a nurse I was the most calm out of everyone around us. It stopped before he turned 2.
My 2 yr old does this same thing when she was younger she would actually pass out sometimes. It freaks me out to this day when she does it. It’s a scary thing to deal with. She will literally go limp in my arms. We have taken her to the Dr several times cuz of it. He has told us it is normal and it won’t hurt her that her body will naturally take over when needed. Like everyone else has said I stop it now by blowing into her mouth or face. She is 2 now and has for the most part grown out of it but man when she was lil she freaked me out multiple times.
Fast response. Glass of water in child’s face. If u have time squirt gun.
My 3 year old does this and passes out and it is not an attention thing. Blowing in his face does not help him either… our pediatrician told us to lay him down on his side with head up so not to block his airway.
My son did this when he was a baby also. I’d blow in his face. He would never pass out. But he be pissed off enough he’d cry till he had almost nothing left in his little lungs. And when I would blow in his face it would make him take a breath.
My daughter would do this as a toddler, to the point where she would pass out (not good when she was standing up) she would go limp and start breathing a couple of seconds after she passed out. The doctor said it was breath withheld episodes and quite common and harmless (unless she hit her head) she grew out of it. I would blow on her face which helped sometimes but if she did pass out she would always start breathing once her body relaxed.
My one daughter is 8. If she gets hurt she screams bloody murder and forgets how to breath. Its scary because you can see the panic in her eyes. Scares me half to death too. But my other two ive never had problems with.
My son did this when he was little. He passed out twice because of it. The pediatrician said its fine that he would start breathing again if he passes out. He will learn. He only did it twice and hasn’t done it since.
My 1 year old does this, and its almost always when he’s tired and told no about something. Blowing in his face works to get him breathing again, and he goes for a nap once calmed down.
My daughter is 4 and still does this I pick her up with her arms over her head and blow in her face
My son did this to the point that he passed out twice. I called his doctor and he told me it was nothing to worry about. He said babies sometimes do this, but once they pass out, they are relaxed and breathing will return to normal. The doctor was right.
My second daughter also did this, my first never but it only lasted a little while. Must of been when she was about the same age. She’s 9 month now and doesn’t do it anymore when she cries, hopefully it’s just a phase.
Son did that. Ask BrookLynn Landis. He passed out all of the time. He grew out of it in a few months.
Two of my five babies did this. I blew on their faces, and they immediately stopped.
Totally normal all 4 of my kids did or currently do this. Sometimes I blow gently on their face not as hard as a I can but hard enough they feel it. None of mine have ever passed out. Try rubbing their feet too.
Blow in her face it will make her breathe
I would have her checked out or get a second opinion.
My sister did this if she didn’t get her way
My niece did this till she was three. It’s not super common but it happens. She used to do it till she totally passed out. Just blow in her face/nose. It’ll cause her to gasp and keep breathing.
Not like mouth to mouth blow. Just like blowing out candles.
I would get her checked out. I’m wondering if it’s some form of epilepsy.
My son did this and when he was at the hospital for a different reason I asked there and they gave me the same advice, blow in his face like someone said as in blowing out a candle. Sometimes we had to do it a few times but does work!
This happened with my daughter all the time
My son did this, it scared the shit out of me. He had lung problems at birth, and I watched him like a hawk when he slept for the first year. He gave us no hunger signs, and then would start screaming that he was hungry, and would cry and scream so hard he would hold his breath. He outgrew it by the time he was 18 months thankfully, but his doctor said it’s normal. There’s nothing wrong, he was doing it himself, and could breath if he wanted to. Blowing In his face always stopped it.
Happened with my first all the time. Was told the blow on his face, it worked. He is now 4.5 - I have a 13 month old… he does it from time to time. And he actally DOES have a history of seizures. His doctor has never linked the two.
This happened to my brother when we were little…I remember my parents blowing on his face…or maybe more into his mouth/nose area but he eventually grew out of it
Blow in his face a little it helps them catch their breath.
My son did this to I just blew in his face he eventually stopped doing it.
My son used to get so mad when he was about 8 months old and would hold his breath till he passed out. He’d only pass out for a split second but I just try and figure out why he’s mad and try to make it less
My daughter did it, yes it seems like they hold it forever but just give them a blow of breath and it forces them to breathe♥️ I know it’s scary momma but he or she will out grow it. My daughter would get so upset crying she would do that and then puke…there was a good 3 months we couldn’t take her anywhere bc of it. She’s perfectly healthy♥️
My little boy does this, when he gets so frustrated with himself. Doctor said it’s normal. Weather it is or not I don’t know. My little one is 9 weeks x
My son started doing this around age 2 when he would cry non stop. Turns out it was called breath holding spells. I would just blow in his face til he came too. Its very scary…he grew out of it though within a year.
My son did this also
I would blow in his face and he would come to any be fine
It was pretty scary at the time
He grew out of it
Have 2 people seriously laughed at this? Why is a baby stopping breathing funny to you? Fucking morons
My son did this! We spoke to a slew of doctors because we were terrified. It’s nothing to be worried about… just make sure she isn’t in an area/position where if she does pass out, she won’t hit her head…
Its called a breath holding spell. If you blow on their nose/mouth it shocks them back into breathing. My daughter passed out once from it and apparently the passing out re-regulates the breathing as well. Scariest thing I’ve ever experienced but apparently very common
My second oldest daughter did that i had to blow in her mouth to get her to breath when she would cry like that
Breath holding spells.
And if she passes out she’ll start to breath again on her own, doctor told me this years ago when our daughter had temper tantrums and would hold her breath
Definitely used the short sharp blow back into their mouths to get them to breath again. My daughter did it all the time then grew out of it.
My daughter did it too when she was younger she grew out of it at about 2 and half
I used to do this and so did one of mine, it’s really common and as others have said, just make sure they are safe and a short sharp blow on to their face should work. Happy to report that both me and my son have grown out if it! He’s 4 and hasn’t done it for about a year now x
My nephew used to do this when he was a baby, he had really bad reflux and would cry when the acid was coming up
My mom said that she did that as an infant. My grandpa would just step outside with her and when the cold air hit her face, she would quit doing holding her breath.
My son did this when he was a newborn. We used to have to blow air in his face. He eventually stopped doing it, it didn’t really last too long.
It normal. As long as she starts again if you blow in her face then she is fine but if you see color change ( blueish grey ) in her lips or full face or body then you need to get it checked out
My oldest went through breath holding spells and it was traumatic! Our ER doctor didn’t explain them very well to us and it wasn’t until we were referred to a pediatric specialist that they explained what they were. They do grow out of them and we were told it happens anytime there’s shock or the body is overstimulated. Their little bodies sometimes don’t know how to handle it and just “shut down”. We were told they grow out of them, usually by age 4, and ours did.
First time it happened he was jumping on a bed, second time he was throwing a temper tantrum and the last time he fell off of a bed (jumping again!).
I blow in their faces, i was told it makes them gasp.
Definitely very normal, But very scary, And we have always done the same, Hard blow (of air not a belt lol) into their face. My now 8 year old will still hold her breath (unintentionally) if shes extremely upset, Doctors have said the worse thing that can happen is they pass out and start breathing again.
My youngest does this too
The first time was when he got his vaccinations
The nurse told me to blow on his face. I guess it’s super common
Blow in her face when she holds her breath. It gives her enough of a shock where she’ll start breathing. My oldest did this all the time.
My daughter use to do that when between 8m - 2 years old she would go all purple on her face and she would also faint most of the times because of it . Lucky she grew out of it now but at the time I was doing what most people said above blow in her face or carry her outside to get some air. When I consulted the doctors they said to totally ignore her when she’s doing it just make sure she’s on the safe place on the floor where she can do any more harm to herself. Anyway i couldn’t follow their advice and ignore my daughter when she’s holding her breath or faint so I carried on what I did before, blow in her face or carry her outside
My daughter is 17 months. A few months ago she got so upset with me and started crying to the point she was so red and stopped breathing and made herself pass out. She literally fell over and I thought she was going to have a seizure! I was so scared but I picked her up and she came to and was fine! I’m told it’s totally normal and they do out grow it!
My little brother use to do this when he was very small, I use to either blow on his face or flick water onto his cheeks. He grew out of it after a wee while.
Both of my kids held their breath when crying really hard or if they experienced pain then cried (like when getting a shot). I would just blow in their face until they would finally take a breath. They both grew out of it (they’re now 3 and 1&½). Worst case scenario, they pass out and their body will automatically take over and they’ll start breathing again.
This happened to my boy multiple times. His lips would turn blue when he cried. It scared the crap out of me tbh. I think he was struggling to cope with me going back to work at the time. That’s when it started. But it stopped after awhile and has not happened now for a few years.
Happened to my daughter a couple of times where she ended up blue in the face and fainting. Scared the living crap outta me. It does happen from time to time, not so much now she’s 8 but her last one was when she was 2 or 3
Most kids do this when very young, just blow in their face until they catch their breath.
Get a second opinion just to be sure. My now 20mo old has febrile seizures (started having them at 6mo old) and when the seizure starts she holds her breath (eyes tight, lips tight and whole body stiffens) until she turns blue and then the convulsions start. It’s so scary but they say she will grow out of them by the time she is 6.
My cousins kid use to do this I agree with everyone else just blow in their face eventually they’ll start breathing even if the knock themselves out by doing it
I use to do this when I was younger and the doctor back then told my mom just let me go but my son also does this every so often and his doctor said to blow in his face and it has worked!
My 5 month old does that as well and I do the same thing blow in her face or mouth which makes her take a breathe. It’s normal and eventually they stop doing that.
Breathing spells. My daughter did this and I panicked and called the police. First time mom here so I was worried she wasn’t gonna start breathing again. I was a WRECK that day. However, once we moved…it stopped.
My daughter still does this , she has just turned 4 !! Incredibly scary and traumatic! Have been told she should grow out of it around the age that she is now
Yes my first daughter did the same, it’s breath holding spells. Terrifying but it’s harmless, I brought to a specialist just to make sure nothing else was going on. She’s 6 now and hasn’t done it in a long tome, apparently they grow out of it aged 7.
niece and nephew did this. Scary! She would blow in her child’s face.
Blow in her face. My son would do this when I would leave.
Mine has done this since he was a newborn (he’s 16 months now). Scared the crap out of me the first few times. I used to rub his back and tell him to breath. Surprisingly it worked. Now he mostly only does it when he’s VERY upset. He’ll hold his breath until I say “breath, go ahead and scream” and he’ll let it all out.
My son has this as well! It is scary the first few times it happens. I just gently blow on his face and he comes to.
My daughter would do the same thing when she was young ( now17). The Dr’s all said that it would pass, just lay her flat. The last time she did it was at age of 4. It is very traumatic to see. Everytime I would put her in her car seat she would do it. Stay strong mama it will pass
My daughter also did this. She would cry and hold her breath and pass out. Started about aged 18 months and she grew out of it by aged 4. She would go all floppy and stop breathing for about 15-20 seconds. I would gently blow on her face and cuddle her until she came round. Very scary and worse when out in public as everyone would stop and stare. Happened at least twice a week.
She’s now 15 and has no recollection of it or any lasting breathing problems.
Main thing was I stayed calm and comforted her when it happened, even though I was panicking like mad inside.
I hope you get comfort in that she will grow out of it xx
My oldest used to do this. I’d blow in her face and she would gasp, everything back to normal