So my seven-year-old daughter apparently got caught by her friend’s mom watching porn on her phone…she has a phone because her dad and I are getting a divorce, and she has to have contact with both him and me on our weeks…when I got her the phone, I put limits on it, restrictions on age on it…you can’t even get on Instagram on it, for instance…when I called my ex to talk to him about the situation, he immediately jumped to bust her a**…she doesn’t know the password to unlock the restrictions so in my head someone that knows the passcode is using the phone and putting those types of websites on it…this all sounds crazy and maybe I’m crazy but what would you do? How does it go about this? I’m talking to the mom that caught it tonight. I just don’t see how she can watch the dirty websites with all the restrictions and passcodes I have on her phone. Please help!
My daughter innocently enough stumbled onto porn when she was around that age. She was searching “girl games” or something along those lines. Then once she saw one thing, it got her curious. I ended up having the talk with her then, because I wanted her to know what normal sex was, instead of the stuff you see online. Wasn’t ideal, but it all worked out for us. (She’s 14 now, so this was a long time ago!)
I went through a divorce and didn’t think to get a cell phone for my kids because they can call each one of us to talk. Did you ever think you can call dad’s phone when she’s with him and he can call your phone when she’s with you? Hmmm
You gave a 7 year old access to the world wide web. It was bound to happen. Not the kids fault. You gave her a device that can show her things that would make your head spin. Now it’s time to talk to her about what she has seen and now knows.
Sounds like when she’s with you she’ll call dad from your phone and vise versa til you figure it out and have a talk with her. In my opinion kids don’t need all this best of luck it’s time for that talk
I would have a conversation with her. Talk to her about her body her boundaries. Explain what was found. Maybe she didn’t wanna see it? Maybe something else happened. But you really need to sit down with her. She needs to know she can trust you.
I will also not react to it so she doesn’t feel like she in trouble more on finding out what going on. Sit down and ask if she curious or if someone used her phone
Even with restrictions adult videos do pop up. We’ve had this issue with my daughter multiple times. Sometimes adult videos pop up and are disguised as cartoons…
Have a conversation with her. If she’s curious and it is her that’s been looking, okay. Just talk to her about it. No need to shame her but a boundary needs to be set.
Is she able to spell out words to form a logical sentence to search a porn site? I know my 7 year old can not so I would start there… it could have really been a pop up and when is appeared she was like ahhhh what in the world is this and kept watching it
Definitely doesn’t need a phone at 7 there is no reason at all. Phone needs to be removed it’s simple then u can’t blame the dad for looking at porn when I am sure he own his own phone
My almost 3 year old can jail brak the i phones i dint know how because me nor his dad can but he can i have watched him doing it
Stop her from accessing the internet at all until shes older. Only have the apps that she needs on the phone, nothing else
Take the phone away and have a talk with her, let her know that’s not age appropriate for her. A 7 year old doesn’t need a phone, if she wants to talk with you or her dad let her use one of your phones. My almost 9 year old doesn’t live with me but when she wants to speak to me she uses her caregivers phone and FaceTimes me or messages me with supervision.
Put familylink from google on it. It wont allow her to look stuff up like that
Ugh, a flip phone will communicate/suffice.
No need for kiddos to have a unsupervised “fast track” to the worst of the Adult world.
I would talk to her… to be curious is normal. Just tell her it’s not age appropriate for her to be watching or looking at things of that nature…
Why would a child be interested in porn. That don’t make since. You can also but locks on stuff so can’t reach them.
How freaking awful. I have no advice. How the heck do you explain porn to a 7 year old
Check the browser history too on the phone. That way you’ll see if she searched it or if someone else searched it. You’ll probably be able to tell based on the wording.
***Also, something to think about- kids who have been sexually abused often seek out things like this trying to understand. I would have a serious talk about it and ask her if anyone has ever touched her inappropriately or made her feel uncomfortable.
If she has a iPhone there a privacy page where you can see anything and won’t show on history. If you go on web and on bottom right you hit the square on the bottom left there a privacy button where u can go and go on any website n there is no history
I would try changing the pass code, then see if it allows you to see restricted sites, if not then she somehow got the code, and I honestly feel like someone had to of shown her the site and videos
Could she have ended up there on accident? I mean if it’s someone she’s never seen before and stumbled onto it for whatever reason then most children would be curious and sit there and watch if for no other reason then their thinking to themselves what the hell is this?
IMO. I would tell her that its tv movies, make believe. That is not normal behavior in real life. Normal to want to look, but not until u r older. C what happens.
He was right , bust her tail and take the phone
She could have accidentally downloaded something with malware that brought up the sex website. Or someone else might have used her phone while she was asleep or not paying attention. I do not think a 7 year old would intentionally go looking for a porn website. But now after the fact you should definitely have a conversation with her about it but I wouldn’t push the issue too much.
She only should have calling and texting.
So my dad did the same thing with my phone when I was a teen. He put parental controls on it and even took the web browser off of it. I can guarantee she either figured out the passcode, or someone put it in for her. There’s no other way to get around it. I was a rebellious teen and tried to find any work around I could. I would change the passcode immediately and not tell any adults what it is either.
As for what she was watching, I would consider having the “talk” with her soon. I know she’s a bit young, but she’s already learning things it seems. She needs to be properly educated.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My daughter was caught by a friends mom watching adult videos: Advice?
Call the phone company.
A 7 year old doesn’t need a phone
Buy her a phone with no internet …SIMPLE FIX
Go on play store in the settings and put parental control on it
If it’s a iPhone the restrictions don’t work with it well most of them don’t with verizon family base. Especially if she is using WiFi.
This is why kids don’t need a phone that accesses the internet. They have phones that you can program for certain contacts only. Innocence lost. So damaging. Not worth it. Our poor children! #SaveOurChildren teachable moment for you to teach her body awareness and that her body is private and private parts are not to be seen or touched.