So my seven-year-old daughter apparently got caught by her friend’s mom watching porn on her phone…she has a phone because her dad and I are getting a divorce, and she has to have contact with both him and me on our weeks…when I got her the phone, I put limits on it, restrictions on age on it…you can’t even get on Instagram on it, for instance…when I called my ex to talk to him about the situation, he immediately jumped to bust her a**…she doesn’t know the password to unlock the restrictions so in my head someone that knows the passcode is using the phone and putting those types of websites on it…this all sounds crazy and maybe I’m crazy but what would you do? How does it go about this? I’m talking to the mom that caught it tonight. I just don’t see how she can watch the dirty websites with all the restrictions and passcodes I have on her phone. Please help!
Give her one of these just to call and text and that way she won’t get anything else. If she only needs the phone to contact your or your ex she doesn’t need a smart phone for that. Text and call that’s all she needs take the smart phone away would be the best option. Let her have the satisfaction of sending a text after it’s takes 10 mins to type out “I’m okay thanks” cause she’s had to press a button 6 times to get to the right letter
Get her a phone that has only calling/text. A 7 year old doesn’t need access and if she’s abusing it she shouldn’t be on it until she realizes her actions have consequences.
I’d be concerned too on who she’s exposed to or friends of hers that are showing her this. How does a 7 year old know about websites like this? Find out the root of the problem. For now get her a phone that can only be used for calling!
My children have a watch that had NO internet, it’s connected to my phone and I can control the goings on. There are only specifically chosen numbers in the phone to call anytime or for emergency. it has a call option, and even a video call option. But only to the numbers o verify through my app. You can set up a location barrier, sonic the child goes outside of the selected location barrier, it alerts you via the app and pinpoints there exact location. (Specifically designed to alert abductions etc)
It also has a secret S.O.S button that the child can press in case of emergency or in an incident where they are in trouble but can’t get help. When the button is pressed, it sends an alarm to my phone immediately, showing their exabt location in order to be able to act on it .
It has a few little simple games also.
I have a video I recorded on my phone of some of its features if anyone is interested
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My daughter was caught by a friends mom watching adult videos: Advice?
She’s 7 she probably still thinks boys are icky, why would she want to watch those videos? Are you sure it’s not just a misunderstanding or it was an ad or something