My daughters dad wants her to be enrolled in his school district: Advice?

I have two children; my oldest father is not in the picture at all and hasn’t been her whole life; I share custody of my youngest with her dad. He recently moved to a new area and wants to enroll our child into the school district in his area I would like to enroll her in the same school district as my oldest to try and keep them together even though they have a three year age difference. I tried to explain that it would just be easier for me if they were in the same school district instead of different ones. He feels like I’m saying he’s not equal in the decision making, which isn’t the case, but she is his only child to worry about. How can I explain my point without it making it seem like I don’t value him as an equal? We always have similar issues when it comes to co-parenting.


He should’ve stayed on your school district if he was so worried about it

Which school has a higher rating? Put her in that school. Also if she goes to his school put older daughter in that school as well.


Do what’s best for the child not the father


If your child is in public school it will be based off of her address with the primary parent. I’m assuming you have full or at least primary custody so there is nothing he can do about it. I’m not sure where your from but in PA here there’s no way my son’s father could even try to enroll him in his school district because my son does not live there


Why not both of you go look at both schools together to see if which works best for the child?


Whatever district Whoever has primary custody is in is where she should go to school. And that’s also where she should legally speaking be enrolled


Keep siblings together, he moved not you. I’m sure if you had of stayed together the kids would have been sent to the same school


Being a child of split parents … talk to your child … and if that means yall have to change your custody agreement then so be it … but making your child feel like they have a say earns respect from them…


I mean, LEGALLY the child has to go to the school located in the area she LIVES in. Parents have to pay for their children to go out of district. Who does she live with, you or dad? That’s what school she needs to go to. Also, she should be able to go to school with her big sister imo. I would’ve dreaded the bus ride without mine!


Keeping them in the same district could be what’s best for them both your children. In this situation you do what’s best for them and not what’s best for one father.


I’d see what district has a better school before making any decisions honestly. I’d want my child to go somewhere where she would get the best education. I wouldn’t make it a “who won” competition. It should be about the child and their education

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Sounds like a setup to me. Be very careful, she your daughter


In my state you have to enroll in the school that your main primary address is .even if you have shared custody


How about you both sit down and ask your child what they want. This way she does not get boxed in because you two cannot agree


Along with the above reasons… depending on where you live, if they have an unscheduled early dismissal due to weather… tell him you wouldn’t be able to make it to 2 different districts to pick them up… so he would have to be willing and able to provide transportation for his child


keep all kids togather


Are the schools in his area better? If so I would definitely want my kid going to a better school


Just do whatever is best for your child. I wouldn’t change things all willy-nilly to please him. If she is established in a good school with her sibling/friends it’s unnecessary change, IMHO. :person_shrugging: Unless there is an academic reason for his concern/suggestion to transfer her.


Is there a custody agreement in place? She legally should attend where she lives.

I’ve had a friend whose ex used their child’s school enrollment in their custody battle to lie and say the child lived with them and established the child’s address by using her school registration.


I would let your daughter decide where she wants to go. Also she should be in the district she lives in. If she’s happy where she is leave her there! Changing schools and making new friends is hard.


Who ever is the primary carer, that is where the child should be.


Tell him to get a grip, naturally you are gonna keep your kids in the same school, he chose to move, not you! It’s not about him anyway, ask ur daughter, she will prob want to stay with her sister anyway.


You’re thinking of what’s easiest for you, he’s thinking of what’s easiest for him. Who’s right?

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It’s not always about the school with the best ratings. Education is a very individual thing. Everyone’s situation is different. Is there a court order? Who has primary custody? If it’s 50/50 then you’ll need to come to an agreement about which school she gets enrolled in. My daughter’s dad and I recently went through a similar experience. We agreed on a school district halfway between our jobs (we both lived close to work) and agreed to move so that we could maintain 50/50 and we’d absorb the longer commute to work rather than our daughter having to spend less time with either family. Our daughter starts school in the school district next year. I’ve already moved to the agreed upon district, he has yet to move. It’s all in our court order so you may have to find a compromise that is in the best interest of your daughter which may mean sacrificing something neither of you want to. Good luck. It can be difficult but parenting isn’t easy.


Id defo keep them together, if u need to go court do it. Its better for your youngest to go to her big sisters school she will be more comfortable and when it comes to sports days, school plays how can you be at both if in different schools, i think its a silly question and he is defo over reacting shes your child too tell him to cop on x


Enroll her in the district she lives in… Some woman got arrested for enrolling her kid using her friends address.


Whoever has physical custody, that’s the district the child goes to school in.


I love how everyone is who is saying if his school district is better let her go what about her oldest she just gets to stay in the district shes in now? I would personally keep them together and if thats your district so be it especially if you have primary custody but make dad feel more involved maybe get her in sports or cheer or dance and have him attend practices if possible


Be careful. He moved not your fault. I’d go to court and have a school district put in the plan. You guys can move where ever you want but the kid goes to that school district


Ask if he’s gonna make the drive every single day to take the youngest to school and bring her home. If he’s willing to do it go for it. If not, put her where you want her at


You don’t have to explain nothing to him and you do what’s easier for you.


Is he gonna pick her up, drop her off and same after school? Is he gonna take her to after school events and such? If he answers no then tell him to forget about it . She’s in your home 90% of the time and it’s about convenience for you and your family’s needs and schedules


He chose to move away, so that’s his issue, enroll her in the school you want, if he doesnt like it, he can move back


Unless there is a true need to switch schools I say consistency is key and keep her at the same school she’s been at. He moved his daughters school doesn’t have to


She needs to be enrolled in the district that she resides in. If she’s with you that majority of the time, she needs to be enrolled in your district.


I would pick the better school district.


Nope he moved, I’d keep her with her sibling!


Enroll her into the same school district as your oldest. Keep the kids together or near each other in case of emergencies.


Enroll her in the school district SHE lives in. Aka with you. He moved not her.


KEEP your children safe! This day an age. Too many girls (or boys) are getting kidnapped. Just that reason alone. Is why I would keep my two children together. Safety in pairs!


My son father wants me to move him from private school to public school near his mother, I told him to kick rocks
You and I might be in different situations tho, because I pay all my son bills I alone have the say.
If it’s convenient for you, do what you think is best.

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The school will require wherever she spends 51percent of the time or more. Here you don’t get a choice unless they have openings.

I know someone who did this. The dad petitioned the court and got child support lowered since technically the child’s address changed to enroll her in his school district.

Who has primary physical custody? The child should go to school where that parent lives.

Whoever is the primary even if you have shared custody the courts will pick a home as the childs main address.

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If you have sole custody you have the major decision making for the child

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If you have primary custody then enroll in your district…he chose to move to a different location not you.


He is the one who moved and it would cause you a lot of problems with pick up if he gets his way. I don’t see any reason for her to go to his school district, I think he is picking a bad battle to fight over. Especially considering its really not either of your choice, she legally has to go to the school district within which she lives.


Its where you are… I dk why these dumb ass guys think they can control their kids mothers lives. The fuck they can… Tell them to “suck my dick and let me be a mom and do what i do sucker!!!”

Have you asked him why he wants that district? Maybe he feels its a better school?

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Tell him your putting her in the same school as her sibling end of most school go by where u live is where u enroll your child to me it sounds like he just wants his own way and wants his child in a school in his area because it would be easier for him , and tbh it would be easier for your child knowing that she has someone she knows in the same school who will look after her and her friends will probably go to the school near where u live not where her dad lives


We had this issue with my step son. His mother wanted him to go to the same school as his sisters for the convenience. We wanted him to go to the school near us basically for the convenience as well. Both are good school districts. It came down to we always pick hil up from school and take him the majority of the time. So it made since for him to go close our house. It’s probably more of a hassle for her in the mornings dropping off at two schools but where as we pick him up everyday there is no need to go to a different school where after school child care would have been needed. Maybe they could help in your desicion. Its gonna be more difficult for one of the parents but look at what’s gonna be best for the child.

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Choose the one she has friends in. She shouldnt be uplifted just cuz dad says so

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You have to enroll the child in the district she lives in.

What school district is better? I mean if it’s a better opportunity for her, I’d atleast consider it. But as for picking a school, its whoever the primary parent is or where she lives technically.

Are you sure it’s about the school district and not about him using that to try to establish primary residence for the child with him in order to get your custody agreement changed?


If you have joint conservatorship, he can be involved in the decision making processes but for you to have primary custody, you make the decision on the district.

Imo keeping both children in the same school district only makes sense.

WTF is he thinking?


Technically she should attend the district where she spends majority of the year…if that is with you, then that’s where she goes. If his district were a better school district I’d say consider it

How old is the child? I honestly see no other reason (unless the schools are better in his district) to make this demand other than to establish power or dominance. Sounds to me like he’s on a trip and you don’t need to tag along for the ride. Speak to a lawyer and advise him to do the same. Tell him chances are that child support will have to increase to help counteract all of the costs and inconveniences that it will cause you daily and that HE will have to be responsible for ALL emergencies and sick days, accidents that need a parent, anything involving sickness or clothing issues (the inevitable change of pants needed one day).
Let him know that ALL of it will be done through the courts so that everyone’s asses are covered but mostly the little ones is bc there will be no ‘he said,she said’ bs…all on paper in the courts.

Simple who has primary custody… he can be listed as a parent with rights to pick up and so on but if the child lives with you on a regular basis then the child is in your school district

Do what’s best for you sucks to be him but you don’t need the added stress

This should have been discussed in your parenting plan/ custodial paperwork.


Who ever has majority custody should have the school closest to them

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Whoever is custodial parent that’s who’s school district she’ll be enrolled in

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What’s best for the kid always

I say both parents look at the school together. Make a decision together based on that. None of this “who had full custody” bullshit. Have a little bit of common Sense for the child. Don’t be like these women that call the shots just because. There IS such a thing as co-parenting and making joint decisions over the child BOTH parents created. Yeah it’s shocking.

What district is better and who is going to be taking them to and from wveryday


Who’s the custodial parent? That determines where the child goes to school.

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He is the one whom decided to move… :woman_shrugging:. She will benefit better to be enrolled in a school close to her home to make friends, be involved in school activities, sports, teams, educational programs things they have going on. Not to mention very inconvenient for you and costly and very time consuming. Also if she is enrolled in his district under his address then he can take you back to court and say that he has her all the time and that she goes to school in his town , district, lives with him, etc, and cut off your parental order and child support as it is now. He will most likely gain Primary custody and you might wind up paying him child support or him not paying you etc… It is way to messy, way over the top! Think long and hard about what reason he would have for moving, what reason would he insist the child change schools to his district etc… I believe he is trying to gain custody.


Look at what’s gonna be best for the child.

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If you do so the child has to live with him and he would have to custodial parent to sign paperwork


Who’s house is she at more during school time…

The man needs to get a grip and realise that these two kids are siblings and like any other siblings do tend to go through the same schools. Why should one child be made to feel different to the other.


She should be enrolled in the school district that is going to give her the best opportunities. It’s not about you and what’s easy for you…or him


What is her address? That’s the school district she should be at. Around here you don’t just get to decide where your kid goes. It’s based off of which district your address is located in.

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Whoever has full custody is what school district u use. If u enroll her in his then he is tech the sole custody parent . In the eyes of the school and state

Do what’s best for your child, not you. Enroll her in whichever school would be best for her.

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It’s not about what’s easiest for you or him.
She should be enrolled in the school district that has a better school or better opportunities.

My house was zoned for a terrible school a 3/10. My sons father was zoned for a school slightly better 5/10. Plus it was a charter school.

You bet my happy ass signed my son up for the school at his dads even though I had our son Mon morning - Friday morning. Dad only picked up from school in the afternoon on Friday.

I did all the work. I drove every day a handful of miles to give my son a better opportunity.

When I was able to move to a better side of town to a school that was 9/10. My sons father and I had equal days but he didn’t have a car… AND HE GAVE UP SOME OF HIS DAYS TO MAKE SURE OUR SON WENT TO A BETTER SCHOOL.

Co-parent because of what is best for the child. Not you, not dad… the child.

Enroll her into what ever school is better look at test scores teachers programs they have …it’s about what is best and easier for her not you…

Keep your babies together stand up for yourself and your kids those are your kids keep them together


maybe send the elder sister to the new school to

I would’nt change my child’s routine because he got a new job.
I especially wouldn’t because I would want my children at the same school.
Now if that school district is better and has more programs, funding etc… then I would give it deep thought and maybe ask him to get the transfer for both kids.
Then that way they are together and it is also easier as far as picking up and dropping off.

What’s best for child? Is one school that much better then other? Does one offer more then other etc. I wouldn’t even think about it just ask keeping the kids together but think about what’s best for this one. This is how you find out what one is best. Then you can explain to him why you want which choice.

In texas if you get caught enrolling your child in a closed school district they do not live in then you have to pay a hefty fine.

Look at the school ratings, yes it may be inconvient for one parent or the other but if one school seriously ranks over the other then its not much of a decision #WeAreDealingWithThisToo

I dont know how old the child is if she is older then 10 yrs old. I would sit her down and talk to her about this. When everyone isn’t relieving is that we don’t know if the kid is out going or shy. She has friends in her school now. It might not be as easy in another school. Then that can cause other problems her grades can drop she can come depressed. AS PARENTS WE TEND TO FORGET WHATS GOOD FOR THE CHILD.

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I think the missing piece of this puzzle is why. Why does he want her to move? Is it a better school district, is it in a safer area? These should really be considered rather than it’s easier for you or it would keep her and your oldest in the same school district.

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Please check with an attorney prior to changing anything. Make sure you are not giving away or signing away any of your own rights or something that may hurt you and your daughter. I work in law, just don’t put yourself in the position for any surprises.

It depends on who is going to be picking up and dropping off the child at school, if it’s you then it makes sense to keep them in the same school


If you are the custodial parent and there are no issues with her current school, I would tell him that it isn’t appropriate to move her on a whim. Also in the event of an emergency, you dont want to have to go to two different locations to get your children. During breaks ut may be difficult to arrange child care or the schools are not on the same schedule. He chose to move. This isn’t about his convenience.


I’d say if he’s willing to do transportation to & from & you not have to worry about it then let her go to the school closets to dad. Nothing wrong with that. If there’s a time he can’t transport he pays for your gas.

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If you have her during the school week then you should enroll her where you are at my daughter just went through this her and her ex-husband live on opposite sides of the town and she just basically told him it’s a better school district and I’m enrolling I’m here he finally accepted it and he’s glad that he did cuz they’re both flourishing

He should think of what is best for his daughter, not what HE wants.

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The children should be enrolled in the district that they live in.

Problem solved.


Is it the same school district she’s been in?
Why change it for a parents whim and pluck her up out of familiar friends and such? Does she have a preference where she goes?
Is one school better than the other?

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Check out the schools which one fits her needs the best? If you have the option to choose do so think of her and her alone what does she need?

So do you have to change your kid’s school every time he moves?

I would talk to the child and find out what she wants to do. Also which school has better statistics for testing. If she’s with you during the school week it makes no sense to switch now

Just explain to him that you’d like your kids to go to the same school as each other. There is many reasons for this. 1. Sibling safe net, they’ll have at least one person they trust at school with them. 2. School drops will be easier for both children and wont have to worry about getting the kids to school on time. 3. It keeps the kids equal so they wont question why their sibling goes to a different school or if they aren’t good enough to share a school. The ex needs to realize you have two children you are trying to raise to be equal which includes giving them the best school experience and keep them as equal as possible. Explain to him you can’t give one child something without also giving the same to the other and it has nothing to do with him as a parent but giving both the children you have the besy

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