My Daughter's Friend Will Not Stop Lying

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"I am having an issue with one of my daughters friends lying…she will lie about my younger son hurting her every single time she trips or falls outside and all of the other kids will even say (even her own brother who is very close to her)… that didnt happen, he wasnt even near her when she fell… but she goes to her mom and tells her my son hurt her and the only thing I can think that she does this is because she has a crush on him and wont leave him alone but he does not like her back… my issue is, she wants to come in my house and play with my daughter but now i am afriad to let her in in fear that she will make up worse lies… what should i do?"

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"I would not ever leave that kid alone with either of your children. Maybe if you have cameras in the home but even then I would be weary of her. I think it would be a good idea to have a time out from this friend until she’s over this habit. Explain to your children that lying/making up stories is not a good friend trait."

"Maybe go and speak to her parents and have them speak with her brother since he has seen her lie."

"Cut that real quick, your daughter will get over it."

"I’d address her parents about the lying and not allow her back over, if she’s doing it to one kids she’s doing it to others."

"No. Bad habits can be learned from that behavior anyway."

"Don’t let her in your house or play with him. It starts with small lies but you don’t know what she can lie about next, especially if she is in your home. Protect your kids and family."

"Sounds like a jealousy issue more than having a crush. What does her mother say when she does that? If mom is handling it them I’d ignore it and let her sort it out. But if mom isn’t correcting it I’d limit play dates."

"Tell her mother what’s going on. Tell her mother to fix the situation or at least explain to her that if you like people aren’t going to want to be around you."

"Talk to the other mom, express your issues."

"Nope… nope, nope!! I have a feeling this will only get worse in a very bad way! I would be straight up with the parents as to why even ask them to talk with their son, that has seen this happen. Then wash your hands and walk away!"

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