My daughters gets very smelly...advice?

My daughter is 9 and she is smelly. She can wash in the morning and smell by the afternoon. Does anyone have recommendations on deodorant brands? She doesn’t do sports but she is an active little girl.


Lume is awesome, I get the toasted coconut. It truly works.

My grandaughter uses soft n gentle, works a treat

I had to buy my son Lume for his armpits. And let me tell you….It’s magic. We tried everything I feel like, and sadly it was still very hard to be by him. Only thing to help was Lume. He’s been dealing with it since he was probably 10 and I’ve had him on it since I believe for about a year now and he’s 18 now. To each their own. I know this helped with him.


Daily shower and a deodorant. Make sure it’s Antiperspirant and Deodorant. I use Dove, or Arm and Hammer usually.


Get antiperspirant deodorant any brand.

I personally use the men’s Old Spice, the lavender scent😊


I found Lume is my favorite brand now! It’s pricey but it definitely lasts. I like the toasted coconut scent. I plan to get another scent this next time. But it lasts me for well over 24 hours!


My daughter actually like men deodorant says the formula different so it works better for her

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Not all work well for each person… You will have to try them out, see which is the best for her… Dollar store
has a few different good brands. Can try a few at a cheaper price till you find one. Some are better with sprays then roll on.

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My daughter uses clinical strength deodorant

Lume and a good probiotic!


Apparently Zinc tabs can help

Men’s deodorant or any that’s aluminum free. I buy secret clinical and it works wonders!

Same with my 11yr old!
We use degree sport
Make sure her t-shirts aren’t up in her arm pits…like tight fitting shirts…
My daughter stopped wearing shirts like that n I can tell a difference…
Let her carry a small stick of deodorant with her

This is more natural and is a 48 hour deodorant. Works well. Have different scents to chose from.

Something that was recommended and really works is using antibacterial soap daily on the armpits.


Never use any with  aluminum in it


This sounds crazy but… is she using soap in shower?


My 8 year old has the same issue I get Sanex roll on deodorant for her.

See a doctor if it’s that bad.

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Lume- best ever. Target sells it or you can buy it on Amazon.

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Should be an easy fix to either make sure she’s properly hydrated, eating a balanced diet, stays moisturized with lotion, showers daily and maybe time to start thinking about a deodorant after all of those are addressed. At her age, I would look for something more on the natural side.


I absolutely swear by this.
Myself and daughter use it daily. It’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever used!

It’s a little more expensive ($10 on sale) but it works better than anything I have ever used.
A godsend in the summer… no smell, no sweat at all :pray:t3:


I find dove to be best for my kiddo! She’s 7 and started the stinky phase lol it definitely helps. I taught her to put it in the creases of her thigh and arm pits for now since she doesn’t have boobs yet! When those come in it’ll be a swipe under the boobs to eliminate boob sweat :sweat_smile: these kids are different than we were lol

Watch what she’s eating and talk to the doctor. Maybe she has a health condition. She needs more water intake probably.


Speak to your gp could be something medical


Make sure that she is washing herself properly, some kids do not even use the soap

It’s the food or toxins you’re eating that make you smell…clean up the diet

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Highly recommend this one

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My daughter was stinky too. I taught her to shave under her arms and had her so that daily to help remove built up skin cells. I also got her a decent deodorant.
I had to soak her shirts in listerine to keep the smell down. They now have lysol disinfectant laundry additive for that. Just add to laundry but let soak for several hours


If in aus use no pong… I love it!

I used to use men’s cool rain or wild rain gel deodorant

Secret 24 hour works for me

Up her WATER and up her FRUIT! Daily showers :shower: and a better deodorant

We use triple dry roll on deodorant its a game charger, a bit pricey but well worth the money x

I use the dove deodorant spray for myself and 2 girls ages 8 and 11

Sport soap works best for sweating .zuri in blue packet.

2 girls in the same age group here. They shower daily and use deodorant daily. One uses dove and the other uses secret. They only use dove body wash as well and I’ve noticed it made a difference.

My 20 yo daughter uses mens old spice she said it works better

Might sound weird but cut a lemon in half and use under armpit it’s natural doesn’t clog pores which deodorant does a doctor actually told me this worth a try

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We tried every kind for my daughter when she was growing, even men’s deodorants. The only thing that worked was lume! It stinks so bad till it dries but man it was a game changer! We used the lume cream deodorant sticks.


Magnesium spray and Lume deodorant. Spray the magnesium in under the arms after drying then let it dry and use the lume.

OWN or native brand… however as much as I love OWN it’s a bit trickier to use (gotta warm it up with your hands/hold it in your pits to melt a little so it goes on more creamy, it takes some getting used to)

Showers a must , body wash any kind , and Shampoo and conditioner You must help her make sure she does it right and teach her to wipe and wash hands , use wipes for other :heart:

I would go clean brands like method or raw sugar washes. I use Lume or Dry clay deodorant. You could do half lemon and water and spray bottle and spray under her arms in the morning as well.

How much water do they drink?


Something ph balanced. One of my friends had this issue with her daughter, since she changed her deodorant to a ph balance she hasn’t had any issues.

Make a bicarbonate soda paste with water and put under her armpits for 20-30 minutes.

It sounds like puberty. Kids do start to get body odor ect. My daughter uses mitchum or my wild roll on both are very good

WAter intake is essential

You may want to use a ACV mixture, it could be bacteria overgrowth


I buy only plant based shampoo, conditioner, and body wash as well as Dr. Teals deodorant for my 11 year old son. I never smell him


Too many carbs turn to sugars, weight & odour. This can be one of the causes of some people smelling.


Always use Avon On Duty for 50 years.

My 14 year old daughter and I love lume! It comes in different scents and even unscented. I love the lavender and my daughter likes the peony one. They also have Mando which is more manly scents but I like the one I bought for my 14 year son can’t remember which one it was. They have cream deodorant, stick deoderant, body wash, all over body deodorant, and bar of soap. My daughter refuses to use anything else. She used to smell like fritos even after showering not sure how. But since I bought her Lume she doesnt.


I personally like using the brand native, lume, or any of the aluminum free deodorants. I have sensitive skin and regular deodorants clog my pores. Our 4yr olds pediatrician actually asked if she was showing signs of puberty yet… I guess girls are starting to get pubic hair and start puberty A LOT earlier now…

Speak with your pediatrician please. It could be something medical.


Lume is great. She may need an antibacterial soap wash too.

At 9 try a doctor. She obviously has some imbalance or issue. By wash I hope you mean bath or shower.

What detergent are you washing your clothes in. I’ve found if you use fragrance free the odor will not be as offensive.

Whats smelly about her ? Is it her armpits or actual body odor

My family has all switched to this. We’re all very active. It’s all natural and a complete game changer.

2-PACK Thai Crystal Deodorant Salt Stone - Clinically Tested, Dermatologist Approved - Natural Unscented for Women Men & Teens

This is what we use and it works amazingly.

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