I was at a small chain store that sells discount items with my Husband, my ten-year-old, our seven-year-old, and four months old tonight. We allowed the big girls to go find a small gift for their friend and continued to walk around. It’s a small store so we weren’t too worried about them doing their own thing because we could keep track of them pretty easily. At one point in all the excitement, we lost sight and went to find them. When we did, they were standing with an employee (I’m guessing manager, but I didn’t ask), and we were told that they had been caught opening slime and playing with it by another employee. When they were asked to stop, they looked at her and kept poking and playing with the slime. We were not asked to leave. However, we were told we would need to pay for the destroyed packages, so we grabbed our children, put their last bit of stocking stuffers back, and went to the register to ring up. When the manager came back with the slime, she had several packages (10 or more) and asked my daughters which ones they opened. My ten year old said two but quickly retracted her statement, and the employee said she witnessed them open one. Since she admitted to opening 2, we were charged for 2. When we got in the car, my very outspoken Husband was silent, and when he spoke, he made it clear that their devices were confiscated until further notice. I also added chores to the punishment until I feel they have paid back what they stole. I also picked out their friends gift for them and refused to let them touch a single thing at the next place we went to and had a very serious talk about the severity of the situation and how that can be considered theft. (I strive to educate them so that they can make better choices as they grow) My question is, what punishment is appropriate for this behavior? I’m so embarrassed and disappointed, and my Husband is furious. We have struggled to even provide a Christmas this year and this is the stunt they want to pull. My Husband wants to take their gifts back since they got phones and have already proven they can’t handle that responsibility. (I’m opposed to that specific idea but open to other suggestions) I’m lost, this is a new hurdle!
Everyone has an opinion. I think 7 and 10 are too young for a phone. Plus if your struggling I wouldn’t buy phones.
They weren’t caught stealing…just explain you can’t open thing’s in the store without paying
- It wasn’t stealing unless they attempted to walk out with it.
- You are just responsible for them opening the packages because you didn’t keep a watchful eye
- The punishments fit the misbehavior. So what’s the point of this?
- Explain to them that when you open things in a store they must be paid for or it’s destruction of property.
It sounds like you’ve already come up with punishment, making them do chores and taking their devices away.
Don’t take their Christmas presents back. That’s a bit extreme. But since they’re getting phones, they can open them, but they get taken as well until you’re ready to give all devices back
They didnt steal. They opened something and were playing with it. And I feel it is part your fault you allowed them to go look at stuff and even admitted you lost sight of them. Your the adult and it’s your job to supervise your children at all times which you didnt.
I think cancelling Christmas over kids playing with slime is a bit extreme. You should have been watching them so take your gifts back too.
I think 7 and 10 is still a bit young for phone especially considering all the access to information on technology that could damage their youth but to each their own however I think your being a bit dramatic. They opened a toy and didn’t think much of it. After explaining and making them do extra chores I think that’s enough education it was just slime that stuff isnt expensive
If they weren’t stealing and just opening the stuff up I wouldnt be too harsh. Explain to them that opening things that arent theres is wrong and start teaching the value of money. I like the chores idea so they can work off the money they owe. Other than that I’d chalk it up to kids being excited in a store
I would definitely make them write an apology letter and have them deliver it personally to the store along with a spoken apology. For my children, there would be no Christmas stockings and would also be working off what the cost of the entire amount was (not just the two) and not be paying them with inflated earnings. Like 25 cents an hour
Uhm, it’s kind of your fault for leaving your children unattended. They are to young to understand and it’s your responsibility to teach them. Don’t think about how you can punish them. Figure out how to teach them. And phones for a ten and seven year old!? No way. They don’t even know they aren’t able to open something that doesn’t belong to them. How can they be responsible enough for a phone!?
Take away their Christmas presents (leave the cheapest one.) They will learn very quickly not to do that again, but don’t give back the gifts to them once they say sorry. Definitely return the phones for a refund
When I was a kid about probably 5 or 6 I took a candy bar from the store and when my mom found out she took me to the police station and let them talk to me about it…that scared me I never did it again
Koodo’s to you, Mom and Dad!! Make the phones part of the stuff that’s taken away.
Don’t leave children unattended
My 6 year old knows not to open things in the store…
I think you did the right thing. I would also make them write an apology letter to the store.
You let your young children run around a toy store unattended… And they didnt steal anything, they played with slime, bc they are children, left unattended, in a toy store, that sells slime. Not sure how you can be surprised or mad at the outcome
I think the punishments you already set were enough. You should have been watching them better anyways. Honestly, a lot worse could have happened like abduction so you should count yourselves lucky this didn’t end worse.
As a retail employee it’s really not a big deal for kids to open things. It’s frustrating for the company cause it’s money lost but it happens so much at the grocery store I work at. More than anyone will ever know.
The punishment is all yours. Watch your kids
I think you and your husband have made your point with lots and lots of consequences and
I admit I stopped reading toward the end of the punishment list but if you haven’t already, have them write an apology note to the store and be done with it.
You took their phones away and gave them a lot of chores. It’s a first offense, that would be enough punishment for me (I might would have them write a letter to the store) but other than that I wouldn’t do anything else. If it was a recurring issue obviously then the punishment would be more severe. Don’t leave kids unattended in a store then crucify them for being kids and playing with slime. Take the phones give them a few days of additional chores and then let it go.
I’d say the punishment you’ve doled out already is enough…you’ve explained to them why what they did was wrong, and have implemented consequences for their actions. Kids mess up, dont be too hard on yourselves, or them.
You are being a drama queen… its slime they opened slime… you spoke to them that’s enough. My god they are little kids. Also you should’ve been watching them
7 and 10 ,if this is first such incident, i think the chores to pay for it, and keep there phones till vacation over ,ought to do it. Live and learn but i bet they found someone else opening the slime ,10 open ,they did 1 or 2. …
My 7 year old has a phone, but she would never do this! Write a letter to the store, and embarrass them like they did you, make them tell their friends and grandparents what they have done and if they laugh about doing so add punishment.
Ok 1. Kids that age dont need phones. return them and get age appropriate gifts
2. Cancelling christmas over excited kids opening slime?
3. Putting back their gifts in front of them after YOU lost track?
Wow. Merry christmas
At 7 and 10 they should definitely know better. I’d have a talk with them and let them know what your expectations for them in a store is. Also, from now on no matter how small the store is they’d be walking right beside me with their hand on the cart until they regained some trust. It’s honestly unacceptable behaviour. I’d agree with your husband and return their gifts and get them something different, smaller and more age appropriate. Why reward them with a lavish gift after that type of behaviour. Maybe next year.
Im just going to say that this is a bit much. I think the humiliation was enough in front of the manager and doing chores like it’s Christmas they clearly know now not to do it.
You left your kids unattended and they played with a toy? Ummm … that’s your own fault not theirs. Sorry but your being a little overwhelming about something YOU could have controlled by just watching them properly. I don’t even know how in this world today you could let them walk off without eyes on them. This world is disgusting and horrible as is … someone could have snatched them babies up and dipped out
Have them donate one of their gifts.
Feel like they’ve been punished enough? But that is just me.
Logical punishments are always my go-to, so the chores to make up for the money that they used are enough IMO, because that’s a real life consequence. It’s not stealing, though. They didn’t attempt to take it out of the store or hide it in their pockets. They damaged something by opening it. That’s a little different.
Lol they are kids!!! Should of had a closer eye on them
Why are kids that young getting phones lol… when I was 13 when I got a phone I ended up being groomed by over 3 pedophiles, and I kept it secret for a long time. Be careful, it’s way more common than you think.
If you take away Christmas just cause your still very young kids were left alone in a store and played with some slime you’re a B*×%= 🤷
- Watch your kids better
- Have them write a letter and work off what they owe you.
Jeezus. It’s not like they were walking around shoving packages in their pants and trying to steal it. Consequences are great but taking away Christmas gifts over something so minor?
First off, there’s NO way I would let my kids wander away from me in a store. Don’t you watch the news? Kids are being kidnapped left and right 🤦. After I whooped their rear ends, I would NOT give them a phone for Christmas. That phone would be going right back to the store, it held on to for a long time until they could learn some respect.
“We are so disappointed?” Really?! Kids will be kids.
Children left to play alone in a store while you shopped… Why are you not punishing yourselves for your negligence instead of completely punishing children for something that children are known to do when left with toys?
Definitely continue with the punishment you’ve already given. And take phones away after given. They are devices. But don’t take their gifts back. Just take them away until you think they have earned them back
I mean. You left them alone. Also you already punished them. Now you guys are being dicks
Don’t go too far with this. Your kids get it. they did wrong. Spoiling Christmas for them is not the answer. Jesus is the reason for the season and he FORGIVES. Teach them to forgive by your own actions;
The way you handled it is good imo. Kids dont always think things through. You taught a lesson and gave consequences. The end. Please dont let it drag on. Forgiveness is a good lesson too.
Good old fashion whoop ass is good because its stealing in a way spanking now no bars later
I understand things happen, but you intentionally let them wonder unsupervised. I think what has happened is good enough and next time you and dad will decide to keep them with you. They are kids…
I wouldn’t allow my children at those ages to be in an aisle by themselves to start with. I think taking the devices is enough though. I know that would be a huge punishment for my kids.
they did NOT steal…!! wtf, they are kids. it was fucking slime🙄 i am an adult and i open shit up in the store, they cannot make you pay for anything. I would of left, and if you wanted to punish them you should’ve on your own, if not tell them not to do it again. I feel this is all a bit over reacted upon. It was slime, kids are curious🙄
They didn’t technically steal, they were caught playing with something that can cross contact with hands and germs. You already punished them, and it was partly your fault as you lost sight with them. And I’m pretty sure they got the messafe
When you leave your kids in a store full of exciting things what did you expect to happen??? They made a bad choice like all kids do. You already decided a punishment by putting stuff back and making them do chores and I would hope talking to them and letting them learn and understabd what they did was wrong. But to ruin their Christmas because of YOU and DADS poor choices of leaving them unattended is just wrong. Thats going to far in this situation. I’d hate to have some of these people as parents the way they want everything taken away on a mistake that all of you played a role in. Make sure the both of you take away your gifts as well for being the root cause.
I’m sorry but if you didn’t let them roam around the store unattended, this wouldn’t have happened. It’s your fault I think, if anything, their punishment should be you not trusting them to be by themselves anymore for a while. Kids get pissed when their parent doesn’t let them do things solo. By taking away their presents you’re punishing them for something that could have been avoided. Im ALL for self accountability but they are still at a young age and need your guidance momma. I could see if they were older and did this… that is when it becomes mostly their fault because they absolutely know better. Sure kids know right from wrong but they probably thought they would get away with it because you were not there, hence the punishment would be great for them to have you and dad not let them do things without one of you. Either way, whatever advice you may take, they are your babies, and listen to your instinct on what you should do. Good Luck:)
They are kids. Kids mess up. They just need taught that opening sealed packages is wrong and now because you had to pay for that stuff there is less money. I feel like the punishment you have both given is plenty along with making sure they understand why it was wrong. Sounds like the stress of the season may be making you and the father react more strongly than needed. Next time maybe let them know they are wrong and there will be punishment after mom and dad have time to calm down and discuss the situation. Punishment out of anger can miss teaching moments. The fact is you love these kids and you never want them to think differently. You are awesome parents. All kids mess up. Best of luck
That is proper punishment. Thank you from all retailers for caring enough to teach your children right from wrong
You got a 7 and 10 year old a phone? My 10 year old still asks for toys. I think you punished them enough. It’s unrealistic to leave two kids unsupervised and not expect mischievousness.
I guess I’m the only one that trusts my 10 year old with a phone and to go into a store alone. Some of you are acting like its unheard of. Give the woman a break. Lol. Yes she should have paid more attention but come on. I don’t think you should take the phones back. Just put them up until they deserve them.
To all the other moms being assholes about the situation knock it off. Every one of us has lost track of kids for a moment and they are faaaast.
I think you guys handled that really well to be honest! If you wanted to add to it you could maybe find a volunteer organization where they could work with kids that are not fortunate enough to get the Christmas they do?
My husband has mentioned taking Christmas presents away but in my opinion that isn’t a very solid lesson. They need a year round lesson. You are teaching them about stealing and opening things that do not belong to them. You are teaching them about how to be responsible in a store not just how to be super duper nice and respectful during the month of December. I would go with a punishment that reflects the crime and helps them understand. Positive parenting says that the punishment should be related to the crime so the brain can build that connection
They also need to be taught forgiveness. Don’t punish too harshly and forgive them if they are sorry. Sheesh.
I think they get the point. They are only kids. Geez! Put their gifts back? That’s really mean and harsh.
That’s enough you took their phone’s and gave them chores what more else kind a punishment do they need . Let them kids keep their gifts and next time make sure you watch your kids
Gotta love those moms who JUMP at the chance to pass judgment & be an absolute dick. Bless their hearts
You punished them taking away their Christmas is a bit much imo for opening some slime. And who leaves their kids in a store by themselves? With the way people are I would definitely NOT being doing that. They are kids, the lecture and punishment you gave was enough. Let it go.
Be thankful that it was that and not the kids kidnapped being unsupervised. It’s the parents responsibility to supervise their own kids at stores. Had the children not have been left alone, the situation would’ve been avoided. All people involved should receive the same punishment, the adults have the added financial responsibility because they should know better than to let kids wander around a store.
Take away their favorite toy they currently have for a week. Also make them pay you back with chores and maybe even write a letter of apology to the store and have them deliver it or a letter of apology to you
I think all the punishments you’ve already put forward are enough if you go to hard you’re just going to make them your enemy stick to the punishments you’ve already dealt out and move on
Umm everybody saying 'they are kid’s. 7 and 10 is definitely old enough to know better and what if it was something really expensive they opened and or broke?? I agree with your husband on this one. Dont sound responsible enough for phones. 🤷
Why are you blaming the parents? A 10 and 7 year old are old enough to know not to open ANNYTHING in a store. The punishments should stay but don’t add more
Wheres your “punishment” for leaving them unattended?
I want to say, as a retail employee, thank you for even thinking about a consequence. I really appriciate it and I am sure more retail employees will appriciate it as well as your children get older. Good job mom <3
They didn’t steal anything they played with a toy in a store while they were alone in apparently a toy store. They admitted to it. You took their electronics and gave them extra chores. You and your husband could’ve easily split up inside of the store and one got the stocking stuffers or whatever and one went with the other girls. They’re kids it’s not like they’re 16, what did you seriously think would happen? We’ve all seen someone bounce a ball in a store or a kid attempt to ride a bike at Walmart etc…
They are children. They make mistakes. You, an adult, clearly made a mistake as well. Youve taken their phones, added chores and apparently put back their stocking stuffers (you dont punish children by removing holiday fun. Thats fucked up in my opinion) what else do you want from them? Youve done enough. Drop it.
I believe the punishment you handed out is sufficient. It was a first offense, trust that they’ve learned a lesson
Lord don’t give them phones… way too young
Kids will be kids! Dont let them wander from you in a store…duh. cant get upset for them over some neglectful watching. Explain that what they did was wrong, and shouldnt happen again. But dont cancel their whole christmas over it.
I would have 100% taken their gifts back and I have done this with my sons. If your really can’t afford CHRISTMAS whatever that means maybe phones shouldn’t have been purchased…too many people assume Christmas is about gifts it’s more than that
chores to compensate for paying for the two items is quite enough. could call a friend that’s a cop to come speak to them about it, but that’s all I’d do. They didn’t steal anything, but they damaged a product that can’t be sold, so they have to take the consequence of paying for that product. If they’d stolen it, I’d be more strict, lose a privilege on top of paying for it. With this lesson, make sure you’re not one of those parents that grazes and samples the grapes and cherries in the produce department to get a taste before you weigh and purchase….
I agree with the punishment and I also think not giving them the phones until they can show responsibility is a good idea. I would be very disappointed as well because children that age definitely know better. I mean my four-year-old would know not to open something that was in a store didn’t belong to them
Do they get an allowance? One thought is to have them use a portion of that to cover the cost of the slime.
ask the lady at the store if they can come help stock or clean for 4 hrs that will show just how hard that job is and let them know stores struggle too
Personally I wouldn’t take away Christmas gifts, you said you already put back their stocking stuffers, and took away electronics. Like others have said, just make them do some chores and write an apology letter to reinforce the concept of not doing this again. Taking away Christmas would be extreme in my opinion.
I would have them work around the house to earn money to pay it back, and then have them give the open slime away to some other child
Does she know better? Is she old enough to understand the concept of theft?
Give them the phones but take right back as punishment
I think the punishment you gave them is enough.
I think the punishment you gave them was a pretty good one. You give them too many punishment and later they’ll mean nothing.
This is your responsibility. If they cant be trusted alone in a toy store, then dont leave them alone. They admitted to it.
I think the punishments you set already are more than enough. And don’t let them wonder around the stores anymore. Don’t take their gifts back.
I would let them open the phones. And then keep them from them until the weekend. Kids are kids but you have to make it known that you stand by what you said if you took away other electronics
They have been punished enough they were also humiliated same as you and dad and that.was deserved for letting them go by themselves. And obviously other kids or persons had opened slime also so they may have though that was ok for them also.
I would ground them for a day or 2 and add prices to the chores so they can “pay back” the money you had to spend on the slime and I hope you left the slime at the store. Definitely keep their devices for a while 3 or 4 days, even after their grounding is over and don’t let them walk alone through a store for a while, i personally would joke their hand through the store for the extra “ exasperated embarrassment”, but that’s just me lol
- Hold them accountable
- Explain to them how it was wrong.
- Have them write letters to the store…
- Have them go back to said store to do community service… help…
Discipline must be related to the “crime”
If you got pulled over for a speeding ticket… does that mean everything you own gets taken away?
No cause speeding is not related to your personal property.
Have them work to earn money or Christmas money is used to pay for items.
I mean…did you teach them NOT to do that? I don’t think they pulled a “stunt.” I think they didn’t know any better and since nobody was watching them, there was no one to object. So any punishment already dished out is sufficient. I would never buy a kid that age a new phone for Christmas anyway, but I’m still rocking the iPhone SE, so what do I know.
I hate slime. One way or another it’s gonna get a kid in trouble.
nothing you were watching them just laugh it off
They didn’t steal they opened the package. I feel like those are 2 very different things. Chores and grounded for a weekend is enough. Taking Christmas presents? Nah. The “crime” isn’t deserving of that.
The punishment you both gave them is enough
One year my cousins were beasts just before Christmas. Santa left a letter stating how disappointed he was and that in order to receive gifts they needed to change. Santa left a note later and said the gifts were in the closet.
I have a 10 year old. We went to disney world last year. We were in one of the shops, and apparently she had a pin in her hand when we went out of the shop. I gave her money, took her in to the shop, and made her pay for the pin.
I think it’s absolutely absurd that people are calling this the parents fault. An average 7/10 year old should be able to be a few aisles over alone and know better than to open packages at a store. I think the punishments you’ve put in place are good. Maybe add they have to write a letter apologizing to the store and hand deliver that apology.
I wouldn’t take away Christmas presents though. I just feel like for one incident the punishments in place are good enough and Christmas is once a year. Sounds like they are good kids that made a bad choice.
I think you’ve set way more than enough punishments. A stern talking-to wouldve done. They’re CHILDREN. Dont let your CHILDREN walk alone in a store in the first place.