My daughters teacher called her out for failing a spelling test: Advice?

How would you handle a 3rd grade teacher calling your child out for constantly misspelling words on a spelling test? My child spaces at tests and I have told her teacher multiple times she needs to be removed from the class and gives a test at a slower rate because she processes things different…I think she needs an IEP but the school is dragging their feet… but anyways the teacher said “we were so close to an ice cream party but someone completely failed their spelling test so that isn’t hapenning…right ‘name’?” I am so sad for her and my daughter is so embarassed…


Thats unnecessary and unacceptable she will never forget that either.


So basically, your daughter has a bully for a teacher. I’d be having a talk with school admin. That is simply wrong and infuriating on every level!


I would be emailing/calling daily about setting up her IEP. Luckily my daughter’s school has been great about it. I had a mean teacher in 7th grade as never told my parents what a bully she was. I wish I would’ve now as an adult but it helped me not mess around when it comes to my kids.

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That’s awful for that teacher to do that. No wonder kids have anxiety. I feel so bad for her.


Once you request an iep the school has I believe 30 days to test or schedule one. However you have to do it in writing. Also if you take your child to a behavioral doctor they can test for some things as well and inforce the school to test your child. I had alot of issues getting my daughter tested and the help she needed. She has adhd and slight dyslexia and now has an iep inforced that gives her more time to take tests.


I would be at the school having principal and teacher there n I’d be telling that teacher off she would be showed how bullying isn’t cool


Report to principle & say your also going to school board. Thats unacceptable. We left our old school cuz teacher was treating my son this way. But also my son has learning disability & until they have an actual diagnosis they wont remove kid & gave iep help. Thats here in ontario at least. I got my son tested so now the school has the papers & have to follow & help him. But the new school is amazing!


He’ll no, that teacher would have the raft of grammy.


Your child is being bullied that is never ok take it to the principal and let them know if the situation does not improve next stop will be school board then the media. Meanwhile do everything you can to help your child succeed.

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Completely unprofessional for teacher to call out your child in front of class. I would definitely ask for a conference. I would also ask if the teacher had any suggestions for you to help your child study for the spelling tests until she can complete the evaluation necessary to determine if she qualifies for an IEP. Also unprofessional that parents think they can tell teachers how to test their children. If your child has documented learning disabilities and has an IEP specific accommodations would be made. When you say the school is dragging their feet, then you need to follow up in writing, so you have documentation.

Oh heck no I would be at that school going off that’s bull crap and completely unacceptable

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Call the school board. It is illegal for them to deny your daughter the help she needs and deserves. Also talk to your pediatrician and/or child psychologist about any learning disabilities. Having a diagnosis from them will help force the school to take you seriously. Some kids can’t test, it’s not that they don’t know the material it’s that anxiety takes over. A child psychologist can help her learn techniques to control her anxiety during testing.

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That is awful! I would talk to the principal about the teacher bullying your daughter immediately! I was terrible at spelling growing up and I studied my butt off but still couldn’t spell, turned out I’m dyslexic.

Get that teacher fired!!! That is bullying!!! Unacceptable!!! GO to the school board…and the principal and record your conversation!!!

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That teacher would get told off n be calling security on me that uncalled for.

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Go speak to your daughters school principal. If she has special needs specify all that within your complaint and situated quick.

Don’t blame the school. Go to your child’s dr. Ask to see a behavioral specialist, have the child test and get the IEP.

If you haven’t already, I would be going directly to the principal and making a formal complaint against that teacher. My son has dyslexia and the school manages it so well. They do everything in their power to make sure those ‘behind’ aren’t singled out in front of the class. That’s appalling behaviour.
Then look into a psychologist for the child to see if there are any underlying issues with your child’s learning. The school should hopefully place an IEP and be more mindful in their use of words


That teacher needs to be fired. If your child needs an IEP the school MUST provide it,

That’s called bullying. I would go into that school and raise hell


Go talk to the principal. That’s just wrong

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Call the superintendent. Express your feelings.

Call the local news station. I bet that gets their attention QUICK!!!


That teacher and I would have a big big problem

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Oooooh I’d March right up to that school and settle some sh*t. That teacher needs to apologize

That’s horrid. Talk to someone above her

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When I tell you there would be a problem… just reading this made my blood pressure spike.

That is 100 unacceptable! Call the school board!

The teacher and I would be having a not so nice conversation.

Speak to teacher first and email teacher also
Email and speak to principal
If none of that works then you go to the superintendent of your schools
If that doesn’t work then you go to your states education board

Teacher is there to teach not making parties!

This is not ok! In 3rd grade, they had a multiplication party with ice cream. The caveat? Oh the toppings depended on what you had mastered so some kids got a bowl of ice cream , vanilla while others got variety and choices of 9 toppings. I literally could not believe anyone thought this was ok. My heart hurt for kids, and you bet I said something. You go above the teacher demand an iep

Oh absolutely in no way is that acceptable behavior from a teacher! I would demand a meeting with the school board and superintendent ASAP! Be very firm! Do not allow this to slide! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Wow!!! You need to say something to the teacher and definitely talk to the principal about this… A 8-9 year old child is allowed to make mistakes and obviously if she’s failing her tests completely the school should be trying to help her more. This is ridiculous and so hurtful! Do not let it go! Stand up for your children!! Get them the help they deserve! And defend them in situations like this! We all know some children learn different than others and having 2 children myself in special education classes for reading I know they can do better for your children!!

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I wouldn’t even be asking online I would of already showed up to the school confronting them.