My daughters teacher is picking on her

Hi I want to send an anonymous post so I can get some help from others here’s. My 8 yr old is getting picked on by her teacher. The teacher is female. It started when a new kid came into the class and stole one of her best friends away. So she got jealous and they got into little verbal fights. My daughter was accused of bullying which is not her style. The new girl also name called and motioned her hand to neck like go kill yourself. Some other info is the new girls mom had the school post a go fund me because she has many kids and needs childcare and funds for a car so she can go to school for a career etc so they are low income. I imagine the poor girl is going through a lot and probably over sensitive. But I am finding that people are feeling sorry for her and bring extra nice to her. That doesn’t excuse bad behavior of name calling etc. The teacher is irritated as it disrupts the class and the day. I told my daughter to stay away from the girl and don’t argue. The teacher seems to still be irritated with her. Yesterday she used some soap and the teacher said don’t make a mess and who do you think will pay for that. A few seconds later the teacher was nice to a girl next to my daughter. She also the another day asked her who is the one making trouble or having a hard time getting along and waited for my daughter to say it was herself. No mention of the new girl. Both of them are at fault not getting along. Then in a newsletter she talks about the things the class is learning this month and mentions there had been some arguments with students and she mentions they are female. I don’t get the point. My child is feeling like waking on eggshells now. I want to talk to the teacher but I don’t want her retaliation after. What do I do? The teacher has never been too warm of a person in general. Thanks!


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My daughters teacher is picking on her

Talk to the teacher. Ask her who the hell she thinks pays her salary?


I’m going straight to the teacher and then I’m going straight to the principal ! And if needed I’ll go further ! Your child is depending on you to stand up where she can not, do not let her down and remember she is watching quietly very carefully at how mom handles this !


Talk to the teacher and let the principal know your intent. If that goes South talk to the superintendent


Id March myself right up to the school and demand to talk to the teacher and find out what the problem is. If that’s doesn’t resolve go to principle then board of Education


Centering them out in the news letter is absolutely pathetic I would be talking to the teacher and the principal


Sorry but my ass would be going to the teacher. Than telling the principal I’m doing a sit in, in class to see exactly what is going on.

Small clip on camera then you have plenty to go on


Talk to the teacher and the principal. My oldest was being bullied by her teacher in 2nd grade. The teacher was harassing my daughter about her clothes and if she decided she didn’t like my daughters outfit, she would make her change into an “oops” outfit (donated clothes for when a kid as an accident or weren’t in dress code). For example, she wrote my daughter up and made her change because my daughter had on a turquoise tunic over a pair of white leggings with a matching design. The teacher said she “doesn’t believe girls should wear white except on their wedding day” so she made her change because it offended her. Let’s just say she’s no longer a teacher there.


100%. Stand up for your daughter! I’d go straight to the school and talk to the principal. If that doesn’t work go to the school board


Tread lightly, document everything. Send any communication in email. I work for the school district that my daughter attends and feel that she too is being picked on because her home room teacher and I already have bad blood. Again, always communicate through email so you have a trail and document EVERYTHING!


Does your kid have a phone?

Go to the school and talk to the teacher


I would ask for a meeting with the teacher and the principal ( that way there is no chance of anything coming back on you or your child). You are your child’s voice and she needs to be understood and given a fair chance to grow within the school setting. Also the point that it was put in the classroom newsletter is beyond acceptable make sure you save it to show the principal


Take her out of that class
Go high as you have to get things resolved about this

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Take your daughter out of her class.


You’re going off of what your kid is telling you which most of the time dramatic and not true. Talk to the teacher.


Go to the school put your daughter in a different classroom


Your the only one who can stick up for your child. If you won’t who will?
Go to the school talk to thay teacher talk to the principal. If it doesn’t get resolved.then to the administration board.
Stop asking questions and go do it.
Find out

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You are the voice for your child, children need to see that their parents have their backs. I’d be marching my butt into that school to have a chat with that teacher, if nothing changes, principle and nothing changes after that, you keep climbing the ladder till someone hears you. Their is wayyy too much bullying happening in schools and all ages of children committing suicide. Be that voice for your child and speak up

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First off that is your child you go up to that teacher and you tell her if she does anything else your daughter you will be up there and she will be dealing with you directly. You need to handle that been there done that. By going up to this grown ass woman she will back her off she’s a grown ass woman picking on a child do not let her do that to your kid you put that lady in her place I do want to say the B word but I’m not but you put her in her place I did it and that teacher backed off when you’re dealing with the parents it’s a different thing but when you’re dealing with a child you can ask a fool because they’re not gonna do anything but get the parent involved and everything changes. You stick up for your daughter

Let the teacher know, and let her try to retaliation


You speak to the teacher and principal together


Im sorry momma. My daughter went through something like this. Over time it got better but it still hurt my heart. Going to the school wont help. Just listen when she talks and try some mommy time. The school year is almost over.

What does her family income have to do with anything? :confused:


If you don’t speak up,it will continue! I’m sorry you’re going through this

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Talk to the teacher and principal and go further if needs be!!! In the meantime teach your baby girl the confidence and self esteem she needs to not be phased by little mean children in her class… my daughter is 8 too … she hasn’t had any issues with bullies since kindergarten when we started her ignoring negativity… my oldest son is 10 and is always being bullied bc he’d rather read books than play with others… he has autism so I am constantly on the school’s ass… schools here don’t like when I threaten them with a call to the superintendent…. I called once at his previous school and the teacher was fired for telling him that he reads too much and his social skills aren’t coming from a book…
The squeaky wheel gets the grease mama, and you gotta be the squeaky wheel when it comes to these schools and teachers!!!

I imagine you are only getting one side of the story unless you are sitting in class with these girls which I doubt. You and your daughter along with the other girl and her parents should go to the principal or counselor and talk this out to get to the bottom of it. Bullying is a big deal and should try to be avoided.


Go above the teacher to the principal, yall need a conference


You’re your daughter’s biggest advocate! You have to stand up for her. I’m not meaning to go show your tail because we how to lead by example, but go see what’s going on!


Try to address things with the teacher first and foremost. As a teacher, as well as a momma to a 9 year old daughter. Kids are starting drama way younger than they used to. Also be aware that kids do lie. All of them do. Our mommas hearts get entangled very quickly at our kids feeling mistreated, but as a child these stories tend to change a ton between school and home. So try the teacher first, if needed then you can also bring in your daughter to speak with her after to get more comfortable.


Get her out of the classroom immediately. Teachers can absolutely be bullies. I witnessed it first hand with my daughter as well. Stay strong momma!


Get your daughter out. We had an issue with a teacher when our oldest was in public. We tried talking to the teacher, it just made it worse. Then we talked to the administration, nothing changed, except the teachers he was in good graces with all ended.

Speak to head teacher

Are you only hearing your daughter’s side of the story? I am not trying to be mean but there are three sides to a story. Your daughter, the other girl & the truth. Make a appointment to talk to the teacher. If you are not comfortable with the two of you talking ask for the principal to be there. Explain what you are hearing but also listen. In these situations it’s usually (but not always) both kids. We all want to believe our kid wouldn’t do certain things but we really don’t know. I am not blaming your daughter, just keep an open mind. If there truly is a problem & you are not getting the help, go up the ladder until you get the help needed. I hope it works out


Put it in an email, detail everything. request a meeting n if nothing changes the ur email the Director of the Board of Education… it also happened 2 my daughter by 2 different teachers, 1 teacher was the gym teacher. my daughter has asthma n it was bothering, wrote a note 2 the teacher asking to excuse my daughter…well the f…ing teacher asked my daughter what she wanted to do. well she was in grade k, so she played gym. when my daughter got home n was having teouble breathing n after giving treatments at home, her n I were i. the ER for 8hrs. well the principal got a very nasty email…needless to say, the elementary school teachers k ew not to f…k with my kids.

I had issues with my sons teacher and had him switched to a new class. Much better! Not to mention he wasn’t the only kid switched

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Umm no… you stick up for your daughter and email that teacher and then the principal
And if she does retaliate then you go say something again
And again
And again
Until that fucking teacher gets the point…
Sorry but I went through this with my daughter and I’ll be damned if their gunna treat my kid any different cuz that teacher has an attitude…
If there’s a problem in the class then fine let’s resolve it but don’t take it out on my daugter . she’s a kid . be a good example. Teach her to resolve issues rather than be afraid of them and run from them (switching classes)

From a teacher and a parent standpoint, you need to get all sides of this (all perspectives) before making concrete conclusions. Ask for a conference with the teacher and ask that an administrator (whether it be an AP, a P, or Guidance) sit in on the meeting. Allow the teacher a chance to explain herself, before throwing out accusations. If her explanations do not meet expectations, ask the administrator present to pull other students as witnesses to the behavior. This way it’s not all on your child to point fingers. Surely in a whole classroom, others heard the remarks too. But be prepared- you just may hear from other students that your child participated more than you’ve been told.


Believe your child go in with your child have your child explain whats happening with teacher and see how the teacher reacts her body language and tone will tell you everything you need to know, go with your gut


Hi , I just went through this , exact situation,…I emailed the school stating my feelings, they principal wrote back , telling me things my daughter does, things have gotten better lately but I had to voice my opinion a few times , my daughter gets blamed for sticking up for herself, which I have taught her, but she is also very kind and thoughtful, so , just go talk to the teachers and go from there, good luck, its hard with young ladies , I feel you totally

Conference with teacher and principal… No change switch class and go to school board… My child was being bullied (not by teacher) teacher was unaware… The other child got moved to another class

Why mention the child is “low income?!?!” You are obviously going on what your kid says and you yourself mentioned she is jealous of the new girl! Go to the office and request a parent/teacher conference…


Be sure to teach your daughter about friends and how a really good friend cannot be “stolen” away :wink: IMO both kids should have been sent to the principle’s office and the teacher needs to stay at a happy medium


Most definitely go above the teachers head and speak to the principal.

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It’s time to volunteer in her classroom, so you can see firsthand what’s going on, doesn’t work have her taken out of that class, you have that right….Could also try to reach out to that child’s mother and see what you can do to help, that might make you feel the best in the end, and be helpful to her.


Speak to the principal my son situation the opposite he the knew kid and has been bullied since first week of school its still going on not as much more just picking but still my son doesn’t like his teacher when he would speak up she wouldn’t do nothing last month she still had my son sitting with the 2 main boys i emailed her asked how can I tell him to ignore these boys when he sits with them!!! She did move the entire class around but still then I was informed that he not always the victim because he also gets rude with the kids I felt like telling her well he been bullied since the first week of school so what you expect still don’t excuse the boys from bullying him she never once mentioned too me he was giving attitude and no my son is not innocent I know that every kid has his moments

Ma’am, I would definitely go right in and talk to that teacher. Some people will try as much as you allow them to get away with. You know your baby. If you think the teacher is picking on your daughter, call her out. If that teacher retaliates and continues, go over her head. You’ve got this, Mama.


Go to principal and school board. Get her a new teacher. I spoke up for my kid in kindergarten and the principal reached out to other parents. End of day teacher was fired. She may not be alone.


This teacher sounds like a kid herself, I would call an set up a meeting with the teacher an principal

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This is so sad , and I’m sure your daughter is telling the truth …children know when they are not liked by teachers .,…be prepared for it to backfire when the teacher finds out


I definitely agree with Tierney Denise. Don’t delay, go right away. If the school has another class of the same grade, ask that your daughter be moved. When anyone messed with (my, now adult children) the Mama Grisley a


Speak to the teacher, I did this with my son 2 years ago.
Was in lockdown and remote learning, had teams meetings on and off all day, I would have to put hot spot on my phone so he could do meetings in the car.
This teacher her comments on his assessments would be your doing good BUT… thanks for handing in the work BUT…

I had it and emailed her asking what her problem was with my son, his done the work handed it in attends all the meetings etc, she tried to tell me that he was late to 3 of them by a few minutes Max 10 minutes, I was like r u kidding me, we r in the car most of the time, he attends them when most kids don’t which I could easily list off to you.
Funny enough following week he received an award for that class and she never did it again.

If we as parents don’t stick up for our kids who will…

Confront the principal and ask for a meeting.asap

There are 3 sides to every story.
And every kid exaggerates the truth sometimes. I am not saying your daughter IS lying i am just saying don’t be one of those parents who think their child is an angel and would never do such a thing. I have witnessed crappy and surprising behavior from tons of kids including my own. Schedule a meeting with the teacher and see where it goes. If it continues or gets worse then involve the principal.


I would definitely confront the teacher and make sure she knows that her behavior will not be tolerated. If it doesn’t stop I would go to the principal and have her switched classes.


Call the principal and ask for a meeting

My son was bullied by his 1st grade teacher !!! I reported her every single time !!! Principle investigated I never heard any news after… my son kept getting bullied !!! This teacher would take points off for miss spelling his name on lesson plans that didn’t involve language arts, grammar or reading nor spelling ! So which the name being miss spelled didn’t matter and was not supposed to be graded on such papers. She would email me saying for me to stop sending my son sprite and ginger ale to school with his lunches… she would punish him for getting kicked on the playground while letting the bully go! She would call him dumb when he wasn’t !!! And with the soda shaming she even tried to bully me in the emails ! I went start to the school demanded I speak to the principle , he called me into his office I started yelling at him ! Telling him that the teacher never stopped bullying my son and that this time if nothing was done to her I’d have her teaching creditials taken from her as I had proof that she was bullying him and myself now on emails ! After that day my son never had another problem out of said teacher . The dumb comments to my son the teacher was making came from a teacher his teacher being a 5th grade gifted teacher .

When my kids were younger and came home complaining about their teacher, the first thing I did was ask them to tell me what the teacher was going to tell me. It forced them to see the situation from another perspective. Most of the time, after the other perspective was verbalized , they would not want me to call the teacher. There are always 2 sides to every situation.


Get a lawyer, you’re going to need one.

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You need to talk to the teacher if she is difficult go over her head go to principle

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Idc what her home situation is or what’s going on with her mom, it takes little to no effort to teach your child to be nice and not be such a bully. An 8 year old shouldn’t even know what go kill yourself means. Absolutely pathetic

I’d say a team meeting
The principal you the teacher and a lawyer. As bullying isn’t right in any form and as a teacher it’s there job to respect everyone and not favorite etc. And if that doesn’t work I’d say go above to superintendent and higher.

There are two sides/ points of view of what is really going on. Make sure you know both of them before making any judgements.


You need to schedule an in person meeting with the teacher and express your concerns. Your daughter is most likely being misunderstood and needs help to settle this issue before it affects her education. Go prepared. Make a list for reference in case you get frazzled.

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Ask to have her moved to another classroom


Mediation. Teacher, counselor, parent

Confront the teacher with the principal. If she retaliates then you move higher and go to the school board. Do not let her get away with that crap.


You haul your butt up there and talk with the teacher and the principal and when it continues, you do it again!

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You cannot only go on what your daughter tells you. Speak with the teacher yourself!

Go to the school and demand a different teacher.


Js when I was in 4th grade Ms. Moore wouldn’t stop picking on me, and would even ask me questions she KNEW I didn’t know. I’m also learning disabled so my mom was extra livid, and so one day she sat in class to watch “me” and see if she can see what the teacher sees.

My mom called her out the first time she tried, and I tell you she never picked on me again. :person_shrugging:t2:

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Go straight to the principal and superintendent. I had a teacher tell my daughter she looked stupid. I had my husband go up to the school. I was a pta mom and class mom and if I went up to that school I would’ve been kicked out and banned lol.

I had an issue with my daughters teacher before. My baby is super shy and very quiet, so she keeps to herself. One day my baby came to me and said she felt her teacher didnt like her and when she asked for her help she never helped her- or would say to hold on and never come back to her. When I heard this I set up an mtg with her to see what was going on. During the mtg her teacher asked if my baby had any disabilities or a learning disability. I was shocked, my daughter never had any issues before. So it was surprising she said that. I told my daughters teacher that I would look into getting her additional help she needs. However, since she felt my daughter had a disability- then it would be great if she would inform me of issues she was having. Well, she never informed me but my daughter would come home feeling so low. I didnt like how the teachers attitude towards her affected her in a negative way. She even started to dislike school. So- I pulled her from the class and requested she be put in another. And you know what happened? My baby FLOURISHED with this new teacher. She was so great with her and when I expressed my concerns about what her previous teacher said. Her new teacher was also shocked and said she didnt notice any issues with my baby. She would always compliment my daughter saying she was so sweet, smart and creative. I noticed how happy my baby was and she was so excited to be in her new class. Switching teachers was the best thing I did for my baby. I think that is something you should look into. I did give the old teacher a chance to work with me and help my daughter. but all she wanted to do was complain and say my daughter must have a learning disability. Smdh… also, I later found out that I wasnt the only one who pulled their child from her class.

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Talk to the teacher?

Definitely go talk to the teacher! And if her behavior gets worse with your daughter then you pull her from that class and go to the principal. And keep going up the chain of command if necessary until you get resolution and your daughter is comfortable going to school to learn like she has been all along. And not having to deal with. This shouldn’t even be a question when it comes to your child. She shouldn’t have to go to school and walk on eggshells from anyone. Especially her teacher!


I feel this to the bottom of my soul my son’s kindergarten teacher was his bully. She sent him to the principals office on the first day of school. Would put poster board around him so he was separated from the rest of the class. She would stick my sever asthma son outside with no chair to sit in by himself with the door shut in the middle of winter near a gate that lead into the school. The school blew us off.


I would have her moved to another class.

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Go to the school superintendent with this information. I’ve personally been through this twice and that’s your person to help you.

I’d go to the board of education and tell them so they can get it taken care of

Move her out of the class, end of story.

What does low income have to do with the girls not getting along? As for the teacher contact her and ask what’s going on. Sounds like the new girl and your daughter should go to the school counselor and try to work out their problems. It might help them to get along.


I would request a meeting with the teacher,guidance counselor, and principal. Don’t go into accusatory. Approach it from the place of wanting to gain a better understanding of the situation and what everyone can do to help. This doesn’t automatically put the teacher on the “defense”. kiddos are very perceptive but also very sensitive.


Talk to the principal

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You’re not in the classroom, so what you’re being told is only one side of the story. You have a responsibility to talk to the teacher and hear what’s actually happening before jumping to the conclusion that your daughter is being picked on.
I think that it sounds more like your daughter is jealous of the new girl and that’s leading her to feel like the teacher likes the new girl more.
The mom being low income is completely irrelevant.
The teacher mentioning the girls arguing isn’t relevant either. Unless the teacher specifically called the girls out in the newsletter then she’s likely just wanting to make parents aware there are issues.


Speak to the principal. If you can spend a day in the classroom, do it. You’re allowed to. Maybe some counseling so your child can find some cooing mechanisms.

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I had three horrible teachers in elementary school. Mrs. Kooy, Mr. Lee and Mr. Riopel. They made my life a living hell.

Mrs kooy told me (4th grade) that I would be the reason she had a miscarriage…. In front of the whole class. Mr. Lee (5th grade) moved my desk to the back left corner of the room away from everyone and had all 26 students turn around, point at me and chant corner girl corner girl. Mr. Riopel (6th grade) would scream in my face to the point that I would feel his spit hitting my face.

I’m 27 years old and I’ve never forgotten it.


Have a meeting with the principal. If that doesn’t help start having your daughter carry a recorder and get proof the teacher is doing this then take it to the school board.


You’re being told something by an 8 year old.
I’m not saying she’s lying,
I’m saying be the Adult in this situation and speak to the teacher about it before automatically judging the teacher.
You’ve heard one story, now go and listen to the other.

Go in with your defences down.


Ask for your child to be moved to a different class. She is going through enough with the world we live in today,she shouldn’t have to worry about someone she is supposed to learn from bullying or being mean to her.I would also speak to the principle cause as you said neither one of them should be singled out, as for your daughter just keep raising her the right way and unfortunately we have to teach our children about EVERYTHING and EVERYONE now days from all walks of life so they are more aware but there is always a time in life for those certain lessons. Good luck and I hope it works out for the best for EVERYONE :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Call a meeting with the teacher and principal. Both at the same time. Leave your daughter athome as she will feel overwhelmed with all the adults and afraid she will get pressure from all.

I have been where you are. My daughter was bullied by her teacher to the point that the other children were physically abusive and the teacher encouraged them. It wasn’t until end of school year that it came out she abused her own children and were taken.

Your daughter needs to be moved to another class. If they refuse due to end if year …Keep journal of all of incidents. Names dates and what was said by who. Let the principal and teacher know this is happening and if it becomes physical you are taking it all to the police dept to file charges on teacher mental distress IS abuse. But, I would definitely push to put her in another class. The teacher may hold a grudge that she was brought to be disciplined by her boss. Tell them if your daughter anxiety does not get better in 1 week she will be moved to another class. It’s the only thing to do. It is too distressful for her to be around them. This includes teacher. Have your daughter write out everything that’s been going on and take it to the meeting. Make sure to make a copy to go into the teacher work file. Yes, there is one. Tell them you understand that the tea her is under stress due to work changes in the last year but, that is no excuse for her to single out your daughter and in turn give the children “permission” to bully her. The fact that the teacher has picked a side at all is wrong. The fact that she does nothing to stop them from badgering your daughter is also wrong if she cannot keep Peace in the class and keep them under control is a testament to the fact she should not be there at all. I hope all works out and you all can work together to get this under control. Your daughter,you and her teacher are a team to instill a successful education in her. You cannot work as a team if you all cannot communicate and get along with each other.
Signed Mom of 5. God bless.


You go right up to the teacher and tell her how it is …. And if she treats your daughter badly again she’ll need a new job


Bypass the teacher. Straight to the principal. Teachers have favorites. I experienced that with my son. Have the Principal put her in another class room and definitely keep up to make sure the other Teachers don’t bully her. A Teacher can cause a child not to want to go to school. Don’t let your daughter be that child


You are your child’s advocate. What your child is going through should be more than any fear of retaliation. You can move her out of the class, go to the school bored, make a damn scene! I feel like some parents are to worried about being disliked then actually standing up and having a voice! If your child knows that you won’t advocate for her because of fear, what do you think will happen when she grows up? She won’t be able to speak up for herself when she needs to because of fear. If she sees that your not going to take it, she will be more confident and won’t take it herself.

you should set a meeting up so that you can go and speak to the teacher and leave a written response of what to place documentation is eerything your daughter may not be the first child that thos teacher has done those to and the resaon that she continues to repeat this bhavior towards the chilfren os because no one has taken the necessary steps to start a paper trail on her I bet she stops once you approach her this way

Your first line would be to speak to teacher if that doesn’t produce result then you need to see principal.

If it was me I would go to the principal the teacher has no business acting like that with a kid and if you just talk to the teacher it will likely happen again with another student in the future but if you report it to the principal it puts it in another perspective where it’s reported and might change things if not then move her out of that class

Go directly to the principal and voice your concerns
No teacher should bully or pick on a child it’s unprofessional and she can get into trouble
Also I’d ask them to call a parent meeting with the other girls parents so you can all talk and see how you can solve this
If nothing helps one of them will have to be moved to another class and it’ll probably be the new girl because she is new

It is our job as parents to protect our children mentally, and physically. Transfer her to another school! Your poor daughter has had enough!! Kids are cruel, if you continue to let her stay there the taunting , and bullying from both students and teacher will follow her into the next grade since teachers also talk to each other! She needs a fresh start! Good luck❣️

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