My daughters want to change their last name to mine but their father won’t agree

Here in Maine, you have go to Probate Court and file for the right to change names. After you do, it must be published in a public paper to allow ANYONE the right to dispute the name change for like 6-8 weeks. At that time ANYONE can file an objection with the courts and be heard on that objection through hearing. It would then be the decision of the judge to accept the objection and deny the name change or deny the objection and allow the name change.


Please tell me he is only allowed court supervised visits. An explosive temper sounds scary and your kids should not be exposed to it. Plus if he flies off the handle you would have evidence and a witness.

Ask if you can cite him for abandonment if he doesn’t see the kids for months at a time—again, check with the courts or a lawyer. This might affect child support however, so ask about that too. Terminating his rights for abandonment would give you the right to get their name changed, I believe.

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You have sole legal custody. You dont need his permission


You have legal custody. In my state, his opinion wouldn’t matter.


The court would most likely allow the make change. They’re old enough to decide.

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My daughter just went through this of the kids wanting to change there name you have to get the proper paper work and make sure the kids agree to the name change yet here in TX you do have to have the fathers permission

I would definitely try bc of the age the judge may very much grant them the last name change

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I’m unsure as you’d need a lawyers advice, but I know as soon as they’re 18, they can change their name without his permission then. I know 2 of mine are going to do this as soon as they turn 18.b

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Petition the court for the change! The judge will take into consideration why the kids are wanting it done. If it’s denied then they can do it at 18 for sure.

In Delaware you can put an ad in the News Journal and if the respondent doesn’t respond within a certain amount of time then it’s his loss and your gain and you can then file a petition with the family court to have it changed. Not sure what state you’re in but I hope they haven’t something of the same sort so you can. Good luck!! :four_leaf_clover:

Mine did also. I said not until she was 18

Can they change their name at school? And then officially do it when 18?

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you may have to pay a court fee… but they are old enough that a judge will ask them himself and base his decision on the girls reasons.

petition the court and find out!

I’d say if you have sole legal custody of them, you can change their name to anything you want. Call an attorney


Sole legal custody gives you the right to allow them to petition the courts to have their last name changed.


Get a lawyer and I think them being of age to speak well for themselves can only help!!!


Probably not, theyre old.enough that the court would listen to them. But I’m pretty sure you can change their name without his permission. It’s not like you’re terminating his rights or giving them someone else’s name.

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It depends on your state!!! Don’t listen to anyone. It is totally based upon YOUR STATE LAWS.


When they turn 18 they can legally change their name.


File a motion with the court to have their name changed. Each of them is old enough to write a statement to the judge explaining why they want their name changed. Let THEM write the statements, in their own words, as to why they want their names changed. When you have a court date, take them in with you to testify to why they want the name changed. Their father will have to be notified and can oppose the request, but the judge will be the one to rule on it. Worst case scenario is it’s denied, in which case you just remind them that they only have a few years until they’re adults and can officially change their name on their own.


You could also consider hyphenate the last name. For example; my maiden name is Otto, my married name is Atkins, my last name is Otto Atkins, that way they keep his in a way but can use your last name only if wanted in school and would only need to sign the full name with official documents

They can change their last names at college then legally change it when theyr 18

I believe where I am from (New York) to get it legally changed without father’s consent, they would have to not see him long enough to be considered “legal abandonment” but I’m not 100% sure how long that would be. I have heard it takes 6 ish years for that… You should look into the timeframe of where you live. Good luck! :slight_smile:

If it’s just them being bullied at school, just use a different last name. I used my stepdads last name to keep everyone from knowing I was related to my brother who got into trouble a LOT. They let you go by a different name as long as you have it in the records what your real last name is. By the time they are 18, they can legally change their name to whatever they want.


Petition the courts for it. Ask for a waiver of court fees. If you qualify you won’t pay the court fees. There may be other fees though. Since you know where he is you will have to serve him. Do you think he’ll show up? Bring the girls with you to court. Prepare them for telling the court what they want & why. The judge will listen to them, you & your ex if he shows up. Make sure you tell the judge of his absence & if he’s been financially supportive. Wether a NCP pays child support or has a good relationship with their NCP has a lot of weight with some judges. Then it’s upto the judge. If the judge is leaning towards saying no ask to hyphenate the 2 names. Then just use yours. Of you’re successful you will have to change their names on everything. Social security (their number will stay the same), school, medical records etc.


My boyfriend’s ex-wife did that to his son. He was named a junior after his dad, and they let her do it. You’re probably going to have to pay some kind of legal fee, but I don’t see why you shouldn’t be able to. I’m guessing it’s going to be a long and difficult journey and I wish you all the best!

Your lawyer can put an ad in the paper stating intent to change their names and if he diesnt respond within a certain amount of time thenvyou can go ahead with it. Check to see if this is valid in your state.


Check your state to see what age they can change it them selfs, in some it’s 16,18,21. They don’t have that long to go to do it them selfs what ever age it is In your state.

Consult a lawyer and find out what your options are.

Mine just waited until 18 then she did it

They can legally do it without his consent at 18

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Depending on where your from if he doesn’t make contact for an intended period of time it’s considered abandonment and you can file to have his rights taken and then you can do what they want and he won’t have a say


No, you’re not changing it due to adoption. Just contact your local courthouse ask for the forms then explain you’re children only see him once or twice a year and they’ve asked due to being bullied. The judge might talk to them but will probably just allow it

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Go to court ans let them tell the judge how they feel. I just done this a year ago with my daughter and the judge granted the name chage after listening to her

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Someday, I’d like to change my name to a name not given to me by a man. My own name. Maybe someday they can do the same and find something they resonate with when they don’t have to have a man’s consent or involvement to change their names. Good luck go them.

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Once they reach 18 they can do wan

They can choose the name

If he pay maintenance they keep hes name…until they are 18…then change them…

Talk to a lawyer and see what their options are. Or wait till they turn legal age and they can change their name to what ever they want.

Talk to a lawyer and find out if you can do it.