My doctor thinks we should medicate my daughter for ADD...advice?

My 6 year old daughter got diagnosed with ADHD and ODD a couple days ago and the doctor said her ADHD is so uncontrollable they recommend putting her on methylphenidate. Does any one else have there kids on this medication? Did you see a change right away or did it take a little to hit the system? For the ODD what did you do?


Ritalin. It works right away.

My twins take it. It improved there ability to sit through class and learn. I choose not to give it to them on the weekends. But when they are in school it’s definitely needed.

I am on it. I am 75. I had trouble in school , especially in college. My reading comprehension was low because I could not focus. In social situations, I would not understand a fast moving conversation. My self esteem was low as I tested as if I should make As and Bs. Teachers and my parents told me I was not doing what I could and I was lazy. Because of this my self esteem was very low. I have been on it for 10 years. I can now focus and the ‘fog’ is clear. Try it and see. It doesn’t hurt to try. Good luck :four_leaf_clover:

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I’d try other options…
My 8 year old is adhd… and caffeine helps him!
Not a lot…. But a mini can of soda helps him calm down a little…

There is a lot of options before going to medication but it is your child and you know him better than anyone… so you do what you think is best for him

Their is natural remedies my 5 year old has had adhd! I got a second opinion his so young so before putting him on anything with the doctor I wanted to see how he acts in class having to sit down all day. It really helps some children like my kids 8 year old cousin. The doctor we have expressed not all children have to have medication there whole life’s some grow out of it. But it’s really to balance them out!

My sons on that and so far it’s been good for us!!! He’s been on it a little over a year now !!!

I’d check into removing food dyes. That can make an incredible change. But, my son, who’s 12, was diagnosed with ADHD and ODD. We changed his diet, and he was still struggling. We decided to try medicine. His doctor put him in Methylphenidate, and the change in his behavior was incredible. He went from throwing things, breaking things, moving nonstop, etc., to being able to focus, be calm, and think about his reactions before he reacted. It made a total difference for my boy.

My son was put on the same medication around the same age. I was so against it… until we tried it. It without a doubt has been the best decision I have ever made…. I still hate that he has to take it, but I love him more. I know it is what his body needs to be the best version of himself.

My doctors advise with my kids (now adults) and ADD/ADHD meds was the least amount they could take with the most benefits is best. I also had a bonus son with ADHD/ODD (later diagnosed with autism at 16). His mom has always highly medicated him. Counseling is recommended so kids can learn to control/help them deal with issues. It’s not a one size fits all sadly. Lots of trial and error to find what works best. Best of luck to you!!

I’d look at what her day looks like and change some things. My friends have had great results removing food dyes from their diets. Also, if she doesn’t get a lot of outside time, you could try getting her outside for a few hours a day. Also, screen use has a high prevalence of ADHD in kids, so I’d drastically reduce screen time. Good luck!

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My son has odd, DMDD and autism. Even though he is not diagnosed with ADHD this medication has helped us tremendously with behaviors at home and in a school setting

Yes, my daughter has ADHD and autism. Methylphenidate really helps her focus and not stim so much. She eats normally as well while on it. It’s great and really helps her.

I was unmedicated my whole life until I became an adult. It made school and home relationships tough. Try the medicine, it can be changed, adjusted or stopped as needed.


My son had ADHD and ODD (he could argue with you for days on end at 3). We put him on Strattera as a young teen and instead of the difficult boy he was my ideal child.

However he said it made him feel foggier and he didn’t like it. His dad said if he kept his grades up he wouldn’t have to take it. He kept his grades up and we kept him busy with sports, scouts, music in addition to schoolwork. He remained a difficult child, and in his 30s still can argue with you about anything, but he’s learned to temper that and channel his energy.

He got a degree in chemical engineering, has a successful military career, and got married, so he turned out OK. Thankfully our family made enough money for all of us to see lots of counselors and psychiatrists over the years. Being with other kids and seeing how they interacted with their families and having many good role models and other loving adults around to provide perspective and guidance was invaluable and gave us a break from butting heads. His favorite phrase as a child: “I don’t like it. What is it?” :smile:

My grandson had to start a low MG of meds last year to get through kindergarten. I was very hesitant but it made SUCH a difference! He excelled in class and his behavior was SO much better. The ODD got better with the ADHD.

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I was on the fence too, but my 6 year old son had such a hard life unmedicated. 90% of his day he was super mad, or frustrated or crying. Ir broke my heart. It took a while to find the right medication and doseage but since we did his life has gotten so much better. Its still not always easy, but he can be a kid!! He couldn’t even be in school full time. They called us every single day to pick him up. He really had zero impulse control and concentration. It broke my heart. If itll give ur daughter a better quality of life than try it. It doesn’t have to be for forever either.

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My daughter has the same and we put her on methylphenidate and it helped her soo much with school she is 7, Before she was on it you couldn’t get her to focus on anything in a classroom environment.

My son is 8, he was diagnosed ADHD, OCD, ODD and Bipolar whe. He was 4. We started him on guanfacine but it didn’t help much, once we switched him to adderall that helped with ALL of his disagnosis’ he is now on methylphenidate because his dosage of adderall was hard to find. And it helps so much!

My daughter is 9 and prescribed methylphenidate. It’s seemed to help her alot without making her a zombie. It’s also helped alot with her obsession to eat and sneaking food overnight. She is also receiving therapy as well to help. She started that prior to starting the medication.

Try the THC oil, keep it natural!

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If I’m not mistaking and I’m sure this ain’t true for everyone. But the uppers used by ppl with real true adhd will work, it will actually calm them, might speed them up at first, just gotta give enough of a test. If ppl who really don’t have adhd, the uppers will be just that, speed. So it all depends what other methods have been tried tested n true before testing meds.

The school told me that when my son was 4. So I medicated him got ADHD. At the time I was young, a single parent,and didn’t know anything about it. So I just went with what they said. He’s 20 now,hasn’t had meds since 12. He begged me to let him try without being zombied out. He started 6 grade with no meds then and he’s in his sophomore year of college. He’s doing great! Thriving. Is a officer in his fraternity. I was always told,don’t make it easy for the school. They just want them medicated so that they are there quiet. Well starting in 6th grade He did amazing and learned self control and his teachers always redirected him and just loved him and came together to accomodate him.
This is my opinions and experiences. Im.not saying to do what I did. The way I see it,why is it ok to shut our kids down with medication versus getting into a learning environment where the kids are accomodated and are just themselves. Why do they have to change their learning environment? Remember as the parent you have the final say in meds and education. Don’t be pushed around.

So ADHD and other mental health issues are MEDICAL conditions and need to be addressed in a multidisciplinary approach with therapy also involved. If you had a child with seizures you wouldn’t pray away the condition. There are some environmental changes that can help at times but the lack of treatment is unfair to the child.


I fought the notion of medication for my oldest. She didn’t start taking it until her mid teens. It really helps.
I understand not wanting to, and especially so young… but you can always stop if you don’t like it.

My son is 7 and has ODD and ADHD and all I have him in is therapy. They work on coping skills with him and it works great. He does take clonidine at night for sleep and I will say a regular sleep schedule makes all the difference with kids with ADHD. We have tried a few different medications with him and none of then had any good effects on him. But every child is different. I would see about therapy and maybe getting her on a sleep schedule if she has trouble sleeping.

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Do it. Even for a trail and see how she’s doing.

Yes and it changed out lives. Same diagnosis and a year later we discovered he was also autistic so have that ruled out to.


Along with every other child in America.

That is what my son was put on in first grade. It helped so much, didn’t interfere with his sleep or appetite. Only problem we ever faced was an occasional major meltdown when it wore off in the evening. Then they started giving in the morning and afternoon.

My granddaughter is on it and it has done wonders for helping calm her down. Besides meds you need to find a good therapist that will help her work through different emotions and she needs to be put on a schedule to where its pretty much the same everyday. Kids are calmer when they know whats going to happen and when. My son had adhd, odd, bipolar and was on meds. When he knew what his schedule was everyday he was fine but if just one day was changed he had a hard time adjusting. Plus take things slowly and do one task at a time. Dont give a lot at one time for her to follow through on. It overwelms them.

Look into removing dyes from their diet

Oppositional defiance disorder. A fancy name for when a child doesn’t like rules or authority and just wants to do/have what they want. The doctors labeled my bonus son with all that. Made us medicate him before he was allowed back at school. I literally only gave it to him for school. We did weekends without it because it made him feel poorly and didn’t seem to work anyway. Kids like this need to be helped to identify their feelings and how to deal/express them in a better manner.Also identifying triggers that lead to a meltdown. If my son started swearing I knew it was starting to go south very quickly.
As parent you have to do the work also. It’s not always pleasant,but the pleasant moments are worth it.


My friend is more all natural (she didn’t trust the pharmaceutical side effects) and put her son on coffee:

One small mug
3/4 milk (dairy or cashew/etc) + 1/4 coffee

Always chilled him right down :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Does she do well in school? Can they handle her? I didn’t start my kids until they were older and that was so they could focus in school

I would also get her into therapy as well if she isn’t already. I always recommend this for any kids who are taking medications bc the Dr’s forget about it in kids sometimes. I was on medication as a kid that made me feel like a whole other person. Yea I was doing better in school and focused better room was cleaner but I wasn’t me, didn’t figure that out until therapy 4/5 yrs later

I’m a teacher myself and knew my child had ADHD for 3 years before we got an official diagnosis at age six. I’d tried everything I knew to do at that point and he had accommodations at school as well. We tried a couple of different medications to find what worked and I don’t regret it at all. He’s in high school now and thriving. He takes college courses and gets all A’s. I never imagined that would be him at age 6. Medication was ONE piece of the puzzle and there are so many different ones these days. I would recommend trying it and going in with an open mind. Monitor her reactions and speak up if it’s not working out. It can be a very helpful tool for your child. Also, ADHD affects every child differently so one person’s experience will not necessarily be your own. What worked for their kid will not necessarily work for yours. Working with their medical team, teachers, and caregivers to give your child what they need individually will have the best results.


Honestly some kids really need it. But I will say some drs are quick to prescribe it. Does your child typically have issues with it?


My son is 8 with ADHD and ODD as well. He was diagnosed around age 4. He is also on the spectrum. We tried occupational and behavioral therapy for years because we were hesitant to give meds. But eventually we ran out of options and started the meds. Finding the right meds can be stressful it’s very much trial and error, and expect to have to change meds often because in time they may not work the same as they used to. But all in all I am so glad we made the decision to start them because his quality of life (and ours) drastically improved. Most important thing I’ve had to learn to accept is that everyone has an opinion about what’s best for your child but in the end, your family and your doctor knows your child and what’s best for them, so take others judgements with a grain of salt! I know for me personally, I was ashamed to admit defeat and start the meds- I thought that people were going to be judgy and think I just couldn’t deal with him - but that caused me to allow him to go without meds that helped him tremendously and in the end I am so glad we took the chance because now that we’ve found the right meds, his mental health is so much more regulated and stable and he is so much happier!

My daughter started that when she was 6 or 7. But we did a year of behavioral therapy first. The difference was almost immediate. We had to be careful tho bc she lost a lot of weight the first month. It also took us until she was 13 or so before we realized it had stopped working how it was supposed to bc her body metabolized the meds too fast. Start on the lowest dose possible.

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Also, just my personal opinion, at home, let her express any adhd symptoms that aren’t harmful (vocal stimming, physical stimming, hyperfixating, talking non stop about their hyperfixation). Home is her safe place. I dont want to speak for others, but sometimes its hard, even with medication, to feel like you belong in the world, to hold in tapping or making odd noises because you’re in a setting (like school) where that isn’t “appropriate” and to be able to come home and be yourself is so relieving. Some days I mask who I am all day and mask my symptoms but when I get home and can stim and talk and talk and act crazy, it feels like I’ve been carrying something heavy on my shoulders all day and someone just finally lifted it off. And I mean both metaphorically and physically. I can physically feel my muscles untense. They had been tense all day and I didn’t even know.


Methylphenidate is an amazing medicine for those with ADHD, speaking from experience. I was unmedicated all my life & once I started that, it completely changed the game for my attention span & even helped with my anxiety due to actually being able to focus and remember things. I don’t know how I’d feel about putting a 6 year old on it though. It’s literal speed. And if they misdiagnosed her I imagine it would make things worse instead of better. It was an immediate change for me. You definitely can tell the difference in your day if you don’t take it. However, they’re no withdrawal symptoms if you do decide it isn’t for her and need to stop it.

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2/4 of my boys suffer from adhd and let me start by saying we are definitely a family that try’s our best to not medicate but sometimes its really something they need to help themselves. On of my boys is on methylphenidate . He is on the spectrum and adhd. He has 20mg in the morning and a booster dose at school of 5mg. We take breaks on all weekends and school breaks. It’s honestly been the best one he’s been on. we’ve tried a lot of different ones like aderall, vyvanse, concerta and they would either be way to strong and he’s be asleep or he would have meltdowns and just feel really uncomfortable. After summer, to get back on routine for school we start him on the 5mg in the morning and the low dose really does work for awhile, and we will try to keep the dosage as low as possible until he starts to struggle in school and work closely with his doctor to slowly increase. Every child is different and I’m thankful their doctor is as understanding and not just trying to shove medications at us. Any adverse side effects we stop have a cool down period and try a new medication, and honestly the Methylphenidate has been the best for him. But something their doctor has said that I think is important with ADHD is that it’s like an onion and there are a lot of different layers to peel back to understand what we are trying to treat. The pills aren’t a save all, they will still struggle. But he always says if we do medicate that it’s just to help slow down their brains enough to help retain the coping mechanisms being taught and the end goal is always to hopefully not have to use it some day. There’s different layers to adhd and behavioral therapy is a god send. Not just for them to help understand their own brain but also for us as parents to learn ways to help them manage.

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My grandkids are ADHD and take medicine and it’s a game changer

I have ADHD, 7 weeks on medication as an adult…HOLY shit, the difference I see in myself.

I also took the meds as a child, you have to make SURE to talk to her about how the medication makes her feel. My mom used it as a way to shut me up, regardless of how it makes me feel. I was also an “outside” latchkey kid, always playing outside or exploring and such.

Medication helps, when it’s monitored closely. Please do what’s best for her.

I am now on Vyvanse. I used to take ritalin when I was younger.

Honestly the medication helped my daughter so much it was amazing for her she didn’t get diagnosed until she was 8 and I wish we had been able to get that diagnosis sooner

I’ve got two kids with ADHD (have ADHD myself as well).
Oldest also has ODD (and ASD we later found out only AFTER we had treated the ADHD)and was medicated at 5 because he was a DANGER to himself.
Meds helped a TON with impulse control, emotional regulation, and attention.
He was still himself…more himself I think.
For him the root of his ODD was severe lack of impulse control so the meds actually helped in that aspect quite a bit as well. The best med we have found for him is Vyvanse prior to this we had tried…Ritalin, Adderall, Adderall XR, strattera and guanfacine.

My youngest is almost 6.
He was prescribed guanfacine (non stimulant).
We’ve given it irregularly because his ADHD just isn’t quite as severe and his biggest struggle is emotional regulation.
We’ll be giving it more regularly once school starts.


My child is on thisand also has ADHD and odds

My son was on this and it did not help it made him angry we found that jornay help as he has adhd and odd

I did a non stimulant guaficine for my little whose adhd was really bad explosive behavior we have seen a complete transformation

My son has ADHD and he’s taking methylphenidaye 18mg and it really works he went from a D average to a A average within months now we only have a 4 day a week school so we would only give it to him for school and on weekends and holidays we stop it for those weeks . What a difference in his outlook on things.

My son has been on Concerta (methyphenidate) for years. It was the best thing we ever did. We waited to medicate until 1st grade because we wanted him to learn to cope and he was failing everything and constantly in trouble even though he had accommodations. The first week with it was hit and miss but the second week he really blossomed. He takes his meds mostly on his own now as he is almost 13 and he doesn’t like how he feels at school without it. Some days at home, non school days he will skip a day and boy can you tell around 3 to 4 pm. Hes hard to manage and he usually ends up in trouble. We’ve done several different doses through the years and someday maybe he will grow out of it. Girls present differently than boys normally at 6 so I can’t speak for your daughter. Medicine needs time and everyones brain is wired differently so they may need to move to something else. You know her, but give her a chance to be able to strive to show her brilliance instead of always struggling. My opinion only based on my experience. Watch for side effects, they all have them. He doesn’t have ODD so I can’t speak on that. Good luck momma. Just remember the medicine is a tool for a very structured environment, and she may very well grow out of needing it. I recomened counseling for her and your family to learn how to navigate the different way the adhd brain works and managing their symptoms. I think that helped his dad and I a lot. Good luck momma.

My son is on it. Hes 12. I am also on it. For my son it was almost instant. This medication works for 10 to 12 hours then its gone. Its not something that really needs take time to work. Now that doesn’t mean your body won’t need a few days to adapt. It also depends on what type of adhd she has. My son isn’t outwardly hyperactive. Hes easily distracted and inwardly hyperactive. This medication has given him some energy because it has calmed his brain so he doesn’t spend so much energy on his thoughts that bounce around in his head. But he is a lot happier with his medication because he says he can keep track of his thoughts and he has more motivation, more confidence etc.

For me it worked instantly as well. But I got diagnosed at 30. For the first few days it was a bit of a Rollercoaster. It worked great at calming my stimming and getting my thoughts to quiet down and helped me focus. It helped my socializing because I was able to focus on other people’s social cues so I didn’t just keep talking about my current hyperfixation for an hour after they were bored only to realize it later that they didn’t care and feel embarrassed.

With that being said, medication isn’t a cure all. It also doesn’t work the same for everyone. My son and I both know we have to work with the medicine. My son was struggling in school before being diagnosed because he couldn’t focus and would miss half the lesson and then panic trying to play catch up. The medicine helped, but hes still a kid. Lol he knows if he doesn’t try and focus he will still have a hard time. The medicine is just a tool. Its like a whisk if your whisking eggs. Someone hands you a bowl of eggs and asks you to wisk it, but you have no whisk, you will spend a lot of time trying to find something that might help and ultimately whisking the eggs will be almost impossible. But if you have a whisk its completely possible but only if you use that tool and put in the work to get those eggs whisked. We try different methods as well to helping him stay on track. He carries a notebook to write assignments he needs to do so he doesn’t forget. He has a chore chart in plain view because if its not in sight for people with ADHD in our head it doesn’t exist.

So its going to be up to you on whether you try medication. If you do, know that it is a stimulant. For someone with ADHD stimulants calm our symptoms, but if someone else gets ahold of it its the same as a drug. You will need to monitor her heart rate for awhile to make sure it isn’t having side effects that might affect her heart. The doctor should explain all of that. Also she may need to try many different types to find one that works. Thats normal.

If you want to work with different therapies to try to manage symptoms you can try that as well, just know that it doesn’t usually work fully. Especially as she gets older it’ll be like you have to do an evaluation every year in your head if you think her needs have changed.

If you arent familiar with ADHD, like deeply familiar, I suggest you do research as well as look on Facebook for content creators who have adhd and educate on their experiences. Connor DeWolfe is a good place to start. The more you understand the more you can connect to help her in her struggles.

Being a parent of a neurodivergent child is difficult, simply because the world is created for neurotypical people. I tell my kids that everyone’s brain is wired their own way but the world is used to only one type of brain wiring. So we have to find a happy middle man to make life easier when our brain is wired differently until the world is able to catch up to our “neuro spicy” brains. I want them to know there is nothing wrong with them and our differences is what makes the world great. As long as she has your support, but not your pity, everything will work out. You are in for a fun ride :blush: It may be difficult sometimes but I have both neuro typical kids and neurodivergent kids and to see the world through their eyes can be so fun. I dont know if my novel helped or didn’t but I hope it did. I hope it all works out for you and your baby and things get easier soon.

(And by pity I just mean if she goes to school and turns in no work all year and is lazy and you go OH well it must be her ADHD. Then that won’t help. I have met many parents who do that. They mean well but ultimately it makes the kids feel like their ADHD makes them stupid and worthless.)

I need to ask…have you tried prayer? PM me if you would like Christian advise. My daughter had a medical miracle so your daughter can too.


No… I was on these medicines young and they really messed me up. Aspergers is commonly misdiagnosed as ADD/ADHD/ODD disorders. I was diagnosed with all of them young, but found out in my early 20’s I was autistic and on medicines in my youth for no reason. There’s better alternatives. Don’t drug you kids because you don’t understand how to help them yet, I’d find another therapist.

Take your child to a pediatric neuro-psych and a counselor . I wouldn’t take the advice of a family practice or pediatrician. They should send you a referral to someone else. Don’t take no for an answer. Can YOU manage your child? If you can I’d take that advice with a grain of salt. Who diagnosed your child? How long have they been in practice? Ritalin is a very old school treatment and there are newer alternatives to it-

So mama my daughter has been on this medicine since she was 7. We started out with a different medicine but it didn’t work long. So you listed the generic name and the “name brand” is concerta. I hated the fact that she had to be on it but I was only hurting her. It took about 3 weeks in her system and she started to fly in school. She is 13 now and we have taken her off because she was showing less signs of the ADHD because they can grow out of it. So my school district starts August 24 and we are going to start her off with no meds but if she starts to show signs that she needs it we will start her back up right away.

My son is on that it works great…. I was scared at first but gave it a whirl. He went from Cs and ads to As and Bs…. They change was amazing and right away. I love that he doesn’t have to take it everyday and that it only stays in his system about 11 hours… he has been on it since he was 10 and his is now 15, we have only upped his dose once. His dose is still lower than what is recommended for his size

I have 3 with adhd. 10yo twins and a 5 yo. We didn’t see it until one twin hit kindergarten. Then all hell broke lose. End of first grade it showed for the other twin. Our youngest…that kid was full blown adhd in the womb lol.

Currently only one child is medicated. We started the beginning of 1st grade. Total game changer. Other twin responds very well to counseling, so far we have not felt the need to medicate.
Our youngest, looks like they will be put on medication but not sure when. They start kindergarten in the fall, and we will see how it goes.

Every child is different. Every child responds differently to different meds. Sometimes it’s trial and error. But medication alone will not “fix” anything. Counseling is very important for them to learn how to regulate their bodies and emotions.

For both adhd and odd, routine, routine, routine. Limit screen time (it’s a huge trigger for the majority of kids, but huge for adhd and odd).

Aldi products are 100% free of synthetic dyes.

This website has been a great source of information.

My son was put on adderall for a few years after trying different meds that were not stimulants. I would say for us it was the worst decision putting him on this med. 6 years later we are still dealing with some of the side effects. It would take us 2-5 hours for bedtime every night and he would destroy his room and treat everyone in the household very very bad. The lights were on for him but he was not in there. I would try everything before meds. Aba therapy worked great for us once we had that option. Medications can be very tough for everyone. I would recommend a non stimulant first. Also my sons psychiatrist said that stimulants make the ODD way worse. For school it was ok for focus but home life was horrible. Also the way my son acted out at school from time to time has put him in a SPED program and he hasn’t seen a general education classroom for the last 4 years. I have had to fight tooth and nail to try to make school work for him but I am still fighting. I am very worried about this school year.

As someone who grew up on Adderall for my ADHD AND ADD, I absolutely do NOT recommend you put your child through that!

I was on it up until I turned 19 and it was the hardest thing ever for me to get off of…

Not ADHD OR ADD medicines are good in my opinion

Mine is on Strattera for her adhd. It works.

My son is 6 & takes 10mg dexmethpenyldate (generic focalin)it works wonders with him! It wears off around noon so we supplement it with a smaller dose to last through the school day. His teachers have commented on how much improvement hes made as well.

My son has ADHD ADD & ODD is now a junior in high school was on medication from preschool until last year. He requested to come off medication as made him feel worse. We only did medica during school year to help focus and help with his grades. Summer was his time to rest and be himself. He has done great with being off and able to keep grades at a passing level with lots of reminders his doctor also approved coming off as saw a tremendous change in him. I would say try it does not mean may need it for ever or may every child is different it helped us alot and to have open communication with him.

My middle daughter is on Adderall for adhd she is 12 and been on it sense the start of 2nd grade at age of 7 years maybe 6and a half.

For a 6 year old medication along with parent training and behavioral classroom interventions are the 1st line treatment. Stimulants such as methylphenidate (Ritalin or Concerta) are one of the 1st line medications.

I think you know your child best. Yes it sounds scary putting your child on stimulant type meds, but if it will help her succeed, then I think it would be good to listen to her doctor and give it a try.

If you don’t want to start out with stimulants, speak to her doctor about the non-stimulant options. I personally believe stimulants work better, but it’s always worth a try! With stimulants they start working right away, usually within an hour you would notice a difference. Over time a tolerance may develop and she may need changes in her dosing. But for her to respond to the medication she would need to take it everyday as ordered. When she doesn’t take it, she will go back to how she is when not taking it!