My doctor told me that it is normal for my 20 month old to not be walking...advice?

My 20 month old still refuses to walk…doctor claims nothing is wrong and this is “normal” but this doesn;t seem normal to me…anyone else go through this?


See if your local government has some sort of Head Start or other program to help kids behind on development. My twins weren’t talking until they were about 2 years old. Like at all. We got a speech pathologist come to our house as part of a county program for childhood development.

Doctors are really funny about using the word “normal.” So maybe say instead that he/she is developmentally behind as far as walking. You might get less push back.

Every child is different. Some walk earlier than others.
My eldest started walking at 10 months, as my youngest started walking the week after his 1st birthday.

It can be normal…. they walk when they are ready.
It can be a medical condition also. (Tethered cord as an example found by Neurologist)

Give him walking toys to assist him in standing & learning balance. He will take steps as he pushes the toy.
Other comments are right it will happen in his time not yours…

My youngest was 22 months when he started walking

If your gut says something isn’t right, ask for a referral for a PT evaluation. It will either get your child on the right track with PT, etc…or give you piece of mind that they are taking their own sweet time.

My son was 22/23 months before he learnt to walk x

It can very much be normal. Some walk earlier than others. Don’t fret mama, your kiddo will walk when they’re ready.


I do not think that you know more than the doctor , you are probably comparing your kid to other kids who already walked by that age .Every kid is different and has their own path , your kid will walk when ready .

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My daughter got up and started walking at 10 months (she didn’t crawl )
My son started walking at 13 months
All kids to things in their own time
I wouldn’t worry about it or judge it by other kids that age
Nor would I by any book (all mom’s are guilty of that)

My daughter was 19months before she walked, she had not interest at all.
She just pulled herself up on the coffee table one day and the next day she walked.

If a child isn’t walking by 19 months, it’s worth a check to see if anything is wrong. But if your child is just still walking while holding things, that’s fine.

I would get second opinion to be safe

My 4th wouldnt get off her knees until after she was 18 months. Its not theyre incapapable or something is wrong theyre just not interested.