My ex got mad that he isn't claiming my son on taxes: Advice?

The person whom has physical custody of the child claims the child.


There’s so many people on here who have no idea what they are talking about. Your child’s father cannot claim the child unless the child has lived with him for AT LEAST a half a year. If your boyfriend filed first you guys will get the return, his will be rejected and you may need to prove that the child lives with you.

Please people if you don’t know the laws don’t give advice. You are giving this woman false information!


It don’t matter who’s name is on bc it matters who has the child 6 month at minimum a year

Your ex technically can’t claim you or the child unless you both have lived with him for fifty percent of the year or more.

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Why would he receive more back in taxes, than hes given you to support the child? He doesnt deserve shit, and is clearly trying to use this kid for money and that’s it.

Let your ex be mad. You did the right thing.

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As far as I k ow you can only claim your child if it resides with you for at least 6 months and 1 day. So he isn’t even allowed to claim his baby…

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This sounds like a bunch of lies

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This is a stupid question… what is the actual question??? Should you let yourself loser ex get a tax rebate for a child he hasn’t paid for??? Now, if he pays child support, you may need to allow him to depending on what the court says though


whoever has the child more than 51% can claim the child… if your ex put a claim on the child they will send you both letters making you prove the child lives with you…

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It’s illegal for your boyfriend to claim your baby on his taxes you can claim him on yours your boyfriend can’t.He can get you in trouble

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“My ex got me pregnant” this sentences sounds odd.

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Your bf can claim your child except for Eic since its not hos child…AND HES not blood related.
. If the father files by mail. The irs would be red flag. And since the bf is not blood related he can’t recieve the EIC

Can’t claim someone as a dependent and if they aren’t dependent on you. So baby daddy’s can ha e his name wherever but he isn’t caring for you or your son. Your SO deserves his return on the money he’s spent over the past year since y’all are DEPENDENT on him.

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He hasnt been around. He doesnt get a say. Tell him to show proof hes been pauing for the kid since he/she was born. He just wants that check.

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Tell him he can’t claim the baby since the baby doesn’t live with him.


He can’t claim your child anyway if he doesn’t support him, period. If your boyfriend supported the child, he CAN claim him. They may ask for proof that the child lives with the two of you, but you definitely can claim kids that aren’t yours if you can prove you did provide support, or, in this case, your boyfriend can claim your child if he can prove he supported your child.

Your ex is a moron. Your new boyfriend had EVERY right to claim your child especially if y’all were living with him and he supported you financially. What your ex wants to do is commit fraud because that’s exactly what it is.:woman_shrugging:t4:

Ex had no right

Ex hads

Ex has no right

You have to have the child overnights at least half of the year to claim them on your taxes. He couldn’t have claimed him anyway.

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Since when can you just "walk in and sign the papers "? You need witnesses.


The baby has already been claims so that moot point now! Your focus now should be 100% on getting a legally binding custody order! Like now!! Unless that’s done in some states, Missouri for ex, he could file for custody, go pick that baby up, and he would NOT have to let you see it until the court date! His name is on the birth certificate so that automatically gives him rights in a lot of states! I cannot express enough, the importance of getting that court signed agreement! I’ve seen it happen time and time again where the dad takes the baby for a “visit”, files custody, and refuses to give the baby back to mom!

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He’s trying to commit fraud. You’re not even his dependents. I would block him.

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I would talk to a lawyer… Canada has different laws then the USA and in the USA every state has its own laws. If there us no custody hearing I’d be getting that going. You don’t want to get audit. It’s a pain… so please just talk to a lawyer and get court orders in place. I find it odd he just put his name on the birth certificate. In Canada we do them online when we get home from hiaptial

You can’t claim that isn’t legally yours …

Who cares if hes mad. And? And its hard to believe they would allow someone to sign a birth certificate while you are asleep he couldve just been some random joe off the street

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Your boyfriend have to adopt your son, because your ex can take you to court for that.

Your boyfriend can’t get the child tax credit unless he has adopted your son so you’re wasting the credit by having your boyfriend do it. And if the IRS doesn’t catch it this year and they give him the money for the child tax credit, trust that they will eventually figure it out and they will fine your boyfriend big time

Doesn’t matter who is on birth certificate. Matters who financially and physically supported child during year


TBH you shouldn’t be having a “boyfriend” claim your kid especially a kid that’s NOT his. You should be working and claiming YOUR kid.

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He has no say. It does not matter if his name is on the birth certificate. If the baby has lived with you from day one full time you and your SO get to claim the baby.

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If he hasn’t financially provided anything, he shouldn’t get to claim the baby. If y’all went to court and set out an agreement (often it’s every other year that he’d get to claim him) then obviously the court orders should be kept, but it doesn’t sound like that’s this situation. So no. He shouldn’t.

YES you can claim she said the did joint return

Why are you even arguing with him about this? Wasted energy. The answer is no. They’re already claimed. Have a nice evening.

Y’all please stop letting men who failed you and your kids STRESS you


Don’t lose sleep over it.whats done,is done.

Don’t know where you’re located but usually to claim the child they have to live with them for 50% of the year and support them

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The purpose of claiming a child is for someone who has provided AT LEAST half of their care/needs for the last 12 months. It literally asks you that question when claiming a dependent. So basically anyone who provides the majority of the care to the child can claim as dependent as long as they have the SSN and attest that the child cannot be claimed by others.

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He couldn’t have signed it when you were sleeping…two signatures in front of a witness.


Seems like alot of you don’t even know how this works. Just stop spreading false info.


Tell your ex to ask the IRS directly. Lol. They’ll shut him up and educate him about tax fraud. You’re good. If he tries it might halt things but so long as you have proof (doctors visits, daycare, etc) showing the baby is in your care you guys will get your refund and your ex will be investigated.

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I hope you have a parenting plan, which sets up child support, versions, all of that including tax returns. You could stipulate that the baby’s father can claim him Evey other year, if he is current on child support.

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File for child support and then if he ever does claim him, they’ll take his refund and pay on his back child support lol. Idk about the legality like a lot of these people apparently do, but I’d just let my boyfriend claim and let my ex be mad lol.

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The baby doesn’t live with your ex so he can’t claim the baby on his taxes.


Oh well, maybe if he supported the baby in any way he just might have a right to THINK that. But since he doesn’t he has no rights and if he does uncle Sam will take care of him.


When claiming you he can claim your child. He has thr proof to show he’s supported you and said child. Homeboy can come back when he wants to help take care of a child he created.

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He should have thought of that before he left and he can’t file the baby without a social security number!


Don’t matter you got your baby social he can kick rocks and be mad at himself

You can claim him if a joint return is filed. The boyfriend cannot if not joint. Sounds like you need a custody agreement with a parenting plan. You will state in there when you each get to claim the baby on taxes. The judge will be the one to make final say on whether he thinks you should get to claim every year, only on even years, or only on odd years.

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If you can prove that he has been cared for by you and your boyfriend for at least 6 months then your boyfriend CAN claim. I had a similar situation where I had my nephew for awhile and we were able to claim him

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I’m scratching my head wondering where someone can just walk in and sign a birth certificate while the mother is asleep. Every hospital I know has the mother sign paperwork giving the father permission to sign. Hell when my youngest brother was born, 21 years ago, my mom had to sign paperwork giving my dad permission to sign the birth certificate and to even see him after he was born. Something ain’t adding up.


he has no say…if there is no court order it’s up to the parents to decide who claims baby,…and the one who forks out the most money for baby…is the one to claim…ur boyfriend has every right to claim baby and yourself if u havent heard enough income for the year…for u and ur child and if he has physically supported up financially most the year…then he is allowed to claim u and ur son…

my bf claims me and my oldest child…I was a stay at home mom with no income…he got 500 for the each of us…but that’s all he will get for claiming u and the baby so a 1000 all together

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The person who claims the child is the person who the child lives with and who pays for that child’s needa


Legally your boyfriend can’t claim your child unless you are married.

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Only wants one thing from you is to claim your son


If he isn’t supporting you and his baby, it is illegal and unethical to claim you. Tell him to grow up.


Tell him after child support checks go through :crazy_face:


He can’t claim him unless there’s a court order. For your bf to claim your baby, the laws are different in each state.

If you dont do taxes dont speak on it. Some of yall giving false info and bad advice.


In my express in my state you dont need a witness to sign. Especially if you are married to the man

The baby lives with you and you pay for it? Then you should claim the child and your BD is a deadbeat with no claim to that child other than DNA.


Wait? What? It must be different in my country because a birth certificate has to be a appointment with the registration office and both mom and dad have to go and legally sign the birth certificate to state you are mom and dad. There isn’t NO SIGNING in a hospital, and definitely not whilst sleeping!? I thought this was the case in every country! X


In the state of ky i actually just went through the same thing as said as above!
If the child has lived with the bf 6 plus months he can claim the child. Or you. But now dad only has the rights if it’s court ordered you file on the child one year and father another. I had to get a court order tho stating that he can’t claim period other than that we still had to have court order to rotate.


Just because he is on birth certificate does not matter. If he has not supported you or the baby for at least six months or longer he cannot claim on taxes. I know this from experience.

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When you were sleeping?? Sure.


In the state of Ohio where I live if he is paying child support then he can claim the child if he is not paying child support then he can’t so tell him if he is willing to go to court and get a court order to pay child support then he can claim him for the amount he has paid each year and you having full custody of the child I believe you can too but I would check with somebody like H&R Block or even the IRS

He cant claim him by state lAws unless the kid lived with him for more than 6 months and he supported him financially !

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Your current boyfriend can’t claim him…The irs has gotten mad strict…I Hadn’t filed taxes in years as I was a stay at home mom and had 2 new kids I was claiming since the last time I had filed taxes (This was in 2018 so for the year 2017 that I worked)…I had to go to the irs office and show all 4 of my kids birth certificates to prove I was blood related (Their Mother) You are prob gonna have an issue w ya taxes (Because yall not married)and will take forever…Took me 16 weeks to get mine back because I had to bring info to the irs…Your x has no right either the baby lived w u and unless it’s in a court order y’all rotate he legally can’t and if he does try he can get in huge trouble…

It’s whoever cared for and paid expenses on the baby. Sounds like your ex is SOL

Legally your BF can claim you and your child if he has supported you guys for 6 months or more of 2019. Since dad has not been around since birth he can not claim the child, because to claim a child you have to be able to prove that they lived with you and you supported them for atleast 6 months of the year that is being filed for. So let baby daddy try to make a stink about it. The IRS also typically won’t follow parenting plans, they literally will rule going by who had physical custody and supported the child for Atleast 6 months of the year. I know this from personal experience.


How did he go in an sign the birth certificate with out ur consent. In the state of maryland, the mother has to approve the father to sign


My kids daddy gets to every other year if he’s caught up on child support

Tell him if he knows the babys SS# to go right ahead :joy:


Freaking selfish prick

Lmao!!! Its not the birth cirtificate that gives rights. Legally, your boyfriend is the provider per yall expenses so he legally has a right to claim the child and you. Not your fuck boi ex. He just want that kid tax credit.

Get a parenting plan because when you don’t have one it’s whoever files first.

He cant claim the baby if the baby didnt live with him at least 50% of the year. So hes S.O.L anyway.

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Taxes are federally regulated and tax law is universal, it does not change from state to state. Unless you have a court order modification the custodial parent, the parent with whom the child lives full time, is the only one who can claim the child. He has no right to a tax break just because he is genetically related to the child or his name is on the birth certificate. That means diddly squat in regards to taxes. Tell him to get bent.


Plain and simple, doesn’t matter what state you live it, it’s the government so it’s the same for every single state. Whom ever the child has lived with for 6 months or more out of the year claims the child. Only exception is if yall have joint custody through the courts than you claim every other year and the other parent gets the other years.

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Whoever the child lives with and the person that takes care of said child is who can claim child every year

You better claim him first. ASAP fuck him

And paying child support every month does not qualify them to claim the child. It even asks on the tax papers whom the child lived with for 6 months or more

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Who ever the child lives with ir lived with for half the year can claim the child so if he has never been there he isnt entitled to claim !

The way claiming a child works is, whomever the child lives with, took care of/paid for majority of the child’s expenses majority of the year is to claim the child(ren). Obviously different if married.

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This is why you need an agreement in court. I have three kids, two different fathers. The first father agreed with me to each take a child or rotate claiming both every other year. I filed for divorce from the second father in October, he has not been around at all in over a month. Not even a phone call. Hasn’t given any money for him in that time either. I filed my taxes a week ago and a couple days later they got rejected. Turns out he had claimed him behind my back… couldn’t for the life of me figure out how the hell he even had his Social Security number, but then remembered it was on a paper that he got when he was served for a custody hearing. I have had full custody of him since January 23. But since he technically lived with our son last year for 10 months, he had every right to do so.
So of course I had to re-file and pay an extra fee to have them re-done… It was pretty much whoever filed first Since there was not a prior agreement… Get those things on paper! ASAP.

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A birth certificate has nothing at all to do with income taxes. It’s based off of household income of where that child is living, going to school etc. Unless he is contributing to your household via support or or can prove that he provides for his child he cannot claim him. Even then it’ll be a write off/ deduction (I forget the term) and not the eic because he doesn’t live in the same household for 6 months or something.

so he only comes around when he thinks there’s money for him involved…what a piece of shit

Ok, your ex is a stupid pos. You have rights to claim the baby and yourself unless he takes you to court and a judge rules can also claim the baby. Until that time the child is yours to claim. CALL A LAWYER ASAP. i always have had them due my ex being a dick to they cost money but save you alot of stress and sanity over time.

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I hate the term “got me pregnant”. Unless you were raped you were included in that “getting” progress. Sounds like you both need to grow up. If he’s mad he can take you to court. If you don’t want him to have anything to do with the baby take him to court and have his rights revoked.


Well if your not working why wouldn’t he? Your not married? Your boyfriend has no right to claim a child that is not his. I’m all about father’s rights to not just mother’s. I don’t see how the IRS allows someone to claim a boyfriend girlfriend on there taxes and a kid that’s not even his with NO marriage. I would probably take you to court for that move. My ex and I had to alternate years judge orders! Dosent matter in the picture or not

Tbh that hospital can be held reliable, ANYone could’ve walked up in there and sign it if that’s the case. Typically they make sure mother is aware of who is signing what…


For those saying if you have a court order saying you can claim the child even if they don’t live with you… be careful. We had a court order that said we could claim one child and the mother claim the other. After 5 years of claiming the child we were audited and had to pay back every penny. Government didn’t give 2 sh*ts about our court order. Said it didn’t matter. And we still had to pay back all the money we received.

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Lmaooo girl he only interested in the money😂 he just tryna use you and your baby. trust me if there was no such thing as claiming taxes you prolly would have never heard from him again.


They require a nurse to be in the room with you when filling out birth certificate so I there’s no way he just signed the bc without you having say in it. So the start of this is very questionable.


You would claim the baby not him the baby didn’t live w him 6 mo out of the year


Your screwing yourself letting your bf claim you guys, they don’t give any money to you for a child unless your married. We’ve tried this with my step daughter when just I was working and it actually hurt my refund.


Need an agreement signed by court to protect yourself. I’m disabled and because I don’t file taxes my ex was able to claim both kids. I was willing to sign papers every year for him to do but he took me to court over. Didn’t matter that they lived with me

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Don’t matter about who’s on birth certificate. Whoever has the child more than 50 % of the time claims child. And if he ever tried to file for you or the child and you have already filed it will send a red flag and they will question both sides. Wanting proof of who has child who takes care of etc. and if it comes about that he lied and got money back he will owe it all back


Lol I dont think he understands how taxes work.


It has nothing to do with birth certificate… it’s who financially supported the child


He cannot carry y’all

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