If the boyfriend has been financial supporting you and the baby for more than 6 months then he can claim you guys. Birth certificate doesn’t mean shit. He sounds like a dead beat. Don’t give him the ss number or else it will be a race to file each year and you will be fighting with IRS. Or you can say start paying child support and we can go every other year on taxes
Takes care of the baby claim with the baby tell deadbeat dad to move on
I feel like there is more to this story. No offence but I think maybe your are with holding your responsibilities in this situation.
These laws vary by state.
In the state of Indiana, we claim every other year. I claim in 2018, he claims them in 2019, I will claim in 2020. It doesn’t matter who has them more overnights. Claiming for tax purposes is en entirely different thing when it comes to custody and child support -
If you are getting child support, you need to claim that in your taxes.
My husband (was my boyfriend the last time I filed taxes AND claimed the kids) claimed all of us on his taxes.
The point is: tax laws differ in every state. You need to look up the laws requiring taxes/child tax credit for your state to get a more clear answer on this.
He pays nothing to his care, and apparently no child support. So legally he has zero reason to claim him as the tax credit is to offset the costs of raising a child.
So tell him to f**ck off, unless he wants to financially contribute to the baby’s care. Otherwise he has zero right to the tax benefit of having a baby.
You definitely can take him to court to get his name off of it or make him pay child support but the person that he the child for 6 months or more claims the child
what you did was a federal crime. Don’t post in social media!!
You need to put him on child support n get full custody. Plus, you bf can claim yal because he has been supporting you.
Why, as a full grown single adult, are you not filing your own damn taxes?? You’re losing money, and you’re setting yourself up to be completely dependent on someone who you aren’t legally tied to in any way! Dude can toss you on your ass tomorrow and then what? He owes you nothing. And daddy has proven he doesn’t have to pay. And then you jobless, homeless, and broke! lol!
Actually, it’s not that funny…
Come discuss in Parenthood Uncensored
The IRS will NOT let my boyfriend of nine years claim my exes kids because we are not married (maybe it an Illinois thing) My ex pays child support but doesn’t want to see them in any way shape or form but the government is giving him the right to claim them.
Whoever provided more than six months of living expenses can file
Technically he shouldn’t of been allowed to sign the birth certificate unless you allowed it.
He cannot claim the baby unless he lived with him for at minimum of 6 months.
You can’t be claimed on taxes
unless your married
I’d be looking for a lawyer on that hospital. Did they know he was the father ?
Why did he claim you guys on his taxes? File your own taxes. You aren’t married and it’s not his child.
I went through this. He cant do a damn thing ab it. It’s really whiever files first. Then depending on state ur in . If whoever wants to pursue it they got to pay lawyers etc. In sc the mother has the right to claim dont matter if he pays support or not. My ex tries to claim mine and boy did he regret it. Its normally who they lived w for 6 months. But in sc it doesn’t matter the mother has the right over the father. Birth certificate has nothing to do w it.
Your boyfriend supported you and your baby. Has nothing to do with the birth certificate! It has all to do with, the household you lived in.
Where I live the other cant claim unless their provide over half of their support for the year and they live with them half the year.
if you live in a state where common law marriage is recognized, then the IRS will allow you to file together under common law and the kids.
You do not have to put child support on the return, as it is non taxable (you can claim it to raise your overall income but not required).
And unless stated in a court order, the parent that provides 50% or more of living expenses gets to claim the kids. Hes just jealous and wants the money. BUT never allow him access to the childs social because in the future he can file with the child before you do and there will be nothing you can do and you will have to file without that dependent. IRS will not reverse it. Just fyi
I spoke with the irs personally about the same situation and they told me whoever has the child more claims them every single year. If he has no visitation order in place he has no proof he even sees the child. He had no right to claim the baby. Even if you went to court and the judge says you’re supposed to take turns claiming the child, the irs says whoever physically has the child has the right to claim every year.
If he don’t pay child support he has no right to claim and if he did pay support he can only claim every other yr
Unless his paying child support. He shouldn’t be able to claim your child on his taxes. Just tell him to fuck off, or start paying up! All cause his on the birth certificate, doesn’t mean he can just claim you guys on his taxes. He clearly expected to claim all the money for himself, and not give you a dime. What a pos.
I’m confused, what kind if hospital were you at that would just let some guy walk in while you were sleeping and sign the birth certificate… no hospital I’ve ever been to would do that.
If your boyfriend supports you and that child then he is the one who claims them. Had nothing to do with him being the bio father or not. Even goes for adults, not just children.
What the hell. Here, the only way you can claim someone and a child, is if you can prove they live with you. Other than that,nits considered fraud.
Depends on state/federal do the research before asking the peanut gallery. Since they will 90% steer you the wrong way
Get together the documents needed, …doctors letters,daycare , mails, with the baby’s name coming to your address.
Until you have gone to court he can’t, and don’t give him a bit of information
Has he supported the child 50% or more? Then he would have a right to claim. Otherwise he can fuck off… sorry but I deal with this every year
Generally speaking. Yes. He can.
If there’s no court order in place…
If you didn’t work and file your own taxes…
And you are not married to your current partner causing you to file jointly…
Then yes. The biological father has the first right to claim and receive tax credits.
As to the story of how he got on the birth certificate…that doesn’t really matter in this particular situation. Unless he’s not the biological father.
Ok, imma clear up some stuff I see floating around the comments… Every state is different, my husband filled out our daughter’s birth certificate papers… that was in Colorado, WHILE I WAS ASLEEP. I never had to have anyone in the room when I signed any of my kids birth certificate forms and I have 4 kids born in two states… so if wtf any of you are talking about “there needs to be a witness” for signing because that has been false with all four of my children. Hell I didn’t fill out one of them. I just sleepily signed it…
Tell him to kick rocks he has no place to claim anything
Doesnt matter if he is on the birth certificate or not. It goes off who has the child for at least 6 months of the year.
Doesn’t matter if his name is on the birth certificate or not. Until there is something through the court system, mothers have every right basically. To sum this up, he has to file something through the court to get time or tax stuff. Also, if he starts that he will also be starting opening the book about child support So, really doesn’t help him.
He needs to realize, not only are you the mother but you have been the one there for your child an cares for him. If he showed a little more interested in your guys child an love for that child. It would be different, your SO has been the one who stepped up an been the father figure. Good luck woman!
Hes the one who left so boo hoo
According to federal law he needs to provide 60% or more of the child’s care within the year including housing if this is not what happened there’s no argument let that grown man throw his temper tantrum n go about ur business
Has nothing to do with the birth certificate.
He has no right. He has to give over 50% of the caretaking to legally claim the child. If he tries to and you guys also claim the child, he can get in a lot of trouble
He signed it while you were sleeping
Baby daddy can go fuck himself in the ass
How the hell was he able to sign the birth certificate while you were asleep and without your knowledge or permission. You need to have that investigated!
He didn’t support you or the pregnancy he doesnt get to claim yall…what a pos. Sorry you have to deal with that drama
He has to have proof that he carried you financially throughout the year.
That’s weird how could someone “sneak in” and sign a certificate. This doesn’t make sense. Their has to be more to this story lol
Okay how does anyone sneak in while you are sleeping in the hospital and sign legal papers? Somethings amiss…
Tax law trumps custody laws even if he had partial custody. Idk where you are, but here in arkansas it doesn’t matter if he’s on birth certificate or not, he has no legal rights to the child without establishing them in a court of law
He’s an idiot. Just show him these comments if he doesn’t believe you. People who actually raise the kids and spend their money on them deserve to claim them on taxes.
First of all. You made the conscious decision to put the dead beat on the birth certificate. Don’t make excuses. You turned the paper work in with his name and signature k owing he wasn’t around for the pregnancy. Second of all. He has no rights to claim the baby. He can’t anyways because the baby doesn’t live at his address and he doesn’t have any proof that he is with the baby for any amount of time. He can’t just say oh this is my son I’m claiming him. He would need a proof of address for your son with the same address as him and his social security number. Thirdly, if you already claimed the baby he isn’t going to be able to claim him. Last but not least, you’re baby daddy should have all rights taken away from him since he doesn’t make an effort to be in the babies life and only cares about money.
Don’t matter what name is on the birth certificate if that child is raised with you guys for 6 months or more out of the year nothing he can do my kids father doesn’t pay child support or keep them half the year and thinks I should split my taxes with him lmao don’t think so
Nope if your child has been in your care for 6 months and one day legally you can claim him and dead beat dad can’t say shit about it I would also not give him his SSN number in case he trys pulling some shady crap
Funny never had this problem that right I have full custody it don’t matter. Woman have more rights my ass I beat her in court she was given 4000 month and still wanted more when lawyer was done she had no rights she a drug smoking piss of shit we see her on the corner now she party her way out of there lives having sex for drugs it was bad and the said thing she was not like that. Until she got with her loser bf got her hooked
You haven’t heard from him since the birth of your baby but he’s mad that your bf claimed you two??
Uhhh who cares if he’s mad. Why worry about him? He doesn’t worry about his child does he? What more advice do you need? He’s your ex. Let him be mad, not your problem.
Which ever parent the child lives with claims that child.
no order in place? the person who supplies over 51% of the child’s care gets to claim the child, period.
Order in place? If it doesn’t include who gets to claim the child, the person who provides over 51% of the child’s support and care, claims the child.
don’t share that kid’s social with ANYONE, and if you did, get the jump every single year, or they’ll investigate your claim. Get an order, make it legal, end of story, that way if he even remotely attempt to claim a child he’s not caring for, he will suffer the IRS consequences
If he pays child support and is current he can legally claim every other year
It isn’t about who is on the birth certificate. It is about support.
Don’t care…move on. Do what you feel is best.
Kid lives with you not him. If he wants to claim the kid on his taxes he needs to be paying for that kid not just child support
He’s not there and he didn’t live with yall. Done and done
If you don’t fucking file taxes for that baby ! Today do not give Him the social
First of all, you start our by lying about the father signing the birth certificate, so who knows how much of this is even the truth. Random men can’t just come into a hospital and claim a child.
My bf claimed both my kids cause they live under his roof. My ex is mad too. Sucks to be him.
Whoever has the child more claims the child. Maybe he should be a dad instead of a loser if he is that concerned.
Tell him to take you to court about that. His name in a piece of paper doesn’t mean anything
Well, as far as the birth certificate, if he was there at the birth and then later returned this is a possibility. I had a very similar situation with the hospital when my second child was born. I agreed to let my ex be present for the birth of his son nothing more. I had no clue he was going to take advantage of that and bring his new girlfriend in to hold my baby. He’d been in the nursery with the nurses, which was customary if mom falls asleep. I had even stated that I wanted zero visitors after the birth. But since he was already recognized as the father no one thought twice.
A nurse has to be a witness to be able for him to sign the birth certificate. My daughters dad filled his part out and since the nurse didn’t sign and witness it there’s no dad listed on her birth certificate. But I’d not let him have her SS number so he can’t claim her.
I dont think he can claim him if he doesnt have his social number
No he doesn’t need to claim anything. Agreement or not he would only get to claim the dependent part. You and your boyfriend are raising your child. Sounds like your ex thinks he can get money for nothing. Keep your money in your household.
Both of you need to educate yourselves. Taxes and custody have zilch to do with each other. Who has the right to claim your child is who physically provided for said child for over half the year.
Its whoever the child lives with. It’s literally a question on the taxes
To be honest it has nothing to do with who is on the birth certificate at all!! That just means he can show up at any time and take off with the baby with out a parenting plan you need to get him for abandonment!! It’s who ever supported the child while the child resides with the parent for most time out of the year !
And who files first ! My ex filed and never even had my daughter at all and he got away with it until I filled threw court saying I’m the only parent allowed to file her on my taxes now ! Because he kept claiming her but never had her I had to go to court and get that fixed but if he did claim you could fight with school records or day care records ect health records to show residency and that you provided the support for the child he would get audited and have to pay back all the money from over payment ! What a dummy ! You have nothing to stress except getting to court and filling for abandonment before he decided to take of with that kids next year so he can get a free pay check !
I would tell him to kick rocks. Sounds like a real p.o.s.
You’re mad that he signed the birth certificate for his child? The AUDICITY
The “he got me pregnant” gets me. You weren’t there too?
I’ve never seen anyone get away with claiming a child that isn’t related to them unless you are married?
I’m not sure how he even signed if it was when you were alseep? A nurse was there as a witness when my husband signed. And he had been with me the entire time so they knew the deal but were still there. Your story makes no sense.
Apparently they can claim as a dependent but not get earned income credit or the child tax credit
If you have the child 6 months or more then you can claim the child. If he hasn’t provided the child with any finances or doesnt have visits with the baby, he has no rights. Doesnt matter what birth certificate says.
For one why would you want your SO to sign for a child that aint his? Let the baby dad be a dad! Bitter babymamas like you piss me off.
He has no right to carry either of you.
He’s a idiot!
Taxes have NOTHING to do with birth certificates. They have EVERYTHING to do with DEPENDENCY.
The child gets claimed by the dependent who pays for more than half of the child experiences. AKA, not a deadbeat dad looking to get a bigger return.
If he did not support the child he cannot claim the child. That is called fraud! They ask if you if the child lived with you for at least 6 months in the year…
First of all birth certificates need to be notarized and mom needs to be present for that, I don’t get how that was accomplished, basically anybody can walk in and say that’s my kid and sign for them at that hospital apparently so he’s not in the kids life at all but expects to get back the money you spent to support him… and probably wouldn’t give you a penny of it.
Tell him to pound sand and call someone who cares. If he isn’t supporting the child, the government will laugh at him and probably slap him with some child support if he isn’t already…that’s what he can claim, his support payments.
Unless you live with this moron he has no legal rights to claim you or your child period
Tell that cracker Jack box to kick rocks!! And if you and baby have been living with your BF, then he’s there one entitled to claim you guys as dependants. I visited my father ever other weekend and one whole week during summer, he tried asking my mom to claim me and she wasn’t having it. She did allow it one year and that was to help him and his new wife with mortgage payment
Legally you can only claim a kid if he lives with you more than 50 % of the time and you pay more than 50% of his living expenses so he has no legal right to claim him…
Does he pay child support and have your son half of the year?If not the nope the asshole is shit out of luck.Have him sign his rights away
What is a qualifying dependent?
A Qualifying Relative is a person who meets the IRS requirements to be your dependent for tax purposes. If someone is your Qualifying Relative, then you can claim them as a dependent on your tax return. Despite the name, a Qualifying Relative does not necessarily have to be related to you.

eFile.com › qualifying-relative-child…
Qualifying Relative Dependent for Your Tax Return
The hospital will not just let anyone come and sign a birth certificate. Absolutely did not happen…
If you were legally married he didn’t have to sign anything. His name would be automatically put on the birth cert unless you fought against it. I know this from experience
Why do you even talk to him? If he hasnt made an effort to speak to my child, he would have been blocked already.
It’s who has supported the child for more then 6 months out of the year unless there’s a court order stating other wise
Babys father cant claim bc the dependent is not in his care. You can claim that baby but you’re boyfriend can’t. Hes not a qualifying relative. He would have to have married you before the year ended.
Who is supporting the baby ?
That dude is off his rocker! Lol girl you did nothing wrong!
Umm no you def werent sleeping both ppl have to be present upon signing the birth certificate in front of someone …they made me redo mine 2 times bc we signed it without someone in the room as far as taxes go it literally asks you if you supported the persons you’re claiming or paid for their care
everyone’s a “dad” at tax time
he needs to know that that’s not how it works