My ex got mad that he isn't claiming my son on taxes: Advice?

Fuck him and his deadbeat ass.

How does he even have his social security number to be able to claim him if he’s never been around?


Go to court and make sure you have full custody and court order set. And have it set to where you are the one that claims the child. Next year he can file before you without permission.

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If this was in my country, girl i would put the birth certificate in pieces and move on.

Why did you not just claim yoir own kid? I would not let my ex not current boyfriend claim anything.

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Play that man the World’s smallest violen & give him a tissue please… SOME men don’t get what they want and throw horrible violent tantrums. So sick of it!

And how would he have known you be in hospital ffs

Dont know what state your in but claiming a woman and her child makes you married here and legally have to go thru a divorce. Dont know if that changes since the child isnt his but my husband had to go thru a divorce for that.


Certified Tax Preparer here with over 18 years experience :raising_hand_woman: if by claiming you are talking about as a dependent only then your boyfriend can claim you and your child. However if your boyfriend claimed the child for the earned income tax credit and put the child down as child or step child then that is illegal and if the childs father gives the irs a heads up and they investigate your boyfriend would have to pay all of the eitc credit back with penalties and interest and could face criminal charges. If the child did not live with the bio father more than 6 months of the year he is not entitled to EITC either. However he can be granted dependent credit every other year (non refundable credit) by the courts in a child support and/or parenting plan case.


That means nothing it is whoever is supporting you and your baby

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Girl you get to claim your child.

There is no hospital that lets a stranger just waltz in and sign a birth certificate… #:fish:


To the OP, I feel so bad for you with all this misinformation. I’m an accountant.
Everyone else, heres some info:

IRS IS FEDERAL. Tax law DOES NOT vary by state.

Anyone can claim anyone. As long as they contributed to 51% of their support.

Your boyfriend can claim you and your child as dependents and receive exemptions. This will still help his refund or tax due.

Only a QUALIFYING RELATIONSHIP qualifies for earned income credit, child tax credit and dependent care credit for your child. Your boyfriend and your child do not have a qualifying relationship. Those 3 credits are what everyone gets the big refunds for.

You do not need an agreement with the judge in who to claim when.

Like I said before, IRS trumps state orders.

However, lets say for example the STATE/COUNTY court says in odd years the father can claim the child. But you, the mother (or your husband, or your brother or your mother), provide 51% of their care/support. You are still legally the one who should claim the child. BUT, the father can now sue you on a STATE/COUNTY level for his missed credits.

Whoever files first will be the one for the efile to go through. So (following the above example) mom files first for 2019. Her efile will go through. Dad goes to file his taxes and his efile gets rejected. Dad should not just give up, he needs to mail his return in. Yes this takes longer. Then the IRS will send a letter to dad and a letter to mom asking for proof of who provides that 51%. IRS will give the refund to the best answer, and if refunds have already been issued, they will require the incorrect parent to pay it back.
Don’t tell the IRS about your court order because they do not give a shit! Judges should not be creating this mess.

In short, OP, your BF can claim you and your child as “unrelated” on his return. He would get a lot more back if you were married. Because marriage and step children is a qualifying relationship.

Also, make sure when you do get a court order, the judge needs to leave who claims the child, up to the IRS rules.

Hmmm… I was told once that the child has to live with you over 50% of the time during that year in order to claim them on your taxes.


Can a BF claim a GF and her child on their taxes? I didnt think that was allowed.

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Umm…he can’t just walk in & sign a birth certificate at the hospital!!! That makes no sense & definitely doesn’t happen.:roll_eyes: Can we have the real story?! :thinking:


Um. No. If ur bf has been taking care of your son he has all rights to file. I let my bf file my daughter because he takes care of us.

Why are you even talking to him?

He has no right cuz hes not paying for anything fuck him.

Your ex won’t be around much longer. He just wanted that tax credit!!!

I have sole custody of my daughter. Court ordered for her dad to claim her on his taxes until she’s 18. Crazy. He pays child support and that’s it. Doesn’t see her or ask about her.

Um neither , you file head of household and. File your own taxes the fuck

If your not married you and your bf file separate and you should be claiming the baby. But you need to settle this in court and have it in writing that if your the one who is going to have the baby all the time that you get to claim him on your taxes

He can get the hell over it and don’t ever let him get ahold of that SSN.

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He can’t claim UNLESS it’s court ordered or child lived with him 6+months CURRENT YEAR CLAIMING anyways

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He can suck an egg :laughing:

One of the nurses has to witness both parents sign and then they have to sign…no hospital just let’s someone walk in a room sign papers and leave thats illegal


As one of the above comments stated, he’s not there at ALL. He just wants more money in HIS pocket. He’s not going to give any of it to you. Don’t let him get ahold of the SSN and tell him he ain’t claiming shit if he ain’t ever there. :woman_shrugging:t4:

if your boyfriend is supporting you teo then he gets to claim you two

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Everyone’s so judgy :thinking::thinking: damn.

1)Dudes gonna be nothin but mad. There’s nothing BD can do besides be mad😂 if he hasn’t been with the child.
2)I’m assuming she’s a SAHM or didn’t work for majority of the year for her man to be able to claim them. That’s completely understandable. Don’t see why that’s a problem with you people.
3)Again, all baby daddy can do is BE MAD if he hasn’t had the baby at all. I would go to court and get it settled that he hasn’t been around one bit, and that he signed the birth certificate without you knowing. Im sure the judge will know if it was allowed for him to just walk in and do it, but even if he was there for the birth, he hasn’t been there at all since so still fight for sole custody.

If he doesn’t live with you unless a judge ordered child support and gave him the exemption for taxes he has zero right to anything. Name is nothing. Tell him to take you to court - and that if he wants credit for supporting a child he will actually have to support the child and the judge will force child support payments. That will shut him up fast.


A dependent is who the baby is dependent on. So since your bf raises the baby and provides for the baby, your bf gets to claim the baby


Ahhhh helll nawwww…

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Isn’t it the person with the lowest income that claims the kids anyway?

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My fiance claimed my 3 kids. We live with him so…

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He cant claim you guys unless he has privided half the yearly income for the household if your current SO has done that he has full rights to do so


I’m confused your question says “ your ex is mad he isn’t claiming your son ?

Nope- it goes by the days the child’s in your care. So if bio dad aint around to help with lo then he’s got no right to claim. Tell him to get f’d


What a clown lol, he can go fuck all the way off. My 3 year olds dad tries this every year and I won’t let him. My response is "how is a dude who’s been in jail and rehab and god only knows where else 75% of his life gonna claim to SUPPORT MY child I’m doing it all for, in any way? He sure isn’t emotionally, physically or financially doing shit for my baby lost of the time. Wasn’t added to the BC until he was 8 months old… Whipping a box of diapers at me 3 months out of the year when you’re stable is hardly support. I won’t give him my sons SSN, because how do I know he’s not gonna go put bills in my kids name and destroy his credit before he can even write his own name?

Owell he should’ve not been shady like that. He bounce out of your life’s what gives him the right to claim his kid? None. So bye felisha. Do what you want girl screw him. He didn’t think about that till now oh please.

If your boyfriend supports you both then he has evey right to claim you. That’s what it is. It has very little to do with who’s the actual parent. And it even ask you right in there when you claim a dependant, how many months of the year did you support this dependent.


Effffffff that!!! If he’s not raising baby, there’s no reason for him to try and claim baby. What a pos. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

If your not married the mother legally has full custody no way a absent parent can claim o. Taxes anyway


It has NOTHING to do with who is on the birth certificate. Its about who took care of and lived with the child. Legally your ex cant claim him unless you allow him to. But idk what you’d do if he did. He obviously just wants the money what a scumbag. Dont let him claim. You either.

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Tell him to show the receipts for what he claims he’s owed a return for! Screw him, don’t give him any ss#, n file for support! And remind him that the child he created is more than a Payday :expressionless:


If he has the child ssn he can claim him and lie about everything and there is really not much that the IRS can or will do about it. So make sure your bf files his taxes first so the kid is already claimed before your ex tries to.

Thats not how that works

If he hasnt supported your child he doesnt get the privilege. Children are not just here for tax return time so screw him. If for some reason he has your child’s social, be sure someone files before he does. :+1:

Who ever takes care of the child claims the taxes. Take his ass for child support. Fuck him. And tell him to fuck off. Why does he even have a way to reach you? He don’t wont anything to do with the child so you dont need to communicate with him. That is disrespectful to you man.

Tell him to screw iff

Your ex can try to dispute it but unless he has solid proof that he had the baby for a majority of the time theres nothing he can do.

He doesn’t support the child,therefore he cannot claim the child. Doesn’t matter if his name is on the birth certificate or not.


The person that financially supported the dependents for more than 6 months of the year get to claim. Unless of course there is like a system you do with a coparenting ex where you have 50/50 custody then it’s pretty common to just switch off every other year. Seeing how he doesnt have anything to do with you, theres no reason for him to claim you. Sounds like you and your baby are nothing but a tax break for him. Also you as an adult dont get claimed, you would just file joint and if you dont have income there is no income to file but filing joint gives you a higher tax deduction.

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Ok but couldnt you fight the fact that he signed the birth cert while you were asleep?

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It doesn’t matter who’s on the birth certificate what matters is who the child resides within who raise the child


He is a dumbass there is nothing he can do

You’re actually not supposed to be able to get child tax credit on a baby that isn’t your biologically… I never knew this until this year… Also… If he doesn’t live with him for 6 months he can’t claim him anyway. Your ex is stupid.

Where do u live that u sign a birth certificate???

Custodial parent claims the child. Tell him to fuck off bc all he wants is money.

#1: There is NO way a stranger just walks in a hospital and signs the certificate lol that legit makes zero sense. #2 - The person who was been supporting the child financially for the year is the person who claims the child. If you and your SO haven’t lived together for more than 6 months, he shouldnt even be claiming him…it might bite him in the ass later and owe that back. Why wouldnt you claim your own child??

How did he know you delivered? I would have waited a few weeks or not told him at all. Craziness.

The child had to have lived with the father for 6 months in order for him to claim your kid.

He has not claim the baby or gave you any support tell him to get a life because he has no rights.

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If you have full custody the right is yours . This guy has some balls tell him to kiss off . I’m sure he doesn’t even have any idea what the SSN of his child is.

Who ever the baby lived with for six months unless court ordered different

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If that baby doesn’t live with him he has no right!! Proceed with boo and have yourselves a nice spend with y’all’s taxes!! Peace and blessings!! :black_heart:

People like that arent even worth talking about !!!

And you didn’t go to court and get legal full custody??

In NY, my boyfriend can’t claim my eldest daughter who isn’t biologically his. Which is stupid considering I can’t work and he provides for us and my youngest daughter.

he can try to bitch and complain but nothing he xan do… he didnt pay child support, he didnt have the child living with him for 6+ months… hes screwed… tell him to go complain down at the child support agency that he isnt paying child support and he wants to start an order then next year he can claim that he paid support… . if he dont wanna do that tell him to go complain to the irs and explain to them his situation and that he thinks he has a right… either way you win