Let him know that he has a 15 minute “lateness” time window, and unless there is a legitimate reason then you take your kids home and he has to come get them at your home from then on.
Take a book and enjoy the break.
I mean understand the fact that your not wanting to be sitting for ever waiting on him but if he is willing to call and say hey I’m running late but coming I just make sure drop off and pick up was done when I had time to kill so I’m not in a huge rush or late to other things im horrible managing time and I’m always having t text or call people telling them I’m gonna be a bit late cause I suck at managing my time I either stoped to get food gas or cigarettes or I get lost in my way there and I’m late I know it pissed people off and I serious think I leave in time to get to my place and still make my stop but I somehow always late
Have a discussion. Tell him youll call after he’s 15 minutes late but at 30 minutes you are leaving. Also make sure he knows you are documenting everything in case he feels some type of way about you leaving. Dont let him waste your time.
I would ask my lawyer if i have to wait the entire time of if i could leave after xx time. I would also ask for a change in pick up and request he pick up from my house due to this. Also document everything, even with pictures and/or video showing the time when he gets there each time. You should not have to wait that long, and it’s likely if you were late dropping off he would likely complain or take you to court for breach of agreement (but maybe not, only you would know if he’s that type).
Make him message you when he’s leaving, if you’re meeting in the middle then you should get there about the same time. Or tell him a time and wait to leave until a half hour past when you should. That would annoy the heck out of me.
Leave a half hour later?
If he happens to be on time then he will be the one waiting
My son drove for over 3 hours to collect his daughter from agreed pick up point…6HOURS he waited…she lives 15 mins away…its just constant…court says nothing:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
Leave a few minutes later and then u won’t be sitting there long , maybe there is traffic or he left late
Sorry but my sons father and I have it in our agreement. No more then 30 mins late unless notified
I would at a certain point leave. Take pictures and document his failure to appear
You’re the one that wants to wait on him
Everyone saying wait 15 min and leave , well for one she said she doesn’t want to waste her time so she would have wasted the time driving there when she can just leave a few minutes later . Also it isn’t fair to the kid who probably wants to see there dad
I would be petty and leave my house when he says he got there. Make him wait and get a taste of his own medicine
Start documenting his lateness, after a few times show him how often he is late, and tell him that cannot go on any longer, the next time he is late you will give it 15 minutes, then you will leave and go straight to the mediator to file for a visitation change. If he cant be considerate, you dont need to be either.
If you are too nice to do that, call him or text him 10 minutes before he needs to leave, and tell him he needs to leave to be there on time.
I don’t know about where you live but here if they are 30 min late you don’t have to let child go or wait around
To everyone saying ‘leave after 15 mins’… I couldn’t imagine doing that to my children. To make them suffer for the decisions of their father, whether it would be poor time management, work, traffic… what ever the reason. I apparently are making them suffer for my bad decisions already… so me waiting an hour is worth it to my kids… so it’s worth my time.
Arrive 30 minutes late yourself or tell him a time 30 minutes early. Then he is on time…
30 minutes? Lol my husband’s baby mama is usually 2-3 hours late. She doesn’t even wake up until noon then always has some excuse why she is so late, her favorite being “waiting for the clothes to dry.” We don’t start getting ready until about an hour and a half after she messaged she left and usually only wait for 10-15 minutes before she eventually arrives. Just leave 30 minutes later.
If you can message me I’d love to talk. I have 5 years of experience worth dealing with family court and my sons father who has only the 2/4 weekends
In my court order if he’s more than 15 minutes late I’m allowed to leave and visitation is canceled
Tell him to come get the kids, if he is going to keep being late. Or you start being late. Make him wait.
I started showing up late when my ex used to do this. Now he’s on time or texts me before to let me know he’s late.
Tell him to show up at a certain time and show up a half hour later. You’ll probably get here at the same time🤷
Tell him if he’s late again he can travel the whole distance.
Start documenting every time he’s late. Take it to your lawyer and see if there is a clause in your court order stating that you only have to wait x amount of time for him to show up. But more importantly, you should be glad he shows up at all. There are so many noncustodial parents who don’t even bother trying to see their kids.
Spending what little time he has with his kids is important. Sometimes time runs away
And I think you all need to read. This is clearly a pick up she is doing. Not him. Also given its Sunday with this post always quick to say what a shit dad turning up late to get his kids… When in fact he could be struggling to be saying good bye
Try having him call you when he leaves his place and you leave at the same time. That way since you meet in the middle you both should be there about the same time.
Leave later… If he’s consistently 30 mins late leave 30 mins later problem solved
Or tell him a time 30 mins ahead of when you want to meet
You are complaining because he’s late?
Does he SHOW UP & PARTICIPATE? Yes…so maybe cut him some slack for having his kids biweekly & not being the best at time management. Maybe it’s your kids not ready to leave that makes him late…
Hell my grandson’s father DEMANDS visits every Sunday & NEVER EVEN SHOWS UP… & Never has paid a dime in support. So my daughter & grandson not only waste time but lots of money in gas & her being late to work every Sunday thanks to the deadbeat who is at home raising another woman’s child…
I’d say you are damn lucky & should just bring a book & enjoy your free time…
Only leave after he texts you that he’s in the car driving so that you don’t have to wait. Because if he’s an hour late and it takes 45 minutes to get there then he didn’t even leave town until after you were already at the meeting spot
Plan arrive 30 minutes later than the scheduled time. I mean if it’s that much of an issue put your foot down, but otherwise pick your battles.
Spend the 30 minutes with your son…get him a snack and talk to him. My ex and his wife did everything they could to make my life hell, but as my daughter got older she started seeing it…her and her father have not spoken in 8years…
I had this issue too. Instead of meeting half way we made it so whoever was dropping off the kids had to drive the whole way. So if I had them I drove the full way, then he’d drive back to drop them off.
I deal with the same thing. We used to meet at a truck stop because it was a great, public meeting spot. I drove a little further but didn’t mind it knowing it was well lit. Well, people who didn’t know us accused me of selling my kids even though our oldest is a spitting image, literally of their dad and they called the cops. I waited and had to explain what we were doing. So, now we have changed it up to where it’s about even for both of us to drive. He is almost always 30 to 45 minutes late. I did the same to him recently and he didn’t like it. So, hopefully he will be on time next meet.
Maybe you could ask him to text you when he is leaving so you can leave then?
What I would do is leave a half later then I usually do and then you won’t have to sit so long and wait for him yes inconvenience for you but remember your children will see your actions and it will fall on you not him I agree what a pain but that is what I would do
Grab a coffee when you get there. So you can take your chill pill with it.
Leave later tell him and earlier time
Leave later n make his time that time instead
Not to sound petty but I probably would have left and made him pick my son up at my house lol
I had it put in orders that if the ex is more than 15 minutes late without letting me know beforehand and without any communication then I mark it as he didn’t turn up and I leave. As I had this trouble too and stuff that. Bad form
Document always I would try to make him go the whole way if he can’t be on time
Be 35 minutes late and you’ll both be on time
I used to deal with the same issue. I just wrote everything down and took him back to court about it. If you can’t be punctual then the courts will have to do something. I also got to the point that I would show up to pick up that much time later so his time was even out
Show up 1/2 later than scheduled!
Arrange for a later time and if it continues suggest he drives the full route to your house to collect the kids so they’re not sat in a car waiting
Ask him to msg you as he is leaving, that way you know he’ll be there when you get there
I knew someone who would be a day late sometimes 2 constantly, the mother went and got full custody because they missed out on to much school, the mother didn’t have a license at the time
Return the favour and be an hour late so he has to wait 1/2 hour
Contact a family law attorney and inquire about a Motion to Enforce the parenting time orders. You can ask in the order that the judge impute a fine every time he’s late. Typically courts allow for some cushion/leeway time for traffic and weather but if you can show a pattern of behavior you have a chance. Otherwise seek a modification to have pickups closer to your home so that he has to bear more of a burden.
Get to the pickup location on time, wait no longer than 15 minutes and than go home.
My court documents require him to pick up and then I pick back up. Threaten that and if he isn’t on time leave the house. He will learn his lesson
Take him back to court
My court papers say if he’s 15mim late i can revoke his visitation
Change it to where who ever is picking up the child for their visitation is the one traveling and the other stays home. If his visit is over then you pick them up. And when it’s his turn he picks them up.
Have a talk with him and explain the guidelines according to the court for the parent who is driving is 30 minutes. After that period of time the visitation will not take place. I would have a pick location that is beneficial to you.
Have him come to you from now on.
Leave a lil later and find something to read to take your mind off of his …*Probably on purpose lateness !
you be late meeting or dropping them children off let him seee what it feels like!!
You could drive the kids to him and then he could bring them all the way home to your house.
You show up late, if he waits oh well…
my advice? enjoy the 30 mins. I LOVE having to wait. It means I can send.emails catch up on phone calls with friends or browse the internet, eBay and Facebook. All in TOTAL SILENCE! it’s such a great time to just have me time. with 8 kids I just LOVE waiting time lol
You do not have control over what he does only your reaction to it. Bring a book or something to do while you’re waiting. If he knows it bothers you he may keep doing it so don’t let it bother you. Be the bigger person…let your children see the right way to respond to conflict.
Maybe if ur late a handful of times he might understand…
Well follow his example be late.
Do the same thing to him, then maybe he’ll get the picture!
Yes go back to court and change transportation arrangement to receiving parent picks up at other parent’s home.
Tell him 30 minutes earlier then he will be on time
It’s a catch 22. I was told you only had to wait 30 minutes if they’re later then that then they forfeited their weekend. I could be wrong but I think it also depends on the state. You probably already know but document everything. If your meeting at like a store or fast food buy something small like a drink and get a receipt (shows you were there at the meeting spot and it has a time stamp on it also.) hope this helps.
When this was happening to me, my attorney said 15 minutes is plenty of time to wait, after that leave. If he wants his child he will come get him
Do you have an actual court document about time frame? I have actually had to call the police so my ex would return our son on time…our contract states he must return our son by 7pm… So when he’s late, I would call the police. It might just scare him straight… Police write a quick report about the time frame… Can be beneficial for court!
Play him at his own game or make him come to your house. At least that way u can get stuff done and kids can be playing.
If it’s a court order for this arrangement, go back to court and have it modified. If it’s not a court order then quit the arrangement.
Then leave your house later. Or tell him a time 30 kins earlier than what you want to be there
Always late? When setting pickup times, mentally you advance the time to when he should show up. SIL is always late for family dinners so we give her another time than everyone else. Works like a charm.