My ex won't contact my son: Advice?

You’re complaining your ex won’t continue to raise a child that isn’t his?
Like seriously did you even read your question before submitting it?
You SHOULD be complaining bio dad and his family are absent :woman_facepalming:t2:


That sucks. But that burden should stay with the ex. Tell your son, you don’t know why he hasn’t visited or spoke to him, but just let him know you will always be there.


Just leave him be, he’s not interested.

Unfortunately there’s nothing that can be done. You just have to explain to your son in an appropriate manner what’s going on and that no matter what he’ll always have you by his side.

Ppl r full of good intentions at the start not the end.

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My ex hasn’t spoke to my 2 kids for 8 years.


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I’m sorry Mama! It gets real depressing sometimes! Stay strong and keep it all positive vibes! Spend extra time with your son? Focusing on him? If you can? Reinforce the ppl you guy’s do have? Grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends. I’ve been through all of that myself. Good luck!:four_leaf_clover: I wish you well and happiness!:heart::heart:


Ain’t his kid why should he

It’s time that you start being honest with your 4- year-old. Most of all with yourself! You don’t have to be “brutally” honest but, in a manner that the child understands that through no fault of his own, things went wrong between the two of you.