My exes girlfriend asked me to pay for the things she took my daughter shopping for: Thoughts?

See i would never ever get put in a situation where this would ever come to play…unreal

Uh no I pay for what my kids need at my house and their dad pays for the things in his. His wife will buy things for our sons and they stay at dad’s house.

No way. I would also give her a big lecture how she better realize that my child is her boyfriends first priority so if her plan is to stay with him she better get with the program and treat my daughter like her family.

Nope. She can get money from said ex, or spend her own. Don’t say you want to take a kid to do anything, and then contact their bio mom or dad and ask for the money to do so.

No. I’d think of an excuse and say another time.

If I can easily afford the money lost and I haven’t had the time to, yeah why not. I mean obviously her character would be in question as well, do I trust her, is she reliable? Does my child love spending time with her?
Otherwise I can just say we’re on too tight of a budget and I need to be thrifty so no.

No because that’s not actually them taking her out shopping. If i have to pay I’m going to spend the day with my own child and take then out shopping my damn self.

No. If I’m paying, then I’m getting the benefit of spending time with my daughter and seeing her happy.


Say no and suggest her asking dad if she wants to spend some quality time with her

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The thing is here your child doesn’t know that you paid for or gave the money for this shopping event…so it makes the girlfriend look good in the child’s eye… I had a boyfriend like this …I bought all the fireworks for the 4th of July one year…his family was thanking him for the great experience of this event…he never once said …don’t thank me, Melinda is the one who bought all this…when i said something to him about this he said (so you wanted all the credit) I told him…no…but you sure did except all the credit…i myself would have stated…don’t thank me…your Mom gave me the $$$ for this event…or don’t thank me …it was Melinda who bought all these fireworks…I can’t be like this…I want to give credit , where credit it due…he was a user…and show boated on another ones dime…all the time.


Nope and I’d go pick up my kids

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Nope. Your taking her shopping you pay for it. If I have to pay then I will be taking her shopping.


Tell her, “yea, but I want everything that was bought at my house. Other wise, no.”


Nope. If she wants to take her, she can pay or have her boyfriend pay for his daughter’s stuff.

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no. she wanted to take her shopping and purchase items, it’s her tab not yours

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No, then they are not gifts from them but from you, not what you intended or wanted to gift, tell them no way.

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I guess it would depend. I wouldn’t love it but if my daughter needed stuff and wanted to go with her yes. Otherwise probably not. I would tell her to ask her bf haha

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No. I would just take my child shopping instead.


:triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: hell no, don’t offer to take a kid out and not want to pay for them. I often invite my husbands brother kid with my girls as they are the same age and often play/sleep over and I never ask or mention anything about money. We buy her things all the time including birthday/Christmas and clothes if I catch a good sale going on. I treat her just like I do my own. Now, if you wanted to send her 20 bucks for her to specifically pick out on something she would want that’s one thing but to pay for the entire trip ah negative ghost rider.

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I Get Paid 0ver $ 109 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 13826 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me t0 try. The possibility with this is limitless.


Oh hell no who doesn’t love a good shopping spree with their daughter if I have to send you the money I’ll take her my damn self either you pay or you can ask her daddy your with you don’t offer and then expect something hell no

thats broke asf , she cant get the stuff or your ex ?? iono where she get off askin you for the money is what is sendinggg meee like what ??? :sob::sob::sob: i would tell her politely that i can take my own kid shopping but thanks ! then id have something to say to my ex cus whyyyy ? :rofl:


Window shopping is free. If she purchased stuff thats out of her own doing.


No, tell her you don’t need her doing you those favors….you can take her yourself. Why would she get the credit for buying her things if she didn’t, and what’s wrong with them spending thier own money on her? I woulda lit her the fuck up. Bitch wouldn’t stand a chance having a future in my kids life with that kind of bullshit. Her daddy better be offended all to hell when he hears about this.

ummm no haha.
i can take my own child shopping in that case!


Nope! He is responsible while she is with him


Is your ex the father of the child ? If he is then hell no the dad can pay or stay home with his daughter if he cant afford to buy her anything simple.


No ! It confuses the child !

My husband used to pay a TON of money to his ex wife. Then ex wife would take him shopping and make a list of everything she bought him and expect him to pay for half of that too $90 ties. $150 shirts. I finally had a meltdown over it.

She asked to take her shopping so she should pay. Period

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Oh Hell no !!! If they want to play, they got to pay !!! Why should you give them money to get her things ?? #1 She is going to be all excited that Daddy and GF got her stuff ( but she won’t know it was with your money ) and you didn’t take her to get the stuff. And #2 when she wants something and you can’t get it she will think well Daddy would get it for me. I may be petty but dang give credit where credit is due.


I have a feeling she’s planning on buying herself some things as well

Someone who wants to help parent a child doesn’t ask for money back….
Someone who is “playing a part” and trying to make themselves feel good will require being “paid back”

I am a step mom, and a bio- mom too, anything I’ve bought for any of my kids I didn’t ask anyone to “pay me back”’
Things I purchase for my kids, are for my kids and they are free to do with things what they please.


start doing this to aaltice lmao “i bought him this, pay me back” lmaoooo Jessica Nichol


I Get Paid 0ver $ 109 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 13892 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me t0 try. The possibility with this is limitless.


No, they don’t need to take them out shopping then.

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l get paid over $155 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17198 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

No. Your ex is her Dad. He should be treating her. What the hell?!

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Umm no. His daughter, his responsibility :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:


No she asked to take her shopping. Her choice, her treat, her time. It wasn’t at you’re suggestion they go out.

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If I take my step kids shopping, it’s on me and daddy’s dime period. However , we have 50/50 custody and most of the things we buy stay at our house. So it might be different if we were only EOW or something and the things we purchased would never be seen again

NO absolutely not! If someone takes your child shopping it should be a gift from them to your child!


Nope, not unless you are choosing what they buy

The AUDACITY :face_with_hand_over_mouth: absolutely not


I’d tell her to ask the ex. That’s his daughter too


I Get Paid 0ver $ 109 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 13700 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me t0 try. The possibility with this is limitless.


I get paid over $ 115 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 18914 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
M0re Info. M0re Info.

Nope. She invited her. She should talk to her boyfriend. That is my daughter’s parent as well. He can pay her back.

Send along some Monopoly money :grin:

Nope my money my shopping. Why would you pay for her to be the good parent?

Absolutely NOT , she invited her, she can ask her boyfriend ( the girls dad ) for the money instead

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NO. You asked to take her shopping - YOU pay.


No, I would just take my own child shopping at that point. If someone asks to take your kid to do something, usually they would be the one to pay for it

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No, if i take my bonus girls shopping it’s from me.

I’d tell her to suck my d*ck. :joy:

I’d ask my ex why his GF is asking me for money


Nope. Also, why doesn’t she has her bf for money instead of the mom?

Hell no the child is with the dads (I’m assuming) partner the dad should pay as the child is in his care.

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I would say yes. That is still your child regardless. :heart:

Sounds like your ex needs to pick up some responsibility. Why did he even let her ask that… wild

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no!if it her idea to take her shopping its on her! or don’t take her!

She offered to take her that means she paying. If she would have said I have to go do this do you mind giving money for your daughter Incase she wants or needs something maybe then but the father should be the one because she is supposed to be in his care

No. He’s got money too.

No I’d be telling her ask him.

Hell no I would be saying ask her father he gets his own money as well

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Nope never have done that and never will

l get paid over $135 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18745 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

Here’s my question. Did the current gf offer to take the daughter shopping to look as a good fit to the bf, but is going behind his back and asking the mom for reimbursement

Only if you asked her to take your child shopping

Nope especially if it was her idea​:roll_eyes::woman_shrugging:t2:

If it’s necessary clothing for winter or something and they’re to broke afford it, id do it for your daughter’s sake. It’s better that your daughter feels loved and provided for by all- even if that’s not the case, it’s for her.
If it’s just a shopping spree to get out of the house or butter her up then no it’s not your responsibility to provide money for there entertainment

Honestly she might be struggling a little but wanted to make a day with your daughter… I wouldn’t reimburse I would have given her money to spend while out anyway it really depends where she’s coming from and it’s hard with one half of the story x

Um no, the child’s dad should supply her with the money for that.

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“They” as in the father and girlfriend took her shopping but SHE’S asking to be reimbursed? I don’t think so…why can’t they pay for it? And my thing would be, is there receipts for all of this?

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I would have to have more information on the situation but that seems a weird ask without prior discussion. My initial reaction would be a no.

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Hell naw if they want to take her shopping that expense is on them.

You silly little girl.

Uh, no. If the ex’s girlfriend wants to take the kid shopping, the ex should be sending that money. Not you. I’m not about to give my ex’s girlfriend money to take my child shopping. If I’m gonna put out money for my kid to go shopping, I’m gonna take them myself.

I just have one question… what is this girl smoking and can i have some?


If she asked to take her shopping she pays. Or she can pick a free activity to do with your daughter.

Depends on what they are shopping for

I would NEVER and I’m on both sides of this, my husband has a son and I have a son both from previous situations, I would ask nor would I give. Absolutely not 100% out of line

Nope. They pay for whatever want to do with her…

Depends. Do you take your child shopping for clothes? Or does the Gf see she needs clothes and making sure you have a part in paying for it. Because my husbands ex wife never buys stuff for her kids unless we ask her too or we take them.

:laughing: I’ll take her out shopping with my money when I can fit it in MY schedule :roll_eyes:

Not a hope get it from her father

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Depends how active you are mama ! If you are not active, you should pay :+1: if you are active and ya all share the buying then no she pays


Fuck no! Dad needs to pay for it! End of story.

Uhm, hell no. That was your decision to take them shopping.

I’d give the kid a couple dollars other wise no. She wanted to take her shopping she can pay for it

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The gall of some people is just amazing!

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I’d say no thank you.

No! Why would she ask that?

I think they should pay, but If my daughter was going to miss out if I didn’t help then I just would for my kid. But thats just me.

Nope. I didn’t ask you to take her shopping.

Tell her to get it from the dad

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Nope. She offered . She can pay… I have my kids plenty… I would say you are on your own… you wanna habe a bonding moment then you do it!

Nope tell her to get it off dad

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Does the dad paid child support?

How bout telling her no !