My exes girlfriend demands my daughter call her mom

Demands??? Hmmmm. Have a problem with any one that demands

There is something creepy going on with this woman. It is like she is obsessed with your daughter, or obsessed with using your daughter to get to you. She is Mental. In mediation be tough. Keep bringing up that she has a case pending and until that case is settled you will not allow your daughter to be anywhere around this woman. My ex tried this mediation crap with me and I dragged all of the skeletons out of the closet. It was mean and petty but sometimes you have to be that way and work the system to your advantage. Put your daughter in therapy and claim that this woman is mentally detrimental to your daughters well being. Document everything via journal, phone recordings video etc. It sucks but you are going to have to play this game dirty. Go to the school, dance hall etc and change all of the contact info. Explain what is happening and for the safety of your child only you and your new husband can obtain info on your daughter, and or pick her up. Until her case against her is resolved, no more visitations or contact. Call CPS and talk to a case worker and let them know what is going on and your concern for her safety and mental well being while being around this woman. Girl, you really need to turn this around on them.


No child should be forced to call a stepparent mom or dad! Just keep documenting everything and keeping things business like! And if u can afford it look into a GAL - lawyer for the child whom investigates - if Somehting is going on they’ll pick up on it
A no contact order my be another option.
Teach ur daughter to cope through these hard things and what to do if odd situations arise especially if she is the one who has to still go on visits.


It depends on what her child endangerment charges are but SHE is way over stepping boundaries and HE is allowing an inappropriate and potentially unsafe person (due to her CE charge), to supervise your child. You could call your state’s child protective agency and explain it to them and ask for advice. That’s a really tough situation. Sorry you’re dealing with that :disappointed_relieved:

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Sounds like the girlfriend has an unhealthy psychological attachment to your child. Maybe she can’t have any of her own so she’s trying go take yours. I’d demand a she undergo a psychological evaluation to be allowed around your daughter and emergency full custody until the court receives that evaluation. Let them see she’s unstable and an emotional threat to your child so they can force him to choose his girlfriend getting help or being single in order to see his daughter again. In the interim supervised visitation between him and his daughter to ensure he doesn’t bring the gf around before the courts give the ok.


That woman :woman: needs psychological help.

I don’t agree with her at all. You are the only mother. But let me give you advice from someone who has spent over 40,000 for the same reason. The courts won’t do anything unless she harms your child physically or mentally. So you have to wait it out. If he cheated on you he will with her also give it some time. Let her be apart of dance and stuff. You are the mother be the boss. You have to share your child and that can be hard for many people


Not to admit I have an anger problem, but my fist would simply demand connection with her face. :woozy_face:
I am so sorry you have to deal with this! You shouldn’t have to!! She sounds like an absolute train wreck.

Time to get a good lawyer and get this straightened out. Your ex needs to step up and get his girlfriend to back off.

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Can you move? I would try to relocate.

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This girl obviously has issues -she definitely is an issue- but the biggest issue in this situation is your ex:
He’s allowing if not actively encouraging her behavior…and he’s the one who needs to start being held accountable for the ongoing issues.
Not only are these issues but they’re also some pretty serious red-flags.
I would say …You’ve tried to be nice, but at this point it’s time to not be nice.

  1. Document. Document. Document.
    Ask for copies of emails she’s sent to different people from dad’s accounts. Get screenshots of all texts and inappropriate Facebook posts that pertain to you or your daughter.
    Record all phone calls from him or her.
    If you’re close enough to various people get them to document any interactions as well.
    Keep a journal.
    Get security system with cameras.
  2. Get a new lawyer.
    A good one.
    One that knows how to…well…play the game.
    One that is going to understand the weight of this situation and will not encourage you to do mediation but rather will fight this in court…that will agree with Filing for full custody with him having supervised visitation only.
  3. Get a restraining order against the girlfriend for yourself, your daughter, and your husband. (Take the documentation with you)
  4. Stand your ground. No matter what they do or say …do not engage and do not back down.
    Just forward it all to your lawyer.

What is her child endangerment charge for? Who charged her? What are your custody agreements? What does your child think? If this has been going on for real the child would have a counsellor.
What does the counsellor say.?
Or are you just worried about your possession of the child?
I’ve been in the middle of a lot of parent break ups when I was an emergency daycare/foster and taking clothes that are wrecked or too small isn’t a negative thing. Why are you sending her in these clothes if you know they’ll get rid of her play clothes?
There’s three sides to every story. I feel your pain in the calling her mom and the keeping her from you. However why didn’t the dad make her give her back?
If your right your child needs a counsellor. That’s your power ticket. I’m not sure why they don’t have one as this would have fixed the issue long ago. So I’m gonna say that there are things your not admitting and need someone to agree with you. Be careful a child sees things different and your bashing her on here and bashing the dad yet you share custody.
Get you and your daughter counselling so it’s on file. They have groups that’s so this for kids for free during separation and divorce. In Canada you have to attend a parenting after divorce if you can’t get along because it’s not about you it’s about the child. How you feel doesn’t matter it’s how the child views the situation. They’ve obviously talked to the child or you’d have the child full time.
You think you don’t have to share your daughter but it’s not just your daughter and your ex could accuse your husband of anything he wanted to make your life hell. Your just mad the child calls her mom. Admit Heal Move Forward
Make sure the clothes you send are appropriate. Clean and fit. Those are also child laws you have to follow.
No I’m not attacking I’m being unattached in regards to anything other than how the child feels just trying to make mom and dad happy shame on you


Have it said during mediation that she has no say over anything they arent married

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File a protection order.


First, if you haven’t yet, start really digging into the ex and his girlfriend’s lives. If she lived in a different state try to look up any court cases to see if there’s a pattern. Contact the local and previous area law enforcement offices to find out how to request police reports and call logs. To save money on attorney fees, you need to do alot of footwork for getting paperwork to try to find a pattern.
Then start having consults with better attorneys and find one that is willing to fight for you in court. If you’re afraid if either of them have untreated mental illness, mention this to the attorney. The attorney can request the judge to order them to sign a records release form. Try to go for sole legal and physical custody. Your ex will still have to be allowed access to any records for the child though but with legal custody you can make the decisions without having to get his input. If you want to go for supervised visits, tell your attorney you want to try to have it ordered to have them strictly through an agency, his cost. Don’t forget to try to have time limits ordered too like six hours a week for a visit and he can’t be more than fifteen minutes late or he loses the visit. You can request to have it ordered for girlfriend to not be allowed at the visits due to the concerns of her past and her current behavior.
Sadly anything to do with the court is a lengthy fight but the kids are worth it in the end. I had to do my recommendations in my comment during my custody battle with my ex. I was able to have it ordered for his girlfriend to not drive my daughter around due to her bad driving decisions. My attorney suggested for me to approve the supervising visit agency and for him to pay them for visits. I was given sole legal custody at first and he didn’t listen to the judge and lost his unsupervised visitations.


Ohhhh Hell no. Tell the bish to stay in her lane


Your ex’s gf is a damn weirdo. You’re the mom, nobody else.

I’ve spoken to my children from a young age about family, they know that just because it didn’t work out with me and their dad, doesn’t mean me or their dad don’t deserve to be happy with someone else. I’ve taught them that if dad chooses to have another wife that treats them good and wants to be their step mom then it’s up to them to call them mom, why because they deserve all the love in the world, and if when he has them she wants to be a step mom then wonderful, my boys deserve to see that, and the same with me. We are supposed to teach them these things so they don’t grow up unhappy about things that did not work out.

Oh hell no. Your way nicer person than me


Fold her up & put her in the dumpster with the rest of the trash where she belongs.

Go for full custody no visitations because the father is failing to protect your daughter


yes, been there sorry,

If she has child endangerment against her and basically kidnapped your daughter and is causing her emotional damage, file a restraining/protection order against her.


She needs to have a child with him and back off and get in her position as the STEP mom. What a weirdo for her to have this kind of audacity. Take your husband then try to take your place with your child. She isn’t thinking of your daughter’s feelings at all and she damn sure don’t have any respect for you. Golly what is wrong with people? Sorry this is a very tough situation. :persevere::disappointed_relieved:

Tell your daughter that SHE DOES NOT have to call her mom and that you and only you will ever be her mom. Also I would basically go face to face with her and tell her that. Just like her dad is only her dad. Unless of course he wants your daughter calling your significant other dad…goes both ways.

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Sometimes it all depends on the mediators decision. And luck. But some people I know have been able to get court orders keeping their children away from being left alone with a certain person.

If she has a child endangerment charge your child should not be allowed around her at all I would bring that up in court


As a step mom …No. It needs to be the child’s decision. No one else. The child knows how they are treated. Even their own parent if need be. You must Earn that honor.

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She has no right to force your child to call her mom
Nor does she have any rights to make decisions for your child
She needs to be put back in her place
The only to people who have a say
Is you and the ex

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Being in the position of having a step daughter and being a step mommy…this lady sounds disgusting…im so sorry gurl…