My ex has this girlfriend who’s a drama lover. She’s always posting negative uncalled things on Facebook about me. My kids see it. They have a child together. Our oldest (15 yrs old) got fed up with it, and I didn’t know she had contacted her dad and told him that she’s never coming back to his house cause of how his girlfriend treats me. He just shrugs it off like it’s nothing to him. He says he tells her to stop, but she won’t. I don’t post on Facebook about them. It’s not the time or the place. My kids refuse to go there because of her actions. I’ve even had people tell me she’s a disease and will do anything to destroy my kids so she can have their father to herself and their child. What do I do? I’m lost, and my heart goes out to my kids. Talking to their dad does no good!
Sounds like the dads gf is insecure and that’s her way of getting attention. I’d ignore it and have your kids remove her from social media so they can’t see her post. I am a step mother and I’d never talk about my step sons mother on social media! Don’t allow her negativity ruin the relationship the kids have with their father! Best of luck!
Let him face the consequences of his own actions. Remain dignified for you’re only responsible for your actions, not his.
Block her on facebook?
Let her have him, and move on with your life seems like hes not willing to change even for his family?
Listen to the kids, they will thank you for paying attention
Legal action possibly if she is slandering your name
He has no respect for you either. He’s allowing her to say this shit. And you can take legal action.
Cease and desist letter
Stop looking at Facebook and keep living your own life. If he doesn’t want to see his own two kids or doesn’t stand up to her to allow them to visit then that’s on him. He misses out not you.
He doesn’t tell her anything… men don’t too much stand for disrespect, unless they’re completely spineless. I suggest therapy for you and your kids and blocking them on social media
Omg…ever hear of blocking people on fb?
Slap her in her head tell her to wake up to herself she’s jealous
Just report to FB Administrator and they will be in FB Jail😟
don’t give her attention, block her or close your fb accounts but that’s too much as it will give her the attention that she is looking for.
Best thing is to ignore her completely, unless she is harassing you or your children or directly cyber bullying you i wouldn’t give her the time or effort in any way, she clearly has too much time on her hands
Like someone said up above. Seek legal action or let it go, because it seems like he’s made his choice and is turning his back on his kids and they are cutting ties to the nagative, so should you. Block her.
No sense in letting this eat you alive, that’s what she’s after. You are putting her on a pedestal without even knowing it
Well this is on him and he’ll have to deal with his non actions later on
Life is too short to spend time with ppl who comes with toxic baggage, and do nothing about it. Ditch him as he sees no problem in that. U might think its overboard but trust me, you will resent him. And worst kids are involved. Dramatic ppl are shameless, they had nothing to lose because they have no problem airing their dirty laundry to world, but YOU have so much to lose. Learn this the hard way with my ex, for 4 years he let his obsessive stalker student to continuously harass me, thou its not his fault, but he never really once told her away. Now he can rot with her
She seems like a textbook Narcissist who craves drama and hurting ppl I would keep my kids away until he man’s up and checks her because a jealous person is dangerous
If she’s not using your name directly then just ignore it. You are just giving her what she wants by feeding into her drama.
Seems like you are a decent husband being, but if your husband doesn’t step up to ask for the respect that you deserve you are in wrong relationship… kids needs to grow in a environment with respect and tolerance, if he can’t help you to give that basic things to your children is time for you to give it to them by yourself
Simple. Block her it’s not hard
It’s not up to you to keep the relationship open for them anymore, they are old enough to understand that their dad doesnt reach out to them and doesnt put them first no matter what you do. Ball is in his court.
Kids are giving their answer. Follow suit
He is likely a narc (no empathy for kids) and he has triangulated her with you. She may also be a narc. This is a smear campaign. The only way to deal is block block block and don’t feed emotional attention . The kids will be ok and your positive influence is the must beneficial to them.
BLOCK HER …done. Only YOU control YOU, stop acting like someone can control others…GROW UP. You’re worse than she is for reacting to it…it’s what she wants…STOP playing her game. Stop asking your bf to do something…he already did, he left her. geesh
Report her Facebook page as threatening or something like that
No hard.hit the block button🤔
This kind of behavior doesn’t stop. I know it hurts that your kids see it, I’m unfortunately in the same boat. (No you idiots her blocking them doesnt stop the kids wanting to see what’s happening)
Listen to your kids and let them make the choice as well as him. Be there for the kids no matter what and do what you can to ignore what the idiot is posting about.
Find someone safe to talk it out with that wont run back to the other side to continue the drama.
I would suggest some consoling for you and your children. Not only will it help you but then the nonsense is documented.
Just keep your kids home. Looks like the already understand its not healthy there. One day he will or wont wake up. But that’s his choice and no one else’s. Go on with your life and your kids.
Well,those kind of people that shuts there kids out of there life for another partner are worthless.and the parent that has the children should always hold your head up high and show your kids the love they will always remember what parent loves them it’s easy to be a show called Mom and a so-called father but it takes a heart to be a mother and a father that shows love to their children
Block her on fb ask your kids to block her …if your kids don’t want to go it’s their choice …good luck
o hell no… if she is intentionally hurtin ya kids n he is too much of a coward 2 check her, it’s up to momma bear to take the respect for her kids. Approach her w a conversation and demand she stops or deal w consequences such as taking an ass whooping, which by then I’m sure restraining orders would be in place.
Just keep being a good parent to your childern. The father is showing the Childern where his heart is at . It’s not with them. He may regret this later . Let him be and don’t pay that woman any mind . That’s what she’s trying to do is upset you. You know who you are .
Report her to the police if what ever she posts is abusive;Ataonyeshwa kazi
Block her, its very easy to do.
If they don’t want to to be around him don’t force them. I learned that the hard way. Just remember happy mom equals happy children. Then he be on the outside look’n in…
I lived this he needs a lesson in life if you can don’t let your kids around there…in some states the law says she can’t say those negative things they are abusive to your kids…my ex lost his rights to visit until she quit that bull
Unfortunately sad to say don’t do anything unless she physically or mentally attacks your children. As they grow older they’ll make up their own minds what they want to do.
Block her and ignore it. Tell your daughter to block her also so she doesn’t see it. Some people are just immature af and the only thing you can do is ignore it. Once she stops getting attention from yall for doing it she’ll stop.
Everyone can block her and then no one has to see the stupid shit she posts
I wouldnt even bother wastin my breath on it. Its childish. Ur child she has told him n gd on her. She is old enough 2 say something. Block her. Cause if u react 2 them then they think they have won. Dont worry bout them they clearly have nothing better 2 do
At this point if he cant recognize what its doing to his other children it is not their loss but his. Love them extra and move forward. Block her on fb and dont allow the negativity into your life any longer. It sounds like they are old enough to decide whether they want to be around this type if behavior or not. If he really truly cared he would tell her to stop and be involved in his kids life.
There’s not much you can do. If they are court ordered to go to their dads they have to go. Sounds like he’s immature if he can’t stop her from posting things on fb.
I wouldn’t make your children go over there if they don’t want to. He obviously doesn’t care if they come over or not and doesn’t seem to care that this child (his gf) is hurting his other children.
I would just unfriend her and block her. the people who know you will understand its bullshit.
Report the post to Facebook especially if she is bullying a minor. Everybody block her.
You do you and forget about her. As for your kids it sounds like they are old enough to make their own decisions about who they want in their lives. If you ex doesn’t seem to care that’s on him. Just be there for your kids and that’s all you need to worry about.
Leave the decision of contact with their father up to them. They’re old enough to do so. As far as the girlfriend, anytime she starts her negative crap on Facebook, report her. I know that most people frown upon reporting, but I think this situation calls for it.
Block her and let your children do what they want to regarding their father he d oes not seem much of a dad real dad’s do not act this way children always cone first no excuse
Stop talking and protect your kids.
Why are your children going over there if they aren’t the shared child between them?
Sounds like he’s trash and so is she. I’d just cut off visits especially if the kids are uncomfortable. Sorry for the kids but that’s a toxic environment.
Just block her best you can and hopefully their relationship will fizzle out
There’s nothing you can do sadly. If dad doesn’t see it or mind what she does then the best thing you can do for your kids is respect they don’t want to go there. Sounds like you have some smart kiddos
Let your kids make their own choices. He’ll either listen or he won’t.
It is your exes fault. If he was a coparent he would dump the hag and find one that can play nice.
There isn’t much you can do. My husbands ex invited over 100 people to our house, made it public and posted times from 6am to 11pm. Told her motorcycle gang to ride loud and lay rubber by our house. Facebook doesn’t do anything. Basically, you ignore it and hope for the best.
Serve her with a cease and desist letter. That should stop her…unless her trashy ass wants to get sued for libel.
She’s a Real Sad Rotten person to Squeeze her way between a man and his kids.
Delete your fb account.
Block her on all accounts belonging to you and your children
Block her and him. If your kids don’t want to go over there than fine. If it’s not court ordered don’t make them go. If it is court ordered print out everything and take it to court with you. I feel for your kids though. Their dad is a fking moron. He’s lucky your 15 year old daughter hasn’t whooped her a. When I was 15 I was VERY respectful but if someone said something about my mom, whew all hell would break loose.
Block her and your problem is gone, some people can’t help themselves so do all you can to keep her from doing this and she will move on.
I didn’t read all that. Block her and move on.
I would put a post just sayin you try your best to get along with everyone and unfortunately you cant always please certain people. But ultimately the only ones you need to worry about is your kids. Block her then and tell their dad if he wishes to see them you would appreciate if he would spend the day with them alone and return them to your house, due to the fact that she is immature and spiteful and your kids do not need subjected to that
Let her have him to herself. She’ll get bored and move on. Block her from everything you can possibly block her from and then you won’t know what she’s saying. If she works through mutual people block them too. You can control it on your end by eliminating any and every way of knowing what she’s saying. Screw them both. Keep your kids away until he grows up.
Pretty sure if you have a custody agreement you can have him held in contempt because of her talking badly about you in front of/to the kids. At least that’s how it works here in PA.
Just ignore it. The people who know and love you know the real you and ur kids already seem to have their minds made up so be supporrive about it and just be there for them.
It’s up to you to be open & honest with them. If they don’t want any contact do not force it. Your x still has blinders on & nothing can or will change his mind about the bitch. Let the kids feel what their feeling b/c it is real, pretty soon if not already they will know & understand what is happening to & with your sperm donor. For now, be the best Mom you can be & NEVER talk bad about him. That could come back & bite you in the butt. Hopefully, he will see her for what she is & really you don’t want that kind of woman in your kids’ life. In the long run, you will be happy with the choices you’ve made, your kids will see you are a strong woman who is just protecting her kids. Your kids will know why your reacting to this the way you have & let it run it’s course. The day will come sooner or later when he will wise up.
Block her. Thats kinda common sense
Your kids are old enough to decide in my opinion.
Don’t push him on them or them on him. It’s his loss and they will be hurt for a minute. You can’t fix stupid. He’s blinded by a new toy. Keep doing for you and your kids, keep loving those babies.
Others are right block them
Screenshots. Take it to court. Depends how old the kids are; but the courts will take into consideration the kids feelings
Get off social media
dont force your kid to go if she doesnt wanna she doesnt have to.
him and her seem immature.
block her and let it go.
i know it’s annoying but shell stop eventually seems like shes jealous of you.
Get a Restraining order against her to talk or to put things on Facebook keep a paper trail
Just block them both. If your kids don’t want to go over there, I wouldn’t force them too.
I don’t care what problems you have with someone…you don’t talk shit about their parent to them or where they can see it period!
And clearly she doesn’t care about them because if she did she wouldn’t do it at all.
I’d block both her and their dad. The kids are old enough to decide they want nothing to do with it…and if he has a problem with it sorry not sorry…his kids COME FIRST!!
If he chooses the relationship with her over them that’s on him!
You are their mother…their entire world My heart goes out to them because no child should see their mother being disrespected period.
I’m so sorry you’re all having to deal with this! You and those babies deserve better!
Block her and let yoir children devide whether or not they want a relationship with him. They’re old enough. If he really wanted to stop it he could. He seems to love the drama also.
This will never end
Your kids don’t have to go there or speak to her if he tries to bring it to court make sure you have screenshots of what she’s saying and he will lose rights
Your daughter is old enough to make her own decisions when it comes to that. And I think she is valid in feeling the way she feels. Shame on your ex’s girlfriend for doing this! And if he (your ex) won’t stand up for you and your kids then maybe it’s not worth the time. He will realize his loss when it’s to late and at that point your daughter can decide if she wants to forgive him or not. I feel this on a personal level. I forgave my father but I will never forgive him
You do nothing. You let the children make decisions for themselves and let it fall where it will. If he’s going to choose her over the kids, there’s nothing you can do about it.
She her ass for emotional distress on behalf of your children. That will shut her up, especially if a judge threatens her with jail time.
It’s not your responsibility to manage your exes relationship with his children. With cell phones and Skype and all that technology, if he wants a relationship, your ex will make the time to have one. If he doesn’t, console your kids and teach them how to move on in a positive way. Ignore the girlfriend. Stop calling and talking to them entirely. Either they will contact you or you learn to live without them
Your kids are teenagers if they don’t want a relationship with their dad don’t force it. If they want one but they just don’t want to go to the new gf house then tell them to ask their dad to spend time with them somewhere else
tell them to block her then they wpont see it wont worrry them
Delete and ignore her! You’re a grown woman. Don’t worry her childish bullshit. Raise your babies and move on
Just block them, who cares what she says about you. This is a good teaching experience for your kids. Don’t make them go over there. If its court ordered let your daughter talk to the judge.
Just block her, have your kids block her and live your life. If you stop giving it attention she will eventually stop doing it or just look like an insane person talking to herself. And if your kid is 15 and doesn’t want to go over there id respect that. And let her and her dad work it out. Like if her dad isn’t going to takes his feelings seriously that’s on him. Id just ignore the frick out of her and go about your life. Let your ex deal with her drama lol
Once you stop responding to her actions she’ll get over it. It’s only Facebook geez.
Lmao did any one actually read the post? Telling her to “leave” and take it to court n shit she doesn’t want the kids relationships their father ruined. Honestly I would get the kids to block her and completely ignore her. I wouldn’t force them to have a relationship with their dad, but tell them to do their best to rise above it.
All of you need to block her off of all social media.
Don’t force your child to go. She’s old enough to decide. And maybe he’ll realize he needs to have balls and tell his girlfriend whats up and put his child first
You and your kids block her on Fb and be happy. At their ages your kids don’t want to talk with their dad… that is on him. He allows the drama to continue, to hurt his kids, to put her before them, and it’s his fault they want to cut him off. He will regret it. But that’s on him too.
Unfortunately often times, there can be several reasons behind this type of behavior.
The first AND most common, is she believes whatever your ex told her about you when they first got together.
Doesn’t excuse her behavior but it does explain her frame of mind on all of it.
At this point there’s not a whole lot you can do. If they were younger I’d suggest filing “contempt” with the court (in most parenting plans there is a clause about disparging remarks about the other parent) but since they’re teens its just a waste of time.
If they don’t want to go.
Don’t make them, but they need to tell their dad that and why themselves face to face.
If this is part of a court ordered parenting plan even though they’re teens go ahead and have it changed legally.
Block her and go about your day. Don’t waste your valuable time/energy.
Delete her or him off their Facebook do they don’t have to see the comments. You have told the ex that the children don’t want to come over there because of her actions. Don’t force the children to go. Take the children and comments and take him back to court obtain full custody live your life with your children happy and free of drama. The old saying goes the more you stir the pot the worse the stink. Good luck and God bless you.