My family doesn't want me to circumcise my son: Advice?

When he grows up the other boys in the locker room will make fun of him

It’s not their choice. Research research. Both my boys are circumcised and have actually thanked me for it.

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I’ve heard horror stories of boys getting infections and having to get it done when they were older. And that isnt easy on an older boy to hey circumcised… there’s risks to going either way honestly so weigh your options.

Got 3 boys two in their 20’s and one in high school and non have had this done and not a problem…

I have talked with my boyfriend about this, with our son coming in just 5 weeks and we both agree that we will be circumcising our son. It’s much more painful if he would decide down the road he wanted it done. It would be 100% easier at birth.

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Its your choice. My husband isn’t but my sons are both are perfectly fine healthy and clean. Again your choice

My only son is intact other 3 are girls never an issue

It’s personal preference but it is definitely more hygienic for them to be circumcised.

The choice is yours, it has nothing to do with them …

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I did circumcised my son only cause of being in the health field and seeing what happens when they become elderly and begin to forget things. If I hadn’t seen that I would have left it up to my son as he got older.

Got it done when my son was 6 days old

Weigh the pros and cons for what’s best for your child not for you

It’s really your choice it’s easier to keep clean less infections when you do circumcise but it’s not necessary and honestly with their new way of doing it I am not impressed I have 5 kids they changed the way they used to do it and I had nothing but problems while it was healing (the new way)

I have a son and wouldn’t do it unless necessary but

That’s a very personal thing. I had mine circumcised. But, I know lots of moms who chose not to.

Definitely a personal choice…pros and cons something for you and your partner to decide best wishes!

I discussed it with my husband and we both came to a decision between ourselves. No one else was entitled to be part of that discussion.

You are the parent do what you think is best for your child

I just did my boys’ for cleanliness purposes. You will just have to teach them how to properly care for it.

Pamela Jones Simpson Jessica Dittemore any opinions on circumcision? I did get Christopher circumcised… but after reading tons of comments in this thread I am wondering if I should have it done for the next baby or not?? I am going to ask the dr about it at my next appt but just wondering what you think about it…

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4 sons, 3 are intact. My oldest was circumcised, and I would not ever put my other boys through that. So unnecessary.


Its your choice do your research, speak to the babys father. Make a desicion together. Both of my boys are circumcised.

After I had my son circumcised, I found out from his doctor, that its unnecessary.

I have 2 boys, 34 and 27 neither were circumcised or ever have they had a problem.

No reason to circumcise! It’s just a tradition :roll_eyes:

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I didn’t with my son. If they weren’t supposed to have that extra little piece why is it there?

ITS YOUR BABY! If it’s not cleaned properly it can cause issues. But once again, it’s your baby. Do what you want.

My son was. Quick processes. Healed up easily. No problems whatsoever. He is seven now.

They really only to do for cleanliness!kind of ruff to do it later…

Cause it’s not their child and it’s none of their business.

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My boys aren’t circumcised. There’s no need for it. It’s very unnecessary.

Wow i had do a google search to see what are you all talking about. Never heard of this before.

2 of my grandsons are not. One is 21 years old no problems the other one is 12 and no problems

All 4 of my kids are. Their dad is too. Both of my brothers are.

Tell them the last time you checked you had the baby and mind their business


There is a medical reason. For starters cleanliness. Then the older you get the skin can can close in and have to have it done anyway.

My nephew wasn’t circumcised as a newborn. Continuous infections led to a circumcision at 2 1/2 years old. That was heartbreaking. I had all 3 of my sons circumcised because of what my nephew went through.

The concern is sexual assault of a minor, medical fraud, medical malpractice, conflict of interest, ignorance, colonialist social manipulation, and right of body autonomy

He’s your son whatever decision you make they just gonna have to deal with it my son was circumcised

Do what you feel is best, don’t give into the pressure of mothers who don’t support you

With 3 boys all my boys are. It helps them clean better.

You can’t improve on normal anatomy and physiology. Honor those momma instincts and leave it tf alone.

My husband is not, it keeps tip more sensitive just keep it clean.

Your child. The choice belongs to you and your husband. Period. Why outsiders feel the need to discuss a child’s genitalia is beyond me.

No boys in my family are circumcised. And none of them has had any issues with it. So it’s ur choose not theirs.


Well new Zealand don’t do this horrible thing anymore. They against doing this. So intact the normal here. Because the foreskin is born on boys for a reason. So leave him alone. Please

If its not medical dont do it

I wouldn’t call it a mistake, it is a choice that has repercussions no matter which way you choose. Just make sure you know what to expect when you make the choice. If you choose to circumcise you will have more to deal with immediately like wound care. If you choose not to circumcise then your son will have to learn better hygiene to prevent issues later. Neither is a bad choice or a wrong choice.

I think it should be done it’s easier for them for hygiene all three of my son’s and both grandsons and husband all cicumsized but up to you and baby’s dad

Personally I’d pose this question to men versus in a mom group. As a woman I don’t want a bunch of men chiming in on my body and assume men don’t want women to do the same. Men are going to be the best resource for information as they have this body part and can chime in their personal experience

Back in the day it was a health thing now it’s just Karen’s being themselves . Your kid your choice.

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Personal preference. Its better to do this as an infant though

You should do what you , as a parent feels is right.

I have 3 boys one cut 2 not I only cut the first one because my grandmother told me I had too I regret because I should have listened to my husband

It’s better to have it done while he’s a baby I had both of mine done no problems at all


Don’t do it. Me and the father of my son decided to let doctors do it and I wish I wouldn’t have let them.

I am definitely going to do it with my baby but it’s a very personal choice and if you don’t want to then don’t. It’s not their child. I have my reasons for doing it and I’m sure you have yours for not. Both choices are just fine. :ok_hand:t3::ok_hand:t3::ok_hand:t3:

I had both of mine done and tbh it was never an issue

All 4 of my boys are not. They are between 24-31. All haven’t had any issues

No medical reason don’t do it!!! Your son!!!


I think this is really a question that you should discuss with your babies Dr. He can give you the pros and cons. Then you will be able to make an informed choice.

Neither of my adult sons are; no problems.

That’s a personal choice between you and dad. I have 4 boys and we chose to have all of them circumcised. We just felt like with the risk of infections it was best :blush: To each their own tho, do what you think is best for your baby.


My son and my nephew were born one month apart. I did not have my son circumcised and we’ve had zero issues with it. My nephew was circumcised and it caused him intense pain… he bled for days, and once, it got stuck to his diaper and screamed horribly when they had to get the diaper off. My brother said it was an awful experience. I am SO glad I didn’t put my child through that. If you teach your son to properly cleanse himself, there is absolutely no reason to cut part of his genitals off.

You are not making a mistake. You are doing what you think is best for your child. No one else gets to decide.

My boys are uncut… Nothing wrong with it and no extra care needed.

Tell them that your son’s body is perfect the way it is and that you don’t need to mutilate it. There is absolutely no medical need to circumcise a perfectly healthy baby. If he has issues when he’s older, then address it then. When he’s an adult, if he wants it, he can have it done. It’s his body and should be his choice.

My son isn’t. He was a micro preemie and when he came home finally it was too late. It’s different but just teach him the correct way to take care of it.

The bottom line, this is your choice/ decision and no one else business, bottom line.

It’s your son so you should do what you want. But, many boys are prone to yeast infections and end up needing circumcision later in life. You can make sure it’s clean up until about age 5…but from about 5 to 14 boys are nasty and you won’t have any idea until things go bad. Again…its your child and you should do what is right for you. I have 3 boys so I understand your dilemma.

My 2 oldest are not an my younest is. Hes only was done because his skin would not come down

Please don’t, it’s not necessary :slightly_smiling_face: Fyi, some countries are looking at banning the surgery for those under 18 due to the harm it causes/ethical issues (ie Denmark, Iceland, Norway) and most medical organisations condemn the procedure, kindly take a look here: Medical Organization Statements | Doctors Opposing Circumcision

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Just be aware most boys aren’t these days so it’s the ones that are that are different now

I got my son circumcised, I was only 19 and had no idea what I was doing. Then I had 4 girls haha.

My dad talked with me when I found out I was having my first son. He had lots of issues and ended up having to be circumcised at the age of 27. He did not want his grandkids to have to go through this as well although it was ultimately our decision. I thank my dad for this talk and my boys are all circumcised. Do your research and do what you think is best!

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I had my son done 4-8-2020 when he was born

He is your child, if you chose to circumcise then that is your business. If you chose not to, that too is your decision. Don’t let other people pressure you to do something your not comfortable with.

This choice is up to you and your husband. Anyone else’s opinion is just noise.

You should be asking guys not moms!!!

Everyone in my family was the same way. Especially my brother in law and older sister they were so adamant on trying to get me to circumcise my son. His biological dad is also cut and wanted him to be the same. Something in my heart did not sit right with it. My son is my first child and I was 19/20 when I was pregnant. I went to the internet, I asked my aunt who has 2 boys, my son’s grandma is a nurse I asked her, I did too much research online and what it boiled down to is looks. It’s a cosmetic surgery. Unless it’s medically necessary for some random ultra rare medical problems there’s no reason for it. No, you’re not making a mistake.

The good outweighs the bad when it comes to not circumcising.

The bad outweighs the good when it comes to circumcising. I will never regret not circumcising my son. He is turning 3 and has had 0 issues.

I’m grateful I never allowed anyone to talk me into putting his life at risk for a piece of skin he was born with.

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Your child, your decision. This shouldn’t even be a conversation they are bringing up. :woman_facepalming:t2:


My son is circumsized and glad I made that choice being said there is no right ir wrong answer do what you feel is best

I’ve got 2 boys and I’ve let them both have a circumcision for various reasons, firstly it’s according our religion and secondly it’s hygienic my eldest was 3 months old and my second one was 5 months old

Your baby your choice my
2 boys r as their fathers were and my grampa had it done in his 50s cause if infections

I have twin boys and they are not circumcised they are four and never had a problem. Just make sure you teach them proper hygiene and they will be fine


Yes do it - I had my sons done


My son is but this is a super personal choice and no ones business

Best to talk to the doctor and ask what is the difference I did my twins no problems.

My oldest son is Circumcise my youngest son is not it’s a matter of preference at the time I had my oldest son I was young & foolish

We had our son circumcised because it helps to prevent infections. Of course we bathe him and whatnot, but that was a choice we made. It all depends on your preference. Don’t let them decide what’s best for YOUR son

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It’s your child. Do what you want. It’s none of their business.

They say that not circumsing boys can have health problems for them. I used to be a CNA and I seen more health issues with the men that werent circumcised then I did with the ones that were.

I didn’t circumcise my son. Why would you? It’s perfectly healthy to let it be natural.

Your kid, your decision. Don’t let anyone make the decision for you


It is cultural… with no quantifiable benefits. In some cultures it is normal to circumcise females. Here in America , we call that mutilation! Why is it different for males?

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I had four boys. It is easy to circumcise at birth or very soon after but later if a problem arises it’s very nasty and painful,

I didn’t circumcise my son. There are no health benefits. It’s what you believe. You’re his mom, whatever you do you do out of love, and what you think is right.

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My son was circumcised at 5 years because his foreskin would not pull back I wish I would have done it sooner because at that age it’s very painful.


I say yes bc it’s much easier on them as a baby than in adulthood and much cleaner However ultimately it is your choice.

I have three boys. Two of which we circumcised, because everybody does it :woman_shrugging:t2:, and the third we decided, after much research, not have him circumcised. I had complications with both that I had circumcised. It was bad. The third child we’ve have no problems and I’m so glad we didn’t. Now I wish I never had it done with the first two. When I spoke to my doctor about it he said it didn’t matter either way. It was all about preference. If I could shout it from the roof top I’d say “DONT DO IT!” Hope this helps.