My family doesn't want me to circumcise my son: Advice?

So I just had a baby boy, and we are not circumcising him, and all my friends and family are telling me I’m making a big mistake not circumcising and boys should be circumcised for a number of different reasons. Moms of boys, I need advice. Am I making a mistake? Why is everybody so concerned?


It’s a little harder the clean so infections are more likely to happen.

How would everyone know anyway? What you decide to do or not do with YOUR child is YOUR decision regardless.

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Ignore them its your baby.

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I won’t judge people for it, however personally I could never do that to my son

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It’s your baby,it doesn’t matter what others say, make your own decisions… I’d be dam anyone told me anything concerning my 3 boys

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Unless it’s being done for medical or cultural reasons then there’s no need to do it

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My son is not circumcised & we have not had any issues. You just have to teach them proper hygiene.

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And it’s better to do while young instead of wen they get older


That’s your decision. If you decide not to then everybody else should respect it. Being a parent there are times when you have to make a decision that nobody may like but you have to stand your ground.

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Please do it I am a boy mom


His wife will thank u


Both of mine are not done, they are teenagers now and haven’t had a problem. Just need to teach him to clean it properly.

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It is ur baby ur decicion
Unless it is for medical reasons

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He is your baby. Your decision. Period.

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I would never. My son is 6 and absolutely healthy and perfect! His body. His choice.

I have 2 boys and never had an issue. Just teach them to be clean.


I had my son circumcised, I’ve regretted it for years. Please please don’t do it. Its only for aesthetic purposes and if you teach him to clean and be serious about how important that part of his body is to be clean there’s zero reason to do it.

I don’t know why other people are so concerned about your baby’s penis. Perverts.


As long as you teach them how to clean it properly, there are no issues. It’s more for aesthetic reasons.


We did for both of our boys. Someone I know personally did not for her two. Guess what? All are healthy and happy :grin: …your child. You decide!


My husband had to be circumcised at 60 it was really hard on him many stitches and lot pain for weeks. My dad had a lot of UTI s when he was in his 80 s because of this . Please do it while he does s a baby .

Don’t let him have a turtle neck laughed at in gym class . What’s that


Neither one of my sons are circumcised .It is not medically necessary and they never got infection.If they want to when they’re older,that’s up to them.I won’t circumcise my daughters so won’t do it to my sons

Put your foot down right now while he is young. Your kid your rules. If Anyone has a problem with that, that is their problem.


My baby is now four months old. We chose to not do so because my husband didn’t want to make changes to his body. Most of the time now, according to some research, it’s based more on religious decisions than health-based decisions. We looked it up, and in North Carolina, about half the boys in the last 10 years have been circumcised and half have not.

I had a really hard time with this when I had my son 19 years ago I sent him to do it and then I backed out and I did not do it he’s never had any issues I told him when he was little how to clean it it’s not really that big of a deal I just couldn’t imagine my fresh baby being strapped to a board and having his dick skin cut off with no painkillers or nothing it just wasn’t worth it to me I’m not a guy I don’t know so I didn’t feel like it was my choice if he decides to do it when he’s older then that’s his choice.

huge mistake,do it for his sake


It is your baby, but as you asked, it is better to circumcise, it is less painful when he is a baby. Your son will thank you later. But it is your choise.


I think women are the wrong people to ask. Ask grown men what they think, for or against it and why. I’ve known men say they wish their parents had circumcised them.
I personally wouldn’t want extra skin hanging off of me.


Won’t listen to family and friend’s opinions but will listen to strangers on Facebook about a personal decision.:joy: It’s your baby. No one else’s.


Why circumcise? There’s no need unless the child develops problems. I’ve raised 2 boys now men and I did not want them circumcised! Foreskin is meant to be there. Tell people to mind their business :ok_hand::v:


Im shocked anyone does that to their child nowdays
We are not barbaric
Jst saying


I am so proud of my decision to not snip. My best friend of my entire life thought I would regret it. 3 years ago she found herself pregnant with a boy. She said it was because of my choice that she made hers. I simply told her why and why not. my son is only 10 now and it has never been an issue. Her son is going to be 3 this year and has never had an issue. My body my choice. Their body their choice. That’s my opinion. Not an insult to anyone else.

Both mine aren’t and I’m pregnant with 3rd and I don’t plan on doing it again. If your baby doesn’t need it then it’s all up to you nooone else. Just make sure to show him how to clean it on his own when he gets older.


Not to be nasty but if feel better having sex with someone that isn’t circumcised its smoother


It’s not up to your family! Plus it’s more cleanly if you have a circumcised son.


Seeing that I’m the only guy here, let me also add my 2 cents opinion. Let it be his choice… Quit making lifelong decisions over his sexual experiences at such a young age. When he’s older he can actually decide that on his own…

Circumcise the sooner the better…


This is absolutely nobody’s else’s decision or business its your child not theirs don’t be pressures by anyone its your decision and beliefs nobody elses

Unless for medical reasons why do it ???


Ask opinion of your pediatrician.

I am wondering why you don’t want it done ? I am a nurse and mother to 2 grown men and both had it done 2 days after they were born.It is easier for you to keep his penis as he grows up many other young boys in gym class will tease him.Last when he is grown and meets a woman he loves - it hurts the women making love as well as he can’t get full sexual pleasure for himself.The doctor will numb the baby and it only takes a few minutes.


Is his father circumcised? He’s your child, it’s your choice. Personally, I think it’s nasty when they’re not circumcised.


I’ve heard there are health benefits to circumcision. Plus it’s a religious thing for us so both me and my husband were on board. Procedure and healing was super fast with no problems.

I had all my boys circumcised. It just helps them stay cleaner and sometimes keeps infections down. It’s your choice tho. I think most men are glad they are.

That is your decision. Why are they worried about it you choice? You’re the mom.

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When they have to get it done at older age it is a worse recovery. I had two boys and done at birth. Less painful

Do your research for yourself and make your own decision.

As long as you keep it clean and teach him to clean it properly then Why would you mutilate your child? The foreskin takes quite a while to detach naturally and yet doctors rip it loose and cut it off on literal newborns.


I had 2 boys. Do it. My dad had it later in life. It was no fun. Hygenically it is much easier, especially when they get lazy and don’t want to shower.

I never did with my boy and he will be 24 this year :woman_shrugging: there is not medical reason for it but choice

Do your research and keep your child’s health number 1 in the priority list. Not even your personal choice. It’s actually your child’s health & safety that matters the most. Once you make an unbiased decision, no family or friends have a say


Your sons will thank you later in life. Just like we thank our husband’s mothers now. Get my drift.

Personal im circumcising my son. But if your personal choice is not to, then your family needs to respect your decision. Its your child. You do what you feel is best. We in this group support your decision. You do you mama. The family can suck it up.

Meh… I have 3 boys. 2 are cut I wanted the last to be but it was too expensive. U only have a month to decide or they won’t let u after that

I didn’t go my son until he was 5 with constant infection. I wish i would have known he would need it because the older they are the worse the healing. However not every boy will have the same issues. The decision is the parent. Everyone has an opinion but everyone is not the parent.

I didnt circumcise my boy. Insurance usually wont cover it either cause it’s considered cosmetic. I got a lot of that for not circumcising him, but at the end of the day it’s your choice. And it’s your baby. Who cares what anyone else thinks?

Unless it’s medically necessary, do not do it.


Either way is fine just got to keep it clean and teach him to …it’s really your choice don’t stress

For hygenic purposes…YES. OR
WAIT till your son is old enough to decide for himself. If ypu choose the latter, you will need teach your boy how to properly clean himself until then.

My son decided on IT when he was 11 y/o. He and his cousin (same age) went to the doctor by themselves.

Yes , it will be twice as bad when he decides to have it done . Just plain nasty from a man’s view !!

Teach him how to clean it properly. Why would you want to mutilate your child’s genitals? It literally takes their sensitivity away and effects them for life. Also circumcision can cause permanent damage if done incorrectly.


This is peer pressure​:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:sit yourself down and ask yourself why you want to do that,pros and cons, google the good and bad of circumcision… Besides, that pee pee is his own why u wna mutilate the child? Let him grow up and make that decision on his own


Whatever u decide don’t let the doc “retract” the foreskin. If he’s not snipped. My docs never did but I hear it happens a lot.

In the UK it’s not a routine thing at all, only done for medical or cultural reasons.


My son was not circumcised and he never had any problems. He’s 25 now

It’s your kid. You and the father decide. Tell everyone to mind their own business. Boom! Next question please.


It’s your child. Make your own choice.


I personally didn’t with either of my boys. Yes intact boys are prone to some health issues (yeast infections etc) but if they are taught how to properly take care of themselves they’ll be perfectly fine. In my opinion the pros outweigh the cons. Plus they can make that choice for themselves in the future if they want to. I think when people say oh he may be bullied… uh no one should see him naked but his significant other in the future anyways so that’s bogus. Only you can do what you think is best. It’s no one else’s business!

If u dont just make sure u clean it well and then teach him when he is older. Id say there is no right choice other than the choice u make .

Its more hygenic. Honestly you cant clean your 10years olds penis for him and if he doesnt do it properly ita gonna get nasty and become a health issue. But end of the day your decision

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Let the child decide when they are old enough . Rubbish -it is painful at any age, why mutilate your own child??
Female genital mutilation is a crime, why not for males too?


I’m sure he wouldn’t want to get it done! Don’t do it I have two boys and I couldn’t put them through that pain even though people told me that they won’t remember it


Go with your gut. I did one, and it was a “partial “ so they didn’t cut enough and he doesn’t look like he was. Yet I still got a bill. So I didn’t do my next son. He’s perfect :ok_hand:. Doc says both boys have healthy penis’s :joy: my daughter was going to take my grandson in and at the appointment she started crying because she could hear the baby before her start screaming. She suddenly decided not to go through with it. It’s not necessary. Everything will ok. Times are very different. Again, go with your gut.

Tell them that it is archaic plastic surgery and genital mutilation, not up for discussion.

His body is his body, not theirs, not yours. Bravo for keeping it that way. :heart:


It all boils down to personal and cultural reasons. Do what you feel is right for you as the parent.

My hubby and I had our boys circumcised because that’s what we know how to deal with. We weren’t sure how to properly care for an uncircumcised penis.
I am telling you, this is ABSOLUTELY you and your hubbys decision. If you want to leave the foreskin, DO IT. Do your research on both before and aftercare.
I had people tell me to not have my boys circumcised but, at the end it’s our decision. There are always pros and cons to every little thing :heart: Good luck :heart:

I’m going to say… that the real reason to circumcise is infection purposes. Young and healthy no problem but as they age or if they have issues with cleaning appropriately for what ever reason it increases chances of infections. I know there are 60-90 yr old getting circ weekly in my world. Soo it’s either now or later.

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Your choice not theirs

My son is 6 and we never had him done. His Dad isn’t either which is the main reason i never worried about it. So far (touch wood) he’s been fine.

Just asked my bf and he said to consider it because it’s medically better even from a man’s perspective; It cuts down on infection and UTI’s. You could make the argument about proper care being the preventive measure but honestly you may want to leave that decision to the boys father. Yes, you’re the mom and he’s your little boy but He’s the one who’s more than likely going to have those types of 1 on 1 conversations with him as he gets older.

A baby to go circumcision ? Not here in my county, they got the this right age for that and not for the baby , and the expenses is free of charges .

Im pregnant currently. If I have a boy, I don’t plan on circumcising ethier. No shame to those who do. But I just don’t see the need, or any added benefits that makes it worth it.


Just do as you want. But a man is better circumcised. If not circumcised, he is still a man. It is up to you.

Why are THEY concerned about YOUR SON’S genitals?!
That’s what I’d ask when they speak on it.


Personal decision. It’s your child if you don’t want to that’s your right as his mother. Nothing wrong with not doing it. The choice is yours not your families.

I dont have a son but i have friends who have sons and i think its great you didnt. In all honesty if he wants it done he can chose to have it done. Nothing wrong with extra skin.


We didn’t and our son is fine.


Out of my 3 boys my first was circumcised and my other 2 were not they are all perfectly fine. Just make sure you keep it clean so there’s no infections and as he’s growing up and your washing him just make sure you are telling him what you are doing and how to keep it clean. Good habits start young. Your baby your choice!

Your baby boy, your choice. But I did all my boys for cleanliness reason.and it us wwaayyy more difficult the older they get. TMI but my dad needed it done in his 30s…it was difficult.

I wouldn’t circumcise him. No need to .

It’s completely a personal thing… No one can make that decision for you. For me I’m for it but just for personal reasons only I think aesthetically it’s more pleasing when you’re older.

His body - his choice. We as women cannot fight for that right while at the same time mutilate our sons.
I chose not to have my son cut. He came to me at 11 and decided he wanted to have it done. I told him it was his choice. In the end he decided not to get the surgery, and to the best of my knowledge, does not have a problem. With the proper teaching of hygiene your boy should be fine. :two_hearts:

Both my sons are not… and the only issue I had with my oldest was that his skin was too tight… And the urine would get stuck inside… So we had to start pulling the skin back when he was a baby… My youngest is almost 4 and no issues… But I wish I started pulling his back earlier because it’s uncomfortable for him now at this age.

Do you what you want. He is your son. Just smile and tell them, “you will take it into consideration.”

Is your husband circumcised?
How does he feel about it?
Would he be okay if wasn’t circumcised?

boys are born with foreskin, why remove it.


It’s healthy for them …they will think you when they grow

Have 3 boys. 2 aren’t circumcised because it never came up. Middle one is but that was because he was a preemie and his winkle never properly formed and needed surgery. Do what you feel is best for your child and if its for religious or cultural reasons and you don’t want it done. Stand your ground. He’s your little man at the end of the day x