My family is pressuring me to breastfeed; Thoughts?

I’ve breastfed all my babies till almost 2. Im a huge advocate for it. If you can nurse the first week or couple days, that would be great, but if not thats your choice. Formula fed babies are being fed as well just with something else. They. Are. Being. Fed. Dont let them shame you for feeding YOUR baby they way you want to. Your baby needs a healthy momma right now.


You need to do whatever works best for YOU as the mother, they will get over it! The fact that you know exactly what you need to do to get yourself back on track in order to be the best mom you can be just shows how great of a mother you already are. All that really matters is that you are healthy and happy so you can make sure your baby is happy and healthy as well, Please take care of YOU and the rest will fall into place💜


I didn’t read the previous posts but my thoughts are, if you can breastfeed, do, if you can’t, then a healthy mom is more important. Even if you get a day or two in, the colostrum is the most important. Its more important that the baby have a healthy mom than breastmilk.

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Take care of your mental health ! First and foremost that is so important. You have to be in your best state to Take care of that baby .

I wanted to breastfeed and i couldnt. I dried up within 48 hours.

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I would start breast feeding and see how it goes. You can quit anytime but their brain isn’t done growing for another year they have to be born at 9 munths cuz your body won’t hold them for a year more. You just have to make it past 2 weeks before your nipples go numb and it doesnt hurt anymore. Breast feeding gives your baby vital nutrients for their brain to finish developing and immunities so they are hardly ever sick and have a lot less gas and spit up. There are 16 more ingredients in overseas formula, that they know is in breast milk. They dont add them to USA formula because of expense.


Just do what you want its that easy

Your body will tell you what it needs and what it can handle. Trust yourself. Do what you know to be best. You are the mother. No one else. They will be fed either way and will be healthy. But they need a healthy mother first.

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Girl that’s a no brainer… mental illness is very real, and very dangerous Untreated. That is your child… You do what is best for your child. That means you take your medication and you take care of your baby. Nothing wrong with formula feeding.


Don’t talk about your business and thank them for their unsolicited advice. Then do what you want and don’t explain yourself. You are a grown ass woman.

Do what works for you , your family will get over it!


Tell your family to shove it, your mental health is way more important then what bub is fed, you are no good if you cant look after your mental health and if your family cant get that then you dont need them, my 4th baby hasnt had even a single feed of bf (his dad fed him his first feed after being born) and has barely been sick and has met all milestones fine, dont be forced to do it at the risk to yourself because people think breast milk is some magical thing that babies have to have


You have to take care of you so you can take care of baby.
Mental illness is very real. It can cause a lot of problems and symptoms and there is NOTHING breastfeeding can give your baby that will out weigh what issues not treating your mental illness will cause

I would breast feed for a few weeks (maybe 2) to give the baby colostrum and then switch to formula. It’s your baby though. Your baby needs a mom that is healthy and stable. Always remember that FED IS BEST. :heart:

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I’ve done both and breastfeeding in the beginning is exhausting. Formula feeding takes the guesswork out of whether the baby is full or not. I liked both and different things worked for me depending on my work/school situation. With my baby right now, I get to be a stay at home mom so I breastfeed with occasional formula

have you talked to your doctor about your options I know that breastfeeding creates a lot of positive chemicals and hormones in your body that may help you get through a period Of breastfeeding. Consult your physician and see what they recommend

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Breast feeding also helps YOU lose the baby weight and rebalance your hormones.

Formula feed, your baby needs a healthy mom… don’t feel shame you have to do what’s the healthiest for you and you’re baby…


Simple… tell your family where to go and do what works for you and your baby. It really is none of their business at all :woman_shrugging:t2:

Please take your meds if you know you need them. Everyone else will be just fine.

Do what’s best for you don’t worry about family it’s not their decision. Formula babies are just as healthy don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

It’s your body momma! A fed baby is what’s important, whether it’s breast milk or formula! You are amazing and are about to bring a baby into this world:) if mentally you cannot breast feed, don’t. Doesn’t make you less of a woman. Put yourself first. Postpartum depression is no joke, do not set yourself up to be stressed already. Set boundaries and put your foot down. I’d do it for you(helping you tell people to hush) if I was friends with you❤️ mommies unite!

You do what is best for you. Baby will be fine.
Everyone will always have an opinion.
Just know formula can make baby constipated for a while, and breastfeeding is extremely demanding and hard… involves many factors…

I’m not being pressured by family but I have a chronic pain condition and honestly, I don’t think any of my obs are taking my pain levels seriously so they still push their speels about breastfeeding. Granted, yes, I have every intention to breastfeed for as long as I can, but I say when enough is enough I need my medication back. Chronic pain conditions cause higher probability of getting ppd because we ourselves have our own slew of mental health issues. I may not be medicated for these issues but they’re very real, as are yours I’m sure! My rheumatologist gave me some wonderful advice my last appointment. In short, breastfeeding is a beautiful and wonderful thing and while i(the doctor speaking) highly encourage trying, don’t drive yourself crazy to do it. There’s no harm in formula feeding. That baby is better off formula fed with a sane loving compassionate and healthy mom than a mom struggling to get by everyday just to breastfeed their child. Know your limits and know when to say enough is enough I need my medication now. Don’t let any of these pediatricians or obgyns tell you anything different because their just pushing their agendas.

It sounds like YOUR choice would be to bottle feed and go back on your meds. Because it’s YOUR choice, it’s the right choice

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Fed is best. Do what you feel is best for you and for your baby.

As long as you and the baby are healthy that’s all that matters and hormones go crazy after u give birth. Susceptible to post partum depression. Think about what’s best for you and you baby others opinions wont matter next year. Getting through those 1st couple months will matter!

Do what you feel. As long as a baby is fed that’s all that matters

Breast is best for baby but to be a good mama you need to do what’s best for you and only you can answer that. Good luck mama and congrats!

Take your meds…nothing worse then getting postpartum depression. Your baby needs a mentally healthy mum and formula is fantastic nowadays :blue_heart: I faced people asking me the same thing too. It’s also hard when people have never suffered from crippling mental health…it’s hard for them to relate. At the end of the day you have to move past their approval as there is always unfortunately people that want to judge or have an opinion about your parenting. Do what’s best for you and your family :kissing_heart:

It’s a good thing it’s your baby/body and not their baby/body! Mental health is a priority and you know what’s best! I formula fed some kids, breast fed other kids, there is absolutely no difference in my children!!!

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YOUR breasts YOUR rules
If they want the baby to have breast milk tell them to start getting their own supply up to donate

Take your meds. Formula feed your baby. F@#$ anyone who has a problem. When you weigh the options, taking your meds that you know help you to be your best self, will be best for your baby. Formula is just fine!

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Dont be so hard on yourself a full stomach and a healthy mommy is all that truly matters if u need your meds to be the best u than it’s a no brainer n oh tell your family to kiss it !!!

100% your child, your body, your decision. I breastfed my two daughters and my son wanted nothing to do with it, he forced me to switch :laughing: Decide now that your family doesn’t get to dictate what you do, and feel free :heart:

Formula feed! Baby will be just as happy! New motherhood is not for weaklings!

You have to chose what’s best for you and your baby. It’s no one else’s choice or business.

Give breastfeeding a go…you will never know what impact that can have on your mental health.:heart:its a 50/50.If it does not work for you or baby- formula it is​:grin:.


Fed is best. Whether it be formula or breast milk. I felt tons of pressure from friends and coworkers to breast feed. But i formula fed with my daughter.

You do what is best for you and you tell them to buzz off.

YOUR BABY… NOT THEIR BABY… YOUR MENTAL HEALTH IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR YOU AND YOUR CHILD. some mom’s breast feed… some mom’s don’t… you do what you need mama. Let them be mad. It’ll be okay🧡

I don’t struggle normally and to be honest BF was rough on me! I didn’t mind pregnancy, labor, delivery, even battled infertility w what grace I could muster- but in being honest, bf was for sure the hardest part! What I’ve learned for this next time around is that I’m going to listen to MY feelings on it. Will I try? absolutely! but if it doesn’t work out or isn’t compatible with my mental sanity, I’ll let it go, no doubt. I won’t suffer through like I did the first time, it was horrible both for me and for our bond together. So anyway, there’s my two cents. Not everyone’s journey is the same- you follow what you know is YOUR truth mama, that’s the best we can be!!:muscle:t3::purple_heart::pray::kissing_heart:

You know what is good for you. Stand up and tell them. You will feel better for it.

Do what is best for you and your baby

I think you should do whatever is best for you. Breastfed or formula fed, the baby will still be healthy. I have an aunt that didn’t even try to breastfeed just because she didn’t want to and her kids turned out great. Yours will too.

Don’t let your family or anyone push you into something you don’t want to do even if it’s just because you don’t want to.

First it’s your body, your choice. And second there are mental health medications that are breast feeding safe. Maybe talk to your ob/gyn or whichever dr you see for your mental health about breast feeding safe medicine if that’s the route you decide to go.

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Your body. Do what YOU need to do. If you cant handle breast feeding… Dont breastfeed! ( but youcan ask for breastfeeding safe meds! )

Pretty mama, as a mama to 3 beautiful girls. You have to do what you personally feel best for you and babes. Everything will all end up just fine! I nursed our first as long as I could… stressed about supply… went to lactation co consultants and clinics ALL the time! , as a first time mama I knew nothing… and ended up super sick. I nursed when I could and had supplement … dealt with Tom’s Tom’s tummy issues… 2nd we nursed to 18 months while I was 7 months preg… very difficult. Then with our 3rd girl nursed until 22 months… but I felt like she never left my tit. I now miss and cherish every minute but it was beyond exhausting… and painful. I before had exhaustion and stress about her being always on me… and now it’s the opposite. All that matters is your health, safety. The babes will always and forever be okay! Dont stress. Mama hood is no where easy but beyond rewarding!

Hey I’m sorry that happened but maybe you should keep this in mind this is not your fault its theirs . Listen , I’ve have seen this happening alot so I told my baby daddy’s side of the family if they are grandparents , or uncles, or whatever to my child and my child doesn’t know them then that’s not my child’s fault its theirs and if they dont feel anything for my child then that’s there loss not yours and I’m not obligating my child connect with u if you dont take initiative.You keep your head up like always and keep pushing through mama thats the best advice I can give you. And after i did that my baby daddy’s mom got offended but now she always wondering when we can go visit . See things change sometimes you have to give people the cold shoulder for them to get it and if they dont too bad for them.

Formula feed and if it makes you feel better to have an excuse just say you weren’t producing enough milk :woman_shrugging: it’s your child you should always do what’s best for y’all. I didn’t even try to breastfeed for my well being and my child is as perfect and beautiful as they get!

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I was unable to breastfeed any of my kids. They are just fine. I always hear to take care of them you have to take care of yourself. I myself am on lot of meds can’t cope without.

My family was like that but you know what it’s your body and you decide what’s best for you and baby. If they don’t like it too bad

The most important days of breastfeeding are the first days after birth. Try to make a plan in your mind to start with breastfeeding initially. Let your baby have skin on skin time with you and get the colostrum. If it goes well for you continue if not then formula feed. Your health is important too.

You haven’t even had your baby yet & you already sound like a wonderful mama❤ Just the fact that you went off your meds to ensure your baby is healthy is the most generous gesture. If I were you I would go back on your meds when the baby is born & bottle feed. Let your family be mad…ignore it. I breastfed my first 2 children & bottle fed my twins because of a high fever after giving birth. They were all healthy. Please be proud of yourself & enjoy that little baby. I can already tell you will do great!!

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Try to breastfeed first. If you still suffer without your meds then switch to formula.

If your needs aren’t met than how are you going to take care of your baby. Give a couple of feeds for colostrum then switch

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Its your choice as long as your baby is healthy and you are healthy that is all that matters … my first I wasnt able to produce enough milk she had jaundice as a baby and wasnt gaining weight I had to supplement formula for her I tried breastfeeding as long as I could … my second baby has never had a drop of formula I breast feed her till she was 2 1/2 years old. There is absolutely nothing wrong with either of my children… if you choose to formula feed your child and get back on your meds for your own mental health there is nothing wrong with that no matter what anyone says you know what’s best for you and your health and your baby will be happy no matter what he or she eats as long as they have you

Do what you need to! I suggest trying to breastfeed at first. You know yourself, if you feel like you’re not coping, go straight to formula.

Congraulations to you first of all. Bottle feed babe. Its not worth the stress. I bottle fed all my three sons and yes people trashed me big time and made me feel terribly guilty. But honestly l had my reasons and they were very valid ones to me, the main one being l had too go back to fulltime shift work very soon afterwards as l was the main income earner. My youngest is 13 now, the other two are grown men. Both over 6 foot 5 and healthy well adjusted men. They all thrived on the bottle. So do what is best for you and tell others to mind their own business

  1. I have bipolar and PTSD. I took meds and nursed. It depends on the meds, but there may be options IF ITS WHAT YOU WANT. Seroquel worked for me and baby.

  2. Your mental health is the most important. Your family is being trash right now. Message me if you need a listening ear.

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They have no right pressure you into anything. Especially in this situation. If you feel like being back on your meds will be whats best for you and your baby (bc untreated mental illness can negatively impact you both) then make that choice and don’t let anyone else make you feel guilty for it.

I have a mental illness and I choose tablets over breast feeding!!! I have 4 kids for my 2nd I moved in with my parents for a bit and mum pressured me into trying! I lasted 2 days and my son was unsettled and we were both unhappy! You need to do what you feel comfortable with!!!

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There are meds you can take while breastfeeding so if you want to try definitely talk to your doctor. The first 3 mints post partum (and longer) can be really difficult with the hormonal adjustment and should be taken very seriously. If your family doesn’t get it then maybe they can step up to bat and breastfeed :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It’s your body and your mental health. You come first. You can’t take care of that baby if you have nothing left to give.

I’ve exclusively breastfed our baby for 8 months but there were times I wish I hadn’t. Times I wanted to stop. If it is something you really want to do I recommend doing some research so you a prepared for what to expect. Go to a La Leche League meeting, read The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, join a forum.

And be ready to tell people off. It’s your body, it’s your baby, it’s your health, it’s your choice.

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Remember THIS IS YOUR BABY AND YOUR BODY. DO WHAT YOU FEEL IS RIGHT FOR YOU, YOUR BABY, AND YOUR BODY. I had 4 children and I didn’t breast feed any of them. They were all healthy. Don’t worry about what ANYONE says about it. The best baby is a fed baby. So don’t worry and do what you feel is best. After all it is YOUR CHOICE.

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Talk to your doctor to see if you can nurse on any of the meds. Do what’s best for you and your baby. Also see if there are any natural supplements you might be able to substitute.

As others have mentioned there are safe meds but also keep in mind that while breast feeding you body is producing hormones to keep your milk production going which gradually reduces the hormone crash after birth helping with post partum depression

Your baby your body. Do what is best for you and the baby will be fine. I had no milk, so i couldn’t have even if i wanted to. My two boy’s were healthy and hzppy and so was i. I just got a new baby boy first great grandbaby. He did not take to breast or milk, put him on similac and loves it and doing good.

Your gonna have a new baby. If you do better on meds I don’t understand why your family doesn’t want you back on your meds. Postpartum is a serious thing. That and no meds and a new baby isn’t a good combination. You know you. And you says she needs to get back on your meds. Your new family needs you healthy and mentally stable. Screw what everybody else wants. It’s all about what you need!! :v::heart::slightly_smiling_face:

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If you want to try it, go ahead and try it in the hospital with all the lactation and support around you.

If it doesn’t feel like something you can or want to do in those first days as you’re about to leave the hospital, then don’t do it. I mean you have like 3 days minimum before you’ll have the energy to make a healthcare appointment to get resituated on your meds. Take advantage of that if and only if you want to. Let no one else tell you otherwise.

I am so sorry you’re going through this. There will be a lot of nay sayers if you choose to formula feed. However, you NEED to take care of YOU. And how you choose to feed YOUR child is YOUR choice. Do not let them influence you. Please, do what’s best for you. Breastfeeding is incredibly hard and I can totes understand that struggle. I firmly believe fed is best. And a happy mama is best. :heart::heart::heart:

Formula is just as good in my opinion! You need ur meds! I’ve been there good luck to u!

You know sometimes we just got to do what’s best for ourselves, your family will get over the fact that you’re giving baby formula. Now if you would like to breastfeed talk to your doctor about other medications that may help. Remember healthy mom and healthy baby are more important than your families feelings. Good luck mama you got this❤️

FED IS BEST!! Do what you need to so it would be easier for BOTH you!! You need to take care of yourself so you can care for your LO. Mine never wanted the breast or the breast milk after I pumped. So he was formula fed all through his bottle stage!! He is a perfectly fine and strong and healthy 19 month old!!

Do what is right for you❤fed is best so either or.

I think you should do what YOU want…

Absolutely NOTHING wrong with formula feeding! You need to take care of yourself in order to take care of your baby! It sucks not having your family support you but this is your baby, your health and your life. Do whats best for you!!

Your child needs a mother that is at her best. Give the child formula and get yourself feeling right.

I think sometimes breast feeding is overated. Do what you want to do. Don.t be pressured into something thats not right for you. I have friends who breast fed ant their lids are allergic to everything. My kids were not breast fed and do more have anymore allergies than they do. Do what you want to do.

I believe that breastfeeding is great, I EBF my daughter for 14 months. I was able to take an antidepressant while nursing. However, I am a firm believer that fed is best and honestly if your stress levels are too high you won’t make much milk. If you want to breastfeed, talk to your doctor and see if you can take any of your meds or a supplement medication while you’re nursing. If you’re stressed or if you just flat out don’t want to breastfeed, then don’t. If your family gets upset, screw them. It’s your baby and it’s your choice. No one else is raising that child and what’s best for you is what’s best for the baby. Don’t let anyone pressure you either way. I know it’s a tough situation but you got this!!! :heart:

Being a new mom is extremely difficult breastfeeding or not. Don’t make it harder on yourself. If you need your medication take it. Formula is perfectly okay. If they want your baby breastfeed so bad then they can pull out a tit and start lactating themselves.

Do what’s best for you and your baby avoid a tragedy. Your family needs to stay out of it. Try it in hospital and if it’s something you can do then do it if not formula is just as good.

Dont feel bad for not breastfeeding. Formula isnt poison… Its food. Give your baby food and take care of your mental health. Your baby will benifit more from you being mentally stable than anything else.

Breastfeed for two weeks to give your baby all the colostrum and boost her immune system. Just two weeks. The longer the better always, but the first two weeks is that most important.

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Your the mom do what you want to do

Tell them they are free to whip out their breast and feed them… otherwise shut up

What ever is best for you nothing wrong with bottle and tell family to fuck off your baby your choice

my family was pressuring me not to breastfeed so I know how u feel it’s up to u only u know what’s best for your baby they had their hance and they made their choice

Your baby, your rules! Take care of yourself and tell everyone to take their unsolicited advice and shove it

Mental health 1st honey. You can’t be there for your baby if your not on your meds. Trust me I did go thru it. I even had post pardum psychosis. Just tell them at this time I need to be here all here to be the best mom you can be and that requires meds that are harmful for the baby so Dr & I decided bottle is the best option. Breast feeding isn’t always easy

You do what you want if you start doing things they want you to do its gonna get alot worse.Think of you health and the babies.Dont worry what other people feel

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Fed is best: wether that’s breastfeeding or formula feeding. It’s a personal choice & you need to do what’s best for you and your baby. A happy healthy momma is what’s best for your baby! :heart:

You know what sweetie I didn’t even read the whole thing I’m just going to tell you I’ve read the part that you are ready to give birth anytime soon which will make me believe you are an adult so the hell with everyone do what you have to do for you and your baby sometimes people don’t understand the pressures of others so suck it up mama like I said do what’s best for you and your baby good luck

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Your breast.
Your mental health.
Your choice.
Problem solved.


If you feel at your best when on medications take them I desperately wanted to breast feed but my beautiful baby refused no matter what we tried he had to be fed so formula was the way for the good health if him.

Honestly, even as a parent you have to put yourself first. You are no good to bub if you are not your best possible self. You know yourself best, if you need to go back onto your medication, do it. Your baby will thank you in the long run.

Could you breastfeed for the first week and aftef that go back on your meds and switch to formula? That way he/she gets the benefit of colostrum and some nutrients and immunities but it’s not too long before you get back on your meds.


Breastfeeding is easier then formula feeding and it’s great bonding time with the baby I love breastfeeding more then anything else I do. But over all it’s what makes you happiest


I have the same issue as you but I wanted to breastfeed but I needed my meds more…take your meds…you have to be there for your baby physically,mentally and so on!!! You baby will thrive with or without breastfeeding. You however are at risk without your meds. I had a milk donor for my last so if it’s that important to them have them pay for it. Maybe they need to decide if it’s more important for you to breastfeed or medicated to live and raise your baby🤦‍♀️it’s your life your child your choice…they made their choice when it was theirs to make…it’s not theirs to make…it’s your turn now!!! Stand your ground because only you know how you feel mentally and what you are capable of handling. I struggled so hard during my last pregnancy without meds…I could nor would I ever do it again!! Hugs to you

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Your child needs you to be as healthy as you can be! Get back on your meds after your baby is born and formula feed. Your child deserves your best. If the meds will do that, you owe it to him.


I can relate in some ways. If I were you, I’d try to breastfeed along with formula for the first month so baby can get the extra natural protection & nutrition your body gives that formula can’t. But your family needs to understand how dangerous mental illness is and how far formula has come to provide everything babies need to be healthy

Breastfeeding is a choice, not a requirement. Fed is best don’t let anyone judge you for your choices

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