My family is pressuring me to breastfeed; Thoughts?

Put on your big girl panties and do what you want. You’re going to anyways. :woman_shrugging::woman_facepalming:

Consult with your doctors. All through Parenthood you will be faced with situations where you need to make decisions. Those decisions should always be made with your family’s best interests in mind. Yes, it’s awesome to breastfeed because the baby gets valuable nutrients that help it’s immune system, and help the baby to be healthier and strong. But the hormonal changes you will go through after delivery might affect you and your mental state in such a way that you require your medications to be able to give your baby a stable environment. Others are always going to be more than willing to offer advice, but your decisions need to be made based on what’s best for you, so that you can give the best of you to your child.

My thoughts go to the situation on an airplane. When the oxygen masks drop, you put yours on first, so that you can then protect and save your child. Take care of you, so you can care for others.

You can take medications for depression and mental health issues while breastfeeding. Lots of women do. You just need to talk to your doctors and work with them. If you truly want to breastfeed then it is :100: doable with medications


Formula feed. There is nothing wrong with it at all. Yes it is good to breastfeed but you need to take care of yourself so you can be at your best for your baby. I wasn’t able to breastfeed either of my children and they are both healthy happy kids. My son is only 6 months old and is still on his Formula and he’s doing fantastic. Don’t let anyone tell you what to do with your body or child. Sounds like if they are so adamant about this they will have some strong opinions in the future as well and you’ll need to stick to your guns and do what you feel is best. Best wishes for a healthy baby!!

You are important too and your health matters also❤️ I didn’t breastfeed either due to my meds but my family was all on my side and supported any choice I made. Your baby will fine on formula. I breast fed my first and formula fed my other two and guess what they are all 3 equally healthy and all smart and my middle child who was born early and formula fed is the healthiest of all of them so do what you feel is safe for you and right for you don’t let anyone tell you thst you are wrong for wanting to formula feed so you can be stable and on medication even a doctor would advise you to think of yourself.

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You know how when you’re on an airplane and they tell you that when the air masks drop to put yours on first before helping others? Parenting is like that.

You have to take care of you. As someone who suffers from mental illness and went almost my entire pregnancy without medication, I know how hard going without much needed medication is. Being a new mom is hard enough.

If you want to try to breastfeed by all means, try. But don’t feel bad for taking care of yourself and switching to formula.

Nobody asks whether you were breast or formula fed on a job application anyway.


You made it though the pregnancy(9 months) without the DRUGS why not strive for a year without them 12 months then 18 even 24…I know you think you need them, but what if you dont.

Can only try it breastfeeding is amazing good for both baby and mum especially mentally. It’s a natural high the hormones released are all the good ones love attachment happiness :slight_smile: it’s also easier less stress and you don’t ever have to worry about allergies or cleaning bottles etc. way less work and stress than bottle feeding. This might be good for you also. All the best

Stuff them they don’t walk in your shoes they don’t understand. Being a new mum is so hard i think you’re being very responsible and smart by wanting to start your medication again. If they get mad simply say my baby my choice and leave it at that.

Fed is best. How doesn’t matter. Do what is best for you and your baby. Dont let people make you feel bad. Tell them it is best and do what you will. You can still bond plenty while bottle feeding. I have done both .


Wait until after baby is born and if you need to take your medication due to your medical condition and that you need to continue to take your medication then you cross that path when you have to. Do not let anyone make you feel guilty if you choose not to breastfeed your baby that is your decision alone. Ask for someone to provide breastmilk for you and your baby. I know that this is a avenue in which you could consider. But whatever option you choose whether breastmilk from another person or formula milk.

If breastfeeding isn’t for you then don’t do it. As long as the baby is fed and both of you are happy and healthy that’s all that matters. I didn’t breastfeed because it just wasn’t for me :woman_shrugging:t3:and I have a happy healthy almost 2 year old.

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Talk to a maternity psychiatrist- they advised me that lexapro is safe while pregnant and breastfeeding, so i remained on it. I would highly encourage you to look at placenta encapsulation. I did this with 2 out of my 4 kids and boy do i wish i bad done it for the first too. It will bring in your milk supply quickly, stabilise your moods, give you so much more energy! It is well worth it. But i also would encourage you to breast feed, atleast a month, every day your baby gets breastmilk is fantastic and it is for their future health and it greatly benefits your health too. Look into the benefits, lowers your cancer risks, increases babies IQ, sets up their microbiome for future health- you cant get those benefits at any other point in life. If you need support or advice about breastfeeding feel free to PM me as i have fed 4 kids, to over 2.5years each. Theres alot of wrong information out there.

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Girl do whats best for you. I was all set to breastfeed but when i had my first one no milk came. I was put on all different meds to start my milk supply but not a drop came same for my second. My kids are perfectly healthy so it’s no biggie! If you do choose to breast feed thats great just keep an eye on your mental health. Post partum depression is real and with prior mental health problems it’s even worse! Choose whats best for you and baby. Only you can.

Personally, I would say give breastfeeding a try for the first few days to get that super healthy colostrum into that baby, and then about a week old switch over to formula so you can get back on your meds. I say this since you did say you wanted to give it a go. But in the end you need to take care of yourself, your child will be better off with a mentally healthy mom.

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Mental health is a million times more important! You need to care for yourself in order to care for your baby in the best way possible. There is nothing wrong with formula feeding. I formula fed because I had to. And people made me feel horrible for it. But the truth is people will criticize every choice you make as a mom. So you have to do what is best for the baby and YOU!


I would bottle feed. Sure, breastfeeding is best but if you can’t please don’t feel badly. Bottle feeding is all good. Best of luck.

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Put your health first if you need the meds then formula feed your hormones will be crazy after birth and it’s hard to adjust anyway don’t put yourself at risk if you don’t have to your baby needs a healthy mum more than anything

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I would have to say that your mental health is so important. Yes, breastfeeding is great and has so many benefits. However, it’s not going to be good if mom isn’t taken care of. I was in seizure meds, and actually stayed on them while pregnant. But I really didn’t feel comfortable breastfeeding as I’ve heard and read conflicting things about breastfeeding and being on the meds. My kids are now 11, 10, 8, and 6. Yes, I did get comments made, which were hurtful. But I knew in my heart and my head that I was doing what I believe the best thing for my kids.

Fed is best mama. :heart::heart::heart: tell people if they would like to make decisions for a child perhaps they should have another one themselves because this one is yours and it’s YOUR life and YOUR mental health. And it could ultimately be better for the baby ANYWAY. Speak to your doctors though if you are still conflicted. They are going to be the only ones who can truly help you make a decision.

It’s proven that breastfeeding actually decreases ppd. Breastfeeding is better on every single level, hands down.

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You are and will he the best mom you can be when you are taking care of yourself. If you feel that you will be more equipped to handle life as a new mom better if you are medicated then that is what you should do. Your family does not have to live your life, or suffer your illness. It is your choice, your body, your baby and your life. Do what is best for you and baby. If they cant be supportive then you don’t need that negativity in your life especially when dealing with a newborn. I am never a fan of medication. I am however a fan of allowing other people to have their freedom of choice and not judging, or berating them for it.

If you feel you can do it give it a try for a day or two but if you don’t, then you do what’s best for you and if that means formula then so be it!!! Fed is best what ever way and baby will need mamma her best self she can be, then get back on your meds and ignore everyone else !!! Your life your baby your rules , family won’t be there when you’ve been up 5 times in a row during the night with a hungry crying baby will they? Don’t be pressured in to anything

Do what’s best for you but definitely talk to your doctors about medication options if you think you want to try to breastfeed. You could always breastfeed in the hospital right after birth then switch to formula. Any breastmilk is good.
But if your family is so hard pressed for your baby to breastfeed, tell them to do it themselves. Seriously, post partum depression/anxiety is real. You have to take care of yourself, parenting is so hard sometimes.

Your Mental health is so much more important may be breast feed for couple of days so baby gets the first bit of milk But as u give birth start taking your med. then u r doing what’s good for u and baby Tell family to do one lol

Pet u do what is best for u . I formula feed my first 2 . And with my 3rd I Brest feed for 4 weeks and I loved it . But I also give her formula and the midwife said it was ok . So if I felt she did not get enough of me I give her a bottle to top her up . But u do what is best for you and what makes u feel good and if u know u need ur meds to take them xxx

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tell ur family to sod off Ur the mother. ur health&Mental mind etc Is more Important! they will want you to Be looking after urself… if that means taking the meds do it… I Done formula both Times with mine


Why not use a hospital pump to Express some milk and freeze it and use it first. I did breastfeed but I had to give formula as well because he was still Hungary only trouble was he wanted breast and not the bottle. We got there in the end. Just do what feels right for you. Dont let others get in your head. Your child your body.speak to the healthcare professionals . Good luck and try and enjoy your baby it goes by so quickly. My son is 30 and I still remember him when he was born just wish I I had the chance to enjoy motherhood a bit more.

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you do whats best for you

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being forced or pressured to breastfeed will make feedtime uncomfortable for both you and baby if you are not 100 percent down with it

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Tell them to mind their own business and to get lost

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You are the Mom do what you want to!! I didn’t and my son is just fine.

Although breastfeeding is so good for a baby and if you really succeed in the method the bond you have with your baby is really great. I have depression. I didn’t take my medication for almost 2years due to pregnancy and breastfeeding. But the struggle was real. All advice I can give you is that no baby deserves an unhappy mommy that struggles with day to day issues. Breastfeeding will add to it. Every 3 hours a feeding. You will be closed off from life and may also cause a bit of stirr craziness… as long as your baby is healthy and being fed, the method is a side matter. Start with formula and get back on your meds. There will be no judgment as your baby will be fed and will be happy as his mommy is happy.

Your health is a huge priority, if you can’t maintain your self how are you expected to maintain your child? Honey I know you love your family but they aren’t having your baby you are. You are capable of making your own decisions when it comes to your child and your body. As I see it Honey you are trying to do what’s best for both you and your baby, there’s nothing wrong with formula and if you are curious about breast feeding ask your Doctor if you can while taking your medicine if not try expressing some milk and freezing right after the baby is born then start your meds. I personally know all too well about this subject. Remember this is your child and your body so these should be your choices!!! Taking care of your self is being able to meet all of your child’s needs.

My family tried that too!!! My mother breast twin brothers until they were almost 4 almost 5. My grandparents and my mom sisters finally made her quit because they couldn’t stand seeing it either. It was disgusting to me. The boys would just jump on the couch and she would pull her boob out, let them suck her boobs and then they would jump down and play. It was also embarrassing to me when others would see it. So I had mental problems with it. I was a pre teen and couldn’t comprehend why she would let these kids suck her boob when they ate just fine!!! It would be like a “treat” to them and she loved it. Seemed to me she loved it too much and it was gross… She was the one doing her best to guilt me into it… When i gave birth, my baby was a premie and only weighed a little over 4 pounds. Dr said she needed a mix of my milk and premie formula. So at the dr suggestion (plus she could not latch) I pumped and mixed it with half formula. That was truly a blessing to me as I was too young to NOT be guilted by my mother… Then I had 2 more children and pumped with them also… I have no problems with breast feeding NOW, but back when I was a teen it was such a different story. Pumping was what helped me give my babies what they needed physically that I was unable to do mentally…
Do what u need to do for YOU. Don’t let anyone pressure into something u don’t feel comfortable with… U need ur meds to be happy, feed formula. Simple as that. U make the decision :heart: Good luck. U got this!

Dont feel forced to breastfeed. I could never really breastfeed and it is only your choice. Let me guarantee you the first time they can help feeding baby because he/she is on bottle feeding they will be thankful to be able to be part of it. Only thing that is important is that you and baby is happy. And baby is happy when mommy is happy

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It doesn’t matter how you feed your baby only that you feed your baby and it’s healthy, tell your family its not them thay suffers when you are without your meds it’s you it’s also not them that will have to deal with sore cracked nipples so tell them when it is them that suffers they can make the choice but it will be you who has to go through that so the choice is yours alone and if they don’t like it then they can Nick off

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Fed is best. Do what you feel is best for you and bub. Your mental health is 100x more important than your family’s feelings

Tell them it’s none of their business!The important thing is you’re both healthy,and that means mentally also.I did the same thing,but pumped for 2 weeks.Then back onto my meds. Formula is wonderful as well,most are new,and improved,and well feed baby,which is what matters.There is no wrong way to feed baby,breast,bottle,feeding tube,etc.

Your health is also important for taking care of your baby. Sometimes it is difficult to breastfeed for many different reasons. Which won’t help your health either. As long as the baby is fed that’s all that matters it doesn’t matter if they are breastfed or formula. My son gets both formula and breast milk.

Your baby needs a happy healthy mama more than they need breast milk. I loved breast feeding and focusing on it helped me with all my post birth emotions but it’s so different for everyone. There’s no harm in trying it if you want to and there is no shame what’s so ever if you decide to switch to formula and go back on your meds. You will know what’s right for you and your baby! Don’t be afraid to tell your family to mind their own business and if they’re not happy about how you raise your child then tell them where the door is! Feeding your baby is just one aspect of raising your child, there’s so much to consider from what products and nappies to use to when you’re going to start weaning to what school they’re going to attend. It’s endless! Once that baby has a full tummy and mama is happy that’s all that matters. Best of luck and sending you lots of love :heart:

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Fed is best. Plain and simple. I am bf but supplementing with formula for my second. I learned with my first that i dont produce enough to exclusively bf. And also my mother bottle fed my sister and i and we’re perfectly fine. Everyone does their own thing. Nothing matters, except that baby is being fed. You shouldnt feel guilty for taking care of yourself so that way your baby has a happy mom. Because honestly those first few weeks are hard. Youre both recovering and also getting used to each other and trying to get a routine down. Let them complain all they want. Do whats best for you and your baby. Best of luck to you momma :blush::shamrock:


Normally I am a strong advocate for breast feeding and you can certainly feed for first days so baby gets colostrum which is so important. However the vital thing is that mummy is well and happy. Speak to the doctors caring for you and baby and if you need your medicines that is what you must do. Millions of babies have thrived on formula and you will be making the best decision for yourself and your family. Don’t feel bad/guilty, feel joyful to be happy, healthy and baby too! Your family should support your decision.

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I would talk to my doctor and let her decide whats best for me and my baby

I formula fed due to meds I take for migraines. I suffered terrible pregnant not able to take my meds. I bottle fed and stood by my decision and so did my husband. He wanted me back on the ASAP. do what is best for you!

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You’re the only person who can decide what’s best for you and you’re baby. If you’re family doesn’t like it then tell them oh well & distance yourself from them for a while! They are in the wrong. Do WHAT you think is best! Good luck.

Absolutely get back on your meds if you need them. You don’t owe your family an explanation, but it might help. Plus postpartum depression is no joke!

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Please do what’s best for your own health

Go back on your meds. All that matters is your baby will be fed and healthy. I’ve breastfed 3 out of my 4 babies and the newborn stage is the most difficult. And since you’re going to be a first time mommy you also have to worry about post partum depression and if you get that they’ll put you on meds anyways and won’t be able to breastfeed(like me with my 1st). I had ppd with my first born and they told me my depression and anxiety played a huge role in why I had it. You want to be at your best with your new baby so please just take care of yourself so you can take care of the baby. You can have a talk with your family about it but don’t let them make you feel bad. Good luck mama :heart:

Do what’s best for you and baby both, happy mom means a happy baby and FED is BEST
Breast milk is great
Formula is great
A fed baby is wonderful and people should honestly mind their business because your boobs aren’t their business

You do not need to breastfeed. I felt like I did have to until my own mother told me basically…fuck it, baby isn’t latching, you’re not producing so it’s ok. Because I wasn’t producing barely any milk, the hospital had to just give her formula. With my second daughter, I didn’t even bother and I had less issues with her than I did with my other one. The hospital seemed happier that I chose formula over breastfeeding for some reason. The doctor even said because I formula fed and my second daughter was able to poop earlier, she didn’t suffer from jaundice like my first one did. As long as your baby is fed, it’s okay. The transition and adjustment to having a baby is rough that first time so you need to be able to cope and you will need your medication. Your mental health is important for everybody. Do what’s best for you. They are not in your shoes and do not understand what you’re going through from moment to moment.

Fed is best. Your mental health is number one

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A fed baby is best ,do what you need to do for you and Baby will be great :heart:good luck

Even though I’m pro bf I would formula feed for your mental health in this case because you need to be mentally sane and ok to take care of a baby especially those first few HARD intense months

Fed is best


You do whats best for you. I formula fed my 3, theyre all wonderful healthy kids :blush:. You can certainly try to breastfeed if you want to, i tried with my last one and it just didnt work out. No biggie tho :wink: you need to do whats best for you dont let anyone pressure you into doing something youre just not comfortable doing.

I hate when people make new mom’s feel like they should give every piece of them selves and fall to pieces for their baby. in the end that baby needs something of you to be left. if the medication is incompatible with nursing then take the drug. no the baby won’t get any antibodies but it will get so much more. a mother that is emotionally stable enough to care for and love a child.


Your mental health is way more important than breastfeeding. Your child needs a healthy, happy mom way more than they need breast milk.


If you can’t take care of yourself you won’t be able to take care of your baby the very best you can. Doesn’t matter how your baby is fed, just make sure you’re okay, PPD with mental illness is no joke!!!

I did not breastfeed and Guess what my kids are alive. I know it’s hard to believe but kids actually live when they are fed formula. Do what’s right for you and tell you family to mind their own business.

I am very pro breastfeeding, but I think your post partum hormone shifts and lack of sleep will be very difficult for you and you should go back on your meds.


Mental health comes first new babies can be a big change lack of sleep take care of you so you can take care.of your baby do whats best for you not them i bottle fed 4 because i know i like spicy caffeinated foods that dont work well not to mention an occasional glass of wine with dinner thats out if you breast feed

Do whats best for you darlin! If you aren’t doing good then how are you going to take care of your lil angel? Screw everyones opinion. YOU ARE THE MOMMA

Fed is best! Also it’s your baby, nobody can tell you how to feed him/her.

Feed that baby formula. If it helps you, and the baby is fed, that’s all that matters.

Fed is best. I do suggest maybe pumping for maybe 1 day in the hospital or breastfeeding for 1 day. Breast milk is kinda yellow for the first day or 2 because that’s all your antibodies that go to your child. I only suggest that because it seems like you want to breastfeed but you don’t think you can handle without your meds. So maybe do the one day so the baby gets the antibodies and then formula feed from there?


This is entirely YOUR decision, not your family’s! They don’t get a say! Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but to actually get mad at you for putting your mental health first while still feeding and nourishing your baby in a different way… they’re way out of line. You do what you need to do for you FIRST. If you’re not healthy and stable, nobody else that relies on you will be. Your baby needs you to take care of you first. You’re not doing anything wrong by going back on your meds and formula feeding. NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT AT ALL.

So your family doesnt care about the risks you describe? Pressuring and encouraging are 2 different things.
Just talk to them. I’m sure they want what’s best for you both.

I did breastfeed but I personally was not breastfed. Breastfeeding is easier at times but harder too because that baby is attached to you what feels like 24/7. You become their pacifier and their food source. Some babies, like my daughter, refused to take a bottle or a pacifier. She only wanted me. That can be very hard when you are emotionally exhausted and would like someone else to help with the feedings. If you are not fully into the idea, then don’t do it. Your baby will be fine with the bottle.

Fuck them. You matter more than how you feed your baby. I simply just didn’t want to breastfeed my first, and that was fine enough reason. You got this mama :heart: listen to YOUR gut!

You can’t take care of a baby if you don’t take care of yourself. Your mental health comes first. Good luck. Be a mom is the best. But I’m a grandma now I have to say is even better. Good luck :four_leaf_clover:

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If you have anyone helping you all 24/7 for 12 weeks then you can breastfeed. Because sleep is the only thing we lack and because of it we loose everything. You should have someone to cook,clean and organise all 24/7. So that you can breastfeed,eat and sleep peacefully. When the baby is on schedule, you may resume to all work without lack of sleep and you cn start formula too by increasing the ounces gradually. By 6 months you can just stop bf and continue your meds. But if you have no one to help lik3 that, i would take formula if i were you

You could always breastfeed the first 2 weeks and pump as much as you can in the two weeks then switch to formula. That way your baby would get the benefits and it would just mean 2 extra weeks off your meds

Just formula feed if that’s what you want to do. Fed is best! Take care of yourself

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Take care of yourself!

Your mental health is most important. You got to do what’s best for you…

Your mental health comes first. If u dont want to breast feed, then that’s it. Your body, your choice. No one has any say on how a parent chooses to feed their baby (bottle or breast), not even the father has any say. You need to care for you so that your able to be your best self to take care of a baby.
Tell them all to shove it girl. Both my kids weren’t breast fed and they are super healthy, strong and smart kids.

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Your health is first. Your baby needs you feeling well & happy.
Baby can be fed with formula, he will be fine.

First off, you need to do what’s best for you. Secondly- have you checked to see what the risks are for the baby when exposed to medications via breastmilk? Most medications are compatible with breastfeeding. It comes down to weighing the risk of baby’s exposure to the benefit of you managing your condition and thriving.

Do what you want to do. Dont let anybody talk you into doing anything when you’re a mother. You make the decision and you do what is best for you.

I would recommend at least trying even if you breastfeed for 1 day would be great benifits for the baby. If you don’t feel like like & it’s not for you at least you can say you tried & just wasn’t for you. I didn’t think I was going to enjoy it as it’s looked upon as disgusting by my family. But I loved breastfeeding & enjoyed the closeness & bonding so much! I also liked not having to make bottles lol. I also want to mention you can take zoloft while nursing :breast_feeding:. If it’s not for you that’s it not for you! Your family is always going to want to give you their opinion in their advice. Better to learn now to tell them to shut it lol :joy:

Girl just formula feed. It is no one else’s business how you choose to feed your baby. Tell them to pull their titty out and feed their own baby. It’s not their business. Your baby has the best opportunity at happiness with a healthy mommy behind him/her.

Do you !! I made the decision not to breast feed as I worked and my husband was a great team player who also wanted to bond with his son , every night he feed him , :heartpulse::heartpulse:

Formula feed girl. I put my mental health first and formula fed with zero regrets.

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I used the pump till I went dry, than used formula. But really…up to you

Your baby will be happy and healthy being bottle fed on sacrificed your well being while pregnant by stopping your medicine , now it’s time for you to put your health first and go back on your medicine. You and your baby deserve a healthy, happy, mentally well mom with her every day! Don’t listen to what others are trying to force on you, you do what you know to be best for you and your baby… good luck and stay strong :heart:

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Do what is best for you !

How can you properly take care of your baby if you can’t take care of yourself??? If the medicines truly help you then please start them back after your baby is born. Ita not your family’s baby. It is yours. Tell them to back the hell off. Stop pleasing everyone else and do whats best for you. Your baby will be fine on formula.

You can’t take care of your baby if you don’t take care of yourself first. I’d be telling the family that you don’t feel safe remaining off the meds so bfing is not an option and if they have an issue they can whip out a titty and relactate themselves to help out.

It’s your baby and it’s your decision. Formula or breastfed ad long as the baby is fed and happy that’s all that matters.

Do what you feel is best. As long as your baby is eating then you’re doing a great job as a mom. You are still a person and important, a baby doesn’t change that. Take care of you because breastfeeding takes such a heavy toll on you when you have mental illness.

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Read that again. You answered it yourself. You can’t be the best mom possible if you’re not taking care of yourself.

Congratulations! :gift_heart:

I’m all for breastfeeding, but you need to do what is best for you and baby and if you being on your meds is best, formula feed!
I ended in hospital for weeks after my last 2 babies because of staph infection so I couldn’t breastfeed and they are just has healthy and intelligent has their older brothers! :heart:

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The firts 3 days of your breast milk its like LIQUID GOLD (COLOSTRUM) Hond on tight for those 3 days and feed your baby with your milk because it have things that any formula can give to him, ans then swich to formula


Your mental health comes first


Formula… and your mental health…anyone that thinks breast feeding is more important than the health of the mother does not have your best interest at at heart… it is okay to say… my health matters too end of discussion


Just do what you want. I myself could not breast feed though I wanted to. I have a medical condition that prevented me from doing so. I did however have a breast milk donor for the first 12 weeks. After that it was formula. There a a hundred different ways to feed Yor baby. Fed is best. Do what works for you!

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It is your choice to breast feed or formula your body your choice tell them to zip it you need to be put back on yourbmeds after delivery… they have a problem with it thats there problem…i went through the same thing and i told my family to kiss my a$$ problem solved

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I tried breastfeeding but my milk didnt come in. Especially with my second child. Use formula.

Maybe breastfeed immediately after giving birth so the baby gets the colastrum. Your mental health is as important as breastfeeding (even more so,) lots of people don’t breastfeed. However, studies show that breastfeeding helps with depression.
It’s your body and your baby so it is your decision. I wasn’t producing milk with my first born so guess what j switched to formula. My second I breastfed for nine months, only supplementing with formula while out in public because I have gigantic breast so it just wasn’t simple. Good luck to you.


Do want you want your family has nothing to do with this!!!

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