My family never wants to come to my house: Advice?

Anyone else deal with family wanting to see your little one(s), but don’t wanna come over to see them? It’s always come over to my house… I’m over that mindset!!


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My family never wants to come to my house: Advice?

Have you asked them why they don’t want to come to your house? They may have valid reasons or they may just be jerks. :woman_shrugging:


My mum does this and it’s purely so she can drink every night. I absolutely hate it


They don’t feel comfortable at your place.

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Gotta talk to em bout it. Why dont you want to visit them? Do you prefer the comfort of your own home? Maybe you feel like you dont have to put any work in and if family wanna see them they’ll do all the work?

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When family wanted to spend time with my kids I took them to there house to spend time with them. If it’s more of a whole family visit for everyone then it would vary my house sometimes their house others. So is it that it’s I wanna spend time with the grandbabies , niece’s/nephew’s , kids bring them by? Or more of a everybody u and the kids kind visit?

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Now you’re learning… You match energys and fall back and when they start crying and whining about you never come over then let loose and hurt some feelings


Is your house dirty?
Do you have pets?


I don’t like people in my house so…….I’m perfectly fine dropping off.


My family is like that. When i was very young it was because they didn’t like my sons dad. Then it was because they didn’t agree with the age of who I married after that. Now it’s been over 13 years I’ve lived at home and still only 3 people from my very large “family” have come to visit or say hi and check on me and my kids. I tried visiting them or calling but sometimes I would get no call back or answer when I did and when I would visit it was super awkward. So yeah now I have 2 kids that don’t know my family. :roll_eyes:


I just got paid $10879 working off my laptop this month. And if you think that’s cool, my divorced friend has twin toddlers and made over $ 14038 her first month. It feels so good making so much money when other people have to work for so much less.

This is what I do…

Family sucks. Create your own happy with friends. :heart::heart: You’re better off.

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Is your house nasty?


I go to my daughters more than she comes to me
It’s a break for me and easier for her with the children
I do have my grand daughter for nanna nights as well x

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Then stop going over to their place.

I’d rather go to their house then ppl come here and mess up my house :joy:. Plus everyone smokes and we don’t smoke in our house.


Ask them why they don’t want to go to your home. Also ask yourself why they might not want to go to your home. Are the bathrooms clean? Is there a yard for your kids to play in? Is your home able to accommodate visitors? Do the children behave differently when they go for visits? Do your relatives have reliable transportation? Can they afford to travel? Are they physically able to drive? Talk to the family.

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Yeppppp. And I have a newborn.

l Get paid over $115 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16972 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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I think in situations like this it’s important to keep in mind that they’re at least wanting to be involved.
And from there…
Consider why they’d prefer not to come over to your house but rather theirs?
It could be a whole host of reasons.
Maybe it’s something fixable?
Maybe it’s simply they want the kids to be comfortable at their house too…which won’t happen if the kids don’t visit their home?
Maybe they don’t want you to have to play host?
Maybe they’re becoming uncomfortable driving?
Maybe it’s something they find impolite to say out loud?

Next, I would consider why this bothers you so much.
I’m not saying your feelings are wrong but I’ve found it important to really evaluate why the feelings exist in the first place. That’s the best way to address them.
For example…Is it because you feel like by not coming to you they’re not making enough of an effort? Or is it something more practical?

I wouldn’t tell you what is or isn’t right to “feel” but I will say we all have our own feelings and our own reasonings.
Their feelings and reasonings are as important to them as yours are to you.


My daughter has twin toddler boys & I definitely go there more than she comes to my house.
It’s much easier to bond with the boys in their natural environment. They have their toys, snacks, supplies & it’s so much easier for me to go to her then her to pack them up.

I’d just tell people, sorry I’m very busy at home, but you are welcome to come visit the kids while I take care of things at home.


In my family, the young people take the children to see the older generation, grandparents, aunts and uncles in Sundays.

The younger generation mostly went to the older generation.

On special occasions, for special events such as graduation parties, birthdays, holidays, or barbecues, etc the older generation would come to us.


My family visits me just because of the kids. It’s easier for kids to be in their own home then to luggage everything to a no kid house. But that’s just my family and they offered to do that. I know some families believe in going to older generation or taking turns.

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It’s so much easier for them to come to you where your kids have all their toys

I have this same problem a lot. Or always want sleepovers at their house, but dont want their child at yours.

I guess the road must be longer to your house than to theirs. Lol

It means you don’t have to rush around getting ready for visitors.

l Get paid over $109 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17734 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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