Public opinion? How do you feel about a family taking photos of your children and posting them when you told them not to on multiple occasions. I requested my child’s online identity to be hers when she comes of age. Shouldn’t she be given the right to control her likeness?
Wow. Another old story. Nobody cares!
If you’ve made it clear then stop letting them take pictures all together. If they still do it stop going around them until they respect your wishes.
You must have an amazing life if this is your only problem lol.
Unless you don’t let them see her you can’t really control it. That being said I would remind them that you have asked them not to share.
My husband and I were paranoid about child abductions/pedophiles… but honestly, there is so many images online that I think it isnt a huge issue.
I’d say it depends. Are they a celebrity or public figure that hundreds, thousands or millions or strangers be seeing these pictures? Or are they just sharing them to their personal profiles where only their family and friends have access? And if that concerns you, maybe you should reevaluate who you let your child around to begin with, if you can’t trust their judgment to simply post pictures of something they care about.
Perhaps request they make sure they’re privacy settings aren’t public so it’s only shared with friends.
Contact Facebook directly and they will remove them if you can prove it’s your child.
Her likeness what is she a celebrity
SIMPLE SOLUTION… put the child in a closet
I have a family member who has this same request for her child. As a family we support her decision and don’t post any pics of her child. Talk to your family again, for the last time and let them know this is the LAST warning. To take your kids photos offline and stop posting them or not be allowed to be around your child. End of story. If they can’t respect your wishes you take the right to see your child away. It’s not a hard request to follow.
It is basic Respect. If a mom doesnt agree with her childs face being on the internet then so it is !
I dont have to agree with it but it is not my place for judgement…this is Her way of protecting her Child.
RESPECT IS THE BARE MINIMUM , people will always make fun of other people until the things they see as important arent being heard or taken seriously.
Personally I’d report every single picture posted of my child that I did not consent to
You can’t control other people’s actions.
Tell them stop if they dont stop letting them around your kid.
I dont agree with you because its nice when other people are showing they love your child enough to be around them and they want to show everyone what they are proud of and love. BUT its not my kid so you do you. Your kid your rules
Your child, your rules. Enforce them. Simple as. Tell them they are not permitted to use your child’s pictures on social media and you’ll report them if they continue to do so
I mean you cant control what other people do. Eventually her pictures are going to end up on social media. There isnt anything you can really do about it. I would be more concerned about the location of the picture being publicly displayed on social media.
I’m not in contact with anyone besides my grandmother in my family. My mother, sister, everyone all post pics of her and badmouth me all over social media. They literally sent screenshots of my profile until I blocked them all. None of them can respect me and my boundaries then they are out.
We post pictures of our grandbabies buy tag their mommy and daddy in them
I don’t no mind. My kids are on my sister’s and my nieces and nephews social medias but my brother in laws ex girlfriend didnt want anyone posting pictures of her son on social media. I can respect that hes her son. I still take pictures when I see him but I dont post him.
This is only one of multiple posts that were asked on Jan 6th!! Why are old questions being reposted?? How many times has this happened and the original people asking the questions don’t even know so they’re not reading the advice?
I’ve created a family PRIVATE page for family to post photos with my daughter. They always ask if they can post photos before they do because they are respectful.
Create your own page and keep it private and only invite family. Tell them any picture posted outside of that will be reported.
End of story.
Tell them not to post photos and to delete the ones they have put up. If they don’t respect that then don’t let them see your daughter. Your child your rules
If they keep ignoring the wishes I’d stop sending photos of the child to them and try to get them to remove the ones they have
Report the photos
I HATE THAT!!! no one listens to me either and it’s gotten to the point where I just gave up. I said absolutely no posting my kid as a profile or cover photo and to keep your settings to friends only. Now if they do it I report the photos and tell them on the photo and in their messages “take this down.”
Report the photos. If they still don’t listen, they are no longer allowed to spend time with the child.
My kids’ families are out of state. I have no problem with them being shared on social media. I am horrible at sending cards/pictures etc. It works out great and my kids love to see what is shared. I see no issue with it.
Its actually ILLEGAL to post pictures of a child without the parents consent
Stop going around them.
I threw a fit cause that happened to us and it caused a big uproar. To bad for then, but my child being on social media is a safety concern to me due to my ex husband.
I’d be upset. My FIL used my baby’s picture as his photo cover when we specifically requested family to not post pictures. We’re a private family, it’s our first baby, and we’ll share her when WE want to. It’s your child and you make the decisions.
Report the photos and change tour privacy settings. If they cant respect your wishes they can’t see them
If they are taking them around you say they can’t take pictures of her
I was with you until you started going on about on line identity nonsense, either have an actual reason for it or get over it
Report the pics they post then maybe they’ll take a hint.
Don’t let them take pics. I reported a page to fb and the creeps legit had pics of random kids and guys were sexualizing them… Apparently men talking about jacking off to a seven year old is not violating fb policy… Kids photos sadly aren’t safe on fb.
I personally don’t have a problem with it, though I’d probably feel weird if someone besides me or their dad used my kids pics as their profile photo. Back in the day people took candid pictures with cameras on film that needed to be developed, and it was their choice to do what they wanted with those photos, even if I was in them, so I guess maybe I’m old school.
They love the kid, they are celebrating her. Be happy about that. The world is in a pretty sad state if people are turning to facebook to punish their own families for their expressions of family love. Report the photos? Do you really want to hurt the very people who will support you through adversity? Facebook won’t. There is only a handful of people in this vast world who will help you when you need it, and most of that handful of people, in most cases, are your own family. Lighten up.
Tell them to make them private if they are going to post anyways, if they are private only friends of her or him will be able to see.
At least you have family, love n support how lucky are you
Our fmaily.makes private groups where we share photos
Then don’t take them around family and family events when photos are being taken or ensure that your kids aren’t included in photos taken
People take photos for memories. People don’t print and store them in photo albums much anymore usally on Facebook to share with others. People aren’t going to hold back posting photos of others just cause 1 persons kid. It’s unfortunate but true. Don’t want the posted don’t have them photographed photograph your own memories to keep
Stay away from the fam then and miss out on the memories because of a stupid petty reason. Your child’s online identity is not going to be that affected. Newsflash they are going to post shit you hate so your keep their photos offline now is hyper creepy vigilant
Unless it is for safety from an psycho ex or you hiding from the mob this is super helicopter parenting
I have friends who do this and their family obeys just fine.
If they’re not listening, make them listen!
I personally don’t mind my child online, however I’ve had to yell at my mother on MULTIPLE occasions for posting him in real-time. I do not like my family to post “at the park with my grandson”… I’m weird about strangers knowing his location.
I prefer to post “this weekend was fun…”
But in your case, just make a scene about it
Doesn’t bother me I’m not hiding from anyone
I dont like pics posted with out my permission as well. I just made it clear, politely to the ones who would and have done it that we are very private, they can take pictures but not post them. There are settings as well u can not allow people to share etc. Its just plain respect
My nephew wants the same for his daughter and we respect it.
Make sure you can abide by your own rules when your kids have kids. If someone shares a pic that has already been posted, I see no harm in it.
Sharing a pic here and there of a grandchild is a very exciting thing for grandparents.
Be blessed and happy that your child has people who love them and are proud to show them off.
Did they make her a Facebook page? This is an absolutely ridiculous complaint. Unless they are tagging her in photos or something there is no reason to be upset…
Oh geez I finally got to see my oldest daughter after 10 years, if not I would still be wondering what she looked like!
Don’t let them take pics. I was like this for years I recently stopped with my second. It’s your choice.
Just do like Michael Jackson and toss a blanket over your kid evey time someone takes out a camera bc thats how ridiculous this sounds.
I don’t want my kids public on the internet. I don’t mind my family posting for their friends to see, but not for just anybody to look them up.
I have issues with my kids being posted by certain people because of their privacy settings or friends. There’s just some people who don’t deserve to see or know about my kids. I haven’t ran into any issues so far.
Report the photos and their fb profile.
Have them set their fb to private. Request they don’t make the pictures their profile picture.
You can set your pictures so that people can’t screen shot them for added protection
Message them and ask for it to be taken down. If they won’t, report it
my mom uses pictures of my child to lie an con people out of money an use her as leverage to make people feel sorry by saying that my daughter is her daughter so i can understand where this momma is coming from i wouldn’t want someone posting my daughter if i’ve asked them not to or if they have people on their page that i can’t trust even with a picture an it’s so sad
Your gonna have a hard time.
Even kindy, schools and events like caarnivals or fates take photos these days.
Just let your child be loved and get over it.
This is just a control thing in my eyes
If my family posts pictures they take of my daughter, I’m okay with that. If they’re taking them off of your profile and posting them without permission, that’s something different.
The amount of people who are so entitled here is what’s ridiculous.
I am just fine with people taking pictures of my son and posting them but that is my decision as a parent!
Other parents may choose not to and it should be respected. WITHOUT OBJECTIONS.
I would take pictures of them in awkward moments and post them in your profile bet they’ll understand the point of consent soon enough after.
I’d comment something on the pictures about your rule and them not abiding by it and report the post. If they can’t respect you enough for a simple thing like not posting on social media, how will they with bigger things?
Your kids, your decisions. People who lack to ability to respect boundaries are everywhere. It’s crazy how many people think they’re entitled to do whatever they want because it’s what they think or want and totally disregard others. Your kids, your decisions. Tell them again and make it clear. That’s what I would do.
For those who are ok with a family members posting photos of your children, would you like if a family member tagging another person who they don’t know with your child in the photo & the person that’s being tagged has a bunch of half naked females on their fb page, would you be ok with that?
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Tell them to take them off
I unfriended my MIL for downloading my baby’s pics off FB and posting them on an online photo website I had told her I didn’t trust and didn’t want her pictures on. No shame or regret. I also don’t send her pictures of my daughter for the same reason. Either respect my wishes voluntarily or I’ll force you. Anyone other than the mother and father being in the child’s life is a PRIVELAGE and can be revoked or have restrictions placed upon it at any time for any reason. They are not toddlers and are fully capable of controlling their “excitement”
My husband and I share pictures of our son to our Facebook pages every so often. We don’t like family members to over share as we don’t like every little aspect of our child’s life to be documented online. At special occasions like his birthday we don’t mind one picture being shared but we had to draw a line somewhere because when he was a newborn people had multiple pictures up every other day and it was a total invasion of what should have been a private time for us. Your child, your rules. Anyone who doesn’t respect your wishes has no respect for you as a parent and I wouldn’t take that lightly xx
I feel it’s disrespectful to not listen to parents when it comes to their children. So I’d be upset and if they can’t respect your decision on this, they don’t need to come around.
I would report them or not allow pictures to be taken. I have a friend who doesnt post her child’s face on social media. If someone takes a photo of her she kindly asks them not to post it on social media. It’s your child and your right to keep them private. Talk to them and if they can’t comply then you simply don’t allow photos to be taken.
Talk to the family and tell them how you feel about it !
I don’t see how kids pictures being on social media can be avoided. Not a big deal to me at all. I share lots of pics of both my kids and would have no problem with any family or friends posting them. Even my oldest child’s friends post pics of her on Facebook and tag her. I live in a town of 500 people (not even joking ) and even the school posts pictures of kids sports, awards etc.
Our rule is no photos of our child get posted without our permission until she is no longer a minor. Anyone who doesnt abide by that gets blocked and cut out. Needless to say they agree.
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I mean…you can’t control what someone else puts on their Facebook unless you literally just never have them where they can take pictures of the kids. I think it’s a bit dramatic but that’s me I guess.
Your wording is asinine, but I don’t want my kids posted either unless I do it. I report the photos for nudity always gets them taken down.
Do it my cousin does when he shares pictures he’ll put something over her face…
My in laws dont get pics of our child because they’ll send them to people I don’t know or to people we don’t trust/like… Also, they’re blocked on our Facebook pages.
Oh boo hoo. Cry a river
Report the picture???
If you dont want your children online then they should respect it I dont mind as long as profiles are set to privert I allways put pics on fb of my kids as am that proud but I only have family friends on my account and it locked x
You sound bored and like youre really looking for something to complain about.
At the end of the day if you have discussed with them that you don’t want your kids photos being put up they should respect that if they agree with it or not bacause you are the parent🤷🏼♀️
In saying that tho there probably not doing it to get at you at all there just proud to be family to your kids kids are adorable and funny and I personally love seeing people post pictures of my kid but I guess that’s just me
it shows that they want to brag and show the world what a wonderful little human you have I wouldn’t take it to personally
I had thr same issue. When i post a photo on whatsapp my siblings would take it to their whatsapp or Facebook or whatever and i keep talking abt it . It reach the point where i don’t post any photos and no one is allowed to take any so there. Problem solved
Report it. There are 2 ways to report pictures on facebook. 1 is the normal way that we all know. The other is complicated but can be done. It is specifically for pictures of minors that are posted/shared without permission. Google it
I have the same requests because of the sickos on the internet… I don’t see it as a ridiculous or stupid request at all. Report the pictures.
Don’t tolerate anyone ignoring your wishes concerning your child. period.
You’re their mother & legal guardian. What you say should be respected and honored. Period.
Oh, cry about something else!!! If you do not want your child/ children to take pictures with anyone, than keep them at home. Period!
I’ve blocked people for doing that after I’ve asked them not too
It is so dumb and rude and changing privacy settings to only direct family is not hard.
Nowadays it seems like a common in law issue that they think they can post any photo they want. It isn’t their kid though.
Seriously? If this is your biggest issue, go back to bed. Your kid dont shit gold nor is it made out of diamonds. It’s just love. Chill out
Online set to “public” or “private?” The thing is… if you take your kids in public they are always being filmed or having their pictures taken. Pick your battles.
What kind of people are u associate with that you’re so concern about posting pictures of your kids? My family and friends posts pictures of my kids and I’m not worried about it because they’re not creeps. Maybe delete them all from your FB and stop associating with them. You need to make better choices on who you hang out with
First world problems
Report the photo for 1.
I would remind them if they do it again u will call the cops
Call the cops.
I agree fully. I’ve had some serious knock down drag out problems with family not respecting my wishes. They tell me it is no big deal but to me, it is. Or they say “but you post photos of your kid”. She is MY child, that is MY choice. But I rarely post anyhow, my page has maybe 2 photos of my daughter. Last year I caused a rift because one: her grandpa had her in a bikini bathing suit(that I did not approve of when she was visiting) as his profile picture! Two: Her uncle’s girlfriend who i only met once was there that day and posted pictures all over her account of my daughter in the two piece. I was livid because first of all i told them i don’t want her in 2 pieces and second, it is pervy and weird for a grown man to have a child in a bikini as his profile picture. I am 100% against anyone posting pictures of my daughter online. Especially if i tell them not to and then go ontheir page and see they did so anyway.
One of my daughters have asked the same. The other puts her kids on social media a lot. My son has not said one way or the other. They are wrong for going against your wishes. If they put them on FB you can get the pics taken down. But you should not have to resort to that.
my sister in law does this, it really would puss me off especially when they were babies, it’s like I don’t want all their pics online, especially if a paid a photographer for them, certain pics i want exclusive for when I have visitors at my home:woman_shrugging:t2:. What I used to do was report them on FB and then when you give the excuse I believe you can explain that it’s your child and you did not give permission to post their picture