My fiance has been making me feel guilty about napping...advice?

There’s no gentle. You don’t have time to always gentle and coddle your partner into not guilt tripping you or the kids. Do not apologize for something that is completely out of your control while growing a baby. Tell him that being tired is a part of pregnancy. Tell him to research pregnancy. And then tell him you will do what your body needs while growing your child. You def have patience for being with a partner who doesn’t know something as simple as pregnant women are tired. I’d also suggest he immediately start researching post partum before he ruins it and makes you feel like crap bc if this is how he treats you now it’s not going to get better when you’re very vulnerable.

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Tell him to sod off. Growing an entire human being is exhausting.

Honey if your high risk pregnancy your baby can’t afford for you to sugar coat it. You take care of you. Listen to your body. It’s to late to speak up when you go into preterm labor and your baby pays the price. Be yours and your baby’s advocate right now. He’s a big boy he can handle it.

Gently EXPLAIN to Him? PFFTTT, I would toss him a condom to protect His wee Little Heart bc I would F**K His feelings UP! Why in the World would you Tolerate that bullshit?

Why are these jerks women post about always wonderful and amazing???

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I’d take him to your next baby appt and have the dr reiterate that you are a high risk and that sleeping is necessary not only for you but for the baby as well

Oh hell no wait till post partum naps are going to feel essential I always tell my husband thank you for not making me feel bad for napping

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Heck no. Not only does the progesterone in the first trimester TAKE YOU OUT… I literally couldn’t make myself get up :joy: In the third trimester, it’s that hormone AND the utter exhaustion of being that pregnant. I literally napped twice a day at the beginning and the end. I couldn’t function at all otherwise. I was only functional without naps at 14-26ish weeks.

Um maybe he’s not as nice he you say if he is picking on his pregnant partner for taking a nap? Like cmon, the fact you have to justify how nice he is before explaining your feelings is a clue. When you’re pregnant, rules don’t apply. Especially as a high risk patient. Take the naps you need. If you need to have a conversation. I’d say blunt is best. He doesn’t consider your feelings when making comments, why are you having to consider his feelings in order to express yours? They are your feelings. If it goes like I think it will- you will express your feelings and it won’t go over well. Because he doesn’t respect your opinions. Or your feelings.
However, if he is as great as you say he is- your feelings will be considered, he will step back and evaluate himself and try to make changes. But if I’m right, and he’s not as nice or great as you make him out to be- (rose colored glasses amiright) you’ll begin to see how your feelings don’t matter- he may pick a fight to make you feel even more guilty for bringing it up. He may even redirect the conversation to your shortcomings to take advantage of your m emotions and then you’ll apologize. If that’s the case, then you’re dealing with a covert narcissist. Be aware. Pay attention to how your partner treats you when you’re pregnant/unwell. If you’re not being treated well at your worst- that’s your partner showing you what and how they really feel about you.
My ex husband treated me like garbage when I was carrying his child. None of the bad stuff really came out until I was “too fat” for him. I tried to make it work- only to realize that he was a narcissist and didn’t care about me or anyone else. I’m hoping that I’m projecting and totally wrong. But if I’m not, please don’t stay and allow yourself to be abused. It doesn’t get better if they refuse to change. In fact, it gets worse.

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Tell him the baby is having a nap. He seems like an insensitive jerk, not only are you pregnant but high risk too! I hope all goes well for you and your baby.

Uh, no he’s not an amazing person. If he makes you feel guilty for needing a nap, he’s an inconsiderate jerk.

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Maybe blunt and not so nice is exacy what he needs to hear.

I don’t explain anything i choose to do with anyone not even my husband I’m a grown adult if i want a nap I’ll nap if I want fast food IL get it if I spend to much at target oh well. I wa with someone for 12 years who made me walk on egg shells I couldn’t even use bathroom without him saying something


be blunt. tell him to mind his business. is stuff still getting done? yes? then stfu and let me nap

Why are you scared to hurt his feelings he’s being truly awful?! Tell him to carry a life for 9 months the cheek of the man! You’re the mother of his child he shouldn’t be even crossing his mind thst you’re napping. Get a back bone and tell him straight.

Say no more. You are pregnant. End of discussion you are making a freaking human.

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It isn’t entirely what you say, but how you say it. Apologize for being so tired and remind him that carrying a baby is exhausting. Tell him it’s like carrying a watermelon all day every day and you can’t put it down. No, you’re not in the “wrong” just because you apologize but he will appreciate it more and that’s really what it’s about sometimes. Keeping the peace.


If he joins you for prenatal visits, call the office prior and discuss with the nurse so the healthcare providers can explain the NEED for increased rest during this time. I’m a nurse and know that men often do not understand. Similarly, women often do not have patience with men when they get older and have pain from prostate issues. People only know what they know from their own perspective on life.

Get him pregnant! And watch how he handles a high risk pregnancy :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Gently? Lmaooooo I would have reached new levels of petty on this one. The absolute nerve and audacity.

Let him know it’s the baby that makes you tired and need a nap . The baby needs you to rest

Tbh he’s clearly not so amazing if he is getting irritated with you being 34 weeks high risk and napping. I was high risk and had my baby at 34 weeks because of it.

If u can’t come out n tell someone u love and are having child with ur tired n need to nap as ur pregnant as babies can litrally drain all ur energy then there problems in ur relationship that u clearly can’t see, partners are ment to be understanding and caring and promoting rest and anything u need especially at this point in pregnancy, no man should be making u feel stupid and feel need to get up at 6am just cause ur tired, would hate to think what it’s going to be like for you once baby comes as you will be 10x more tired and your hormones all over place, these comments can be really damanging to your health

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Nah, you better nip that now. It will only get worse once the baby comes. Take your nap and get rid of the extra weight.


Your growing another human you need your rest. Have a talk with him be blunt. If that doesn’t work have your obgyn write a doctors note saying that you need rest throughout the day.

Just say look it up and ask the doctor I’m gonna nap while you do it. Lmao

If ur not planning to change anything Put up or Shut up.If u don’t know what to do Who Does?If you think he will change when u get married Don’t hold your Breath.Whaever happen to Women now a days use your brain

Tell him to eat shit then go take a nap lol

Why validate him when he’s not validating you :woozy_face:
Be blunt Be bold and tell him!

Not sure what you’re finding amazing or adorable about his behavior. Shut it down now because after baby, you also need to rest.

Be blunt. He’s being an @$$hole.

Make your next OB appt to include him. Call in advance and tell the front office person why you are brining him. Explain that he has a problem with you napping. Ask that the doctor tell him what it means to be a high risk OB patient and why to be mothers need more rest especially at the point you are in your pregnancy. These doctors are very good at saying the right thing and getting their point across. If you think your SO will complain about going to the appt tell him the doctors office called to request him there to discuss the risks you face. Just let the person on the phone know what and why you are doing that. Believe me you are not the first and won’t be the last patient that needs his/her help with their Significant Other.
Sending hugs.

Well it would probably not come out nice with me either. He has zero clue into what a pregnancy is like. Lay down when you want to. He could just stfu :roll_eyes:

Write him a letter if you feel you can, or send him a typed text from your computer telling him how you feel. Naps are essential to your health and your baby, so ignore his taunts.

He doesn’t sound so great.

I would tell him to gently f**k off.

Idk how old is he? Tine to educate him-BLUNTLY!

So when the baby is up every 2 hrs, here soon, you can tell him to get up with baby every time. Then when he’s exhausted, ask him WHY :woman_facepalming:t2: take your naps. You shouldn’t have to justify anything to him. You’re growing a whole baby!! HIS baby :woman_facepalming:t2: some men are so disrespectful and don’t even realize it

Would your doctor mind telling him to shut his mouth unless he can carry a child for 9 months? :woman_shrugging::joy:

Get away from this sperm doner. He is bad news.

If he’s being a jerk about stuff now, I feel bad for when the baby is born.

Take him to the dr visits with you and get the dr to emplain sloooooowllllllly how much you need to be resting since he’s so fckn stupid lol

Throw him a book about pregnancy and tell him to read. Why do you care what he says? Take your naps, you’re body is going through a lot and you need the sleep. He needs to educate himself and get his shit together. Why are your naps bothering him?

Well, you’re literally about to have a baby with the man you are marrying and if you can’t tell him nicely to fuck off and let you sleep because you’re pregnant af and teach him the way pregnant women work, then maybe you shouldn’t be getting married lol. My husband tells me to take naps when our daughter does. Withholding sleep is a form of abuse, fyi.

I had 2 high risk pregnancies and you need to rest for the sake of the baby. Just tell him this. If he doesn’t get it don’t feel guilty you got alot going on right now and last thing you need is him making you feel guilty. Just ignore his comments.

I nap daily and would never say sorry for it. I don’t sleep well with chronic pain so for me to function I need that nap. When I was pregnant I napped sometimes two times a day. My husband respects me enough and knows I know what best for my body.

“I’m building someone’s lungs right now, let me sleep!” Would be my go to lol

Ugh w my first pregnancy I would fall asleep without even noticing my body was tired … every pregnancy is different and if ur body is telling you to rest then you do it

Be blunt. You are pregnant and deserve to be so, especially if you both want you to continue to cook a healthy baby. If you are tired, take a nap. Obviously he is going to have an issue later with you sleeping if the baby is sleeping if he isn’t used to this phenomenon and your are going to have to stand your ground now before that happens.

I was high risk pregnancy too. I also had a 3 year old, but my bf had no problem with me napping. I was working at the time but because of pregnancy issues I didn’t work for like 2 months, and all he expected was for me to keep the house clean and for me to cook.

I don’t see how it’s even a thing, being pregnant is tiring what more of a clue does he need??lol

Girl, I’m 35 ish weeks now and I take naps as well even though I know I have a lot of shit I need to do. Especially with just getting a new house soon. My husband is very stressed and has been hinting on me to do more.
I feel immensely bad that I don’t get his laundry done or the dinner done on time. But I also know that I don’t care at this point in time either. I know with the whole moving thing, the waking up before him with our two year old son, along with everything and anything in the middle. It’s absolutely hard and frustrating to not snap. It’s also very hard to stay awake when your body is forcing you to sleep because you’re creating a literal human that’s taking everything from your body.

Wait until the baby is born. He’s gonna wish he napped when he had a chance

You’re worried about what you’ll say meanwhile he’s comfortable making you feel guilty about being a high risk pregnant woman. Learn how to talk to him because if you don’t you’ll start to resent him. Sorry

your high risk and he’s like this? that’s not amazing. he’s an a**
bring it up and start to get better about doing bc that’s rude

Ask him if he’s ever made a human being inside his body. No? Then shut up and let me sleep! Lol. That’s what I would have said. And give him a heads up to what life with a newborn will be like if this is his first kid or doesn’t remember what it’s like. Cuz seriously, NOBODY sleeps when they are supposed to so you all have to take turns napping and taking care of baby. That can’t all be left on you after giving birth.

Please, for the love of God, stop making excuses for his ignorance. I’m sure he knows your pregnancy is high risk. He does know what high risk means, right? He has no problem being blunt with you, so stop trying to tiptoe around his damn feelings.