So I’m 34 weeks pregnant and naps are life lol. My fiancee isn’t the best with picking up on emotions, social cues, or how the things he says come off. He’s been saying something weekly now almost daily about my naps and its been making me feel stupid guilty to the point I’m up at 6 am like clockwork. I’m a high risk pregnancy and I’ve been exhausted since the first trimester. How do I gently bring up a conversation about this? He’s an amazing person truly and I absolutely adore him and so do my 2 boys ( 12 and 10). I’m not the best with having conversations like this cause I tend to be extremely blunt and it does end up coming off not so nice.
Blunt is what you need to be with this amazing person
Tell him to go forth and multiply and enjoy the sleep whilst you can. Your growing a whole other person, it’s exhausting x
I bought my husband into one of my OB appts and had the doctor tell him exactly what my husband was to expect and how to support me. Naps, not lifting, not changing cat boxes, etc. The doctor made it clear my job was to grow a baby and napping was priority
My first baby I spent everyday in a bath tub! I got out fixed lunch then got back in until supper! It was nice reading and relaxing! For the next 3 I got in as much as I could! When they were born I would put in carrier and they would sleep to the sound of running water! It’s funny after all these years they all love sitting in a tub! My oldest is 38! Never let anyone tell you what you need your body knows, so listen to it!
Once he’s gone through it, then, and only then, can he judge.
Naps are SO important.
Take your naps forget him
You are growing a human being in your body. He needs to sush.
Strap him up with a watermelon and 2 cantaloupe and hand spend the weekend like that. He will understand after that.
He sounds like a peach!! Find the right moment to bring it up n read him . See if he has any understanding or real emotions. Believe what people say n do in their behavior. Often we aren’t paying attention n get taken for granted . Don’t wait for people to change bc they take forever
I wouldn’t even worry about being blunt or rude. I would flat out tell him you’re growing a person and that takes energy and to let you get as much rest as possible. Being pregnant is so tiresome!!!
I’m not pregnant and my youngest child is 10 years old, but I love naps! Lol my husband is very supportive of that lol this text was from earlier today
Explain to your fiancé that you’re growing a human and it’s exhausting!
Tell him your body is busy making a whole new human and you are exhausted. I never knew how exhausted pregnancy makes you until I went through it. I think he just doesn’t understand, and can’t because his body hasn’t been through it. No need to be nasty, just stand your ground. Your body knows what it needs. Listen to it. Don’t buy into the guilt. And every time he brings it up, remind him of the miracle your body is performing
You need sleep!
You take it when you can get it!
Once the baby arrives you will still need sleep.
I sure hope you can get through to him (mine went to the curb!)
Hoping you find better support
Just straight up tell him how exhausting it is to grow another human in your body and make absolutely no apologies. There’s a lot going on in there and you need your rest.
The only time I ever nap is when I’m pregnant or extremely ill (which isn’t very often) so that tells me all I need to know about how important rest is during those times. I’d casually bring it up after researching on the pros of napping myself whilst pregnant, and invite him to enlighten himself on the topic too. There’s no need to let this turn into a heated debate, and if anything he shouldn’t react badly to you schooling him this way. If he does, that’s a red flag.
I sleep more than I don’t these days… it’s been this way for weeks now and I’m only 15 weeks. Pregnancy is exhausting and having to care for other people on top of it is even harder. Idk that there is a way to make him realize that what your doing is ok and necessary… he sounds like a pigheaded male that sees things the way he wants too and not the way they actually are.
You are litterally PREGNANT babe. Your body is working 24/7 to grow that baby. You need to be blunt so he understands.
Have your doctor tell him lol
I wouldn’t put it to him gently
I literally slept the whole first 3 months of pregnancy with my first, I would get up once in a while to eat some mcdonalds chicken nuggets and Jr chickens lol (only thing I could hold down)
Don’t be gentle about it, he deserves the bluntness because he is making you feel guilty for needing to rest while growing a whole human.
Explaining to a fully grown man that you need sleep while growing a human is wild to me.
Wow you are an extremely kind person wanting to have this conversation “gently” with him! You’re more patient than most.
Unfortunately it doesn’t sound like he’s paying you the same respect. Be blunt, tell him exactly how exhausting it is growing an entire human and that you’ll nap just exactly how often you need to and that him mentioning it constantly (when pregnancy is something he knows very little about and has zero experience with) is making you feel disrespected. And while you’re at it, remind him that the napping will continue long after the baby is born!!
Have your obgyn explain it to him. Im 37 weeks and just had this convo with my fiance. I’m exhausted and my mental health is crashing. I know he can never feel how I feel but I need him to hear me and understand.
He’s not an amazing person, you have low expectations if you believe that .
I wouldn’t gently tell him anything. I’d tell him I’m growing a human and he can grow some balls
I would have the doctor explain it to him or just be blunt about it. Sometimes that’s the only way people can hear us.
Communication is very important! so is respect and understanding. He isn’t the one carrying a human being inside of him and taking care of children , household responsibilities, ext……
When he starts growing a human then MAYBE he can say something… GO take your NAP mama…
Well lol tell him until he can push out a 7 lb baby he needs to shush it !!! Then tell him you ain’t seen nothing yet baby sleeps I sleep unless you want to get up with him /her all night long .
Get a pregnancy suit for him to wear night and day.
Right down your feelings so you can get them out how you want and you can read it to him or have him read it?
Explain to him your body is going through immense changes both you and baby you’re not just feeding baby you’re filtering toxins for the both of you. You listen to your body not him because ultimately it’s your health.
You are literally creating a human being inside of you. That takes up a lot of your physical resources. Your energy reserves, the food and drink that you consume. All Of It! He’s never had to create an entire human being before so, he needs to just leave you alone. If your napping then chances are that child that’s growing inside of you is using up your energy to GROW some more. If he can’t respect you or your body for the miracle that you’re creating then he needs someone to give him a harsh reality check. Just saying… It’s exhausting being a mom. It’s exhausting being pregnant. But, girl, you’re being both at the same time. You must be double exhausted.
I don’t think it’s amazing when your emotions are invalidated, especially when you’re having a high-risk pregnancy and you’re also going through physical changes. I would tell him how I feel and why naps are so important, but he wouldn’t stop having them just because he is selfish and isn’t thinking about your well-being.
That’s be the day I need to explain why I’m taking a nap. He’d get the message real quick when I walk out the house and go to my parents lol
I just had my third, and I kid you not, I had never felt more exhausted and tired from doing nothing. And I mean, I would’ve just woke up an hour prior and my body was not having it. Many days were like this for me. Only in my recent one ( I’m 30) my first 2, I was full of energy, I was also in my early 20s. Now, I struggle to even wanna cook dinner, or wash clothes, or go for a walk. Life is exhausting, even more so when you are creating flesh inside you xx
Be blunt! He needs to get with the program. Your health and pregnancy is the number one priority.
Take a nap! No need to even feel bad. Your body is telling you what it needs. If you don’t rest, it comes back in the form of forced rest. Then put him on newborn late night duty for a while, when he’s flat out exhausted, bust his chops when he’s tired and needs a nap
Duct tape a watermelon around his waist and make him carry it around all day. Let’s see how tired he gets. By the way why does he care if you take a nap. Pretty controlling behavior. Red flag
Be blunt because he has napping is needed especially when you have other children.
My husband went with me to one of my appointments and he told the doctor, “she’s sleeping a lot.” The doctor told him flat out, “let her.”
Be blunt. You are growing a human and it’s exhausting and he needs to understand the risks. Communication is key in a relationship and if you guys are going to be having a baby together, then you best be working on it sooner rather than later.
If you need a nap, take it, we ,I was pregnant, with our 1 child, i think I napped about 20 hours, out of the 24 hours, your body needs it
I am raising my 3 year old granddaughter . I’m 70 I get exhausted. My husband who is 75. Will tell me go take a nap. He takes her outside to let her play in the yard. I get up than he takes a nap.
Sleep… you have older kids who can take care of themselves. Tell him to get a clue. Did he forget with the first two. Some people won’t get it.
I feel so sorry, sometimes, for heterosexual pregnant women. My wife will always and forever be treated more than a queen for so many reasons, including carrying our child…and I will continue to be at her beckon call whenever she needs anything…including a nap.
I don’t think you have to be nice in this situation. You tell him point blank: I am growing a human in my body. A human that you helped put in my body and it is exhausting work. Then tell him to move over because you’re taking a nap
You are 34wks pregnant, that should be enough said. It’s more exhausting the older toy get, and the more you have. Plus waking up early, you will need a nap. I would have packed and went to a hotel and told him to handle it all for a few weeks then, maybe you won’t be so tired
Be blunt!!! Or put up with it til you’re 60, like me.
He is blunt with you so you be blunt with him . He probably won’t understand if you tip or around it. Men understand information not feelings
Your body needs its rest. I would just say ‘well next time the baby is up all night hitting me in the stomach I will wake you up so we can experience how exhausting it is together’.
Don’t worry about hurting his feelings!!! Communicate and tell him that you need the extra sleep and don’t appreciate him making snide comments.
Do what your body and baby needs. Period. He can just get over it.
In 4-6 weeks nobody is sleeping so get while you can…
Have the doctor explain it to him. Seriously.
You’re literally getting ready to birth your child with him ! Your body needs rest and honestly if you don’t nap now how much sleep will you be having in a a few weeks . I would tell him he can grow a fetus and see how energetic he is smh
Find one those baby bumps and have him wear it for a day and see how he feels getting up at 6am
Hey what u are saying isn’t very nice. I need to rest occasionally as I constantly feel exhausted and also as it was recommended by my doctor cause my pregnancy is high risk
Oh boy. I have nothing nice to say. Lol girl take them naps. Tell him if he doesn’t like it then move on, lol
That’s so ignorant and he has to mentally and emotionally abusive. I couldn’t love a man who is not compassionate. It’s a basic human right…
Tell your doctor to explain this napping
You’re literally having the life sucked from you to make a whole human being, nap as much as you want. He doesn’t and never will know how you’re feeling, so nip it now because naps are gonna be apart of your life for the foreseeable future. I napped when my baby napped because I was up when she was up, but he needs to be put in his place on this right quick.
Get him some stuff to read on the topic plus have someone from your OB/GYN’s office call & read him the riot act on mom sleeping/napping during pregnancy and through infancy. You can reinforce the message, but if it comes from a third party it may have more weight with him.
I wouldn’t be gentle at all. He has no right to say a thing about your pregnancy. The audacity is wild. He needs to go cook, help with the kids and rub your feet.
I would tell him straight it that mean blunt so be it x
My husband encouraged me to nap and rest as much as I could, some days I’d spend the entire day on the couch and he would be happy about it lol
Your fiancé should not be making you feel bad for napping at all let alone while being 34 weeks pregnant doesn’t sound like an amazing person when he doesn’t want the person carrying his child to rest
Hun, just tell him! You’re exhausted and you need the rest, esp being high risk. Explain it to him and explain that it’s really upsetting you. If he persists, then tell him he’s a jerk and to cut that out!
Just tell him the doctor said you need rest or you’ll end up in the hospital
Wow. I would let him have it. It would probably be the end of our relationship but I wouldn’t give a rats. It sounds like a damn child himself. He should be ashamed. You’re having a child with this man. You should be your number one supporter and be helping you and be understanding. Clearly, he wasn’t raised right. Tell him to f off and continue taking your naps.
Show him this post: WIFEY NEEDS NAP WHENEVER SHE WANTS! Being pregnant is exhausting alone. Your body is doing so much work, let alone add everyday life activities! Cut her some slack. Be empathetic. And don’t talk when you want to be mean. The end.
You do NOT need to feel guilty about sleeping pregnant or not!!! You’re a grown woman!
“By all means, honey….you can finish up this next few weeks of cooking your child. I’d like to not be so exhausted non stop”
So, he can come off rude, but you’re worried about coming off rude? Can you try to be politely blunt? I just had my 6th child and had Covid. I was in bed for 3 months and desperately needed to get back in my bed as soon as I got out my bed the rest of the pregnancy. And still want my bed almost a a year later
Remind him you are growing a baby and he isn’t so he needs to shut the f up ha ha
I’d be blunt… until he can grow a human he can shut it lol. I have always napped regardless of being pregnant. It’s part of who I am and if someone wants to say something about it I’ll gladly tell them where to shove their opinions:)
he’s wound me up xx take the nap xx
I’d be like excuse me sir but growing a human being on its own is exhausting, but having to keep up with other things and kids makes it even harder. I would tell him he’s being insensitive and that I’m not going to feel bad for resting while growing our child period. Mine never said anything about me being tired, napping being grouchy, hateful etc. He knew my body was going through a lot on top of dealing with family drama. Even if he wanted to he never said a word and men shouldn’t. They have no idea what it’s like and never will.
Tell him you are worn out making your little human. Rest is what you need.
Just tell him lol its hard work being pregnant plus your body osnt use to the extra weight. And with your body changing it wears you out xx
You need to sleep you’re growing a whole other human its exhausting he’s being extremely insensitive & i hope his lack of emotional support changes for you… This is a huge red flag so you need to really speak to him & observe his behavior … Pple use to say you stay for the sake of the children but the most broken homes often have 2 loveless parents resenting their lives
Have the doctor explain to him.
Sound like a child himself
Why are you explaining yourself to someone you are playing house with?
I personally with my daughter and the only one that made me sleepy, exhausted, I napped two hours to three hours in the morning after everyone was gone. I would be up for the rest of the day doing house cleaning and anything else I needed to catch up on, sometimes some deep cleaning. When my fiance noticed that I was napping he asked why I said I felt tired and I knew I could get stuff done and I woke up with my alarm. He then started making sure that I was in bed before I would have been, he made sure that I knew he had the kids bed time, bath time and after dinner dishes dealt with, and sometimes he would have a bath going for me while I put away the leftovers and literally be like go get in the tub and relax I got the kids and dishes. I say express yourself but don’t be over powering just say I’m growing a baby and my body is exhausted and over worked so I lay down, relax and pass out.
I once feell asleep during a conference call I was supposed to be taking minutes for while about 12 weeks along. You know what my boss did? She muted the call, put a blanket on me and turned off the lights.
Don’t accept less from your partner than you’d accept from a stranger. Take your naps and he can suck it.
If he’s not getting it through his head that pregnant women are more tired, it’s time to not be so nice about it. He’s not getting it with gentle. Time to take the gloves off. And stop allowing yourself to feel guilty. Or have your doctor explain it to him at your next check up.
“Apologize to keep the peace” lmfaooo fk that. Break his peace. If I can’t be free to nap when I’m tired, mf I’m going above and beyond to disturb YOUR PEACE. Need to sleep? How dare you? How dare you be sleeping? What if I need something? What if we have an emergency? Have you done the nursery yet? 2am sounds like the perfect time for you to put together that crib or paint that room. Get moving!
I’d just remind him that you’re making an entire human.
I understand being extremely tired listen to your body. Also u said high risk should you really even be up most of the time being that far along and high risk they put u on bed rest. I think you either need to strip him up with u couple of watermelons for a week then I bet his tune will change. Take him with u too appointments. Also be honest even if it blunt/mean I mean apparently he doesn’t mind to hurt ur feelings
Are you sure that it’s actually an issue with those things? It could be just as likely that he’s aware and just doesn’t care and/or does it intentionally. There’s no excuse for a grown-man to not know that fatigue is common in pregnancy. If he’s aware that fatigue is common, then he should know better than to comment on it. Stop worrying about being “gentle” - sometimes you have to be direct with somebody for them to get the point.
Does he expect you to not nap also when the baby is born? This guy is absolutely clueless.
Just tell him and pull things up on his phone for him to read that can explain what you’re body is going through. He needs to go to the Dr with you so the Dr can tell him you have to let your body get rest
Check for autism, not picking up social cues and the like are a few of the top list symptoms
Just Google it and give him the links. It’s better for the baby if you nap.
I slept most of my pregnancy. I would just tell him bluntly how exhausted you are between pregnancy and taking care of other kids. Don’t feel guilty. Most of us been there as well
Write him a note. Start with I love you. Write it from the stand point of your feelings. (So, I feel upset, not you are an ass). {{ I love you I love our growing family. I wanted you to know I feel hurt when you tease me about naps, I’m not being lazy I’m doing my best to take care of myself, the kids and our baby. Please knock it the fuck off, it’s hurting my feelings}}. Something suttle like that.
Seems a little controlling honestly. Does he not understand that you’re carrying a whole little person inside your body? Naps are very necessary during this time of pregnancy. You’re going to be up for baby when they’re here so sleeping as much as you want is OKAY. He needs to be more understanding of what your body is going through.
Take him to the doctors with you, get them to explain it.
Sounds like lazy to me. Do you or did you work prior to getting pregnant. Again with the the baby mama stories. 2 kids no husband, a third one on the way. Was this baby your choice or both of y’alls. I’m guessing it was one sided
Maybe he’s angry for being put in a situation he didn’t want to be in. He has a side to this story too. I worked up until 2 days.before I had my baby, also high risk. Did your doctor put you on bed rest…too many holes in this story.
I would be blunt each time he throws comments your way.
You shouldn’t feel guilty for feeling tired. I would tell him if you have a problem with my naps. Then you know where the door is.