My fiance has blocked me and I am not sure what I did wrong: What should I do?

Sounds like you dodged a bullet, he sounds like a pos


he must have met someone else or possibly seeing someone else.

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Big red flag. Let the man go for sure.


get out it while ur ahead.

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dump him he is playing you

Run, and don’t look back.

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He’s playing head games with you. Tell him to f$&@ off!

Girl just let that man go! A real mature man would tell you what’s going on instead of being a coward like he is. And you should’ve seen him asking to marry you under a month and planning a wedding under a month a huge red flag and the warning sign to run for the hills as fast as you can. Doesn’t matter how many years you’ve known each other either. You’re probably honestly the side chick and he’s known you would fall for his bs and reeled you in like a fish and you fell for the bs honestly. He’s narcissistic and it’s time to block him let him go and run far away seriously. And honestly trust me when I say this when he sees that you’re not reaching out or begging for his attention he’ll pop up outta the blue putting on a front that nothing happened and he’ll say all these sweet things to you maybe buy you a gift even and try to reel you back in but you need to open your eyes and see the real reality that this man is toxic and he doesn’t deserve you at all and you deserve a man who will treat you like a Queen from day one and talk to you when there’s a problem going on. Don’t fall for his excuses either when he pops up outta the blue either cause there’ll be some trust me. Just be smart about this


Move on he doesnt want to be with u.

Cut off all contact F$&# that dude…if he wanted you he wouldn’t being acting like this…don’t even ask for explanation, he sounds immature af…just let that boy go and move on…

I know you want him to tell you how he feels and you actually want to hear the words from his mouth but sometimes we have to listen to people’s actions because they speak much louder than words regardless of how cliche that may sound and his actions are saying he wants nothing to do with you sometimes people are too afraid to say what they are feeling regardless of how childish that may be so I would let him go and move on and consider yourself lucky it ended now instead of after you got married or worse had kids


His actions are telling you it’s over, He should of had the guts to tell you even if it was in a text, in my opinion even if he try’s to get back with you, I wouldn’t do it,!you deserve a mature man in your life. If he did this to you once and you take him back he will do it again!


This is your red flag. He’s waving it for you. You do not want this for your forever


Ummm…kick him to the curb…obviously he’s a coward. No man would never leave you in the dark and play 15yr old bs games.

Let him go he is not worth the stress

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I’m quite sure you’re a much better person than he deserves. Take care of you & find someone worthy.

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He’s told you how he feels by the way he’s treating you. Find someone worthy of you and forget him!!

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Exit stage left FAST.


He’s cheating honey get out. It got too real too quick for him and he’s out going wild. That’s code for “I’m gonna go do me while you sit and be loyal” don’t MARRY HIM

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Do NOT marry that man!


He has shown you how he feels. Why do you need him to tell you?

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Ditch this loser now. Start by removing him from your social media sights, then block his number from calling you. He’s treating you like a child. You deserve better. Good luck!

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LEAVE NOW. He is not worth your time.

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Don’t walk…run away from this guy

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Drop him if can’t be straight up with you and be a grown man and speak to you then your marriage will fail no doubt. I’ve been married for 15 years and communicating is key You deserve someone who can tell you anything no matter what

Honey I have to say red flags all over let it go!!! Move on

LET HIM Go…love your self…don’t look for another love life…just enjoy doing things that will make you happy… it’s really hard to do…but in time…you will find that it is the best…not just for him…but most importantly …for you… it’s a good thing that happened when you guys are just engaged…you are saved from a marriage full of tears…God bless…

My ex boyfriend of over a year became distant, stopped calling me, I had to initiate everything to keep the relationship going. As soon as I had enough I stopped calling for a week to see if he would try to call me. After I week I texted him I was done and all I got was an “I’m sorry”. He was over the relationship but was a coward and too scared to end things. Maybe things got too serious or moved too fast for him and he is avoiding the conflict. My advise: don’t keep chasing after someone who clearly doesn’t want to be with you. It sucks, it hurts, you want answers you may never get, but I promise you will be so much happier in the long run.

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Let him go. You don’t need that. If he loves you he would talk to you. He’s being very childish right now. Stop talking to him. Don’t text or cal him.

Like you said, “let him go yesterday”!! Not worth your time.


What you need to ask yourself is, if he’s that bad now what would he be like after you marry him? It seems to me he knew you for a long time, had his cake, ate it and now he’d trying to throw it away. So throw him away before you get hurt worse


It’s going to be hard but you dodged a bullet. If he’s acting like this now, run.

as they say, I was lookin for a man when I found you. Turns out, you found a boy but….

See ya dude don’t waist anymore time on him bye bye-bye

6 months and already that drama? Nope. Bye :wave:

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Don’t bother calling,texting and/or emailing. Let him go! He’s being a coward!!


Run. It’s psychological abuse.


Sounds like the relationship is already over girl. Move on. Sell the ring on eBay.


He sounds really inconsiderate and immature. Please be honest with yourself and consider the bigger picture.

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Only 6 months… too early for all that… get rid of all that before it causes more headache


Maybe he wants someone else? That’s why he’s like that or maybe he’s already with someone else…
let him go, u don’t have time for that!.. u deserve better :smiling_face:

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Run girl. You will dodge a bullet believe me.

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Your relationship has gone sour. Pawn the ring and leave.

You need someone who Really CARES about you!


Hunny,he let you go along time ago.He could careless about you.He’s got another girlfriend.When he went to visit his extended family(really girlfriend) he came back around where you guys live and realized he doesn’t want anything to do with you.
What you need to do is never call him again.Forget about him.


Yep stop calling hi. Let him wonder what your doing

Sounds like he’s dumping you & doesn’t have the balls to just tell you. So he’s waiting for you to do it.
Block him & move on.

Unless you want a life of drama it’s best to walk away from this now.


Who’s idea was it to get married?

And you see this as marriage material? No communication. Punishment with silence, no exclamation. Read your message. What would you tell a friend. It hurts but are you ready for a lifetime of this behavior?


Just like that, tell him bye, n block your #

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Girl…… BYE!!!

If you cannot get a sign out of all that mess you’ve posted, then please seek professional help for self-love, self-respect, and self-care.


Sounds like he is already telling you how he feels.


Be glad you didn’t marry this person! Run girl, run!


Let him go and move on, as hard as it may be it will be for you and yourself only. You deserve better.


DON’T chase him. He’s made it very clear he no longer wants to be in a relationship with you. I know it’s hard to let go because you want closure. But PLEASE change your number. Get his number out of your phone. If you chase him after he completely cut off all contact AND ANSWERS WHEN ITS A DIFFERENT NUMBER, you just look like a desperate puppy. EVEN THOUGH YOU HAVE VALID REASONS TO BE BULLSHIT, PLEASE don’t embarrass yourself. You’ll look back and regret it i promise.

Don’t walk. Run away.


You know how he feels already. Leave him alone. If he’s just upset but does love you then he will talk when he’s ready. You can’t force it and honestly you don’t want to force conversation if you want to reconcile the relationship. You might be making it worse by calling from different numbers or blocked numbers. I mean yeah what he has done is shady and very immature. the red flags are flying high with this one … but if it’s worth saving and he does truly just need time them let him have it …


Sounds like he’s already made his decision. I wouldn’t rush into marriage if already having issues like this. Sounds like it’s best to part ways in that aspect. Why fight an endless battle you will never win. Actions speak louder than words and I think he’s made his feelings on this clear. :disappointed:

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Girl , block him , his family , change your locks if he has a key and go get money for that ring .
He’s clearly not ready for marriage .


If you gave him a key to your place, get the locks changed. If you share a bank account, close it. On your FB account change your status to single and block his ass… Block his phone Number too…poof gone!!!

You thinkin’ he won’t act like this once you get married??


Silent treatment , that’s a narcissist red flag . Run away before he destroys you emotionally. He won’t change and he will keep doing that to you whenever he is mad at you about anything, the smallest thing and you will always feel like walking on eggshells. Run before is too late


Whatta twat tho. I don’t have any advice I just wanted to call him a twat :woman_facepalming:


My question is why you feel you did something wrong… If a man acts like that with me he is GONE… Fuck that. Whose got time for some kid game bullshit. You deserve better and it’s his loss

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Girl be done!! Don’t try to chase him. Run away and don’t look back! There’s a reason he’s doing this to you, take that as you’re sign!! Let that ship sail!! :two_hearts:

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He’s gaslighting you!! Tell him goodbye :wave:t2:


I would move on. He sounds toxic


Sounds like a narcissist there. They meet a new supply. If it goes wrong he’ll be back. There’s never a reason for what they do other that selfish pleasure


Drop him , NOW . You deserve better .

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Just Cut All Ties From Dealing With Him because how will the relationship marriage work if he isn’t willing to communicate with you?

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I think he has already given u the answer u r seeking when he blocked u. U deserve so much better

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Hope you have got the message by now. I would have a new life and a new phone number.

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Silent treatment in that form is emotional abuse

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Leave him! You obviously already know what to do so why ask??

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Time to move on. This is definitely not someone you want to be in a relationship with or marry. Time to cut your losses and move on.


If its this bad before you get married, it won’t improve after.

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Run, as fast as you can. Those are red flags all over the place. You don’t just walk away and block someone you’re engaged to. It seems like he is incredibly immature and not someone you would to share your life with anyways.

Wow he playin with u. Go find another

I think you dodged a bullet girl. Time to heal and move on, you deserve better!

Sounds like he has a wife or another partner xxx


Red flag sis HUGE RED FLAG…RUN

Nope! Not for me. Not for any kinda long term

If my man blocked me he’d be single. Period. That’s not how you treat someone. Do you really wanna tie yourself to someone like this?


Keep The ring and move on

RUN and don’t look back

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Sounds like it’s a him problem not a you problem. You deserve to be happy and treated with love and of you’re not feeling that then dont keep going.

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Seriously! This relationship is doomed , leave it be and walk away. Actually run fast and don’t be stupid and marry that

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Sounds like serious commitment issues :woman_shrugging:

Get out while you can

Ignore him and move along

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Whenever he got ready I wouldn’t talk to him wrong guy honey

The relationship is over. Move on.

I know it’s easier said than done :disappointed: BUT MOVE ON :blush: You Got this :muscle: You deserve so much better

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He’s not ready. Just move on girl, I’m so sorry.

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Break it off with him.

As far as I’m concerned that’s a break up. Time to move on.


Sounds like he’s trying to ghost on you but either doesn’t know how or feels like he may have some small shred of a “conscience” and doesn’t wNt that guilt that comes with leaving.

Ew yes. Ignore him back and leave. I’m sorry :frowning:


Major red flags… You need to think long and hard if you really wanna be with someone like that