My fiance has blocked me and I am not sure what I did wrong: What should I do?

I have been engaged to a man I’ve known for 12 years, but we have only been In a relationship for six months. .In under a month of dating, we were engaged, and we began with our wedding planning… he became so distant. .He would hardly visit me. .Conversations became really cold. I asked multiple times what was wrong, and he would say everything is perfect, and that made me feel like I was creating drama over nothing He went to visit his extended family a few weeks back, and when he came back, we started having worse fights. To a point where I sought help from an elderly person from his family, and since the day that man spoke to us, he has been ignoring me. He would read my messages and ignore them or respond with one-word answers and my calls. He has not picked them up for a week put when I call with a different number, he answers immediately. Should I let him go yesterday? He blocked me, and I’m not sure what I did wrong. I just need him to say how he feels. Last weekend he told me he would speak to me when he’s ready.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My fiance has blocked me and I am not sure what I did wrong: What should I do?

This cannot be real.


I’d cut my
Losses and move on - if he’s like this before marriage it won’t get better after!

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Girlll how you engaged to someone who won’t even speak to you? Sounds like you need to kick him to the curb and do you. Best of luck

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Engaged for 12 years?!?!?

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Sound like he let you go already.

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No, let his ass go !

Man, that sounds like he’s ghosting you… what a d^ck, can’t even tell you upfront.


Be done with him. Move on. He’s immature. He’s not into you and is ghosting you. You deserve better


He doesn’t want to get married. Move on before you waste more time. :woman_shrugging:t4:


Yeah no. Run now. If it’s this bad 6 months in, imagine how much worst it’ll be further down the line and with a contract!


He’s already gone. Move forward.


Yeah walk away and don’t look back that’s a red flag for how ur marriage is going to go


As someone that’s been ghosted before, just let go and be you.


Please please move on keep your dignity he doesn’t want you and to chicken to man up


Sounds like he’s done and doesn’t know how to tell you. Clearly he’s not ready for marriage.

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Did you meet him online or something???

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How can you be engaged to someone 12yr but only dating 6months :woozy_face::woozy_face:my heads thrashed

Get out now b4 u need a divorce that would happen.


It’s over . Unfortunately. I’d stop trying to talk to him it’s only hurting you more .


Drop him like a bad habit. There is someone out there somewhere that will appreciate you.


Time Break the engagement and leave.

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Ummm I don’t think y’all are engaged anymore


Sounds like he broke up w you in a very fucked up way.
Move on, he ain’t worth it.

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He’s a pussy can’t speak up an tell you he’s lost feelings for you or he’s done something wrong like cheat an to chicken ass to own up

Sometimes the best closure you can have is none at all! Wash your hand of him. You deserve better sister! Start fresh and do you!
Sending good vibes your way! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Run the other way. This is not a man to stay with or marry.

Move on, sounds like his family put shit in his head, and he done want to get married

He’s not into you , let it go . It’s called actions he’s showing you he’s not into you . Wake up move on .


Don’t waste any more of your time. He has already given you a taste of what life will be like.

Leave, when things like this start this early get out while little time was wasted bc it wont change

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Don’t do it anymore :confused:

Let him go. Move on. That is not someone you want to spend your life with.

:triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post:

Gas lighting and narcissistic tendencies. Run.


If he can’t communicate, then how the heck can you have a relationship?

You know the right answer here.


This is not how a healthy relationship works.

Just let him go. Unfortunately, we don’t always get the closure we want and that’s something you just have to move on from. You deserve better than that.

Girl leave… run away. i know its hard but if he loved you he wouldnt leave you wondering what you did wrong.

Move on girl…obviously he made up his mind.

12 years. That might be a BIG clue, unless your clueless.

I think he has already told you how he feels, let him go or you are in for a lot of pain, so sorry.

That is a ridiculous way to act and honestly a huge red flag. Blocking you? He’s acting like a disrespectful child. Those are NOT behaviors of a real man let alone a fiance

When he’s ready to talk you should ghost him :woman_shrugging::laughing:

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Don’t marry him, run and find someone who will treat you and respect you!


No anwser is a anwser

This man is straight up telling you he will speak to you when he is ready. Like he is the Master and your the pee- on. I wouldn’t even ever speak to that man again. He is the type of man that will abuse you if you marry him. Arrogant and narcissistic. Girl run the other way. This is a huge red flag.


Turn off the lights it’s over.

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His actions are telling you everything. Listen!

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Sounds like he’s cheating. And from my experience with a similar situation the girl my daughters father was cheating with is married with 4 kids so he would say and do whatever it took to keep me but I never came first and it took awhile to put it altogether of what he was doing. I wish you well.

Leave this guy. He doesn’t want to be with you, you deserve better than to be with someone who will treat you this way.

So many red flags here - he’s a narcissist who has no respect for you or your feelings because it’s all about him. Thank him for showing you his real self now!


Uhhhhh he can fuck off. You do not deserve to be treated that way.

He showing you by his actions that he don’t want to get married, he may not even want a relationship with you, call off the wedding, and you may be able to save your relationship, I don’t know why you would want one though

I don’t know about this site. Is this for real or made up situations to get comments and stay relevant on FB? Seriously people, why is this person even questioning what she needs to do? This is a no brainer if it’s even true.

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It’s over sis I’m sorry but move on you deserve better and after marriage things will get worse be thankful he is showing his true colors now and not later💜 best of luck


Let it go! You know you need to move on. You already answered your own question. Good luck

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Sounds like he did you a favor! Block him an move on!!

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Narcissistic behavior for sure … sounds like he has a lot on his mind but honestly leave him alone … we tend to show pattern of acceptable behaviors … don’t allow him to think THIS is how you want to handle issues in relationship… Go about your business and do what’s best for you … if he is worth having in your future he will come around and talk to you and if he doesn’t I pray you found your peace to find the happiness you deserve … I know everyone has unspoken battles so I can’t say just leave him … you have known him for 12 years … do what you would want your daughter to do in this same situation …

No answer is an answer. I would leave it where it’s at and move forward. It’s sucks but it’s better than waiting for a call or text from someone who clearly doesn’t care.

No one deserves this kind of treatment. Leave and move on, you don’t need this in your life! Go find happiness somewhere else with someone who truly makes you happy.

Actions always speak louder than words…

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Find the door & your dignity & leave


Reread everything you just wrote on here… then you’ll find your answer.

Let it go and move on.

Sounds like he already dumped you…

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he just ain’t that into you. Get your money back for anything you spent, and heck, get his money back too. Move on. Life is too short to put up with this bs from a man, or a woman.

Walk away! He sounds like a child man😬

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Give him the silent treatment too and move on . Dont place his games.

Hope you’re not asking for advice for the hell of it… you need to cut him off. Never look back.

…break it off…before he even can …Sell the ring …take a much needed vacation with the girls …and just know honey you’re the whole package at the wrong door :kissing_heart:


as far as speaking to you “when he’s ready”??? Don’t give him the opportunity, move on and find enjoyment . If you let him treat you this way now, he will pull the same shhiiiii every time he gets a bee in his bonnet… leaving you hanging and pining for him. F him, move on

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Sounds like he’s already married love you dodged a bullet


Boy, bye…sounds like the trash took itself out.


Leave he’s not respecting you
I guess when you said he blocked you
That tells me he changed his mind and don’t want to marry you unfortunately
Find yourself a wonderful man
You don’t need him.
Good luck

This guy is garbage. Move on


It went way too fast and scared him away. Walk away.


He already told you how he feels. No one that cares for you will do that. Let him go and move on.


Walk away hock the ring


I’d be done. It sounds like he doesn’t want to be in a relationship. I’m sorry, I’m not trying to be harsh but you don’t treat someone you love and plan on marrying like that. He’s definitely hiding something from you. My 1st husband was like that (distant, wouldn’t answer calls, I’d go days without seeing him) in the beginning of our relationship and I found out he had a drug problem. I should’ve ran then.

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Run for the hills his done you a favour you may not see it now but it’s a blessing In disguise

He’s trying to tell you it’s over………believe him and move on.

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Dump him he’s very childish and definitely not ready to start a life I know it’s difficult but I’m sure you will find someone else that will appreciate you in the long run family is always a problem and if he’s family is not the type you can depend on then you obviously don’t need him or them my in-laws are the same even after 12 years they always make more problems then actual solutions and I have come to a point where I don’t visit them or call them it’s difficult on my kid but unfortunately I stayed in the marriage so trust me don’t get married and move on while u can

It sounds like he is done so before he does it, end it with him.

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Just quit trying. You are putting all your energy into someone who isnt available to you.

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Chalk it up to a bad date delete his number and move on Girl, His not the knight in shining armor you want or need


He does not wants to be engaged. He’s ghosting you…he doesn’t know how to break up with you.

Move on forget about him

Sadly sometimes we don’t get the closure we so desperately seek. I hope you do but don’t hold your breath.

This sounds very very familiar. This is sad This is the new norm. Sry this is happening

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I promise you you don’t want to marry him walk away no run if he acts this way now it will only get worse.


Block him back and move on sounds childish you deserve better


Well you don’t have a real relationship. Knowing someone and being involved are two different things. As soon as he got weird about the wedding was the clue he was out. Gaslighting was next clue so right now be glad he’s gone before the fights got violent. Let him go. He was breadcrumbing now ghosting you. You don’t always get an answer to this stuff. I’m not sure how deeply you are involved or feeling about this guy but it seems like he’s done and instead of being an adult he’s avoiding you instead of being the bad guy. It’s shitty and awful but move on.

Drop him like a bad habit!


Run……. Fast…. Don’t turn back


Ummm what part of this would make you even want to stay? Every other word of this is a massive red flag :triangular_flag_on_post:. Block him back throw the ring away and have a day at the spa get rid of the toxic energy and move on because clearly truth is he don’t want you


Lol make that your ex. If they are blocking you over bs this early into the relationship it needs to scream RED FLAG. don’t marry a douche that’s ok with treating you like that. He already stopped trying to keep ya. You’re just gonna be stuck in a loveless and mentally damaging marriage until you die or are divorced and stuck with a shit ton of baggage

He sounds immature! Communication is key in any successful relationship!. He’s not even giving u that. Sounds selfish n self absorbed to me. Save yrsf the heart ache n walk away while it’s still cheap n not so many years in and lost. Good luck

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He is being controlling and manipulative! Run as fast as you can!


Give him space. Do not contact him again. Work on picking up the pieces and moving forward. If he wants to catch up- he will. I’m so sorry :disappointed: this is such a hard situation. Handle it with all the grace and dignity you have!