My fiance sells videos of himself doing things: Do I have a right to be upset?

I had a deja vu reading this! Lol


Find your own counselor and your own hobby


All this tongue and fruit talk and I’m stuck on the fact that you are waiting on him to find you a counselor.


If he meeting other guy’s and having sex you can and will end up with aides hiv and you knew he was bi I don’t understand why you think he is going to change or stop making video’s


Sounds like he needs a new gf.
One who’s supportive of his decision and income.

Ypu sound insecure and like you have a lot to work on yourself before getting with another man.


you can’t make me read that


I would be upset too. If he was doing it before your relationship and you knew, then I will say that you thought you could change him or be enough. You can’t change someone unless they want to change. If you didn’t know, then you definitely have a right to be upset. Are you trying to get into couples counseling? If so, instead of waiting on him, just make the appointment. If he refuses to go, then you go anyway. It sounds like you have a decision to make.


He doesn’t respect you. Bail NOW.


This cant be legit right.:rofl::rofl:

Like wtf! Why is it repeated word for word?? :woman_shrugging::woman_facepalming:

Thinking we should see this haha but yeah if you cant handle who he is and was before he met you, then walk away and stop causing an issue…


Lots of unsupportive comments. Like its all a joke. Smh

He’s Bi. How does this even work in a relationship??? I’m so confused. He should’ve stayed bi and single.


Wow. At some of these comments.
I’m sorry hun if he’s doing these things repeatedly after you asked him not too. That’s him showing his disrespect for you. Bi or straight is no excuse to disrespect your spouse.
Maybe you should take good hard look at your relationship and decide if him making you feel that way is worth it or not.
I’m sorry you are going through this.

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Wow these comments really show how few people understand bisexuality like at all.


Good thing you guys aren’t married.


Duh. Tell him bye and good riddance. Read up on the diseases he could transmit to you–AIDs among other things.


I’d be running. No way would I stay.

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I don’t really get it. Is he talking sexually with the same person like one on one? Or does he share naked pictures of himself (Penis)? If that’s the case I would see a major issue because sexting someone is not okay. But selling pictures/videos of his mouth I dont think is an issue. I mean I wouldn’t do it if my partner had an issue with it. But I don’t think it constitutes as cheating. For example I could post a picture of myself fully clothed and someone on the internet might use it to master bate, the only difference is I’m not making money from it.

Defiantly be worried.

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Yes you have a right to be upset. You should consider leaving because he doesn’t respect your feelings and he is being sneaky and going behind your back and doing things he promised you he wouldn’t do. Who’s to say if he is doing that wierd crap that he wouldn’t also cheat. I’d honestly recommend you moving on, sounds really shady.

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If it’s not your thing, you are free to go. I knowww it will never be my thing, that’s weird to me. Sleep, wake up, move on and have a picnic. With wiiiiine. Lol

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Obviously he’s not ready for a commitment… get ready to be cheated on

If he isnt listening… “Bye bish”.

If he knows how to make money off videos with just his tongue then get him to show u how n make ur own. Then u get ur own extra income, see how he feels about it and if it still don’t work then “bye bi” lol


If he’s lying about something trivial what else is he lying about. Sorry jmo

It’s no different than my first husband jacking off in front of live feeds on porn sites. It’s an addiction. And not one that you’re going to make him kick if he doesn’t want to. Needless to say, I divorced that fuck face. If he doesn’t care enough about your feelings to make a change, send him on his way!

Good luck :kissing_heart:

Serious questions: how does one make money selling pictures of thier tongue and how do I sign up :joy:


Dating is to find the right guy for you. If you don’t like this he’s probably not the one to marry. Why would you try marry someone you are hoping he will change.

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This is trolling for sure lol

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He’s got a big ego but probably nothing else big, lose him.

I mean it’s a side hustle lol

He’s YOUR fiancé and he’s bi and sells videos doing odd things with his tongue and YOU wanna know if YOURE in the wrong :joy::joy::joy::joy: omg shake your head girl!