My formula is thin...advice?

I switched from the pre-made bottles at the hospital to the can mix. I make it how it tells you but it still seems too thin. Any suggestions?


They are usually thinner than the pre-made ones is fine. Do not add anything to it. Add long add you’re following the directions then that’s all that matters


Formula liquid is thicker than the powder, I have also found this to be true with the adult SlimFast liquid vs powder. It’s normal. I don’t know why this is. :grin:Just follow directions for the power or switch to the liquid :slight_smile:

Just follow the directions.

i used the powder stuff for mine so i dont know about the can stuff

Formal is supposed to be thin

Just follow directions, do not add anything extra to thicken as I saw suggested in another comment. It’s unsafe and no longer recommended because it’s a choking hazard.

That’s normal. Don’t be adding anything to it to make it thick neither.