My friend is pregnant and refuses to go to the doctor: Advice?

My doctor didn’t even set up my 1st appointment till I was 3mo pregnant… So if it’s early, there’s still time just sayin. Also, that child does not pertain to her current case when it is born (at least in my state). She would have to do something to the new baby before they would open a new case. New baby does not mean they “automatically” take your child.

Not recieving prenatal care knowing she’s pregnant, is neglect. Call CPS. They’re the ones that took the first few kids, obviously she’s not fit to be a parent.


Where I live, even if they take your kids from you, if you get pregnant and have a kid after that, they can’t automatically take that new child from you. She would have to do something new for them to intervene with that child. But not going to the doctor at all could get her in trouble and give them a reason to try and take her new child. If she wants to keep her new baby, her best option is to go to all her appointments.


In on the side of the unborn child. Do what’s best for them.


To all the people saying she doesn’t need to go to the doctor… A big SMH to you all. :woozy_face::woozy_face::woozy_face:


She needs to be sterilized it sounds like. They need to fix her after she has this one. I couldn’t be friends with someone like that. Call cps or whoever because that baby deserves a fighting chance. That’s so selfish of her!!!


I mean legally she doesn’t have to see a doctor at any point in her pregnancy. Her fears are also very likely and relevant :woman_shrugging:t3:. Nothing you can really do here.

Tell her she could die or the baby could!! Short and sharp. She’s putting them both in danger and she’s being very selfish with not going. I get her fears if the child being taken from her but if there’s a major complication that kills her, she’ll kill her unborn child and never see her others ever again. At least taking full and proper responsibility, it’ll show authorities that she’s doing the right thing and is prepared to work to keep it and see/ get her others back

CPS isn’t going to get involved for not taking prenatal care.


I know a lot of commenters are saying mind your business, and normally I would agree, but this is how babies end up in dumpsters.

If she doesn’t have her other children, there’s good reason why. She is eventually going to go into labor and when she does, there will be no record of her ever receiving prenatal care. If she refuses to go to the OB, she may refuse to go to a hospital to deliver and that could lead to complications for her and the baby, or worse. And if she shows up to deliver without a record of prenatal care, that could be considered neglect and result in the baby automatically being taken.

I would call CPS and make an anonymous report.


She can actually get in more trouble by not having proper prenatal care than by going and having lost her other kids. Losing her previous kids doesn’t automatically mean they will/can take this child. As long as she does what she is supposed to do and has what she needs and the baby and provides a safe home and care for the baby she shouldn’t necessarily have a problem.

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She will get that one taken as well if she doesn’t go to the doctor

Shes making herself look worse in the eyes of child services if she avoids prenatal care.Eventually the baby will come and she will be at the hospital and they will be informed.Her best bet is to contact them tell them shes pregnant and wants to keep this baby and regain her other children’s custody and do the requested steps needed to succeed.They will help her unless she has lost custody and all rights have been taken away and then they would have to see if the new baby would likely be at risk somehow too if staying with mother.The longer she waits the deeper the shit she has to wade through will be.If she doesn’t step up and let them know then you should to make sure baby will be going to a safe place after birth.If she disowns you because you are concerned for her unborn shes not worth your time.

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I could be wrong but I think a law came in recently that if you are aware of a situation of abuse and/or neglect of a minor and don’t take steps to let someone know you can also be charged? If your friend is only in early pregnancy it probably wouldn’t be an issue just yet but further down the track it might be.

Id make a call.Someone has to protect this baby.Either way,this baby will probably be taken.She is putting her child’s life in danger and that just doesnt sit well with me.

If she doesn’t go then she neglecting her baby and won’t have a chance to even try with this baby

I’m at a loss here. The only thing you can do is notify CPS that she is pregnant again and she’s afraid to seek prenatal care for fear of losing this child too. Ordinarily I would say to stay out of it, but there’s a baby involved here who deserves the best chance possible. You probably won’t be her friend after this… and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I would look for other friends.

She definitely needs to go to the doctor. Failing to do so is already putting the child in potential danger. Not to mention herself. Also, when she gives birth, if there is an open case on her, her baby will be taken. I know this, because I adopted through foster care. My son was taken into care at birth. He has NEVER lived with his bio mother, nor has he EVER seen her unsupervised. Both of my kids share the same bio mother. My daughter was taken into care almost 3 years before he was born. They have 2 older siblings that were in care before my daughter was even born. She actually left the state to give birth to him, thinking they wouldn’t know, and she’d be able to keep him. She has had 5 children in total, all but 1 are in care. That’s only because he is deceased. He passed away at 4 months old, while in her custody.

This is wild. This post right here makes me remember why I don’t have mom friends or post anything in mom groups. A lot of these comments are absolutely insane. :person_facepalming:

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Honestly i would call cps

Maybe it’s just me but I wouldn’t be fríends with someone that lost theír kids and hasn’t even tried getting them back🤷🏻‍♀️ I’d snitch to🤷🏻‍♀️


Not sure why her kids were taken and why she feels they will take this child… she needs to get her life together she definitely needs to go to a Dr. But if she chooses not to encourage her to eat right drink water take vitamins and exercise… Pray pray pray


Honestly, depending on why her other kids were taken, CPS may not be able to do anything about the current baby because that’s a different case and such… the doctors also can not and will not report to CPS unless they see the baby is in danger…


Idk about where you are but here a new baby would be a separate case for cps. Use that as a way to encourage her to go. Maybe encourage her to work on fixing if whatever it is that caused her to lose the other children.


Well this just proves she still isn’t capable of taking care of a child


If you truly wish to help, you need to understand the stipulations of her case as well as your pertinent state law. You may be able to reassure her that her baby won’t just get whisked away just for having it. It sounds like this is a complex situation though, if this mother is unwilling to help herself to get her children back then I am not sure how well you could convince her of much of anything.

Child services will know anyway …her mom has her other kids and the social worker must have to speak with her occassionally…so mom, her other kids or the worker will spill the beans…even if she has a medical need for treatments of any kind…it’ll be reported…one way or another

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You can’t force her to seek medical care. There is no law stating that a pregnant woman must see a doctor. Unfortunately that is reality.


I believe it’s medical neglect if you don’t see a doctor somewhere within your pregnancy because her or her baby could be in danger… I would report and talk to her they can’t take the baby unless they have a reason (if she’s using drugs, drinking, abusive etc) but she needs to do what’s best for the baby.


For the greater good I’d contact social and tell them. Explain she’s scared, it’s concerning if not tried to get the other kids back. Plus she could get in more trouble not having got the care needed. Also you knowing she’s leaving you In a mess knowing as it could be seen as neglect as obviously reason kids was taken. It’s a tough situation but have to think of a unborn baby as is the mum in the right frame if mind, she’s probably not.

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If the case is still, she should not tell ANYONE, but still needs to see doctor. Doctor doesn’t need to know where her kids are. If she’s on drugs she needs to seek a program that can get her on Suboxone and get her into groups because they drug test you at the doctor’s appointment and don’t tell you. But if she’s on PRESCRIBED Suboxone she won’t get called on. Some states like where I live in NH will call once the baby is born just to notify them and makes sure she has enough supports in place.


Is it bc she doesn’t want the baby taken away or she doesn’t want the baby? I mean im a mother id fight till i nolonger had a pulse for my children…
Shes not even trying thats not normal

Hate tell you, the agency will find out because with no prenatal care, the social worker will be called & she in turn will notify the agency. Plus a tox screen will be done on both her & the baby.


You aren’t legally obligated to go to the doctor during your pregnancy.


I’d call and report it honestly🤷🏼‍♀️ it sounds like there was a good reason her kids were taken if she’s that worried about it with this one too(it also sounds like she’s having this one to replace her other children who are no longer in her care but that’s just me drawing my own conclusions.) Baby’s safety and well being should be put above your friendship


Depending on why her children were taken… she still needs medical attention. But is she homeless? A drug addiction? Was it from domestic violence? All things to consider before making demands. If she keeps the baby and goes on welfare… her situation will have results either way. If she’s an addict then that’d be her reason. If she’s still with a violent man… that’s her reason. Etc. I don’t know her so I can’t say. Her excuses are not good and But she still needs a dr

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WHY were the other children taken away? Why doesn’t she try to get them back?? Sounds like she is unable to provide a stable home for children(???)…

FIRST consideration is the child! Obviously she doesn’t care about the welfare of this child!! (If poor, can she not go to obgyn? Or does she have to just show up at the hospital at the time of birth? Maybe it’s a question of money??).

Hope the baby finds a good family!

Baby first!


They will take it and she will go to jail for not getting prenatal care


She needs to stop having kids. Im sick of paying for all these kids that i havent gave birth to. Just having baby after baby and dont even have a place of their own to live in!!! She is putting her own selfish ass before the child…she needs that child taken too. Then a hysterectomy!!!

Why do you even associate with people like that?


I only went to a doctor with 3 out of 7 pregnancies, it’s not a legal obligation to go to one, nor is it a legal obligation to birth in a hospital, I think you should just leave the situation be and let fate unfold one way or another.


You need to stress to her the importance of prenatal care. At some point, she will have to have medical care, at least for the delivery. I don’t know why her children were removed from her custody, but her new child may also be taken at birth.
Depending on why her children were taken from her and her not trying to get them back, I would either distance myself from her or report her.

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She will 100% get this one taken away if she doesnt get care. Whats she plan to do? Have the baby at home and keep it a secret… it doesn’t matter how she tried to hide it, theyre gonna find out one way or another and trying to hide it will only set off red flags on multiple different aspects


DFS will be involved when she gi es borth regardless is she goes to the dr or not. Sounds like she doesnt need to be a mother at this point untill she gets her mental health taken care of


CPS can’t do or take the new baby away , it has nothing to do with her last situation. Unless she’s doing drugs and tests positive after giving birth to hen they’ll step in …

She doesn’t deserve another child if her Mother has her other Children and hasn’t even tried to get them back.What will happen to this child once it’s born nice of her to have kids for her Mother to take care of eh :woman_shrugging:I am from the UK and the amount of Mothers I have on my fb that have lost their children threw Coke & Alcohol is terrible and they have no shame dressed up out partying wtf is going on.I would report it by your status you already know what’s she’s like by saying she hasn’t even tried to get her other children back.


Only time doctors will call child services is if they think mom is a danger to the child or is doing drugs or alcohol. So either your friend is doing stuff she not supposed to be doing and will get caught thru blood tests or when baby is born and they test the baby’s blood for things.

All these people saying she’ll get arrested for not getting prenatal care are actually lying cause there’s women who do not know they are pregnant and go into labor and don’t get arrested cause of it and they keep their child too. There’s actually no laws in the US about having to get prenatal care.


Let her make her own choices it’s none of your business

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All B’S she lost her other children for a reason and that’s why she won’t go because she will lose this 9ne as well, and maybe it for the best


I do know a same situation where the person just moved to a different state and they didn’t do anything

She knows she will lose custody as soon as she is born and is trying to avoid facing that, yet her avoidance could well put this baby at risk. She needs to see the doctor. Is it possible that an arrangement can be made for her to appoint someone as baby’s guardian to take him/her home from hospital so this little one avoids foster care? A background check and home study would have to be done by a caseworker , but it could be a solution.

She needs to see a therapist. This is trauma from losing her kids pure and simple.

Is she homeless? Drug addict? Domestic violence? Ppd get to her really bad?
Why won’t she try to get them back?? I would personally call.

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Ok, so when she has the baby, it’s going to be taken away anyways due to not seeking prenatal care while knowing she’s pregnant :roll_eyes::face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Let her know no Dr means child neglect and child will be taken away


Take her some vitamins and ask how you can support her…


She won’t loose custody of her baby trust me as long as she does what she’s suppose to do with this baby


Either way cas will come in and take them away!


Encourage her to seek support from someone who has been in her situation. Encourage her to seek support period. She doesn’t HAVE to lose this one also. She can literally start making food choices right now and keep her child if she wants. Or she has options if she wants to go that route also.


They cannot take this new child…without reason… and I wouldn’t blame her for not going to the doctors. Doctors aren’t always on ur side. These things maybe happen if she was at risk and with the child. Abuse drugs ect. But if she can prove that she has a home, stability, family nd support and friends on her side she should be okay. BEST OF LUCK and u need to stick by her, anyone going through this situation knows what it feels like…!!
They can make the beat of it and change there lives around if needs be if she co operates with doctors ect. Xx be her friend and leave it be and just be there for her… she needs her friends around…

Shes going to get the child taken either way, but never going to even get a chance to get them back if she purposely neglects health care for her unborn :woman_facepalming:t2: … and honestly its sounds like it’s better for the child if it’s taken


It’s strange she hasn’t tried to get them back but she seems to want to be a mother and it’s probably more helpful to give her the benefit of the doubt.
Is she not fighting because she doesn’t think she has a chance? Is her mother a controlling narcissist? Is she on drugs? Did she have a medical or undiagnosed health issue that made it difficult for her to maintain her household/duty of care? Whatever the reason she needs to see it as an opportunity to prove her parental abilities.
She also needs to join support groups for women in similar situations that support women like her, they will have knowledge and resources invaluable to her! If she feels this situation occurred because she didn’t have the support to begin with this is her chance to regain control of her life for her kids. She may need to do a life overhaul, get her gut biome checked, a good clean diet can do wonders for mood and energy. I have many suggestions, welcome to PM. If she needs to move towns or states because she’s in a toxic or unfair situation then she should do her research. While I don’t know how common these situations are, they do occur BUT hiding and avoiding medical care won’t work in her favour and will create the situation she fears.

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What state and i work in the legal advocate side of this and it will be used against her if she doesn’t. Message me with any questions she’s just scared.


Needs of the child come FIRST! Sorry she’s unable to provide a decent home for children… Hopefully the kids will end up in a supportive family!


She can go to a health department.

Make sure she takes her vitamins. If she’s in a better position then before they won’t take the baby. Just try to support her decision and try again in a couple days

Sounds like she has a lot of problems. All you can do is try to help her. Maybe she needs to talk to a doctor soon🙏

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Why did she lose the other kids? If children service is involved because of drugs she has every right to not want to tell them!! Cause they will take her baby, especially if she is still using and hasn’t done a thing to get the other kids back. I am just assuming that’s probably why grandma is raising her kids. If I’m right encourage her to go to treatment and start doing what she should be doing to get the others back. A lot can happen in 9 months and if she complies and follows her case plan then they won’t take the new baby. She won’t be able to outrun this. And having a new baby won’t replace the ones that were taken. Sad situation. But seriously if it’s because of drugs she does need treatment before this baby is harmed. I am just assuming here because it’s happening all across the United States because of drugs.


She should definitely seek prenatal care. To start, she NEEDS prenatal vitamins ASAP! Secondly, what’s the reason her children were taken? If it was a reason where a broken system or being homeless or in a DV situation caused the separation, perhaps she may want to seek care in another county or state with family? Sometimes simply moving jurisdictions keeps a case from opening which could mean finding house 20 minutes away.

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Child > Her fears

What if something is medically wrong? If she actually cares about her bb then she needs to get seen, for her sake, too.


My daughter done this too!! She couldn’t pass a drug test , she didn’t eat, she didn’t go to the dr at all! By the time she went to have to baby she was so malnourished and weak that she could even deliver the baby!! The baby was taken by c section went into foster care immediately because she couldn’t take care of herself much less the baby!! You better go to the dr


If the last case is closed and her kids permanently live with her mom then she has a chance. My last 2 were taken but I was able to keep my 3rd child. But if the case is closed she will get a new open case if neglecting dr treatment for the baby. The state will visit her when the baby is born to make sure everything is ok and that she can be a better parent at this time


She’s going to have to do something eventually you can’t force her to go

Legally she does not have to go to the doctor

I’m just guessing this but she’s going to lose this unborn child when it’s born because she’s not going to the doctors. And that is neglect


There are no laws in the United States requiring expectant mothers to obtain prenatal care. Receiving medical care can be a highly personal decision, and the U.S. government treads lightly in forcing individuals to receive or not to receive certain care during their lives.

Personal opinion: you didn’t explain what was the reason for those children be taken away from her in the first place. negligence? Drug abuse? Abandonment? Physical abuse? Lack of support? Mental problems? Lack of money mixed with abusive parents? Each reason has a different answer. But to be safe just let her be. Give her time. Maybe she needs time. I spent 16 weeks without having prenatal care because I didn’t knew about it and everything went fine. So give her time and help her research the laws in your state so she knows she’s safe.


So she doesn’t want to take care of baby in the womb, because she’s afraid they will say she is unfit to take care of baby once it’s born?


My brothers gf kept her pregnancy a secret the 1st time around. As soon as she had the baby CPS got involved. She’s making things worse hiding it than going forward and showing responsibility through going to appointments and taking care of herself/them. It’s extremely selfish of her to not get prenatal care.

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Report her to cps. Doesn’t matter what she wants. It’s the children that matter and if she can’t understand that then she doesn’t deserve to be a mother. Refusing an unborn child medical care in my eyes is enough to get them removed anyway.


She’s probably taking drugs and doesn’t want the doctor to find out… I would ask her flat out if that’s why she doesn’t want to go, if she is using I would flat out tell her she needs to the doctor within 30 days or you’re reporting her drug use to CPS. If she is using drugs and tries to have this baby at home and not get it the proper medical attention the baby will likely die a slow, excruciating, painful death from neonatal abstinence syndrome. It’s absolutely not ok to put a newborn through that.


Mind your own business. She trusted you to be the 1 person she told. If you break that trust she won’t be your friend any more.


Why were her other children taken away in the first place… second there’s no laws stating she has to get prenatal care it’s highly recommended for the health of her unborn n herself but she doesn’t by law have to see a doctor if the case is closed with her other children she has a chance with this child but if I were her I would do whatever she has to do to get her other children back

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Just go to a doctor in a different city. She can deliver in a hospital an hour away. But also doctors and hospitals do not report to child services or police unless she fails a drug test at the hospital. So she should be fine either way. And as long as she is in a good living arrangement now they won’t take this kid. Now with that being said if she got her kids taken and still doing the same things she has months to get her life right.

She’s neglecting this one by not going. Tell her that and hope it sinks in. If she’s still doing something wrong, doctors monitoring her is the best she can do for this baby.


Call social services and cps !


Lots of ppl do this. But trust when she’s I labour she won’t have a choice and then they will take the baby from her at that point for neglect through out the pregnancy.


First don’t listen to the people saying to report her to Child Services. Why were her kids taken? Also tell her if she wants to do right by this child to go to the doctor for her health and babies health. Also tell her child services can’t take the child if she don’t do drugs, lives in a good environment and can take care of the child and not neglect it. I know this personally. You need to be a friend not a back stabbing bitch, so just be there for her and remind her if she wants to do right by this child she needs to do what’s right.

There are zero laws requiring you seek medical care for pregnancy. There are also zero laws requiring you to give birth in a hospital.


It depends the reason her other children were taken, imo. Although if she hasn’t even attempted to get her other children back, she doesn’t deserve this one.


Once she gives birth they will take that baby too so really she’s just harming the baby… unfortunately in most states there’s nothing you can do until the baby is born

Many woman don’t go to a traditional doctor and have the baby at home.


If the behavior that got the other kids taken away is still going on then cps needs to be involved… Either way that unborn child has the right to medical care… If she doesn’t see a doctor she will lose this baby anyway…


It’s her baby her choice. Lots of people do lotus births for this reason lol if she’s sober and clean and a fit mother now leave her be

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You might try Child Protective Services and see if they have any way to help. Planned Parenthood might have suggestions for low cost prenatal care for your friend. Any homeless shelter in your area might also have suggestions. To encourage her to get prenatal care, you might mention to her that they are more likely to take this one away, too, if she doesn’t get prenatal care and if she doesn’t get her life together.

Her body… her kids… her problems… this is why in America abortions should be an option🤷🏽‍♀️


If she doesn’t get her life together she’s not gonna have the kid Gonna take it away 

Sounds like she’s a selfish person and by no means needs another child.

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Her body her choice or she’s a drug addiction behind closed doors

Not going to the doctor is another reason for child services to get involved…


Mind ya business, she is obviously in a bad way if she doesn’t have her kids, this one will eventually be with her mother too, shame

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