My friend is trying to make me pay triple the amount that I owe her...advice?

Expose you? If you’ve paid what you owe, I wouldn’t pay a penny more. She can’t prove it unless you have a contract right? She doesn’t seem like a friend at all.

If you paid off the agreement f what they say… you paid the agreement and if it’s not in writing nothing can really be done if there is no proof


If there is no contract then once you have the original amount and the 50 percent interest paid them your done. Stand your ground and call her bluff. Threaten to expose her to revenue

Just expose her first? Idk what y’all mean by “expose” but if it’s calling you out on social media or something for friends to judge, just do it first. Who cares that you were in a bad spot and had to borrow money? You paid that off already. And if this were a “legal” loan, she wouldn’t be able to change the interest anyways.

Wherever you live in the United States 50% interest is loans Harding which is illegal. Take her to small claims court the judges will explain that to her and possibly if proven she is doing it repeatedly to others she could face criminal charges. You might want to explain that to her. Or if you have a written contract stating 50% interest threaten her with taking it to the police.

Quite possibly the pettiest ‘friend’ story I’ve ever heard. Expose her back, I’m so sorry🥺

If you have proof that you have paid what you owed originally. Cut the friendship off and tell her to sue you for the rest. 50% interest is robbery.
If she’s threatening to expose you now let her because she’ll just keep holding it over your head.


If she was a friend she wouldn’t expect any more back than what she loaned you. With friends like that you don’t need enemies!

She’ll expose you??? I’d be exposing her!!


I’d say she needs to be exposed!

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I might be the odd man out…but you agreed to the 50% interest when you accepted the loan. That is an outrageous interest but at the end of the day you agreed to it…that’s on you. If there is nothing in writting you could pay what you owe and tell her to kick rocks but be ready for her to “out” whatever it is she has and possibly take you to small claims court, which if nothing is in writting or text etc I’d say she’ll loose. Keep proof of every payment you made to her. Tough lesson learned but interest rates matter when accepting funds.


I hope this is a joke. Is your friend like a loan shark or something :laughing: what she going to do have your legs broke if you don’t pay her :grin: if you paid her what you owe her your debt is paid.

Dont give her another penny and let her talk all she wants. She is trying to manipulate you into giving her money

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Did you sign a contract? What is she supposedly exposing? If u didn’t sign anything & you’ve paid the initial amount borrowed… Walk away, find another “friend” & don’t pay another dime!!!


First, that’s not a friend!!
Second, always do these things in writing with a witness to sign also!
Third, I’d stop paying her and leave it at that… if she wants to take you to court then try to bring proof of everything you’ve paid her. Block her and don’t deal with this person. Id never charge a friend any interest at all. Friends should help each other out and not expect a reward at the end.

Go to the police. She is no friend. She is a loan shark and blackmailer.

Yea, she could kiss my ass after that too. Wouldn’t happen.

If there isn’t a written contract, and the verbal contract is all you have to go on, legally that’s all she has to stand on. Which means you pay the original amount agreed on. Keep a record of all of your communication to show what you’ve paid and what you’ve tried to pay that she hasn’t accepted. Make sure that you continue to set aside the money she wouldn’t accept in case she tries to take you to small claims court. And lastly, don’t call them a friend. A friend would NEVER do this to you. A FRIEND would’ve loaned you the money WITHOUT interest in the first place. Find a new friend.


:tipping_hand_woman:t3:Tell said friend to eat a bag of dicks and if said friend happens to choke … said friend should have enough money for an ambulance from all the interest

Let her take u to court, no judge is enforcing that kinda interest…it’s called something, it’s just early and I can’t remember but the mob got in trouble for it.


Wow 50% interest she’s no friend she’s taking advantage

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That is against the law. It’s being a loan shark. Pay her what you borrowed and then don’t be friends with her because she is not being a friend to you

Is it in writing? If so follow that. If not If you paid her what you borrowed your done.

Was there anything signed?
You paid back was borrowed. I’d stop there. She isn’t acting like a “friend”. The debt is cleared.

Sounds line a really shitty friend. For multiple reasons. What kind of friend charges interest like that. Or changes the amount or threatens you?? She sounds like trash. Also blackmail is a crime in itself. So let her do her thing but make sure she understands there is recourse also. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this

Was there a written agreement or text starting how much you’ll pay back

Expose you? Did you sign paperwork? If not, then just stop the communication altogether.

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Each State has an interest cap that can be charged. Google your State. Also do you have a written and signed contract/promissory note? Even if you do stating the “50%” interest it definitely is not legal.

Block her you did your duty and she’s not your friend

Stop calling her a “friend”. She’s a loan shark. Who is she going to expose you to? If you’ve already paid back the loan amount I wouldn’t give her another dime. Let her file suit. Maybe you’ll end up on Judge Judy.

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Let her take you to court for more… the judge isn’t going to see the humor in charging 50% interest… even tho you agreed to it… and what kind of a loan shark do you have as a “friend”

Have got it wrote on paper take her to small claims court if nothing is on paper she can’t not do that payer her what you owe and no more

With friends like that who needs enemies? Don’t give her any more money!

If she was truly a friend she would let you get back on your feet 100% before even mentioning that you owe her back and to add more ! She seems like a fucking weasel!

She is going to look like the bad person in the situation if she exposes you.

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She’s definitely NOT a friend!!! If you didn’t sign anything she can’t do a thing to you!!

If no signed note
She probably could only get what you agreed on
Don’t stress she can’t get money from someone who doesn’t have it

Is there a signed note? Expose you for what? narrowing money? Call a lawyer and get advise. Oh and get a different friend for sure!

expose you? she would be exposing her ignorance call her bluff


You paid what you owed. I’d tell her to kick rocks.

First of all, the term friend, doesn’t apply to her/him. 50% interest?!? That’s insane. I would tell him/her that they can tell people, you don’t care. Maybe you should expose them for being a money hungry butt! I wouldn’t be embarrassed at all. You paid what you owed, and then some. Just cut your losses and move on

You agreed to a 50% interest loan. A little math to help understand- A loan of $500, with a 1 year payback term- your monthly payments would be 53.79. You’d make a total of 12 payments totaling $645.51; the accrued interest at 50% would be $145.51. If you have missed payments, or your friend (I’d use that term loosely) added late charges, etc I can see the amount doubling. If you paid her back what you owed her sit her down and ask her to write the charges out on paper and then run it through a loan calculator because it sounds like your friend can’t math and doesn’t understand how percentages work.

As everyone has said a friend would never do this to you yes maybe pissed that they have to wait longer for you to pay back but never put Interest on. As long as you have paid back what you have borrowed nothing more is owed

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That ain’t no friend trust me. If she charged 50% interest then she knew as time went on that it’ll be harder to pay. Tell her you already paid what you owed and won’t be paying anymore. Also real question is was there a written contract or just verbal contract.

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Doesn’t sound like much of a friend, who charges 50% interest? That’s ridiculous. If it was a verbal consent and you’ve paid her what you owe. I’d stop paying.

If she’s charging u triple the amount…shes not your friend

She is no friend .
Unless you had a signed contract you are done

She’s not a friend, she’s a loan shark. Let her expose you, if you’ve already paid what you borrowed then just be done and block her. She can’t take you to court because she would have to admit to usury which is illegal.

If u already paid back what u both agreed on and u have it all written down then I’d say cut all ties with this person, block her on everything (cell phone, social media, etc). That is no friend…

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I wouldn’t call her a friend

Don’t pay it! Let her “expose” you, you paid her what was agreed and what’s she gonna do!? Take you to court? No court will allow her to charge that much interest! It’s illegal!

She is NOT your friend !!!

No “friend” of mine would charge 50% interest!! What? You were unemployed, why make it harder. :sweat_smile: I would cut your losses if you haven’t already.

If you have paid the borrowed amount “promised” back then who cares. I’m sure you have text receipts. She exposes you, expose her for the shitty person she is. :woman_shrugging:t3:

Girl…you paid what you owed?..shut that door and walk away.

This is extortion. I’d call the police.


If you’ve paid the agreed upon amount, cut the loss (friend).

But also, if not in writing and you’ve paid only just the amount she loaned you, she can provide proof that you borrowed, there’s nothing she can do to even get the interest.

Expose HER
You should have some sort of records or at least text messages

  1. This is NOT a friend obviously!
  2. I hope you got the terms of loan in writing.
  3. I would pay what I owe and tell her she can go to court if she wants some made up unreasonable amount.
  4. I hope you have some sort of paper trail paying her back by check or getting receipts something that will show the money leaving your account going to hers for the loan and emails text messages anything between the two of you that will help you something in writing.
    Shame on her for extorting you for even more money during what seems to be an already difficult time for you I would never do that to a friend I wouldn’t even ask a friend to pay back interest. But you definitely need to check what you have and what you can prove and take her to court if that’s the route she wants to go. She can spend more of her money paying for court cost.

Here’s your legal advice- does she have it in writing? I would never even remotely consider paying 50% interest on anything. What do you mean “expose you”? Tell your friends? I’d laugh at her and say ok, go ahead. I’d also tell her to go ahead and take me to court. Especially if you don’t have the terms of this arrangement in writing with both signatures


What kind of friend charges 50 percent interest?! That’s ridiculous!

Get a new friend. Point out that you’ve done nothing to be ashamed of so you’ve nothing to be exposed of! If you’ve paid off the original amount, I would cease paying any more…and report her for illegal money lending practices.

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Awww, she’s not a friend. :disappointed:

Sounds like the friend isn’t much of a friend at all. I wouldn’t pay anything extra. I’d tell them to F off. You need better friends than that. You have already paid your debt back, so I wouldn’t worry unless there is some kind of an agreement on paper. Triple payment is ridiculous. No one in there right mind would agree to that ever.

Was this a verbal or written loan? Do you have anything saying what you were supposed to pay her back? Plus you should always write a check or money order or get a receipt, do not give cash without getting a receipt with balance on it. You need to know what you have paid her and what you owe her , if not y’all may end of in court. It may be your word gathers. I would’ve care who she told as long as you are paying her back. We all need help with different things at times not always money it’s nothing to be embarrass about. I don’t understand the friend , sounds like she is going to expose you because you needed to borrow money. What a friend?

50% can’t be legal. I was taking her to small claims. The judge will award a percentage. You’ve probably already repaid with a fair interest already.

That is not your friend.

That’s not a friend. Even charging 50% interest is outrageous.

Pay her the original agreed upon amount and wash your hands with her. I would not worry with her being exposed because it will expose her for being a crappy person and trying to take advantage of you. Keep all texts. Keep all screenshots or accounts on money she refused. Keep record of it all.

Most importantly after you’ve paid the agreed amount- wash your hands with her completely. :v:

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Stop paying once you’ve paid what you borrowed plus the going rate for interest. She can’t change the rate for one thing. And she won’t take you to court. What she’s doing is called users. It’s illegal . Just ignore her.


First off she’s not a friend. If you have paid off I would tell her do what she wants because her A** will probably get in trouble because a judge would probably laugh at her and ask what the hell was she thinking 50% interest. I would also tell her where to go and don’t have anymore contact with her.This makes me so mad someone taking advantage  of someone when their down.

Aw hell nah. Pay what you owe - that was agreed. And then get tf away from her. That is no longer a friend.

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This is some friend I would not consider this helping you! I would gather the original amount and pay that and forget about 50%. I am with the other poster … this is illegal and hopefully it is not in writing.

Your girl is a LOAN SHARK.
if youve paid what you borrowed plus some interest, turn her in to POLICE & let them deal with her threats.

That’s NOT a good friend, especially knowing that you are struggling a bit and charging you that amount. If you paid her back what you owed her, tell her you paid her back her money and to leave you the hell alone! ( stand up to her, she’s taking advantage of you )

50% is not a friend!! Gosh how crazy

If you don’t have a signed contract it mostly wouldn’t hold up in court and if you paid what you owed her then stop paying her it’s that simple and cut off all contact with her if she’s gonna be like that she’s not a true friend

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She’s not a bank. She doesn’t have the correct certification/licensing/insurance/etc. to legally operate as a lending agency. If she did she would know that 50% interest is illegal. If you paid her back the principle amount then maybe give her an additional 15%-20% and then laugh in her face at the rest. If she exposes you it’s blackmail and she’s in legal trouble. If the law gets involved they’ll discover she’s operating a financial lending company illegally and she’ll be in even more trouble. She’s not going to call the law on you. Send a reasonable interest amount and then cut ties. She’s not a friend, she’s trash.

50% interest is Usery and illegal. she is certainly not a friend to be charging you when she knows you are struggling. paying what you can is better than most people would do

This person is not, and was not a friend. Sorry maybe you need to get a lawyer.

Consult free, legal aid, 50% interest is illegal

First thing i would do is do is stop calling her a friend

Stop paying her.tell her to take it to her done with it.

At the time you agreed to 50% interest (absolutely outrageous, and they took advantage of the fact you were desperate) now they’ve changed the amount they want back…
If they can change the rule so can you. You paid what you owed, it’s done.
What would she “expose”? Just expose it yourself, that takes away ALL her power she’s trying to blackmail you with.
They are NOT a friend, they are extremely toxic venom and will suck you dry faster then you can catch your breath. What’s going to stop them from charging you even more if you agree to pay this inflated amount. Don’t let them have control over you, you’re an adult take back your power and show them who’s boss.

Tell her to f off! Thats not a friend ! She cant do that… sounds like she needs a :facepunch:t3: let her expose! Just make a post on social media and defend yourself if she does! So sorry this has happened to u

If she was truly your friend , she wouldn’t have charged you 50% interest. When/if you have paid her off the amount borrowed , cut all ties and walk away and don’t look back. Small loss.


Let’s see…

Outrageous interest on a loan for profit, illegal.
Extortion and blackmail, illegal.

Your “friend” is loan sharking and extorting you for money. If you’ve paid her the original amount, refuse to pay anything else. Tell her that what she’s doing is illegal, and that she tries to commit slander or libel against you, you’re suing. If she tries to blackmail you or extort you for money, you’re pressing charges with the police. Keep ALL proof of money paid back and tell her that if she wants anything else from you she can take you to court and you can expose her for illegal practices.

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What she is doing is illegal. Tell her to :fu:t3:and go about your business. I wouldn’t give her anything else if you paid her off. Also I would lose that so called “friend”

I personally would find a way to pay her in full and tell her to never cross my path again, she sounds disgusting….

Sounds like a shit friend.

Just cut her off. Let her expose you. Who cares. You have one life. Also if she is charging you for loans and it’s not being documented and or taxed she can go to jail so ide threaten to expose her.


Nope!! I would pay her what you owe her and wash your hands of her. I wouldn’t pay another $.01 unless it was previously agreed on. Or better yet… be done paying her all together (whether the amount is paid or not)

That’s extortion and blackmail. Essentially she’s loan sharking, which is illegal. You should file a police report for the record.
This…is no friend. Cut any direct contact now.
Unless you have a signed contract, only pay back the original amount owed by certified cheque through certified mail.
Keep the records for this, attempts to pay and the return/ refusals.
She can do nothing unless she takes you to court…which is highly unlikely…as she’s committing financial blackmail and extortion which are illegal & criminally prosecutable by law.
The burden of proof of any money owed…and any alleged illegal activity you may be involved in that she is threatening to expose you with…is on her.
Have your evidence proof ready in a file to counter and refute any claim she makes.
If the threats of exposure of a personal nature, you may have to let that play out to get out from under the extortion, as you cannot control what she does, who she speaks to or what she says. Those cards…will have to fall where they may consequentially.

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She’s NOT a friend! I would pay what I agreed to and send her on her way!

That is definitely NOT a friend. You should be the one exposing…

First of all do you two have a signed written agreement?
Second of all it sounds like she’d be exposing herself for being the crook that she is.

If you’ve been paying her monthly faithfully and she will no longer accept your payment, LEGALLY the debt is considered paid in full and you know owe her nothing!!! Better have payment records. Expose her if what you say is true.

Friends don’t do that to friends

If u tried to pay her more and u have proof, then u owe her nothing. She refused payment then that’s on her.

A friend will expose you? How?

Ignore her and stop taking money from “friends”.

Not a friend
Illegal to be a loan shark
Expose her!!!

Who tf loans you money (a friend at that) and tacks interest to it?! :woman_shrugging:t3::woman_facepalming:t3: that’s terrible

First of all charging 50% interest is absolutely outrageous. You could have gotten a loan from an establishment with may be a 5 to 10% interest rate. You should have never agreed to that she is probably telling you the amount that you actually owe with 50% interest. I would cut all ties with her and if she exposes you, she’s only going to make herself look bad for charging 50% in interest to a friend!