My friend is trying to make me pay triple the amount that I owe her...advice?

I wouldn’t pay her another dime

If people r loaning to u with interest they r absolutely NOT ur friend! Pay her back exactly what u owe her and then cancel that friendship immediately!

First of all, if she drafted an agreement with showing that she was going to charge 50% interest and she signed it, there is a problem. If not, screenshot all your text messages showing the interest rate she said she was going to charge immediately with all other communication including where she now wants the inflated amount. Once you have done that, Google the law for the state you live in and send it to her. Calculate what the interest payments would have been if you would have borrowed from a lending institute and that is what you should pay. If she wants to expose anything, it will be that she is operating illegally and she’ll be in a whole lot of trouble that she doesn’t want.

I’m sorry to say that is NOT A FRIEND . Let her supposedly expose you. Lol she will look greedy as all out . You paid her back what you borrowed . Should you pay something extra of course but not 50% more . If no contract though tell her good luck hopefully you kept receipts .

I’m sorry what? Pay her what u owe, block and ignore her. What kind of a friend charges a friend 50% interest?..She is not a friend and is taking advantage of you.

Always get any type of agreement in writing. Friends and family will be there first ones to get you. I wouldn’t pay her another dime. What does she have so bad to expose you on?? Borrowing money that you have already paid back?

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You mean you ex friend or never was really your friend ?

Always get it in writing and not pay uer a centered then what you owe that’s shady

She’s a lone shark. Pay her what you over and cut ties!!!:100::person_shrugging::+1:

Pay her back what you borrowed and cut ties with her

I would let her try to burn you and when she does you burn her back and expose her with your proofs js that’s me because I am a bitxx

She is not your friend. Be done with her. I would tell her that you are not going to give her another penny.

Expose you to who? The internet? So what we all struggle w money . She’s not your friend and you should stop giving her money fs

I would block her and move on. Who cares is she exposes you, you paid her already. She isn’t a friend

That is not a friend at all. 50% interest is nuts! I rarely borrow money to anyone and I rarely borrow from someone but I would never even charge interest to my friend and Def not 50% hell most times if I borrow money to friends I don’t even expect it back bc that’s just what I do for my close friends. Altho I’ve never borrowed a huge amount to anyone but I would tell her go ahead an expose me bc she’s exposing what a crap person she is. At least you are trying your best to pay her back.

You paid back the amount owed. Tell her to get f**ked and that you aren’t giving her a dime more.

Was it in writing is there any proof that she lent the money if no pay her what you agreed on if she doesn’t except keep it in your bank until she does and find a better friend, cause good friends don’t do that

Just stop paying and get a new friend

Sounds like Black mail too. Also illeagle

Give her the $ and NEVER EVER speak to her again. She is NOT a friend

I’m sorry but what kind of friend lends you money and has a cheek to charge interest or triple the e amount. Should only pay back what was leant to you… not a penny more!

Do you have proof of payment’s?? If you do let her try to expose you. Walk around with copies if proof you pd her. That should stop her in her tracks!! She’s no friend!!!

Expose you for what? … Document every payment you have made to her with dates and amount for your record and what amount was borrowed … if she takes you to court provide proof she is trying to get even more money out of you, 3x the amount and she has threatened to “expose”

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She is NOT a friend!!! Did you sign anything??? Get receipts when you paid??

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Doesn’t sound like a friend at all. Stop paying her since you’ve paid the borrowed amount plus some. What friend charges interest?!? Like seriously?!?! Ditch the girl and let her “expose” you. It will reflect on her and bite her in the ass in the long run.

She’s not a friend worth keeping

I’d turn around and expose her for being a shark. 50% interest?? Wtf😒

Well first. I wouldn’t call her a friend. Second. Unless it’s in writing there’s really just her word against yours. Third. That’s blackmail. So I don’t know what to tell you but she’s in the wrong. I don’t know what she’s going to expose?? But I would just tell her to go F Off. Hope you have proof of the payments for a paper trail just incase.

If you have paid her her money and she is trying to get more out of you walk away from her she can’t do anything to you without exposing herself

Shame on her. She is a greedy beech.

It truly sucks when u figure out ur friends are what u thought. So sorry for ya

You need to document whatever you can about this whole situation just in case she tries to take you to small claims but I would stop paying her and cut her ass out of your life ASAP! She is not a friend and is a horrible person to be doing this to you. She took advantage of your hard time by trying to make a profit off of it and now she’s threatening to “expose” you? Expose you for what? Being down on luck when we’ve all experienced being down on our luck, any decent human would sympathize with that. You should expose her for being a shitty person.

Not the deal. Stick with your word. Sad hers is not the same. I was always taught to be as good as your word. She not a friend

Expose what… that she’s a shitty friend?

Sounds like she would be exposing herself as a shitty friend. 50% interest AND raised the rate? Nahhh…that’s not a friend. That’s a con artist

Not a friend. She’s going to expose you either way don’t pay triple. Keep records so u can back your side up ( not that u care ) keep screenshots etc. If u already paid back what you borrowed STOP PAYING HER

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Definitely not a friend. Sounds like they like to have a power over you. You paid amount borrowed let it and that “friend” go. They are extorting you. 50% interest is ridiculous and against the law. Regardless if there is a contract or not you paid amount you borrowed no need to do anything else but kick them to the curb

That is not a friend. If you paid her what you owed I wouldn’t give her another dime. And we would not be friend any more.

If the terms are written on a piece of paper you signed then that’s a contract. She can not charge you triple. Let her take you to small claims court. You already paid the original amount so you will win and her case will be dismissed

If you paid the interest then move on. She doesn’t have a chance in court

Your friend is a loan shark. There are laws to protect you from that I believe

Doesn’t sound like a very good friend.

Can’t change the agreement after the fact. Pay her what you agreed on and let her try to hurt you. It won’t hold up.

Let her take you to court
They’ll see your re payments and the actual loan amounts they should add up if your doing right by the agreement, you’d have nothing to worry about let her expose you
Doesn’t matter what shes says as long as you can prove what you say n do.

I feel like that is Not a friend. They do not have your best interest at heart.

If you paid back what you borrowed then walk away that’s not a real friend , especially if no contract was made up

Why are you friends with a loan shark

This person’s not your friend, the person is a Shylock. I would just stop paying. They know they can’t take you to court. You had a loan and have paid in back and then some but to make someone pay even more is blackmail!

So you say a friend let you borrow the money. She is no friend, if she was she wouldn’t do you that way. I would pay her what was agreed upon then be done with her. Just my opinion

I think if your friend tried to expose you, she’s only going to expose herself for being a lousy human being

Now you’ve paid the original money back tell her to fuck off, you don’t need or want friends like her.
You don’t exploit your friends especially when they are going through some hard times. That’s disgusting that she would even treat one of her friends like that. I’d definitely be telling her to stick it where it fits and go make some new friends that will treat you with love and respect.
You support and boost your friends up when they are down not stomp on their heads and hold them down.

That’s not a friend. You did what you could. She is in the wrong for charging you extra

Expose you to who? Second this person is no friend. A freaking loan shark would do that. When this resolved remove this person from your life. No longer refer to this person as a friend. I hope you have proof of what you paid. If you paid what you borrowed you might need a lawyer to her her to back off.

The only person she will be exposing is herself. Pay her the first agreed upon total and block her.

Unless she pulled out a cash loan on her own credit and that’s what she owes now because it’s taken however long to pay her back, that’s a shitty friend.

Pay what you originally agreed and thats it x she is not a friend either and if yoh did sign something read it

Who the heck charges a friend 50% interest? That is not a friend

First off. I hope you have receipts for what you’ve paid her. And hopefully there is a written contract (to show she is extorting and money shark). Because Secondly, everything she is doing is illegal. Third. Stop paying any more to her especially if you’ve paid what you originally borrowed. And forth. Delete and block this ‘friend’. and if you ever run into them again your life. Act like you don’t know them. That ‘friend’ is trash.

She will “expose you” for what?! You can expose her for all the illegal things she is doing!

First thing she is not a friend second stick to the 50%pay back agreement that the two of you agreeded to,true friends don’t add more stress onto friends.

Agree that she is not your friend. Stop paying her. You paid her back alteady

You need a new friend. A friend would never charge you interest. Sorry you have been taking advantage of. I would cut the money off and all other ties to her. Expose her first. You can play dirty too!

You’re “friend” is a snake and a shark. What a pos person.
Don’t give her another dime.

Unless you have a signed contract, you don’t owe her a cent over the amount you borrowed. Also if she does try to “expose” you, make sure you let her know that you’ll expose her a** to the IRS. Maybe it’s time they know how she makes her money. I’m sure she doesn’t report the interest she makes off of these PREDATORY loans. :woman_shrugging:t4:

Question…expose you for what? Taking a loan? Get in line sweetie every one of us has some sort of debt…F that “friend” and move on with ur life. You paid back what was borrowed and unless they r registered to be giving loans, what they r doing is illegal, and also what they r charging in interest is illegal. They don’t have a leg to stand on in small claims court.

That is no friend! Stop paying her and cut het out your life

Tell her to F off she’s no friend

She’s not a friend. Pay her back and cut her off.

She is not your friend. She is a leech.

Was there anything in writing, even in text or email? If there is nothing stating the terms of the loan, you just tell you’ve paid her back and your finished. What is she going to expose, people get loans all the time, it’s nothing shameful.