It kinda depends on what it is. The shoes I wear are faked often, and new people to the brand would probably have no idea or way of knowing that they are fake. That would be on me really for not double checking first as I had the knowledge on them and didn’t use it.
Truthfully, you will ask for your money back and she won’t be your friend anymore, it’s sad but the truth.
But who needs a friend like that.
In the end it’s up to you. How close are y’all? Is this something you’re ready to lose a friendship over? Either drop the subject or drop the friend.
Never buy or loan from friends/family
And if you decide too, don’t expect anything in return. Never hand out money you expect to get back.
I guess you will have to decide what is more important to you–your friend or money.
I guess you have to ask yourself what’s of more value…The friendship or the refund (Incase she really didn’t know it was a knockoff)
Lesson learned. Maybe she really didn’t know. Did you give the item back?
Forget it - and forget the friend! Consider it a lesson to remember.
Nah… Once she said she’d refund you, that’s what she should do.
Call her and ask what the deal is bc you just wanted her to keep her word.
If you have to ask her for it, she obviously isn’t concerned enough with it or doesn’t have the cash. Like stated above you need to ask yourself what’s more important the cash or the friendship?
U bought it, she didn’t know it was cheap looking, y she have to pay u back
Small claims court since it’s a civil matter.
If you aren’t struggling for the money, you’ve gotta decide if it’s worth your friendship or not. I’d let it go and keep my friend. She may honestly not have known. It happens. You’ve waited months. Why bother?
Just ask her for the money. Or asked when she will have it.
Do you value your friendship? If you do I’d let it go. Maybe she really didn’t know it was fake.
I wouldn’t bring it up again myself. It’s just me though. If she doesn’t care to make things right, by planned payments or whatever, I’d just decide if I thought she was really the kind of friend I wanted in my life. It depends on what she brings into your life otherwise…if lack of integrity is a deal breaker … proceed from there.
Ask without expectations. Suggest a payment plan Then decide if it’s worth h ruining a friendship.
Get your money back and be done with it
Maybe she really didn’t know. Maybe she was ripped off when she purchased it as well and thought it was real and was re-selling it because she realized she needed the money more for something else. Obviously that isn’t YOUR problem, if someone ripped her off, but she could have already spent the money. Is she in a bad spot financially, where it may be difficult to return the money to you, if she already used it? Maybe you can work out something where she pays you back a little a month, until she’s covered it? Or you could just let it go, if she’s in a rough spot financially and you’re not, as a friend. It’s really up to you, up to whether you think she was deceiving you, or was also deceived, and whether the money is more important than the friendship. Hopefully you can get both back (if she’s financially stable, she 100% should have returned it by now, and if not, then she could at least offer to pay you back slowly), but I would consider all aspects of the situation and decide from there.
Hmm I definitely wouldn’t be cool with her. If you were a friend she would atleast make an effort to make it right with you!
Wow, what a great friend.
Simple Walk away from that so call friend …
If she didnt know an if she really felt like u got ripped off after u knowing it was FAKE , then she should have honestly given u back ur money because she didnt know it was FAKE ,
A True Genuine Friend would have given u back ur money back because she would have felt BAD that u got RIPPED OFF after purchasing the product from her an knowing the item was FAKE .
Just saying
Talk done …
Good bye - - - she is no friend.
Umm that’s NOT a friend let alone a good one. I would never do that to someone I cared about and nor would they do it to me. I’d ask her for it. Again. And either way we’re not close anymore
The price may be worth never seeing her again l have payed dearly for that over the years
ask her Once more for the money - and if she dont reply or answer - i guess you can take a car tire from her car haha.
they worth money too jkjk but if she makes an excuse i guess cut the cord on yall relationship
So many people just assume the friend knew it was a fake. They have been friends 10 years she trusted her enough to purchase the item. The item now has proven to be fake but you bought it in good faith so I honestly don’t think she owes you anything but if she wants to make it right then I think she will.
I think it would depend on her financial situation on if I’d be mad or not, if she’s strapped for cash and truly didn’t know it was a fake then I’d give her time or just let it go tbh. BUT if shes good and just not paying you or you think she knew she was selling you a fake, I’d give her one more chance to pay it back and if not cut ties, and depending on the amount, small claims. It’s always tough when you’re so close to the situation but you gotta do what’s best for you.
Depends… is she in a situation where she is able to pay you back? If not, consider what you gave her a gift, since your not financially struggling.
If she was a friend she would in no way ignore you, as said above, if she didn’t have the cash now- make payment arrangements… no way would I treat a stranger like that, nevermind a mate.
If you want to lose your friends, lend them money.
Go Tanya Harding on her
Maybe she got ripped off too and doesn’t have the money? We only have half the story. Depends on if she intentionally did it. I
Not enough details to judge here, what was the item? Was it something that’s easily faked like alot of purses now days or was it some old antique that she herself could’ve been easily unaware was a fake? Did she have it listed for sale as a real thing or did u see it recognize it’s value and offer? What’s the difference between the value you thought it had and what you paid? What was said when she offered repayment? How long has it been since she agreed?
Way to many unanswered questions.
Definitely ask again and if she continues to be difficult about it then she values your money over your friendship and that’s not someone you’d want to be friends with
If she sold you a fake something, then you should give it back and she should give you your money back. That’s what a decent person would do. Don’t buy from her again.
I loaned my BFF 2k for a vacation she wanted to take her boys on. She told me when she received her income tax she would pay me back. I said ok sounds good. Things happened around that time. So she decided to set up a payment plan I agreed to her terms. It took her a year but she paid me back. The moral is regardless if one or the other is or isn’t hurting for money; it’s a debt owed and needs to be paid. Also if u ordered a chicken breast at a restaurant and it wasn’t cooked, you wouldn’t eat it nor would you pay for it unless it was made right. Setup payment plan with her but realistic payments.
Just ask her once or twice more over the period of a week or two. If she doesn’t give it back, I’d drop her. You’ve given her months to pay you back. If it was a little bit of money I’d say drop it and let it go, but you said it was a lot… I’d get my money then drop her. If she couldn’t give it back she should’ve told you when you first asked her.
Not enough information here. What exactly turned out to be fake? I feel like details were left out of this post on purpose.
But one detail that was mentioned is that the poster is not struggling for the cash. If you aren’t struggling for the cash, just let it go. Lesson learned. Most of us have been ripped off before. Just cut your losses and learn the life lesson.
I’d bring it up again so how it goes. Don’t let anyone take advantage of “friendship” and take your hard earned money where they were supposed to honorable, and respectable and return it. That’s what an actual friend would do.
She probably doesn’t have the money to give you. I’m assuming people don’t usually sell their belongings when they have a savings account. Plus Its been months. Do you still have the item. If she gives you $ you’ll have to give it back.
I would talk to her and if you have been friends for that long you can judge whether she is telling the truth or not. If she really was ripped off too and can’t afford to pay you back, then lesson learned for both of you. I know this is a different situation but as far as expecting the money back. You will probably be disappointed and it will cause problems with your friendship, if she is broke. Money always does. Here is our rule. My husband and I never loan money to people. If we can’t give it as a gift we don’t do it. It causes too many problems. Let it go. Continue with your friendship. There’s no sense in making her pay you back if you don’t have to have the money. If she is sincere about being sorry and if she was ripped off too. BUT if she was in on it, I would take her to the cleaners and then never talk to her again. You be the judge.
my advice would be to ask her again… then drop it. and her. i went through a similar situation years ago.
if you want to keep the friendship, ask her one more time. if she doesn’t pay you back, write it off as a lesson learned.
When you say worth a pretty penny, how much are we talking and what was it? Did she pay the high price when she purchased it…. It’s called integrity and does not have it…. Does she still call you and come around to hang out or go out or did she go ghost on you…. You know what to do, I think you came he for validation!!!
Just mention it in conversation. She probably forgot. If she really didn’t know - maybe she just doesn’t have the money and feels embarrassed.
Ask now and don’t let up because the longer you let it go the harder it will be. It’s not your fault it was a fake, that’s on her. She needs to pay you back like yesterday
Hugs. This also happened to me. Ordered a dress from a friends business and the person brining it to me stole it. Lied to me as did my friend the. Posted herself wearing it on Snapchat. Didn’t buy anything from her again. Friends who hide thieves aren’t worth your time and now you know. Kept at a arms length since. No trust. No
Loyalty. People suck. Hugs. No I’m wrong I did buy one pair of pants since. Like five years later. Still don’t trust her though.
She promised to pay you back, can you go back on the person that sold the fake item, I would try that immediately! As for your “friend” she does not sound like a friend to me, sounds like a user that only thinks of themselves.
Have every right making her pay it back. That isn’t right at all
You can ask for the money back but if you all are really good friends she wouldn’t have a problem giving you money back or telling you that she don’t have the money to give back now she took a hit with the fake items (I figured it might be more than one item if she is selling stuff) also know she might take it as you trying to be some type of way and might cost you your friendship. I would just think how to word it and say hey I totally forgot but I was going to see if you had that money from whatever it was she sold you. So you could pay a bill or something else or if she makes and sales stuff and you buy often ask for store credit if not say no biggie you just needed cash and didn’t want to stop at the bank or atm. I know where you are coming from but some people take offense easily.
Whatever the item is…she said she would pay you back…it doesn’t matter if you are friends. Has she communicated with you about they payments?
Yes you should’ve have gotten it checked out but y’all on here basically telling her to suck it up, you got scam, let it go it and your fault.
Seeeee y’all forget if this happened to y’all with a real business yalllllll would find a way to get you money back. This why I don’t business with friends or through places I can’t get either my item or money back or whatever I need
But yes ask her what’s going on. Whether she got scammed also which I don’t know if I believe her cause one of y’all should’ve got it check if it was fake especially if she’s selling a pricey item and anybody buying it
Shouldn’t have to ask for anything. Once you told her it was fake then she should of automatically gave the money back No questions
Just leave it alone take it as a be loss and stay friend’s
Not much of a friend , if she knows and still has not paid you back
Cut losses and move on. Buyer beware. Maybe you aren’t real friends if friend is scamming you. Live and learn. You aren’t getting your money back.
Now you know you can’t trust her I say no trust no friendship
Damn with everyone’s comments I will never buy anything from a so-called friend. Most of y’all saying you would do the same and expect everything and everyone to be fine with it
What’s the problem? She offered to pay you back
Count your losses and move on
She already proved herself to you. Distance yourself.
Ask her until you get your $ back
She’s not your friend
Get your money ASAP! And don’t feel a bit guilty for demanding it!
If your not hurting for the money maybe she is and it’s not easy to give it to you in one lump sum. Maybe offer a payback plan…little by little see how she reacts to that. If it still takes forever then she had no intentions on paying you back and you need to decide what to do with your friendship. Is this friendship worth losing over some cash? Sometimes the bond you all have is worth more. It’s a tough decision and I have had to make it many times. Sometimes the “crime” fits the “punishment” if you get what I mean. Good luck
When you say pretty penny my mind goes to something over a couple hundred dollars, even if you are financially ok that is still a lot of money to come out of your pocket for. If you have corresponding messages of her saying that she would pay you back it is worth keeping on to. 10+yrs of a friendship A. My friend would have did her research to make sure before selling something that expensive and B. The moment she realized her would have paid me something and then kept communicating with me
Maybe she really didn’t know an she can’t afford to pay you back also it’s your responsibility to do the actual authentic check another thing is if it’s your true friend why you so worried about a few dollars
I’ve had something similar happen with a long time friend. They couldn’t really afford to pay me back and at the time I insisted on it, even though I wasn’t hurting for money. If I could go back and do it all over, I would just drop it because it caused unnecessary strain on the relationship. Chalk it up to lessons learned and just let it go.
Ask her again about the money and if she still doesnt give it any effort then you dont need a friend like that bc if she will do that to ya the n she will likely does something even worse to ya and who needs friends like that…
Idk if she really didn’t know It was a knock off then it’s not something she did intentionally to you. She obviously needed the money. I would let it go and chalk it up to a lesson learned on both your part.
It happens not much I would do learn and move on its not worth it to loose a friend over that and obviously they needed money for rewards they wouldn’t have sold whatever it was so I’m sure they used the money right away there’s really not much you can do not worth losing a friend over
Let it go. Lesson learned. Forgive your friend and move on. God will repay you!
I mean, I hate these stories of half information. What did you buy? A diamond ring for $50? A Gucci bag for $800? Was it a fake couch? Perhaps a fake elephant? Where’s the context? Why does it matter it’s fake? Are you shallow to the point it matters or was the item something that didn’t work when you got it? She didn’t know it was fake either… Was she selling this to make a living? Is she hard up for cash?
She should have at least made a good faith payment to you. Ignoring you and doing nothing isn’t the honorable thing to do. She has no integrity at this point, so you should kindly ask.
That’s not a good friend. Personally I would be embarrassed if I was her and would do anything to rectify it. The friendship is more important. Not to her, apparently.
Wow I see an awful lot of crappy fake friends on here. So shallow and materialistic. No wonder society is so bad. Nobody cares about anyone else, just the money lining their pockets.
That’s not your friend.
Is it okay? Honey she ripped you off and knows it. Ask nicely ONE more time and the take her to court. Done did over being played a fool.
File a police report and put her on blast everywhere you can
Cut your loss and cut her off
An actual friend would have corrected the situation immediately, I got no time for those kind of friends. If it were me I would take as a lesson and wash my hands of her.
I lent my friend money and she didn’t pay back I was upset and had to let it go she would never pay me back at that point we were friends for 20 years. I let her go a few years ago she was just fake all around and I was to blind to see it. If u have proof take her to court if not there isn’t much more u can do. Keep your head up
If she is a true friend she would have made it right quickly. I would feel terrible if I did that to a friend. Maybe she didn’t know. She does now and she should have fixed the mistake. I would end friendship and move on with my life.
If I sold someone something and it turned out to not be the right thing, I’d fix it. I’d make it right. Your friend should too.
If this is the first time something like this has happened then talk to her about again. Maybe set up a payment plan like every other week she can pay a certain amount of money back to you until it’s paid off.
In my experiences I was purposely taken advantage of and used by “friends” it sounds like this is not the case with you and she really did not know it wasn’t what she thought it was.
If you believe your friend honestly didn’t know and you value your friendship with them then let it go. Lesson learned, dig more into the purchase before exchanging cash or simply don’t put money in the middle of a friendship. It’s a good way to muck it up. Best of luck to you in resolving your issue.
Lets make one thing clear, it does not matter whether the friend knew or not. If a person (who is also a friend) would like a return you should be obligated to give them a refund its as simple as that. If they were a smart person they would have done their own research before selling anything and if they are a good person they would have given you the money back immediately. If they are a good friend they wouldn’t need to take months to give your money back. Ask them again before pursuing legalities if the amount is worth it.
I never borrow money to friends unless I can lose it. If they don’t pay me back, I let it go and never ever borrow to them again.
Dont care if your were friends from beginning of time you loan money have a contract written up aand make them sign and get it notarized other words if you don’t have a contract it’s a she said she said ordeal dont need to go threw that bull
If you bought it not knowing it was a fake how can you blame her for not knowing? I mean did you do some weird shit and get it authenticated after you bought it? Like what are your sources saying its fake a specialist, google or what
Depends if it was a big sum I would suggest you ask for it. If it wasn’t a big sum take the L but NEVER again buy from your friend.
Buyer beware. Give it up. Friends are worth more.
Let it go. If she truly did not know, she did not know.
If she’s struggling I might let it go unless I thought she purposely scammed me. I had a “friend” who knowingly wrote me a bad check. I was really struggling and it caused my account to be overdrawn with lots of fees. I had to continually ask her to pay towards what she owed me. It was infuriating. We are no longer friends. She is truly an awful person and I no longer stick up for her and make excuses with her being awful to so many people.
She probably didn’t know. If she is your friend of 10 years and y’all are close, I doubt very seriously she would of scammed you. I have one best friend who is more like a sister and if this happened with us, I would know already that she really didn’t know. Who cares about that money when it comes to yalls friendship? I wouldn’t let that one thing (that she would of never done on purpose) ruin the friendship.
You’ve been friends for 10 years. You should have some idea or have a gut feeling if she would do it intentionally. And I would assume she was selling you something because she needed the money. So she probably spend it and is hard on cash herself. Maybe talk to her instead of Facebook about it. If you’ve known her that long and she’s your friend. You should have a good idea what kind of person she is already.
if not already stated, take her to small claims court, And she is not your friend. Because if she was, she would have apologize & ask for forgiveness & stated she might not be able to give back everything now, but will give something every wk or so…and it sounds like she didn’t do either
Sound like both of you could stand to grow up a bit. Lmao
Tell her you value your friendship but this was a contract business deal and if she valued your friendship she would not be backing you into this situation where you are being forced to make a very difficult decision. Tell her if she does not return your money in 30 days you are filing a lawsuit. Do this in writing so that you have a paper trail. the ball will then be in her court to prove to you if she is a real.friend or not. If she does not pay you or enter into a written contract for a repayment plan then file the paperwork. It is inexpensive.