Give up on it and forgive or press it and lose a friend. Only you can decide if it’s worth it
I would ask where my money is
Friends do not do that to friends.
Ask her when she thinks she will be in a good place financially to give you the money back, that’s way she knows you are expecting it and give that you are willing to work it out at a good time for her since y’all are good friends, and she didn’t know.
Not a real friend in this case so
Forget the money or forget the friend
Learned this from a movie:
“Look at it this way, it costed you $20 (or in your case, however much) to get rid of him. He’s never gonna bother you again, he’s never gonna ask you for money again, he’s out of your life for $20 - you got off cheap, forget about it!”
#1 don’t worry about loosing a friend. She never was 1. A true friend doesn’t rip off a friend.
#2 continuing to ask for your money isnt going to get your money back. She planned to rip you off. It wasn’t an accident. She’s not going to return your money no matter how much big her about it.
The only option you have to get your money back is to take her to small claims court. Hopefully you have text messages of her claiming the item is authentic, you informing her it’s not & her saying she’ll repay you. That’s going to win this case for you. Keep in mind a judgement in your favor doesn’t mean you’ll get it. There’s very little enforcement of small claims.
Bring it up with her it’s your right. She even said she’ll pay you back. Give her a time frame when you want the money and reminder her when the time comes. Then cut her off
Real friends would be respectful and get your money to you. I don’t play about my money. I’m asking every week…. “Just checking in… any idea when you’ll have that money for me?” When she gets tired of me asking she will pay! if she doesn’t… depending on the amount… civil court. If its an amount not worth that… im cutting her off and harassing the hell out of her EVERY WEEK about my money cause I can’t stand people who take advantage of folks. She will cuss the day she ever took my money.
And why do people feel bad for asking for THEIR money back? The taker sure didn’t feel bad for taking it.
Are you willing to lose her as a friend period
She’s a liar and a thief!! Stay away from her
Lost a huge penny to a good friend & the item to boot. Go for the $ n drop the friend
You shouldn’t need to bring it up. A friend would be doing her best to find that money for you…even if she has to pay in instalments…to save the friendship.
Yes…id talk to her. Ask her when you’re likely to see your cash
Okay so if she’s completely ignoring you maybe she did it on purpose and she wasn’t a true friend or maybe she really didn’t know and is embarrassed and doesn’t have a way to pay you back right now. Your best bet is to have a real talk with her to find out which one it is though if she’s been your friends for 10 years and this is the first time your questioning her on honesty or whatever maybe you should give her the benefit of the doubt and just straight up ask her the questions you need answers to and if it is that she truly didn’t know and doesn’t have a way to pay you back immediately then work a payment plan out with her. And go from there if she then proceeds to not even attempt to make things right then you have to decide to either cut your loses or if the moneys really that important to you take her to civil court. But at the end you have to decide if it worth the time and effort of pursuing as for the friendship if she doesn’t make it right weather you decided to keep somewhat of a friendship or not it mostly likely will never be the same as you will always question her intentions unfortunately.
The price is irrelevant. Could be £10 could be £1,000 she should be doing the right thing and returning the money or at least making an arrangement to pay it back if she can’t afford it.
Maybe speak to her again and see what she says, if she’s not very responsive then Unfortunately sounds like she’s not a very good friend
Something similar happened to me, I had a friend from childhood we were best mates. She borrowed money from me, everytime I text her she ignored my msgs for months. I thought I wanted to keep her as a friend, cos we were friends for so long, so eventually i sent a text saying “forget about the money hun, how’s u” She instantly replied… more things happened since then and now we don’t talk anymore… I called her out in the end, cos I got fed up of being used like that and she blocked me, didn’t get my money back, didn’t get a reply, blocked me girl bye
she obvs didn’t care for me as a friend so I’m done.
If you have been friends 10 years do you feel she would rip you off intentionally if it was a genuine mistake and your not in desperate need for the money maybe wait it out good friendship is worth more than money
Make a police report that’s a crime in my country
Life’s too short. Hopefully it was a genuine mistake. If you are not strapped for cash… let it go
I would ask again and try to could come to an agreement on when or how it’s repaid
You could try small claims court
personally… i would let it go and carry on being friends
I would let it go and just quit having her as a friend,real friends wouldn’t do that,friends like her who needs enemies
My husband and I both work and we dont have alot but just because we work for it doesn’t mean that it’s “hard earned cash”,i literally stand up all day long and sweep. He does encoding at a warehouse. I make 11$ a hour every 2 weeks and he makes almost 22$ a hour every 2 weeks but just because we work for it doesnt make it hard earned money.
When she said she would pay you back what did you say??
Did you tell her not to worry about it to be “polite” or did you both agree that she’d give you the money back. If she offered and you told her not to worry about it, I definitely wouldn’t ask for it now.
She may have known or she may not have. A lot of people are shitty but that doesn’t mean everyone is automatically out to get you.
Whether it was a mistake or not isn’t really what concerns me the most.
If she has integrity and values your friendship, she should make an effort to make it right.
If she’s broke she should at least offer to make payments.
“I’m sorry” doesn’t cover it and your better finances shouldn’t effect returning what’s rightfully yours.
Just ask her again for the money! If you’re really friends then if shouldn’t be a big deal. It’s not worth ending a real friendship. If you’re just acquaintances or you don’t know her very well, that is a different thing. But definitely ask again! People get busy with life, she may have put it out of her mind or forgotten.
i mean… If you gave cash before checking if whatever was bought was real… Its really your fault for falling for a.scam… Friend or not.
Cut your losses and drop the friend if you feel betrayed
Girl… this ain’t no death n the family. Ain’t no year you’re supposed to mourn. This ain’t the 1800s.!
Or… give mercy. Show her love. Give without expectation of receiving.
It’ll come back to you 7x7 when you need mercy most.
A lesson learned is worth much more. Cut your losses but cut her out as well.
So just because she got ripped off she feels like she shouldn’t have to pay you back and rips you off?
Terrible friend.
Depending on how much money… I would give the option to pay in payments or if she gets an attitude… I’ll go to court.
At the end of the day… I’m sorry you lost a friend but they are not worthy kin. You shouldn’t have to ask for your money or even have to mention it. Genuine ppl would be communicating whatever the issue is.
Sadly, this is a timeless dilemma.
I’m not victim blaming by any means but you really gotta think about the future consequences when you lend money. Sometimes it’s better to say no to save the drama or friendship.
Maybe she’s broke and cant. Let it go
Honestly I’d let it go. She probably was needing some money and felt like it would help her and now she probably can’t pay you back. Maybe try talking to her about the situation I wouldn’t think to much into it though.
Definitely intentional. Especially since she hasn’t given you your money back yet.
Real Friends don’t screw over friends…
Absolutely! In fact you need to approach her in person, followed with a follow up text so you have a trail of evidence (should this go to court) and make an agreement that you’ll have the first payment of _____ (# payments, frequency and term) and if she doesn’t make that first payment then send a certified letter reminding her of the verbal agreement followed by text. That way IF she doesn’t follow through you can take her to small claims court; but you MUST File with the courts BEFORE the one year anniversary you agreeing to invest your money with her.
Sounds like she was ripped off too, if I were you and that was my friend, I’d get a bottle in and laugh it off, your friendship is worth far more, than a seemingly genuine accident.
That really sucks and I am sorry that happened to you! But find a new friend.
Everyone on here is blaming the seller…if this wasn’t her friend she wouldn’t even be able to try and get some money back…it’s your responsibility to check everything over and make sure it’s real and the quality you want…weather it’s a friend or not…you said you was good with the price for the item and bought it…that’s your fault…let’s say ur friend bought it was told it was real…few years later they don’t want it no more so they resell it and they tell the next person it’s real and they find out it’s not…can’t be mad at ur friend cuz they thought it was real…I’m sure if she’s ur friend she didn’t mean to rip u off and wouldnt lie about not knowing it’s not authentic…but since u brought it up to her and she did say she would pay u for it…bring it up again and see what she says…maybe she’s got life happening like the rest of us and spaced it cuz let’s be honest here if the bill don’t come in an email we forget they gotta be paid.
Just take the L and move on and don’t look back. True friends won’t do that to you.
When you loan money or do stuff like that it should be gifted without the expectation of being paid back. At least that’s what I have been taught and learned through your the years.
think about it this way, you paid that much money to get rid of someone who is not your friend. i’d say call it even and move on.
Sounds like you tried to buy drugs. She got ripped off which means so did you.
I was told that i would be paid for storage and in 10 years received one 50 dollar payment and then they got mad at me. Get it in WRITING
I wouldn’t even give a damn if it was paid back in increments🤷🏻♀️just own up to it.
You purchased it for her ?
Or you loaned her the money ?
Unless you have proof to take her to court, I’d either let it go or give up the friendship. That’s about all you can do. I wouldn’t hold my breath about getting your money back. I would tell her you really need the money for something else you need/want and bring it up that way. I doubt if she would honor a payment plan. Is she avoiding you because of it. You should text her about it and get her to repeat that she said she’d pay you back and take her to court, if you don’t care about your friendship anymore.
If you both agreed she’d pay you back, you’re absolutely allowed to politely ask if there’s any timeline for getting the money back. I’ve paid a close friend back in small payments a few times because I’ve been broke but I’m not just never going to pay her back if I agreed to do so.
If she offered and you told her she didn’t need to and no real promise was made, I’d just drop it.
Regardless of which direction the money goes, it may be time to look at the friendship and figure out if you believe she really did just make a mistake or if something seems off and she did it on purpose.
I was always told never to lend more than I can afford to lose. Is she out buying frivolous things? Or is she struggling? Does she ask to borrow a lot? Ask her for payments.
I would be pissed ! Unless she needed it more !
It’s rightfully yours. And she knows that. Don’t get played
She wasn’t your friend she scammed you sadly!! I know times are rough for people but a true friend of ten years would NEVER do that
Punch her in the face cause you know……scammer!
Or maybe trim that friendship bush, cut your losses and just get on with life
Choice is yours
Let it go…and prob her as well
I would consult a lawyer instead of Facebook where everyone thinks they’re one
Drop her from your life
Definitely demand your money back. It’s what you would have done if you bought it from a retail store. Go ask her once again. The problem comes with the fact that you took months. But you did say she agreed to pay back so just ask again.
Move on and forget the friend or you will stress your self to much .you probably won’t ever see that money again. It would be best to forget the friendship because you will never trust her again.
Maybe she truly didn’t know girl. Yall have been friends for 10 years. Has she ever been shady or used you. If not just chop it up as a mistake. Don’t mess up a long friendship over a silly mistake. Money comes and goes. She offered to give you your money back. Then ask her.
I think it really depends on a few things. Are you guys incredibly close?
If my friend of 10 years (who is my very best friend) accidentally scammed me, I’d want my money back. However, if she were struggling and needed more time, or it took her a few months, and it’s not putting a strain on me, then I’d be okay with it. And if she was struggling enough that she just couldn’t foresee being able to pay me back, I’d drop it. Because my friendship is worth more than money. Someday I may be in a situation where the rolls reverse ya know?
That all takes communication, and you should be able to talk to her to understand the bigger picture though.
If she isn’t that great of a friend or anything, then I probably wouldn’t be as patient with the refund. The big question though, is what is more important to you? The money or friendship.
Sounds like a case for Judge Judy of The People’s Court. Can you prove she knew? If not then chalk it up to experience and move on.
Ask her again and try to get a definite refund time. If that doesn’t work dont ask again but maybe just pull away from the close friendship and chalk it up to money and a close friendship gone.
100% demand your money back, whether you are struggling for cash or swimming in it - a friend or not a friend, you didn’t get what you paid for so fair is fair. They can return your money and you return the fake item, and they can sell it elsewhere and handle the burden not you. Look out for yourself first x
Whatever you paid for it, that’s how much it cost you to get rid of a fake friend. Count it as a blessing and just keep on moving.
Am I the only 1 really curious on what it was?
You get your money back like she already offered. She said she didn’t know and she’d refund you. Not sure what else you’re looking for
If you don’t need the money and it seems obvious she didn’t realize it was a fake, I would let it go. I had the same thing happen to me with a friend and a fake brand item and it ate me up for a while until I decided I was letting it all go. I never thought of it again until I was writing this. It doesn’t hurt me and I hold no grudge.
Ask her everyday until she pays it back. Ask her when she will have it to pay you back. Get your money back girl.
You took the chance you psid the price
Seriously u bought something without knowing yourself if it was Real or Fake? I would of had it valued 1st depending on what it is…
2nd u bought it she is not obligated to give u the money back
3 what if she didn’t know is it worth losing a friend ask yourself that question
My opinion is if she really did not know and she is a good friend then she should do the right thing Best of Luck
Oregano?? I’m sorry couldn’t resist
Yes you shouldn’t have to ask but you have too you need it right
That’s not a friend !She knew what she was doing! For her to not mention it this long shows guilt & no interest to repay. Those few months will turn into Never! I would definitely ask & if she couldn’t atleast come up with a payment plan with the first payment I see it happening 2 ways …1. You walk away with no friend & no money returned or 2. Claims court to get it back…
Make her sign a paper with a time frame of repayment.
She’s selling her belongings. She clearly is not financially able to pay you back immediately. Send her a letter of compassion explaining that you fully expect to be reimbursed and put a reasonable time frame, given the circumstances.
She is risking the friendship for a second time by not paying you back asap. You May recover the money, I dont know about the friendship because the least she could do is to pay back asap.
Ok had a friend for over 20 years and she owes me $1600. Always promised to pay me back but never did…im taking her to court . You have 6 years to go thru the courthouse. Im going for every cent…shes a liar and a thief and im mad at myself for trusting her but im not her atm and not my fault she made bad decisions. The funny thing is i would have helped her more if she had paid back what she owed
You gave a guy to ask…. If she gets piddy, that’s on her!
I’d bring it up and depending on how she acts about it I would decide to continue the friendship
If it’s worth it to you take her to small claims court
You now have one less friend
Money down the drain move on with out her in your life
Something kinda similar happened to me I didn’t buy anything but a friend owed money for my truck to be detailed when her husband tried to sneak an open beer in my truck and dumped it all over my seats. He was drunk. I ended up getting pulled over and my truck stunk like beer I had to do a field sobriety test. It was a long night. I told friend they could pay for half of the detail I’d pay the other half. Took 9 months for me to get my money. Were not friends anymore we don’t talk anymore. Friend was mad I kept asking for the money. But it was the principle that mattered to me.
How is the friend a liar and thief? She said she didn’t know it was fake. It probably was a coach or such. you would still have a cash flow problem if it was real so what’s the problem?
If it’s been a few months, it wouldn’t be bad to go ahead and ask, see if she may have the money. Sounds like you don’t believe that she didn’t know it was a fake.
How long did it take you to discover it was a fake?
Yes she should give you the money back
Never loan friends money
Never buy from them either
It’s a I’m your friend why should I she did you dirty she’s respond for pay back of the item.or take thing you bought back to her and say money back now short and simple
How did you discover it was fake? If you did not know it when you first purchased it why are you assuming she knew it selling it? Maybe she bought it as real and sold it as real? With out knowing what you bought its hard to judge. It she said she said she would pay you back you are not out of line asking again and asking her when she can do so.
Had you not found out it was fake. There would be no problem. Obviously shes strapped if shes selling things.
Dont lose a friendship over it.
Lisa M. Hiskey did you not read the post?
Maybe she is waiting for you to give her back the item before she hands back the cash. No where in this statement do you state you no longer have the item in question. Fake or not you don’t get a refund and the item too.
Idk. Maybe she truly didn’t know but by thr time you told her she used the money already. My mom still continued being friends with women who would steal the change from our penny bank used for Christmas. And my mom continued being friends with the woman who stole my dad’s tools after his death that my dad wanted her to sell. (The friend was supposed to help her sell them but my mom never seen a drop of money). Idk how or why she continued to be friends with them. Bc I have 0 friends as is.
Dont be friends with her anymore people need to be held accountable for their shady behavior especially if shes still buying things and living life like she doesnt owe you. Also if shes not even contacting you to let you know why she hasnt paid thats shady and not something friends should do. Speaking from experience here