My friends ex husbands refuses to give back their daughter: Help!

Y’all are only focused on the fact he’s not from America and that is the perfect description of America. A mom is fighting for her child and y’all are worried about his race


When you are legally married it’s easier for a man to do this. If there is never a marriage it’s much harder for a man to get away with this. So don’t get married ladies! LOL! Now for your post. You say he say custody??? How did he get custody? :flushed: Your post is definitely missing something! Not enough information and too much hidden truth! I think your friend maybe lying to you about something. Once you file contempt of court, if he don’t show up to his court date they should automatically issue a warrant for his arrest for missed Court date. I would be calling police and demand a welfare check to make sure the child is still alive. I personally would really file contempt of court (and not lie and say I did), after he misses court date and has a warrant out for his arrest I would then file for emergency custody on grounds of he has a warrant out for his arrest and he’s illegal, and on the grounds he is breaking court orders and refusing of other parents rights! It shouldn’t be that hard!

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File an emergency petition for custody.

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Its amber alert time, dont go to bureaucracies for help, go to police and file kidnap before its too late


The system is so broken. My bfs ex wife refuses to let him see their 3 kids and tells them he doesn’t want them then has them call and tell him they hate him(ages 6 to 2). They are going through attorneys for custody and the cops won’t do shit and said even if he had full custody and she took off with them, the cops can’t do shit… wtf is the point in a court order anymore? Let alone reporting shit if nothing gets done :woman_facepalming::pensive: I’m so sorry for your friend and hope she gets to see her baby again.

If she has legal paperwork stating she has custody and he gets visitation she needs to go the the sheriff’s station not the police they can’t help only the sheriff can and say I need an escort to get my daughter and so if he refuses to hand over the daughter she has the sheriff there and legal paper work. The reason why the police can’t help is because they don’t work with the courts so they can’t hold up a court order the sheriff can


How did he just grab the child and get custody? If she didn’t file for custody prior and he picked up the child and filed for custody, he has custody. She will need to take him back through family court for visitation and establish child support. And as long as he is providing the essentials and treating the child well, she might not be able to get custody. This happens to many woman as they don’t know to file for custody as soon as they or the man leaves.


Theres got to be more to this story.

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He IS breaking the law. Kidnapping is still a federal offense. Report THAT. time to stop being nice.

Contact news outlets, the governor’s office anyone you can think of. Don’t stop. Get in front of cameras get his picture out there.

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Was this custody done by the court??? If so, the only thing she can do is continue to file with the court. You can’t call the police if he was awarded sole custody

First of all what does his legal status have anything to do with this? He’s clearly more fit of a parent if he was granted custody, I’m sure there is more to this story that you left out. A judge doesn’t just grant custody to the father just because. I’d suggest you mind your business, just because you know her doesn’t meant she’s telling you everything.


Michele Morales she/he never said they had no rights though? :face_with_monocle: And she doesn’t drink nor do drugs (according to the person who post it) you don’t think it’s BS for a child not to be able to see their mother who is obviously fighting to see them? A daughter needs their mother, just like a son needs their father

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He’s breaking the law being illegal


Does he have custody? If he doesn’t she should have legal rights. I suggest getting a lawyer to help her navigate through the system

Tell your friend Good Luck Sweetheart :+1:

She will need to file first for an emergency order of removal. But, you have to provide information that the child is in immediate danger. After that, she will need to file for custody.

If she has legal custody of the child (on paper) report her kidnapped by the non-custodial parent. If local authorities aren’t doing their job, call federal authorities. If there is no custody established in court, there’s nothing she can do except have him deported.

Ya I call bs that she don’t drink or do drugs, it’s either that or she is proven severely mentally unstable. It is extremely hard for a man to get full custody of a child for any other reason but those two reasons


Can you not file for an emergency residency order

Wow okay I read it wrong. If he’s been given residency by the courts, there’s nothing you or she can do.

If he is not on the birth certificate, she can get him charged with kidnapping. If she has custody, call the police. Other than that, the court is the only way.

What about the police or tell her to hire someone to go get her

Does she have an order of custody? Take it to the Sheriffs department and have them take her to pick up her child. If not she needs to layer up or at the very least go file emergency custody.

Tell her to hightail it to the courthouse and file for sole custody,… If one parent does not have sole custody then either parent has right to the children as long as the children are not in danger,

I’d go get my kid and be done with that piece of :poop:.

Does he have legal custody? If not it’s kidnapping which is breaking the law

Unfortunately she has to figure out where the child is and take her child back. The police can’t stop her if they are called just like the police can’t do anything for her at this moment. Once she has the child she needs to file for sole/full custody and get visitation out on paper in black and white with as many details as possible so that he can’t run off with the child. Hopefully he’s still in the country with the child. I would most definitely make it impossible for his to go to his country with the child given the circumstances.

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Ha ha ha ya go on Facebook and ask for help instead of calling the po po lol. This a joke?

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First thing is what does his status have to do with this? He has a child here which would be his host which is why INS said they can’t do anything unless he breaks the law. Second the Florida court systems are screwed up in a massive way. Third clearly this mother isn’t giving you all the facts because if she has in fact filed the contempt of court several times its clearly been thrown out by a judge so there is more to it than her illegal babydaddy took the kid and wont let her talk to her or see her. If she has filed several times then it has been seen by a judge and clearly this judge doesn’t see he has broken the law or even the orders. So perhaps this is one of those he said she said and the evidence doesn’t back up the she said. There are orders if she was able to try and file contempt so maybe you shouldn’t be believing everything this lady is telling you. And a father has just as much rights to a child as a mother does and trying to have the man deported is really messed up.


Brenda Garcia look hoe.

She needs an attorney ASAP and must abide by whatever order is currently in place. If there is no order she needs to file an emergency one first thing Tuesday at the court house. An attorney is seriously needed but she can file the emergency order herself it’s very complicated though


ICE (immigration customs enforcement) not INS report his name and address. Also, police
Report and ask for supervisor for contempt

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And for the record It is NOT KIDNAPPING FOR A FATHER TO TAKE HIS CHILD ITS PARENTING. Custody cases are Civil matters Not Criminal matters thats why the police cannot do anything


Is he on the BC? If not were they married? If either of those two questions is YES then she’s in between a :rock: and a hard place because there’s nothing you can really do

Also call police now for a welfare check

Unfortunately, if custody hasn’t been awarded to one or the other, there’s nothing anyone can do. It’s who ever has physical custody of the child.

l get paid over $135 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18745 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

Take it to the news channel he is illegal and preventing you from seeing ur child no one is helping the courts nothing so do a news piece about it!!!

Go get the kid. He can’t contest it. I wouldn’t care if physical violence was involved, I’d fight for my kid. Go get the kid.


This is why custody isnt something that can worked 0ut without legal paperwork

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She needs to get a lawyer ASAP.


If she’s allowed visits and he’s withholding that right than he is breaking the law and you should call the police


Get the police involved

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And the child is the one who suffers the most.

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Go and grab the kid whenever hes not home. Whoever custody she’s left in can NOT refuse it happening

If she goes to school pick her up from school.


We need a little more information in regards to this situation to be able to give you helpful advice, first of all. Why does he have custody of her. Is there a visitation order in place ?


Maybe she should have set up custody in the first place. There’s really nothing she can do except file something with the court at this point

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Go to the police and file kidnapping charges.

File kidnapping charges

Depends on if the court has given either party custody. If there is no court ordered custody (in some states) whoever has physical possession of her, has her legally. I was in these circumstances many years ago. She is going to have to get a lawyer.

If he can take the kid. She should go and take her back. Pick her up from school during the day


If the dad leaves the child with anyone else while he goes to work or the store or anywhere else mom can call the police to assist her while she goes and get the children. Until then it’s a civil matter and she will have to take him to court for this.


That’s why there should always be a custody agreement.

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No where near enough Info to give advice

Stacy Deeley in Florida the mother has sole custody. So, there’s more to the story than what’s being told. If they were unmarried and he was indeed an illegal immigrant, laws are being broken. Unless the mother was deemed unfit, violent or abusive.


Unless there’s a court order he’s the child’s father and illegal or not has every right to be with his child.


If this was a mother who wasn’t legal none 9f you would be throwing down like this NONE. They have equal rights yo the child the friend needs a lawyer so a custody agreement can happen. Through in in whether they are legal is gross


She sure didn’t care that he was “illegal” while he was dickin her down? Didn’t care when the baby was born? But suddenly wants to throw it out there now and use it to make him an unfit father? I hope he takes that baby back to his country :woman_shrugging:t2: bet she won’t sleep with an “illegal” again


Um call authorities.

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Get a lawyer and go to court.

File a motion emergency pick up order

Your friend needs to take it back to court
The father has legal custody, so technically he is not breaking that law
She obviously know he was in the country illegally when she laid down with him
Should get your friend to dob him into the cops for being in your country
But that will no doubt open a whole new can of worms for her


Does she have legal custody? Don’t know what this has to do with being illegal or drugs, work etc. it’s a custody issue. Has she actually already been to court for contempt charges? If they find him in contempt the courts should be having police retrieve her daughter if he’s not bringing her in.

Yeah you’re not getting the full story I’m sure I mean the fact that he is an illegal all you have to do is report him problem solved he has no rights to that child here in the United States and the child is an American citizen mom’s American citizen come on this isn’t a hard one to think through

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Ask the police to do a welfare check if she has not seen or heard from the child does she know the child is ok and safe ,something is missing from this story

She needs a lawyer by the sounds of it.

There’s not enough details. If its her ex husband they were married before so he likely has a green card if he was originally a immigrant and when u say took custody does that mean the courts gave him custody? If so they don’t do that for no reason Or he just took her?. No ex of mine would be taking my babies thats for darn sure unless I was being an unfit Mother

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Seems like he’s breaking the law being illegal so…

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