My friends husband is sick: How can I support her?

My friends husband is sick and has been given two years left to live. They have a one year old son together and I am wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to support Mom/child/family during this tough time. Any gift ideas for child that would be meaningful? I have brought the family groceries and have been there for emotional support but I would love to do more if possible. Has anyone been on either side of this situation that could give some advice or ideas?


Maybe start a GoFundMe to send them on a family vacation if they are able to go? However emotional support is definitely a huge help and they probably are very grateful for your help.

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Have a stuffed animal.made with his shirt then keep his cologne om hand tk refresh so kiddo can have it


They just need cherish each other and try make new memories together. And you could find someone to make a memory bear from fathers shirt. Prayers for family.

Have videos made from dad that you can give to the children for special holidays like Christmas birthdays, graduation, driving when they are 16, getting married, having kids of their own, etc. it really helps.


They make teddy bears you can record your own sounds in to!

Food chain, take lots of pictures and maybe a blanket made from daddy’s shirts

When my best friends mom was getting things ready before she died, she bought books that she read and it recorded her voice. It was a gift for future grandkids since she wouldn’t be there. Just an idea for the little boy.

Maybe give them gifts like family photo, or a family blanket made for the dad to use. There are stuffed animal u can record stuff in have dad telling kids he loves them no matter what… Maybe do go fund me or something to help with medical or bills they may have to pay when they need it the most.

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Any memories they can have shoot vacation trip.a date night out.some alone time anything really.time is limited for them so anything they can have before there memories get limited for them :frowning:

Letters. Please suggest the father write ALOT of letters for all future events for the boys life! Include lots of pictures inside them as well some of just dad, mom and dad and lots of ones with baby boy and dad. Do birthdays, some Christmas ones that mom and family can put with gifts throughout the year, graduating and finishing each grade and maybe include some randoms for when there are struggles so he has a lift up and push forward.