My friends son took something from mine: Advice?

So I have a friend I consider close to me…only issue is her child. When * does something or takes something, the parent always denies how it could be theirs…Okay so story is my 7 yr old who rarely would lie to me . Especially with something that belonged to him. Well the other day this friends child came over&played. Had no issues or so I thought…later on he goes to play one of his video games and says "oh yeah I don’t got it cause **** had me put it in * bag. ok. So i ask him…why did u do that when it’s yours? And his answer was because *** told me to…So I mgs the mom and the overall excuse I got was “well (my child) can’t blame everything on ***” excuse me?! This is supposed to be one of my close friends.AND this child is older then mine by a few years…i get that it’s “just a video game” but to my 7 yr old but he jus got it this past christmas and plays on it often! Also for me IT WAS NOT CHEAP! and now I’m having to replace it cause the mom is fully denying anyway it could be her child…am I over reacting for feeling some type of way over it?! I don’t even want them back over at this point.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My friends son took something from mine: Advice?

Why you still friends…


Cut that friend loose along with her kid.


I’d sue her ass for it sounds like she’s raising future inmate

I would personally tell the mom that unless the video game gets returned, you will be reporting this to the police. The game needs to appear on your doorstep by 5 PM tomorrow or you will get the cops involved.


You need to find new friends.
I can’t understand how a parent can “ cover up “ or being Oky with theirs kids stealing


Hell no if my kid brought home a game that he said his friend ‘gave’ him or whatever, I’d be returning it to the other kid. That’s just rude

Why you friends with them :eyes: cut ties and move on for sure


girl be petty and call the police hahaah.
she wants to deny it - and act like an asshole, BE ONE BACK!!!
get them to look for it or go over yourself, with them, and tell her “either i look or they look” and if you find it there wont be charges pressed, or if they find it, youll press charges. id go all out and be JUST AS PETTY as shes being. shits expensive now a days and younger kids, they don’t understand the full prospective of things

Yeah NO… I wouldn’t stick around to see what comes up missing next. :v::skull:


I wouldn’t leave them unsupervised or even have them over at all


File a police report for theft and end the friendship, true friends don’t do that crud to you.


Don’t let them come over then not fair to your child. My daughter going thru that now. I told her the same thing


So he got your son to put the game in his bag? Even if you didn’t know he had the game your friend definitely would of known her son came home or is playing a new game and should of contacted you and asked whether her son said blah blah gave it to me as I a parent I would ask about it. I have 8 kids and I instantly can identify what I’ve bought my children or what they’ve been given to what I haven’t.


Not overreacting. And she is not your friend if she’s quick to shift blame. I don’t keep friends that don’t accept responsibility for things. Nope. I’d get that game back and that friendship would be done. When I was little my best friend, and her mom was my moms best friend…the kid took bracelet pen out of my purse without asking. My mom called her mom she reacted like ur friend did and bam never saw them again. We still talk about it, I was like 9 and I’m 44. I will always remember that my mom did not play around. It taught me how to pick friends and how to stand up for my own kids. :heart:


If you’re still considering them a friend, re-evaluate… seriously. If you wouldn’t want people treating your son like that, don’t hangout with people like that either!! Sounds like the boy and his mom have the same attitude, and she obviously condones his bad behavior. You could threaten to call the cops, or even threaten to call her ass out online, if the game isn’t returned. I bet it will be given right back. I wouldn’t let her, or the boy return to the house again. And hopefully your son doesn’t miss that “friend” either. He can find much better ones that will adore him!

Yea that’s not a friend, that’s a snake who’s child is living the way Mom is allowing/influencing him to live. Cut them loose. It’ll never get better and your child shouldn’t have to suffer for your “friend” being a :poop: parent. Also, who wants a friend like that anyway?! Ew


Don’t have them over anymore


Mom… I have learned the Hard way also!!! Ya can’t let your younger child play with disrespectful brats!!! And unfortunately… That’s All the older twats are now days. An ya can’t confront thier momma cuz she gonna defend… All the while working her side jobs… There’s no hope… Sorry

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She isn’t a friend and I wouldn’t want her or her sh!t of a son over anymore.

A police report over a video game?? Just cut the friendship an move on


Go over to her house to “hang out” get your shit back and cut all ties. Buhhh bye. Totally not being rude either but start teaching your son to stick up for himself. You can’t always be there. & Some might not like but oh the fuck wellllll, teach him how to defend himself because kids now and days are mean mean.

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You know what the truth is. And you set the boundaries for your home and teach your child how it’s done. That should be enough to decide.

That’s theft of property;call the police and file a report.If they are unwilling to take responsibility let the police help them out with that.


Dont allow them back at your house


Let’s just say… that is NOT your friend or the type of person you would want to be friends with anyway. Very ignorant and irresponsible for “your friend” to behave that way when it comes to her kid. She is allowing that behavior and needs to teach him to take responsibility and not do things like that. I wouldn’t let her child come around anymore either. If they are willing to steal from your kid, what else are they capable of?


Definitely wouldn’t consider that a close friend or even a friend at all.


You’re understandably hurt and need to vent.
It’s a hurtful situation.
But you already know the answer.
Sever ties. You haven’t done anything wrong. Unfortunately sometimes ppl are just douche canoes and you gotta cut them off at the knees


You need to definitely find new friends.


If sketchy folks are at my house when I go to the bathroom I say clap y’all’s hands til I get back


This isn’t a friend and any parent covering for a child being a thief is a criminal too!
You can file a report with the police or cut your losses, delete her number and move on.


My sis in law approached me that someone stole $20 out of her dresser & wanted to know if I knew anything about it. I think she was fishing for me to give her money. She had a crowd over her home that night.


First off I would tell them to check their childs belongings and if not I would warn the “friend” that if it doesn’t show up on your doorstep by X amount of time you’ll have police invloved. That kid can’t go on thinking they can steal with 0 repercussions, they’ll end up stealing more than a video game. That “friend” isn’t a real friend, I would make sure to end that friendship and not let them back. That’ll teach your kid to stand up for themselves and pick good friends in the future.


not overreacting, just dont have them over anymore, simple…was it a costly mistake, yes, but one you wont ever let happen again.


Why would you? They have no respect for you, your child or your property. See ya wouldn’t want to be ya.

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Cut that “friend” off IMMEDIATELY


I definitely wouldn’t be having them over anymore.


Stop allowing the child to bring a bag over or spend the night. Make them play where you can watch and before he leaves make sure he leaves with only what he came with. If possible ask the child directly-but if you’re really friends with this person surely they will come to their senses and admit that their child could have a problem. If not caught early this child could very well have a theft problem and lying issues when older.


Take your kid to visit and take the game back.


She is a enabler and don’t let him back in your house…her either


I agree with the above comments call the cops. Teach thei little brat a lesson.

Her child convinced your child to do something :roll_eyes: :unamused: and he did it…someone is lying, and your friend won’t bother to look for it? Lose them both…avoid future drama because there will be…replace the game and mark it up as a learning lesson


Sounds like his mom is in on it!


Your so called “friend” isn’t a friend. I’d drop her asap if I were you. Then you won’t have to deal with her child stealing from yours. Problem solved.


Don’t let him back over there, he’s a thief!!! point blank!! It took a video game for you to get rid of them! Consider it cheap; you don’t have to worry about them! Cut ties even if it hurts he’s old enough to know right from wrong!!!


Yeah I would t have them over anymore.

I would file a police report and cut ties with these people. That’s no type of friend.

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Ask to come over and hang out at her house. When they play that game, ask if that’s your kids game. If they’re playing it, and she said her child couldn’t have done it- well then, you got her in a fib. Because well there THERE it is!
Then tell your child to get his game and get out out of there!


That would be the end of it for me. If I can’t trust someone’s child around my son there is no relationship. Then when the parent is in denial there’s zero hope. Make a clean break and move on.


Well, I’m not doubting your child, but at this point, you can’t prove they have it. It’s best to cut them off and not let their child come over to play anymore. I wouldn’t give a reason if they ask, they know very well why. Just no. And block their number if you have to. Those aren’t really friends. You can help your son make better friends.


Had a similar situation my cousin took a game of my son’s. My grandmother asked her was it hers she said yes my mommy bought it for me. My grandmother then asked my cousins mom who is her daughter and she said she didn’t buy her that game. Problem solved then she cried so she wouldn’t be punished for stealing and lying about it.


Teach your child to stand up for himself, then ditch those “friends”


Don’t invite them back. Your kid comes first


Nope you’re not overreacting she damn well knows if her child has something that’s not his. You know what they have because you buy it. :smirk:

Nope. Cut the friend off immediately and let her know she needs to give it back in the same condition or she can send you the cost of the game to replace what her child stole.


got to their house and look for your stuff nd take it back then make everything so next time you know it is yours

I wouldn’t let the child back over and you are not over reacting. Stealing is stealing and wrong no matter whom does it. But it’s even worse when a trusted friend did it. Just tell her, if you were truly my friend, you wouldn’t lie to me or for your child. You would have your child admit the mistake and give it back. Tell her you want the game back or you will call the police. In the end, letting the kid get away with it isn’t teaching him anything other than it’s ok to steal. I would also have a talk with your son and let him know that just because someone tells you to give it to them, doesn’t mean you have to because the friend can use that against you saying…well your son gave it to him willingly. As others have said…that’s definitely not a friend if she is covering up for him.


grown-ups should not act like that especially not friends. Doesn’t make sense why she would be so defensive instead of just checking his bag. Definitely wouldn’t let them come over anymore


Don’t invite that child over to play any more. Seems to cause more problems and unnecessary stress to you and your child.


I would not allow her in your home again because don’t you wonder why she is defending that behavior… her child stole from you and she’s covering for him… who knows what she will try to steal from you if you keep allowing her into your home especially once she notices she can get away with it by basically telling you you’re crazy or wrong.


I would just block her and cut ties. You don’t need a “friend” like that around you or your child.


Dam …did she even confront her child?:flushed:


It’s just a video game now. But, what will he talk your son into later in life and have his Mom covering for him. That’s how many end up in prison or dead. Not a very good friend if you ask me.


Okay, yeah first off I Wouldn’t have them back over. She isn’t a true or good friend. Secondly, this seems Very Simple to me, I would of said to your friend, did (her child) own that kind of particular video game? She would know if she bought her kid that game. I’m a bit confused about that. If my child had a video game that I didn’t buy him, or had seen before and my friend tells me he has her sons video game, same kind of game…then… this seems easy to figure out to me. Maybe your friend steals also and that’s where her son learned to steal from. I wouldn’t want a child like that around my child anyway. They sound like trouble. Tell her you want your son’s video game back. And then end that toxic friend from your life!


I wouldn’t have them over anymore. But if by chance u do I would label your sons things with his name with permanent black marker. I would do it in a spot that it’s not completely obvious but Legible so that u could point it out when she denies it’s your sons! Catch them in their lies! I have done it to my kids things. Can’t deny it when my kids names on it! The look on their faces is priceless when caught!


No more her kid at your house and that’s it. Cut her out of your life. No real friend does that.

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Stop allowing the child to come over

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I would be finding a new friend

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Next time she asks to bring him over just say sorry we’re not having friends over until we can figure out where my sons items keeps disappearing to


Kids that age learn from parent’s behavior. Sad to say…she’ll have more BS later on in life. This is just the beginning. Parents of 9 or 10 year olds know what their kids have and don’t! She’s no friend and her kid isn’t either. It’ll hurt but I had to explain to my son when he was younger… NOTHING…NOT A SINGLE THING leaves this house without asking me. That goes for everything!!!


I’d likely distance myself from hanging out with them honestly. Of my child does something they shouldn’t have they need to own up to it. If this is her parenting tactic now her child will never recognize when they do something wrong. If my child lost something that didn’t belong to them they would be learning on how to replace said item and apologizing. She’s honestly being a bit ridiculous.


She’s not your friend, if someone is toxic to your child cut them out, your child is more important than any friendship. A true friend would treat your child lovingly as if it were their own child, if they treat your child in any negative way then they don’t care for you.


She’s a scab, plain and simple. Drop her


Not a friend. Cut all ties & when she asks, “Bc your child is a thief & you don’t care” :woman_shrugging:
For a new one, check eBay.


I agree with a lot of the comments- don’t have the kid over anymore, an hun find a new friend- because she is not! Good Luck- I know this discussion will be hard on y’all but remember it’s for the nest.


I don’t have anything nice to say about your “friend” however, I’d like to help you replace the game for your son if you need it.


Do the allow the child in your house

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Don’t allow him in your house anymore. Tell your friend you want your sons game back.


You need to bid he and his mom adieu. Don’t make a big deal about it just stop spending any time with them. Don’t answer calls, don’t have the thief over and if any invitations are extended politely turn them down. She’ll get the message. One day that kid is going to take something from someone that WILL cause a ruckus. That mom isn’t doing her kid any favors.


Cut off all contact with her. She’s encouraging her kid to steal.


Ok so you said a game. Is it like a Nintendo switch or something that has a serial number? If so, then you can prove it.

Otherwise, if you have them over again, I wouldn’t allow them to play alone, and I would probably put away the expensive stuff. If something comes up missing again j would quit having them over. Good Luck!

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Well there’s plenty of comments…You already know the answer.I have 2 blood brothers that thought they could steal from my house when I the sis was trying to help them !Guess what ?I have not cared to see them since 1997!You steal from me I don’t care the reason we’re done babe !This parent is a pathetic excuse as a parent!Her son will end up behind bars count on it cause she’s allowing him to steal and NOT holding him responsible for his what we called it” 5 finger discount “ back in the day!Cut ties def and supervise any other kids that are allowed in your home!I had a little neighbor girl always taking things from our daughters when she would come to play !I had to chat with her parent luckily it worked out but I checked her pockets etc every time after that when she came over to play ,and I told her mother I was going to do that!:woman_shrugging:


Stop allowing him to come over, cut all ties and be honest why

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I’d report it. That kid knew exactly what he was doing. He may have told him to put it in his bag but he never actually asked that he could borrow or have it

I agree with most comments; you don’t need this kind of friendship and your child doesn’t need to be around this boy. I wouldn’t let her in my house again, I hope the game was worth it to her. But I definitely would discuss with your child how this happened. He was basically told to give it to the boy, surrendered it to him by putting it in the bag. He needs to understand he needs to speak up and not be bullied in his home.


If she sees or finds the game and she didnt buy it, she should know its not his and return it. Thats the right thing to do! And I would talk to my son about NOT doing whatever that older kid tells him to do just bc he tells him to do it


They wouldn’t be coming back over


Well to start don’t allow them at each other’s house. And two, if you haven’t told her, you need to tell her that her son told your son to put it in his bag. Tell her he left his game over there and you need to get it back. Or just let him go over there and play one last time and tell him to get grab it.:woman_shrugging:t2:


The parents that always say it wasn’t my child are the worst!!! She won’t change. Just distance yourself


First of all, she’s not your friend if she doesn’t trust or believe you when you tell her something. She might as well have called you a liar when you tried to talk to her. Why did she jump so quickly to deny her kid took it without even looking into it would be my question.The price of the item is not the issue, the issue is it does not belong to the other kid and if * is “stealing” it needs to be addressed…from who or what else is * stealing? I’d demand we get to the bottom of it not only for your kids sake but for the other kid and * mother’s sake as well before it goes from taking video games to cars. I wouldn’t let my child hang around a thief, friends or not. * is a bad influence on your kid, especially if * is older and your son does what * tells him to do just because * says to do it. * is going to get your little guy in trouble eventually if * is a thief that’s for sure. :woman_shrugging:t3:


They wouldn’t be back at my house. :woman_shrugging: I don’t associate with thieves.


Good riddance is how I would feel.


Let her come over again and as soon as you let her in let her know you need the game otherwise you’ll call the police while she’s there for theft

I wouldn’t want them over anymore either. If you know forsure the kid took it and the mom refuses to take responsibility then she doesn’t deserve your friendship anyway. U shouldn’t have to have anyone over that you have to watch because things get stolen. F that!


Are you saying your friend didn’t check his stuff to look for the game? If the game “appears”, how will she handle it?

Distance yourself from the friend and her child and watch the storm unravel as mom continues to make excuses for her child’s bad behavior. This is just the beginning… :roll_eyes:


Parents never think their kids in the wrong.


Hell no they wouldn’t be coming back around me and mines

Stop inviting them over period, what makes us even sadder is the fact that the mom knows but refuses to acknowledge it or covers it up I would do one last visit over and take back what belongs to my child and after that I would totally cut them out


Seems like it’s time to END that type of “friendship”