My grandparents didn't listen to my rule about not giving my child cows milk: Advice?

Id take my child there only when I can be present after calmly but firmly reminding them that I am the child’s mother and like them I have certain routines and expectations for my child and who has them when I’m not around. Then explain they are probably doing what they think is best but if they can’t respect your wishes then he or she won’t be visiting without you. They’ll probably get mad and huffy a little but I’m willing to bet as parents they’ve encountered it too.

Don’t let her go to them!

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I agree with the statement of taking a picture and explaining to them this is what happens and it physically hurts your child and if they continue or it happens again they will not be allowed to have ur child without you present anymore


I had a situation, not food related, with my inlaws when my son was an infant. I said my kid, my rules. Babysitting privileges revoked but I did say they could see him anytime they wanted. Suffice to say, they didn’t call or come around for many years later.

I cut my parents out of the picture weeks ago. If they aren’t what’s best for your child, you have to move on.

Y can’t the child drink cows milk ?

If it is important for her health and they ignore you I would say you tell them they can’t watch her if they deviate from her special diet. I would however make sure YOU provide the special foods.


If not bringing your child isnt an option, and its something that you’ve brought up many times, I’d throw a fit. Sometimes people need to see that you’re actually serious.

They sound like unsafe people and they should not be left alone with your child.


My kids wouldnt be in their presence alone, ever again.

Well hopefully they learned their lesson. Was it their first time disobeying you and getting the baby sick? If it isnt I would probably try to find alternative child care but if it is the first time hopefully cleaning up the diarrhea opened up their eyes and they realize its not just you being overbearing.

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It’s simple, you are the parent and they’re your rules and they are to be followed unless they cause physical harm (only added because someone will bring it up :roll_eyes:). Any who, my kid wouldn’t be going there unattended any longer.

Find someone else to keep your child :woman_shrugging:t3:

Put your child in daycare and you will likely receive the care you want

If they cant do what you ask then dont let them watch your child, simple

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That’s not a parenting decision, that sounds medical.

Whatever it is on your child’s special diet, YOU should provide the items when being watched by the grandparents. Make it easier on them. Pack it with the child. Tell them exactly what you want her to have. And let them know if they go against the diet you have for your child, that they won’t be able to watch her anymore until they listen to what you ask of them first.


If you dont want your child drinking cows milk then supply your parents with what milk you want your child to drink. Simple as that. You should supply what your child drinks if they are watching them. There’s no need to be ugly about it. Be grateful you have parents who watch your child. Alot of people dont have parents Alive to get mad over something about.


Literally the situation doesn’t even have to be complicated You just have to be honest and say yo my kid got diarrhea because cows milk literally gives my kid diarrhea so you need to stop and if you don’t stop then you can stop watching her. Like point blank you don’t need to complicate this. Make sure that there is always almond milk there so that the parents themselves have no excuse not to give it to her.


I wouldn’t let them babysit again ‘ :woman_shrugging:t2:

Tell them if they arent going to listen to your rules then they wont be allowed to watch youre child you have those rules for a reason

Have someone else keep your child

Until they can follow your rules as the parent, bye. Sorry but not sorry. That’s it end of story. You are the parent you make the rules. I have listened to my mother in law look at my daughter and say I dont know your mommy’s rules on that so we have to ask her. That is called being respectful and working together to parent with me. This is how you be a grandma. I love my mother in law.


Either find new sitters or deal with your baby having explosive diarrhea every time they give her cow’s milk.

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If she’s allergic she shouldn’t be having it, tell them that, and have THEM clean up the diarrhea.


Don’t let them babysit, that will change things quickly.


send your kid to daycare then.

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You dont have to justify it, but if you want your child to only have specific things than its your responsibility to supply it to whomever is watching her


Then take care of your own damn children.


Give ur kid cows milk right in time for that diarrhea to kick in when u drop em off​:woman_shrugging:t4::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: they’ll understand fully after that​:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::crazy_face:


That’s a medical problem. Find another babysitter

I babysit my grandchildren. And I do what their parents request!!! They’re good parents and know what’s right for their kids. Just like I used to ask my mother in law to not give candy/cookies/ice cream/or high sugar food to my kids. It was so frustrating when she didn’t listen. Just be firm with grandparents at the same time letting them know how much you appreciate their help. Depending on the type of people they are you can give a reason but no matter what you’re the parents!


Mine has severe food restrictions because of a medical condition, I always supply all food and drinks he can have for my mom (though we rarely leave him, like 4 times in 4.5 years total, mostly because of his medical needs). She has always followed what I asked so no issues, but my MIL begged and begged to keep him just for an hour and I finally let her and she “let him have a treat because all kids need treats and that’s a grandmas right”…she has never been allowed to be alone with him since. I am flexible on a lot of things with grandmas but food restriction/allergies are not one of them. We ended up in the hospital that night after MIL had him for an hour because his body can not handle certain foods/drinks and he was vomiting/diarrhea which for him triggers dehydration and he needs extra fluids, so I sent her a picture and said “this is why he cannot have treats and why we will no longer be allowing you to watch him”. There is a reason we have rules, and grandma or not there are some things that are not okay.
I’d be firm and not let her watch your kiddo again. Period.

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That’s not okay especially if your child has a bad reaction to cow’s milk. I would try to explain that the reason you don’t give your child milk is because it hurts her, and therefore is not good for her. Hopefully they can understand that they’re literally causing harm to your child’s digestion and making her sick by doing so and will give her the milk alternatives you mentioned. If you’re not already doing this, I would definitely provide the grandparents with the beverages that you prefer your daughter to drink and once again ask them to please not give her any drinks that haven’t been provided by you. If they still don’t listen, I would probably try to find child care elsewhere with someone who will do what is best for your child.

Well if you don’t want her to have it because it upsets her tummy.

Then parenting decision or not you need to share so that they know why she shouldn’t have it

You not wanting to say hey she gets sick when she has cows milk is kinda childish… they may not understand that it upsets her stomach

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Is the reason they give cows milk because they don’t have almond milk? If you provide it and they don’t use it you need to find a new sitter. But if you aren’t bringing your child the milk they can drink it’s not the sitters job to buy it.

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Not that complicated.


I do what my Daughter in law asks. How horrible for you. Reminds me of my Inlaws. Horrible people. Your child your rules.

Part of kids growing up is you cant control everything. Be thankful the child was safe, fed and happy. Def say something but i would let it go after that. Life is too short.

Lmao. Get used to it. It’s what grandparents do. Find a new sitter?

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I am a grandparent and I would not give my granddaughter something that my daughter told me not to but due to her still being just 10 months old and only breastfeeding I haven’t been able to have her for even a few hours cuz she will not take a bottle and now with all this going on it sucks

You pay to take them to a different care giver. You DO what’s best for the child… period. This isn’t a question of control… it comes down to is free daycare worth your child feeling sick and getting diarrhea?

Yeah if you’re bringing them these products you want your child to have and they just decided to give them what you said they couldn’t have find a new sitter

Do you supply them with the milk for your child?? Or do you just drop him off with instructions?? If you have a special diet for your child you should supply it… If they dont listen when youre supplying the milk then tell the grandparents if they choose to go against you then they will get to clean the mess and the child can stay there all night till it passes and they can see how bad it is… And if that dont work find a new babysitter…

Find a new sitter and don’t allow them to see her anymore. They’re giving food she’s allergic too and purposefully making her ill. Cut them out.

I personally would sit down with the grandparents and say point blank if you give her milk one more time I will find a new babysitter to help.

I don’t have anyone watch my children that can’t respect what I say. No matter what the reason is behind it.

Find someone else to babysit.