Be gone! Imagine how the children feel, you want them growing up thinking that is how a relationship is suppose to be!
Your reality has been a living nightmare! You deserve a happy life and so do your children! Please pray for Jesus to guide you to a better life, (He Hears every Prayer) ,put your Faith in him and you will never walk alone! As time goes by you will definitely be much better off! The man you are married to is a Narcissist and believe this,He will Never Change! Prayers for you and your babies!
He needs to leave the home if not you go as its not a healthy environment for the children regardless
Your children have been watching the unhealthy way your husband treats you. With your family’s support you can do this. Remember that we teach other how to treat us. Your husband thinks that he can behave however he wants and you won’t leave. Show him your strength.
Move on…be done with the drama…
Stay strong. Create the life you want.
I would say you half to find the meaning of a new life that will leave you have the dignity of witch you should have as a women.that goings on is your past stay strong and make a future for your self and the kiddos and trust me never say never.
Leaving is for the best for you and the children
If you were constantly having to cater to his feelings so you don’t upset him sounds like you leaving was for the best. He needs to be alone so he can sort out his own issues. Because his feelings are his own unhappiness and he’s directing it at you. It’s only hard right now because it’s new. It’s not you’re daily routine and that is super hard to adapt to. It’ll be awkward for a little while but stay strong and in a few months you’ll realize it would be even more awkward to go back. Love yourself. Show your children what you all deserve. You got this.
Your children will adjust. You are doing the right thing.
Girl, your kids deserve a happy mom! It’s not healthy for them to see you like that
After 18 years of the same bullshit as this, I left. Maybe a good idea for you, too
You are doing the right thing if you feel better. Everything else will fall into place. Don’t worry. You are strong and wiser.
God bless.
Road gose up or down take it live your life
Its hard in the beginning to adjust your whole routine. You can get through this part and will be much happier for it it just takes a little time.
It’s hard at first, you’re so used to the abuse that it becomes your “normal” routine, stepping out into the unknown is scary at first but I promise it gets easier! I get the kids having to change schools is hard but It’s not as rough on them as staying in an abusive environment! Kids are resilient and will adapt to their new school & make new friendships. Let the principal and teachers know what’s going on and they’ll help with the transition. Find yourself, keep moving forward I promise it gets easier with each day, week, month that passes! Stay strong for your babies and just keep focused that you’re doing what’s best for them. My babies and I have never been happier and we’re closer than ever Wishing you the best life, you can do this!!
He sounds like a narcissist. They will never change. I just got out of a marriage like that. Had to endure 5 years of a cycle of abuse and then him being his nice self. It was like two different people. But in reality they are all one person.
So someone once told me it is better for children to be from a broken home then to live in a broken home…Read That again… Then stand up straight and walk away knowing you have done the best thing for you and your children.
Going thru the same thing
There are some that perfer abuse. They don’t feel worthy of anything but abuse. Counseling is the best advice one can get. But then again councilors don’t dictate or tell you what to do like an abuser will
Don’t ever underestimate how strong and resilient you are. You’ve got this!
You can do this. My daughter had to, and thank goodness she did. She came to live with me & and she got on her feet and now has her own place. You can do this!!!
F that walking on egg shells in your own home then gives you the silent treatment Oh nah you sound like a dummy and can woman stop using their kids as an excuse to stay with it
And what makes you think you should get the kids. You sound mentally unstable and are really annoying.
Imagine 10/20 years from now and your son/daughter comes to you, they tell you that they are trapped, unhappy, in a relationship with someone who is mentally, emotionally and/or physically abusive. What would you want your child to do?
Also, think about your children growing up, doing this to their partner because it is all they have seen, it is what they know because they grew up around it.
You wouldn’t want it. You deserve better, your children deserve better and you have absolutely, 100% got this. Be strong and reach out to people you can trust. I know exactly how you feel. My inbox is always open for you or anyone reading this
The silent treatment is emotional abuse I learned that the hard way. Moving on is best.
Look you the longer you stay with such like be they men or women the worse they get as they age.
Please don’t go back! This is mental abuse and will not change. If your children have not experienced this yet, they will be next. Don’t make them suffer. Coming from a wife/parent who did not leave when I should have. I maybe could have saved one of my sons.
Stay gone…otherwise you are teaching your kids it’s okay to take someone else’s shit no matter how bad it hurts you to do so. You are teaching your children they are not worthy of better things because you are not trying for better things. Be the example of the courage they need to get through life.
It’s gonna be much easier to remain gone right now. Don’t ever think to yourself it’s a daydream… YOU deserve happiness and proper treatment, as well as those munchkins. Take the support from your parents and build yourself back up again. I did it without parents, you got this
Have you tried marriage counseling?
The man that you fell in love with is gone. He no longer exists. You have to deal with the present person he has become. And if you are no longer happy in this union and have more cons listed than pros, then maybe you need to take a healthy step away while holding onto your children. Why keep living in misery? Start your life over. It has been done by billions of people over time. You can do it.
Girl I was in your position almost 4 years ago it is better to stay put where you’re at being unhappy is not cool. It’s not okay for your children to fill that tension either you did the best thing prayers for you and your family
It’s better to co parent than to stay in a toxic environment. I hope you figure things out
You already took the first step! Trust yourself that you did the right thing and don’t worry about whether or not he’s going to talk to you.
Fuck that shit! You don’t want to be dealing with that the rest of your life
Wow thanks everyone
Get out now, thank God you have your parents!
You got this girl if he comes around call the cops don’t let him get in your head he will promise you the world but as soon as he gets u home an sleeps with u he thinks everything is ok then all hell will break loose so u gone stay gone
Your kids don’t need to here him being shifty to you they will think that’s normal leave him for the sake of your little ones
A home is just 4 walls if there isn’t a happy family living inside of it. He can still see his kids, you guys can come up with something that works for you both as time progresses. Kids change schools all the time. My older son had gone to 4 schools before high school bc we moved so much. They are resilient, more than we are even!
Go!!! Run!!! Get out!!! I am 61 and finally getting out. Don’t glamorize the situation. You are being abused.
They will never change ,if you start with Jim the kids could grow up being abusive
You are right! It is not easy. Try counseling. If that doesn’t work, move on. It’s not fair to your kids to see this as an example of what a marriage is supposed to be like.
Marriage is respecting each other I was married for 47 years my wife passed with breast cancer I never hit her or talked bad to her I’ll give anything if she was here today
Your kids will see all that growing up. Think of them before him
Sounds to me like a toxic relationship.
Leaving is hard, absolutely!!! However, happiness and health is so much more important for everyone. It takes time to start over but so worth it when it’s the right thing to do.
I hesitated for so long and starting over was hard. My happiness was felt almost immediate, even with the struggles because I didn’t have him in my life.
Do you really feel like this is the happiness and life you deserve? It’s never easy to leave someone,but many single moms have and u can,too. You have to want more for yourself than this,and more for your kids as only you can.
You need to YouTube Dr. Ramani this woman changed my life. I just got out of a abusive narcissistic relationship.
I’ve been through it… violence is next. Get out now. You should hear more good than bad.
Good for you. U do not deserve to be treated like that at all and it is not good for yr kids either seeing their dad treat u like that
Your children need to see you happy, it’s hurting them
Time for you to start thinking about yourself for a change. Self-love will conquer all hate. Take care of your mental health so you can enjoy life and be happy with your children.
If you stay You Are Not Respecting Yourself.
Hard work leaving, but worth it after all.
You can do it Mamas!
Is by any chance bipolar? Not that that makes it any easier to handle, but sometimes does make it easier to understand - - -
Save your kids and yourself! Kids grow up thinking this is normal and ok and it is not! Boys will act like dad and girls will allow abuse! Glad you got out. Soon you will feel great, free, at peace and the kids will finally thrive!
Hard parts over now mama. Only move forward from here.
Keep on keeping on!
Anything that brings a better life is hard but worth it. Look at your future. Say 5 years or even just 2 years from now. If you leave you will have resettled by 2 years and be much more secure and happy. Have the courage to change otherwise in 2 years time if you’re still with him you surely will have passed through many turbulent times again. Self worth and self care are very important
That is abuse. Get out, no respect no relationship, anyway…
How do people get to this point of abusing a fellow human being? Like how:woman_facepalming:t5:
Walking on eggshells, and you being unhappy, your kids will notice and will put stress on them too. That is no life, do what is best for u and your family. Kids will thrive in a happy environment even if parents are not together
Put you first for once
Stand by your choice and don’t turn back…things will never change with him…you need to be happy for you and the kids
This might just be what he needs …to make him realise how selfish he is being .might realse how much he misses you all.
Its so right, when you do it its so hard uprooting your children, but they don’t know the games your husbands playing on your mind. The ups and downs…
Make him leave if you can handle the home you have now. (I’m sure you can) it’s easier for him to leave than you and the kids. Unfortunately you need to leave. Even if you leave and then ask him to leave so you can have your guys space back for the kids sake.
That’s what I had to do. It worked and was the best decision I ever made.
You’re strong… Follow through. Do what you know is best for you and the kids. No matter how hard it is for YOU. You have a flight response being triggered inside of you for a reason. Think about the KIDS they can always make new friends, but they can’t afford to have an unhappy mother!!
Dear heavenly Father show this sister what You want her to do. Amen
Do it you need piece of mind you have your parents blessing take advantage of it you may never get another chance to change your life around
Survey he should move out to let your kids be settled if not he doesn’t deserve them or you
You and your kids are worth more than what he is giving! You will be alright!
You CAN do this. If I could do it, I know you can too!
Your kids deserve a happy momma. Walking on eggshells is teaching them this is okay and this is NOT ok.
You left, enroll your kids Monday at their new school and don’t go back.
It will be hard, but trust me, you don’t want your children to be like him, or for them to think his treatment of you is okay for someone to treat them that way too .
If you can’t do this for you, do it for them. Break cycles.
You left for a reason. Give it time. You’re going to go through feelings of guilt and regret in the beginning. That’s normal. Even though you made the right choice you’re still going to mourn what you once had for you and your kids but you have to remind yourself of why. In time you’ll find yourself feeling better when you realize you don’t have to fear his outbursts anymore.
Do not go back, at first it’ll feel like a nightmare and you’ll want to regret your decision but I promise it’s the best decision you’ll ever make
The best way to think about this is, what would you think if your kids were in the same relationship you’re in? Cuz this is what you’re teaching them is normal and healthy. If you’re cool with it, there’s your answer, if not, there’s your answer
Do it! I lived that life for 10 years! I finally left my ex husband 3 years and started over again. It was scary and hard at first but I am so happy now, I am thankful everyday I left not just for me but for my kids!
Took me 17 years 11 of married 3 kids To be treated just the same way I say run get the fuck out as soon as you can
Fuck it say skirt skirt
I’ve been there done it the kids will get used to hun be strong you deserve better
Every single day you will be able to breathe a little easier. Every single day there will be something you do, that you would normally have to apologize for that you don’t have to anymore. Every single day you will learn to fully love yourself again. I FEEL YOU! I HAVE BEEN YOU! STAY STRONG! YOU DESERVE BETTER THAT THAT ABUSE!!!
You did good thing praying you’ll be happy soon flags for cohersive and abusive relationship
That’s typical Narcissist behavior. They can’t change
You can do it! You will be so much happier in the long run. That is no way to live your life. He can still be their dad. He doesn’t need to be your husband!
Those are narcissistic behaviors. I went through that. Stay away. Your kids don’t deserve to see their mother mistreated
I don’t know you but from experience if you left and you have any peace at all Do Not Go Back. Yes it is bad not knowing what tomorrow holds but it’s better calling upon God to help you get through this time in your life than staying there living the misery that you were. Your kids can adjust to a new school to different friends but they in the long run will be much happier not having to hear or see you miserable. I’ve been there and never again will I be put through that.
We’re all here for you Ally Hollier do what is best it might be easier than you and you can always call me and violet too
Are you serious? Is that all you got from the comment? If so, I encourage you to read it again because nowhere does she say it is ok to remove the children from their father. In fact, she says almost the exact opposite in expressing concern and regret that the children won’t see him daily. Why do you think it’s ok for her to remain in the home where she’s being abused, or leave without taking the children with her? Obviously if the marriage dissolves and they separate then the children will remain with one parent primarily on a daily living basis and visit with the other as scheduled through agreements or court orders. Nobody likes this outcome! However, in the face of an abusive environment it’s essential for the sake of the entire family. Chances are when one is abusive to their spouse, they are also abusive to their children. Abusers tend to abuse those who are closest to them on a daily basis, and if the mother isn’t there to be the target, inevitably the children then become the next best target. When a man is a good father any sensible mature and emotionally healthy woman makes every compromise and sacrifice possible to ensure their children have their father in their lives as much as humanly possible.