Good lord, move on already. He doesn’t give a shit.
What a selfish self centered ass
He’s not very mature…good luck
Girl, my ex use to beat me then buy me gifts to “make it better”… Gifts shouldn’t be that important in my opinion. Relationships are more then that. I buy what i want and need. Never expected anything from anyone.
Leave now he won’t change.
You and your child deserve so much better
Do not have another child with him. I would leave ASAP. That boy dont love u;((((
materialistic much? Relationships aren’t based on who buys what. You both have different love languages and are childish af
I wouldn’t have anymore children with him…
Leave him and don’t have another baby by him! It’s been 5 years with my relationship and nothing but a shithole here! LEAVE HIM FUCK HIM
Sounds like he is very immature and I surely would not have another child with this man…I would dump him in a heartbeat! You deserve better!
You really shouldn’t be expanding your family if your not happy, it seems he’s been brought up this way so it’s not really his fault however you both need to talk and figure it out if not both go your ways, my mother and father in law don’t buy pressies etc but there both happy with this you need to find something that works for you both x
I’m gonna be honest with you and it’s gonna hurt…He’s never going to change. One of the biggest mistakes we make is getting with someone thinking they will change for us. People are set in their ways and unless they see they have a problem, then there will be no change. Sounds like he does to you what my Ex did to me, tell me he’ll “change”just to shut me up. Thank God my eyes were finally opened and I realized my self worth and left him. That was over 7 years ago and he still does the same thing to other women. I pray things work out in your favor and I pray you see your self worth and realize you deserve to be treated like the queen you are and nothing less❤️
I wouldn’t have another child with him. I’m sorry but men like that hardly ever change.
Girl leave… it doesnt get better they dont change and more kids will not help the situation
I would stop IVF and start marriage counseling. It sounds like there is a big communication issue and counseling can help with that. I can’t believe all the ‘leave’ comments. Marriage takes work and it can be hard at times. If you’re both truly in it for the long run counseling will help the communication and help both of you understand each other better
he is what he is. you have told him what you want and he will not do that. so decide: are you willing to live like this? if not start planning for the life you want. and getting pregnant is not the solution
Move on! How people treat you is how they feel about you.
You don’t deserve to be treated like that. It sounds like he isn’t involved with the IVF anyway. I personally need support, kindness and compassion. You deserve it too…
I would highly suggest seeking a therapist for yourself only first. I would put the baby making on hold too.
Suggest therapy for him too (on his own). However, I doubt he will change unless something drastic in his life changes. Like joining a wonderful church family and for him to learn to be the spiritual leader in the family. It’s amazing how men grow once they follow Jesus.
I would be getting my lawyer to get my papers ready… no body is talking to me that way…
Idk why you have to ask…
Run now !!! Take my advice you don’t t want to have a baby with him . Believe me there is better men out there & you deserve it !!!
After reading this honestly I wouldn’t even attempt another child with this man.
Run now … typical narcissist
Yeah why have another kid with a man who treats you like shit
Dont have another baby. Stop buying him and all the Stuff for his family and take care of your own. It seems selfish but when he realizes the impact you make and pull away he may open his eyes. If not then y’all need a very long sit down with a counselor if that dont work then take the separate step.
Do not bring another child in to that
Leave! He’s abusive and won’t change
I would stop trying to have another baby with this selfish man. Sounds like he don’t appreciate u. Never mind the gifts he could show u in other ways but from what I read him and his mother need help. A woman’s job? Smh… u need to talk to him hopefully he changes if not stop going above and beyond for a man who don’t appreciate u and stop going above and beyond for a MIL who thinks it’s a woman’s job. I know 2 wrongs don’t make a right but if ur constantly giving and not even getting affection from him then fuck it.
And you’re actively trying for another child??
Something is wrong with your thought process.
How people treat you is how they really feel about you and another baby will not make the situation change or make it any better it might just make it worst
Why do you want to have another baby with someone that treats you like crap? He’s not going to change. You need to move on.
My first child’s father was this exact same way, I never received a gift for any holiday and we argued about it all the time when I would go out of my way to make them special for him but he would always say “it’s just another day” however my current husband goes out of his way to make every holiday special, including anniversaries and my birthday, the right man will do those things for you and honor you like you should be, there’s no way I would stay or have another child with him
Stop the IVF - your body is probably refusing to get pregnant by him because you need to run! Having another child with him will make it harder to get away.
I’m going to be blunt with you. Bringing another child into this mess is a BIG mistake. Another child isn’t going to make him change. You need to realize you can do better and deserve better. Do not just settle, your 3 year deserves to see you being treated right and happy.
He will never change ,you area clueless
He’s a bad husband dont have more kids with him. His attitude will come out with the children at some point. Take care of you and your current child and get out there and away from someone that doesn’t respect you.
Getting pregnant will not fix this. Fix the marriage first, if it cant be fixed leave. A baby won’t help.
Dump his ass! You deserve so much better!!! He will not change!!!
Go an get yourself something you really want and then tell him " THANKS FOR THE MOTHER’S DAY GIFT", you bought it,I just picked it out. Then DO NOT get him ANYTHING for Father’s day. NOTHING. Let him buy it himself.Just treat Father’s day in your house like any other day just as he did you. Try it for this year,see if he says anything!!! Doesn’t mean you can’t get your father or father in law something or take them out to dinner or give a gift card .
Omg! That’s terrible. Believe what all these women above say…it will only get worse. If a person shows you his true colors believe it…he won’t change. Please I beg you don’t waste all your best years with someone who does value and appreciate you.
He sounds like a douche. I’d be pissed if my man didn’t get me anything for my birthday or holidays! Honestly, I wouldn’t be worried about buying his family shit either if he can’t do anything for me.
Your mother in law is a whole other topic. She is DISGUSTING!!
Imma be honest - i wouldn’t be focused on having another kid with him. You and your child deserve better and your child deserves to see how a father is supposed to be treating his mother.
In our household we rarely do gifts as we are usually broke but we do what we can. But we at least say happy “whatever” day and shit to each other and try and make each other feel good on those days.
My husband isn’t a holiday person either. It’s just how he is. It did hurt my feelings at first but I got used to it. Now I just buy myself my own presents and I always get exactly what I want
This will get worse. You need to leave. You are showing him how to treat you the more you put up with it.
He’s a piece of shit get rid of him now!
Another baby won’t fix this. Sounds to me you and your 3 year old deserve better
What you truly want isn’t a gift on those days, it’s energy, attention & time. ALL OF THAT IS FREE. Think about it that way. He can’t even give you something FREE, why would he ever give you more? Hugs!
Honey it’s your decision. But…Why would you want to be with someone who continually hurts you. It’s not about the gifts, it’s about the thought. You have told him it hurts your feelings and that doesn’t seem to matter. You can’t change someone, only yourself. If you don’t think you deserve better, he won’t either.
Why are you trying to have another baby with someone who doesn’t respect you at all. He just keeps intentionally hurting you. A baby won’t fix this relationship which sounds miserable. He doesn’t love you thats not how you treat someone you love. Get out now and spend your energy on finding someone that will show you they respect you and show your child how a woman deserves to be treated. Do you want your child to be treated like this some day by their partner? If the answer is no then leave.
Wow. I would never put up with this crap. I say leave his ass for awhile and see if he can manage without you but that’s just me he’s never gonna change if you don’t do something about it now!!!
He is not going to change. You deserve waaaaay better. The hell with him. Ain’t nobody time for that.
You need to dig deep on what life you want.
You cant ask someone to treat you right, either they do or they dont.
Sounds like a sexist, inconsiderate, insensitive selfish pig of a man. Don’t set this example for your son or your daughter. Be strong and kick him out
The IVF comment alone totally pisses me off. He should know what you’re going through with those hard core treatments and the fact that he doesn’t just shows what a narcissist he is. I would stop the treatments and reevaluate
Might be time for counseling
Leave before you have children.
Stop with IVF first of all… second find a therapist and start to do you! Speaking from past experiences
This is definitely not someone I would choose to have a second child with
Harder said then done to leave … after years of being with someone.
Time for a counselor.
Please don’t have another kid with him. He doesn’t deserve you.
And trying for another baby will help? MOVE ON! never beg to be loved!
Ok my husband is the same never got me any kind of gifts not even a rose for my birthdays or mothers day or anything but he gives me so much money to go buy whatever I want or go out without the kids and spoil my self so…I always on mothers day or Eid or birthdays I spend over 400 to 600$ on my self. Once he complained abt it and I was like well since you dont do anything I will. If he doesnt…take his money and spoil your self…eventually he will…also continue doing the things you do for his family because it’s important to have healthy and respectful relationship with his family.
Move on he doesn’t respect you
No matter what we say you will stay with him because something deep down tells u, u love him. But you need to love yourself first cause he definitely isnt treating you like he loves you at all. It amazes me after you had his baby that he could even say you dont deserve a mother’s day. LIKE WTF if he had any clue how hard birth is hed think twice… you need to get out for you & your baby. This isnt a healthy for baby to see this. For your child please leave.
He clearly mentally never left the nest and it sounds like its his moms doing. Don’t have another child with him because you might be heading for divorce down the road if he doesn’t change. Unless you can support 2 children…
Buy yourself something nice. He’s being an ass.
I personally wouldn’t be doing anything to get pregnant by someone like that.
I don’t really got the whole Mother’s Day thing because if you’re not pregnant and you don’t have any kids why would somebody get you a Mother’s Day gift? I’m not really understanding that but you are, of course, entitled to feel hurt. Honestly though he sounds like an asshole and I wouldn’t bother going through all that trouble to have a child with a man like this he doesn’t treat you right now he probably won’t be a good father either. Leave him and find someone that treats you right and that you truly feel like you could have a family with because this one doesn’t seem to be it.
Edit: i may have missed if you said you had a child already w him, my bad if so.
I think I would be stopping those IVF treatments and talking to a lawyer…he sounds like a thoughtless dick and he won’t ever change. Unless you want to keep putting up with it, then you need to start figuring out how to leave.
Do not have another child wirh that insane
Boy child. PERIOD
Question. How does he treat you the other 360 days a year? What does he do for you? How does he help you? Gifts are meaningless in a marriage and honestly I’m assuming he has to be a good guy if you are trying to have another baby with him. So if he is, quit being absurd and give thanks for what you have
the best prediction of future behavior is relative past behavior
I wouldn’t have another child with him. He’s not going to change. Do you want your daughter to grow up and think this is the way she should be treated in a relationship? Hugs!
I’m not saying he’s right and you’re wrong, but ivf certainly takes a toll on hormones and emotions… so definitely consider that when arguments take place. But yes, mothers day should be a pretty big deal when you have a child with someone, and vice versa when its fathers day.
He makes me mad! You are right to be hurt
He’s not gonna change.
Leave & buy yourself something nice.
I’ve always said I’d rather my kids see me happy at home & their Dad happy at his house than both miserable in one household.
Girl… get rid of him. Sounds like my husband. Been married almost thirty years. That’s how he is, only worse as time goes on. Has never bought me a single anniversary gift. I quit buying him any after the first couple years. But begs me not to leave and cries when I say I should just leave. It will not change. If you can live this way or worse the rest of your or his life then you’re fine. But do not expect it will get better. It will not.
My husband is the same way. We are currently separated we have 3 kids 5,2&1. And 90 percent of the time it’s all on me taking care of the kids. I’m trying to keep everything civil with him but he’s making that difficult. So we’ll see how it plays out. I will tell you that we’ve only been separated a few months and I feel 10 times better.
I think when you are with the right person you don’t have to ask them repeatedly to make you happy and show you love. I was with a guy for 5 years and he was an ass the whole time. I begged him to treat me better and he never did, he would ignore me and never buy me anything. He showed up drunk at the hospital after I got hit by a car… after I had been there for 2 days.
Fast forward to my current husband… I have to tell him once “hey babe it hurts my feelings when you do that” he never does it again. I had to tell him once “hey babe can you come to bed when I go to sleep so I don’t sleep on my own” and he never let me sleep on my own again
Stop buying gifts for his family, immediately. If his mother asks tell her her son didn’t get her anything.
OMG. Sounds like my marriage. I’m now going through a divorce and with him gone, I’m honestly so much happier.
Why are you having another child with a man you dont feel treats you right? By already having one child who sees your fights and sees you hurt is damaging to that child. You can’t make someone think of you. You shouldnt have to beg, cry or agrue about needing attention from the man who claims he loves you and has kids with you…
I would rethink second baby until things get worked out
He is straight up asshole. You deserve better. You deserve to be happy. You SHOULD NEVER have to have discussions about how you’re being treated. If you see it imagine what your 3 yr old sees and what you’re teaching him when it comes to treating people.
I would not have another baby with him. Went through the same issue and he’s gone now and I’m happier.
I don’t understand why you would want to make another child with someone that clearly treats you like garbage. Don’t make your life harder by making another child with this man. Lawyer up and get out of this situation. Or atleast tell him if he doesn’t change you’re gone. Sometimes an ultimatum is the only thing that knocks a man to his senses an makes him realize you’re serious about how you’re treated.
Why do you need gifts?! Sorry but I have a loving husband and we have an excellent marriage but he doesn’t rush out and buy me gifts for every holiday either but I could care less… seems you just have an unhappy marriage altogether and I definitely wouldn’t be wasting money to have another child in an unhealthy home…
Run before u have another kid with him.
You sound stupid! He treats me horribly, but I want to have a baby with this horrible man🤣
Leave him, you shouldn’t need to tell your husband how to treat you. He sounds like a complete asshole. You deserve better
If u marry him you r stupid!!!
Oooffff. This ones not gonna change momma. It’s time to pick up and move on. I’m so sorry
since you’re the woman of the house, it’s your job to provide everyones holiday/event gifts from yall?
is that correct?! but, he doesn’t do sh*t for the mother of HIS children?
oh… let me think about this… LEAVE! or do as i have had to do & give him a dose of his own medicine.
i have found out that when you give them a taste of their own medicine, they don’t really like it when you pull a them on them…
edited to add*: take that money and go pamper your own self! you can’t pour from a empty cup!
Why on earth would you have another baby with this man??
He’s already shown you who he is. It’s not going to change. It’s only going to get worse for you. Stop fertility treatments immediately and leave.
My husband is not big on celebrating holidays for adults after 11 years together I can count on 1 hand how many times he’s bought me a gift for any holiday. On the other hand he’s gotten me plenty of spur of the moments gifts. You married this man and already have a child with him. Now it’s become a big issue? I would never force my husband to think he HAS to get me anything. As a matter of fact he would purposely not do a damn thing if I demand he gets me anything at the end of the day I know who my husband is and isn’t and I accept him because besides the crappy gift giving he’s a wonderful father and husband to us.
You’re trying to have another baby with a toxic man, who frankly sounds like nothing but a narcissistic jerk
I wouldn’t have another baby. Honestly, I could’ve written this 5 years ago. Fast forward two kids and the same shit. No improvements. I feel like I’m raising our second kid alone. She was born with a rare disease. It’s been lonely and tiring. Who knows what will happen to us?