My husband and I had past problems: Is it worth working them out?

First sentence: NOPE

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Once he hits you he’ll do it again. It never stops it only gets worse. Listen to your family is better to go home after a broken relationship than to go home in a casket

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See the pattern of comments? Doesn’t last. No is the answer.

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Good guys don’t hit women.


Mine hit me too, in front of my daughter. My husband said he’d go to counseling and thatd hed stop and hes sorry. My divorce will be final in December and honestly, its not so bad. I deserve better and my daughter does too!


The more chances you give someone the less respect they’ll start to have for you. They’ll begin to ignore the standards you’ve set because they’ll know another chance will always be given. They’re not afraid to lose you because they know no matter what you won’t walk away. They get comfortable disrespecting you.

Dont give in to his sweet talks or whatever he says to you. He wont change, tbh you and if you have children, y’all deserve way better and worth much more than him. Just stop giving him so much chances and leave him its better to be safe and alive than ending up dead! And having your family grieve over the death of their daughter.

Remember know your worth and don’t let him take advantage of you. You are beautiful, you are worth it, you is important, you is smart and wise, you are enough, love yourself, make yourself happy and more importantly dont forget who you are.


Well out of 140 comments 1 person has been with a man that " changed" & i cant even imagine the mental hell she went thru in that process.
Dont put YOU or YOUR babies thru that shit… Not worth it

He won’t change! It’s all talk nothing else.

Im going through the same thing. Hugs and stay strong. I hope youre gonna be ok and id u ever need an ear pm me anytime.

“I want to forgive him so should they” I’d never forgive the man that hurt my baby girl,Or vise versa for my son. I’m sorry but I’d feel like it was my fault if I forgave and something worse happened the next time, let alone if I encouraged them to get back together.


I gave my husband three strikes after the third time I told him I would kill him if he ever did it again. I told him he wouldn’t know when and he wouldn’t no how but it would happen!!! And lucky for him he believed me!. Nip it in the box make no excuses for him and follow thru.

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If he loved you so much he would have NEVER hit you. Some abusive men just go to counseling to get you back not to get better. Don’t fall for it.


I would never forgive a man who beat one of my daughters. Your asking your parents to do something they can’t. I hope he’s going through anger management also. But you have no right to ask you’re parents to forgive a man who hurt their daughter. What if they did then heaven forbid he killed you. They’d never be able to forgive themselves.


If some hit my daughter I wouldn’t forgive them and if she went back to them and he did it again I’d kill him.


If you can work it out, it is upto you. You are the one that chooses to live with him. If he treats you well then what buisnes of your family is? It is none of their buisnes!

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Don’t waste your time. It’s not worth it. He’ll never change. And always say those broken promises.


Once they hit you and you forgive them they will eventually do it again no matter what promises they make or how sorry they are about their actions. You are worth more then that believe in that. Set a good example for your kids.

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And as soon as he’s mad again… he’ll more than likely be abusive as usual. Your family isn’t going to forgive him… I’m sure they think you just keep going back when you shouldn’t… which is probably true

It’ll never stop. He will never change. Don’t do this to yourself or your family. They’ll be worried sick. Why on earth would you want to put yourself through that again


You’re family isn’t obligated to accept or like anyone you date or love much less an abuser like him

Wrong post. But anyways, abuse is abuse is abuse and doesn’t change. A wolf is sheep’s clothing is still a wolf. Stay in therapy and stay out of the marriage. :x

Let it go you move on he is full of promises that he won’t keep …for you own safety do it now

People can change and grow, but there is no way he has grown or changed enough in 5 months. If you go back now he will abuse you again. If you want to make it work then at least give it time for him to focus on unlearning his abusive ways, he needs to be in therapy and you two must attend couples counseling. That’s non negotiable.

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people can change and do change,but how do you trust him again??..and as for your family imagine if what he done to you,was done to a family member would you like him still?? they will most likely be polite but they wont like or trust him as he broke that…

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Since he is going to counseling and had good years prior this, go slow and continue therapy.
Go slow sweetie, wish you luck as far as your parents, I want to kill(not that I would) but they love you and to trust him would be harder than hard

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No i had enough. Didnt want to work. Ran me down alot cause i was working. Showed him door after i packed all his crap and left outside.

Counseling first not back together…

If he can’t control his anger that wont change you will by accepting it.

No don’t go back it will happen again and your family is looking out for you

I honestly don’t know if he can be trusted, but people can change. It’s up to you if you want to take the risk to find out if he’s changed. It’s a dangerous gamble, but he’s already come so far.

The most important is what you think of him not so much what your family thinks of him you’re the one that would be married to him not your family so they can either accept him or not accept him it is your choice not theirs

My ex after 8 years…still threatens to kill me. So it’s a big no for me.

Yeah…he got physical. That means you know he’s capable and now that the boundary has been crossed, oh he’ll do it again. Of course things have been great while you’re separated. You’re not living together, you’re going to counselling and he’s on his BEST behaviour so he can win you back.

It will Happen again. You’ve got a few good months at best after you move back in with him before it all goes to hell in a hand basket, and next time, it’ll be a lot harder for you to leave. Your family won’t believe you’re leaving him since you went back this time. They won’t be so quick to do all the work to move you home, because they’d have already moved you home and back to him.

Move on. That’s my advice. I know this because I’ve been there and I’ve done this. You’re unlikely to be the statistical miracle.

He stops until he doesn’t …let go move on DO NOT go back and your family will never be ok with him he hurt you hes done out no one’s on his side you can’t tell people how they should feel about him

Run as fast as you can. You’re in love with the sweet honeymoon stage the I’ll be good I swear stage, where they treat like a goddess to keep control.

It’s a game and a very good one. Men who hit are not men they’re weak little pricks who have to hit women in order to maintain control. Get the hell away as far as you can. A man who hits only once will do it again when angry once is too much !

I say this from someone who has been there and knows… You are deluding yourself. Now, i can yell you all the answers, which are, he won’t change, it will progress, you ans your children are in danger, but you aren’t in a place to hear me. I would encourage you to wait on reconciliation and take that time away from him to work on yourself. You are codependent and very sick as well. It doesn’t make you a bad person and it’s not your fault, but you need to heal so you can set your standards higher than a man who dares lay his hands on you. You are worth soooo much more.

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As a former law enforcement officer, I can tell you that I’ve never responded to a domestic violence call only once. I repeatedly got sent to the same homes over and over.

My husband was abusive and I confess from time to time he wants to cross the line but we love each other and my family hated him but that’s what he saw in his family so he is struggling too but prayer and him loving God has helped 95% and the 5% left I had to learn martial arts and when he gets aggressive he stops because he knows I can defend my self and I also learned to let him cool down and pray to release his feelings , also men don’t like to have a lot of talking, they can’t take it so I had to learn to tell God my sad problems and God is the one In charge of changing him or me. I’m happy , we have been together for 23 years and its 8 dating and 15 married. I’ll pray 4 you​:wink::+1::pray:


It is unrealistic to expect your family to forgive someone who assaulted you in the past. If you truly loved yourself enough, you would not tolerate anyone that caused you pain like that. Do yourself a favor and use that same love your offering him and provide it to yourself. After you’ve done that work, truly done it, you’ll make the best decision for yourself.


If you have children together, taking him back would give them the idea that the way he treated you is OK and they could end up in similar situations themselves… and how forgiving of your son-in-law would you be? Would you have sympathy for your daughter-in-law, but do nothing about it?


That is why wisdom says you keep what goes on between you and your spouse. But be warned abusers need a lot of counseling and a way to learn to release frustrations and anger in a healthy way. Wait for God to tell you if this is his will or when it’s time to be reunited. Only God knows his heart.

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If I lived with you and you fed me washed my clothes and beat the crap out of you would you let. Me do it again? No. Why? Then why do you let him do it? No there’s other men for that ,or because of the kids,so many reasons why that’s no good.cause you love him? Why. You love the special way he hits you? And as far as the relatives go they will hate him forever

Speaking from personal experience… if he’s willing to go to counseling with you AND on his own, there is hope! My 2nd husband was an addict and EXTREMELY abusive! When I asked him to go to counseling he told me over and over again, YOU need help! Not me! I suffered physical and emotional abuse for far too long. Don’t ever let a man say that everything is YOUR fault! Best of luck!

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Totally agree with Aleta Joy Bruno…ONCE AN ABUSER, ALWAYS AN ABUSER…experienced this personally…


Great if y’all get counseling and can work it out, on the other hand speaking as a parent of a daughter who was abused, your family will never forgive him and will hold that against him until the end of time.


Just because you forgive him, does not mean you take him back! Forgiveness is for your peace, not his

I’ll just say this. “Once an abuser always and abuser” is not 100% true. My husband was an addict and alcoholic and was abusive …once he got off those and sought the true reasons behind his issues and worked on himself, he has been a completely different man. They CAN change…another suggestion is CHURCH…go and pray and worship. 5 months is not long enough…if you want to work things out and get back together, start slow…act like you’ve just met and sit and talk and go on dates. If you take him back, make it clear that abuse of ANY form will NOT be tolerated…not even once. Good luck to you and your family. Prayers for all involved.

You cannot make your family like him unfortunately. I hope your marriage works out but it going to be hard on the holidays and birthdays

Find a new husband, help doesn’t help, it only gets worse, go another direction. Why do you need us if you have a therapist, follow their advice.

Its great that you forgive him but I would be very hesitant about a reconciliation. Also, it’s unrealistic to expect your family to forgive someone who abused you.


You say how great life was “before all of this happened“ as if the abuse was from an unseen force, not from a decision made by your husband. Maybe your family is wiser than you are.

They do change I’m married to one we got help and so did he. He is a awesome husband father and Grandpa. We have been married for almost 26 years. I’m not saying they all stop but some do with enough love help and God.


They don’t change. He will promise and things get better for a while, but he won’t change for good. I speak from personal experience.

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Physical abuse is more than a bad choice. And it sounds like she is still excusing him, so nothing will change. This is just a horrible scenario all around. Divorce and distance is the only solution.


Please think about the fact that you walked away with your life but the next time you may not. They don’t change and if they hit you once, they’ll do it again. Keep going to counseling for your own benefit but not for a reconciliation.


Don’t do anything. He had to prove himself to you! Remember why you left him. He’s probably uncomfortable in his skin right now and WILL TELL YOU ANYTHING YOU WANT TO HEAR! If he wants you back he’ll seek help, get counseling ect.
I see so many men say they love their wife’s but WON’T get
help . Tell him you HAVE to see some change. Stay in your safe place.

They love you so are pretective glad counseling working take things slow love is powerful but don’t let it give you Rose colored glasses

My thinking is this… is he getting help for himself or to win you back? If he’s only doing this to make you happy and to get back with you that’s not good enough. He needs to get help for himself. Would he be getting help even if you wasn’t in the picture or he thought y’all would get back together?

I would take some kind of defence course for you own piece of mind also might help your family if they knew your were taking them…

Put god first and itwi work

Your parents will never like him again. I was in 2 abusive relationships. Belive me they only change for a little while then the abuse starts. Dont teach your kids its ok to live like that. No way to grow up.

Abusers rarely change. I tried everything for 14 years, now I’m a domestic violence advocate

They will never change. Speaking from personal experience .

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Sorry but I would not go back if I were you

Once a hitter…always a hitter…

Pray and give it to God he will send you the right direction

You put your hands on me one and I’m gone, forever! No second chance for people who commit domestic violence

Stop trying to convince yourself that this man has changed. He never should have ever raised a hand to you a woman. Forgive me if I just assume you are a female. My dad always taught my brothers never ever hit a lady. Nothing justifys it

Walk away i am sry but he will again !! But thats up to you if u wanna be hurt again !! I cant say this enough i have been through it myself with my ex!! My ex beat me and talked bad on me !! I was a bitch and a cunt and always laughed at me when i was crying and made me feel so small about myself !! I have a good one now !! But please don’t go thru this again !! U might wanna talk to the lord instead of asking us !! The lord can do miracles !! Much love !! I wish you the best and ur family liking him again no way he hurt u !! Ur family loves you !!

You guys are doing what you need to do for you and if he starts to abuse you again at least you know you tried . For me yes I was in a abusive relationship and it was mental not physical which is worse because bruises eventually fade mental stays. I left him and never looked back but you do you and forgiveness is earned not just given

No once an abuser always an abuser!

Why was he abusive? Substance abuse? Alcoholic? None of which is an excuse but if he seeked help and no longer is controlled by them then yes worth staying as long as it never becomes an issue again but if he hits u just cuz hes an asshole then no