Tell him to, shut the hell up and get out of your face!!! Don’t just let him intimidate you like that.
Leave him. He won’t change. You will feel so much better.
RUN don’t walk, he’s not going to change.I wouldn’t want be with him one more minute! GODBLESS you.
Put nair in his shampoo bottle.
Run over him. Look no more problems.
Projecting at it’s finest…watch out for gaslighting too
Leave! Regain yourself and peace!
Tell him to go &&&& Himself and Run Run Run !!!
Get out he doesn’t treat you right!!
That is domestic violence get help get out it will only get worse!
Please Take all this good advice and get on! This is behavior of a narcissistic egotistical controlled abuser. Leave Leave Leave I say again LEAVE LEAVE AND DONT LOOK BACK!!!
Get rid of him not worth it
Leave the bad man and don’t look back.
Find a new husband or stop complaining about his behaviour. Im sure all the signs were there before you married him…he did not become like that overnight did he. Grow a spine my dear and stand up for yourself.
Honestly I’d tell him to shut the hell up and to kiss my ass. Then I’d pack my stuff and go
Join the club! My husband has done that for 40 years.
He is gaslighting you, leave before he drives you insane
Sounds like a narcissist. Run
Get them divorce papers, everything is YOURS, and play Medicine by Queen Naija on your way out the door.
Get out while you can. He won’t change.
Run Forrest run
throw the whole man away
Just quit driving the car. Lol
Get a new husband. Life is too short!!! JS
Put itching powder in his undies!!
Jane Kelly you are so right. Please don’t cross him,
Leave his ass there are 5 men to every 1 woman go be happy
Go to couples counseling ASAP
Stand up for yourself!
tell him to kiss ur back side
Leave him. It’s not going to get better. I know from experience!!!
Throat punch him!!
This is a running joke between me and hubby…anytime something goes wrong, I say “it must be your fault”, and we laugh. We’re going to carve it on our grave stone. We’ve been married 56 years. If he’s not kidding, give a few thoughts about staying with him.
My husband always tells me how I am wrong. Like if I say 4+2=6 he is like no 3+3=6. No kidding, so i told him something is wrong with the boat I hear a funny noise. He told me he thinks it was just how I was driving it. Fast forward one day the back of the boat starts filling up with water. Lol I reminded him a 100 times I told him something was wrong with the boat, but he insisted on putting it back on the water. Ironically he hasn’t said I was wrong in a few months.
Suck it up buttercup he doesn’t mean anything by it gotta blame something or somebody
Definitely get a new husband.
My momma always told me to take the trash out on trash day.
Leave now…you deserve better
Leave him and find a good man who treats you like a princess. Settle for nothing else. God bless you
Personality disorder
Leave him. Emotional abuse.
Get out of the marriage
Get out of thereasap.
Quit f%&$#@g things up and he will stop blaming you
Bahahahaha Bahahaha bahahahaha
Leave the narcissistic asshole. I have and i feel great! And i lost 180lbs (his dead weight)
Sounds like Trump blaming Obama ha ha.
Dump him or deal with it
Tell him to f— off…narcissistic man
Tell him to man up and stop being a pussy!!
Narcissist trait good luck. It will get worse, I’m sorry to say
Fucking run. Get out of there. That’s emotionally abusive.
Give him some make think about it
People that usually find fault and blame everything that happens is usually always the one at fault! Don’t put up with it he’s trying to make you feel like shit! He’s a narcissist
Give him a kick in the ass and send him on his way!!!
My husband used to be that way. He has gotten much better over the years. I just ignored it. Leaving my husband for something like that was not even in my radar. We all have some thing.
Talk to him about it. It’s not okay, it’s damaging to you, and you need it to change. If he refuses to do so on his own, counselling may be in order. Sometimes, that’s… How boys are raised (It’s NOT an excuse, but society sucks) and when it’s pointed out to them, love helps them realize and they’ll change. Same goes for women but, societally at least, it’s more common for boys to be raised that way. So he just might not realize and bringing it to light by being bluntly honest and forward with him might be the change he needs.
But it sounds like abuse to me… So if he isn’t willing to change or makes no effort, while I’m usually all for trying to work for a marriage, this is a dangerous situation. Maybe not physically, but definitely mentally. And mental abuse is just as bad, if not sometimes worse. If he isn’t willing to acknowledge the problem, and get help to fix it, you need to think about what is best for you.
I love my husband. And I would work through pretty much everything with him. But I would not put up with abuse, if he suddenly changed his ways. I’ll fight for love. But I won’t fight for abuse.
When we were young Ray always bought retread tires and was always having flats,therefor I was always expecting a flat. If I mentioned it Ray would turn around and go home because he said I jinksed him. My Daddy noticed what was happening and gave us a set of new tires for Christmas one year . We had no trouble all year. Ray learned a lesson and from then on he bought good tires.
Ask him if his behavior would be acceptable to him if a man was treating his daughter, sister or mother the way he is treating you. Would he treat coworkers (especially if he is a supervisor) the same way? ) Would he be acceptable or would his job be at risk? Sometimes looking at our own behavior through someone else’s lense will open our own eyes. Also, if you can point out whether he claims to be kidding or being funny, it is NOT received that way so it is NOT funny.
Leave and find some one that will appreciate you. Or at least leave and love yourself to be free from abuse.
Run screaming he won’t change just escalate to something worse
He is going to keep doing that as long as you stay with him…find someone who will treat you right
Throw the whole husband away
Tell him the other guy you’re fucking is incredibly jealous of him so he might have done it to fuck with him even though he has as 10 inch dick and has no reason to be jealous. Then fuck him over in the divorce as much as you possibly can and when he’s looking around wondering what happened to his life assure him that this time it WAS you that did it.
Tell him to fuck off that’s what my wife tells me specially when I’m on her phone
He is probably a narcissist. Find a good counselor.