If anything goes wrong, my husband thinks it’s my fault and gets mad at me? For example: if something goes wrong with the car, it’s my fault; he automatically thinks that I did something to the car! What should I do?
Get a divorce…that’s something he can blame you for that’s worth it!
Leave. He sounds like a narracisst.
Sounds like he’s guilty of something
Tell him to post off sounds like a jerk
Sounds like emotional abuse to me.
Murder him!! Just kidding, talk to him about it
I recommend that you read this book together. Especially if you’re newlyweds and still learning about one another.
Sounds like conditioning for abuse. So when he beats you it will be your fault. Mental abuse for sure - like and find someone that values you.
Sounds like a narcissist to me
Gaslighting. Unacceptable
Get a new husband. Stop putting up with that mistreatment. Seriously.
Get a new husband. Someone that’s a blame pusher I someone who can never take the blame and will never stand for or with you only against you.
My husband is the same way. It’s emotional abuse. I get blamed for everything single thing.
Get a new husband if communication does not work and he is not willing to talk and change.
This is not normally how a husband treats his wife…you need to have a serious talk about this issue and tell him you both need to go to counseling
Tell him to shut up. Sounds like a narcissist, so if its bad then leave.
Throw the whole man out.
In about 1996-97 there was a book out called MEN WHO HATE WOMEN AND THE WOMEN WHO LOVE THEM. READ IT
This does not work too many times. When I got accused - I simply said - exactly what I wanted to do. HE DID NOT KNOW WHAT TO SAY.
Dump his ass and divorce him make sure he gets nothing except for the rest of his stuff
Get ride of his ass and tell him to his face that’s it’s his fault
Elevator shoes may improve his self confidence.
Mine does the same, I just ignore it anymore!
Get the f out it does not get better
Advice= get a divorce
Leave his sorry ass! You do not need him!
Unless he has always been this way, it sounds like he may be going through something? Are y’all having financial problems? Has a lot been going on all at once? Maybe he isn’t meaning to take it out on you but you are his source for unleashing?
It may be stress, I’d sit down and have a talk with him. I sure as h*** would not be putting up with it though. I’m very outspoken of anything I’d actually be the one to do this.
Tell him that you do it on purpose
Leave him. That’s toxic, abusive, narcissistic, and he’s gaslighting you.
Well if hes so perfect leave him to it …alone …free yourself from negativity
Sounds like something a narcissist would do.
Behave like him and ask him how it feels… treat people how they treat you.
I see the picture. It could get worst over time and it’s a very toxic attitude. One day he might do something very bad on purpose and put all the blame on you.
Sounds like a jerk to me I would stand up to him or get tf out because that’s not healthy
Sounds like a form of mental abuse to me! My ex was the same. And then he actually started beating me
I left because of this after 5 years than still talking today and realize what a damn fool I was.
Give him a SPLANG!! upside his head with a frying pan. That’d be something he can really blame you for. Then get gone lady.
Sounds like he’s projecting. Whenever something goes wrong, he needs for there to be a reason and/or someone to blame. It’s not that he actually thinks you’re responsible for it, he just needs to place the blame somewhere. Talk to him about it. He may not even realize what he’s doing, or how it’s affecting you.
Sounds like it’s time to get rid of the husband… work on your happiness.
Leave him…That’s exactly what you should do!!
Mental abuse ,get rid
Tell him shit happens and it’s not always your fault
You’re married to a narcissist
Stop messing up car!
Take it to the dump or get a new one? Have you tried slapping the side of it or unplugging its terrible energy. The good will may take it?
Sounds like emotional and verbal abuse. Constant criticism and blame are common signs of abuse. I encourage you to find a local advocate to talk through some of this with. Services are always confidential and free. Here’s the number to the national hotline:
Sadly, I’m petty. Start doing stuff to mess with him. He’s gonna blame you anyways, you might as well be guilty of it. Or give him a taste of his own medicine, and react to things how he does. Record him going off on you, then show it to him.
Change the status quo.
Are you newlyweds? Sometimes even after years together boundaries must be set. I’m sure my husband learned years ago to not approach me like that. I would just say “what makes you think such a thing?” When he realized he doesn’t have a logical answer it could very well be the end of the conversation.
It’s emotional abuse and unless he wants your marriage to work it won’t change. You deserve to be loved, not abused!! It’s hard to give up when you love someone, but trust me it’s much harder to stay!!
I spent 23 years of never being able to do anything right and blamed for everything. I left. It was very hard. You have to regain your self worth. 5 years after divorce I meet my wonderful 2nd husband. He’s everything my 1st husband could never be. Kind, respectful loves me for me. Life’s to short to be unhappy. We’ve been. together almost 7 years, married 4 years. I’m happy every day now. My ex can’t seem to keep a girlfriend.
Only you can answer that question. Can you leave? Do you feel threatened? Has he threatened you? Has he ever been physically hurtful or verbally abusive? If you answer yes, leave find a safe place to stay. Find someone you trust make a plan to leave. If you have children, get them to safety NOW. If this is just a temper tantrum and he knows differently then counseling would be in order. As some of the posts say “Life is to short” if your situation is harmful your life may be shorter than you wish. Your SAFETY AND CHILDRENS COMES FIRST.
Ignore him ::: tell him U saw a monkey out there ::not sure what he was doing :: any old thing to tell him to give thought that just maybe It was NOT your fault ::: Otherwise :::Piss on him . that is such crap .
My husband has a insulting sense of humor. He always puts me down. He never says nice things about me. If I say something he says I was just kidding!!! I can’t stand him treating me like this.
Run, run, run. Get as far away from him as possible. Narcissistic will never change and everything that goes wrong will always be your fault. I lived in this same crap for 10 years and finally got my mind to working for me and left his ass.
Emotional Abuse is hard to live with. Is he willing to go to counseling? If not leave him. Life is too short!
Are you spineless?? Tell him to shut the hell up!! Then find someone that will treat you with kindness and respect! You certainly don’t need his crap!!
Get your items together when he’s not home, pack your car and drive away and don’t look back. I doubt very much he could, or would, ever change. I’m not making light of your situation, and I KNOW it hurts, but being verbally beaten up will ultimately take its toll on you. Good luck!
Nip that one right in the butt there is no reason for him to blame you for the car breaking down or because the sun didn’t shine as brightly as he wanted it to you have no control over any of that if your husband’s worth it then stay but nobody deserves to be treated like that
This made me think of my Ex. I remember feeling guilty one day because it rained and he couldn’t go hunting and took it out on me. I finally came to my senses after 11 years of that kind of crap and I was out of there
He needs to see a Psychiatrist. That is just not normal behavior.
Sad but so many people have to everything on someone else.Never taking the blame on themselves.Its called lying to their own self.And making the others feel like its their fault. Narricist. Look up the definition
Pray for your husband. Give it to GOD! If you are being abused mentally Or physically get out! But continue to pray for him! This sounds like a him problem not you! GOD did not being you into this world to be abused. Praying for you!
That’s a man for you. My Eddie do the day thing to me they never take accountability for their action
He needs serious deliverance from pride and selfishness
Leave the self centered sob now. He always going to blame you, and never once will he think it could be anything else . Take a look at how he was raised. Does or did his father do this as well? Blame his mom for everything ? Leave now, cuts ties, because he will never change ! Go find someone who loves you for the way you are, and sees your worth.
This will never change. If you choose to stay, you will be abused like this forever. If you leave, you will be happier. You didn’t say whether you two have children, and if you do, they see this. It is not fair to them.
I say get out now.
I’d let him know that the only thing I did wrong and was completely my fault was the day I married him.BIG MISTAKE.Sounds like a jerk…and he’ll never change.Hit the road sister and don’t look back.It will ALWAYS be your fault.
Been there, done that. Walked away after 26 years. Such a weight was lifted when I finally walked away.
That is called a narcissist for you…will never change. Get out! Be stronger than him. It’s not you It’s him.
Don’t look back and get the hell out of there.
Laugh and take it with a grain of salt. My husband does the same thing to me. It’s their insecurity. I just tell him to shut up.
Tell him it’s his fault for not working on the car in the first place!
Im in the same boat. , the only choices you have his therapy or leaving him good luck
Nobody is perfect,we all have weaknesses.Work on your marriage by prayers and understanding each other,your tomorrow will be full of love and happiness.
My husband is the same way. With my husband anyways he is just frustrated it’s not that he is mad at me or blames me. He’s just upset with the situation. Does your husband calm down after? If he does then it’s probably the same as mine. It’s not that he blames you really he’s just taking his frustrations out on you. Not that that’s right either. I would suggest talking to him about how it makes you feel when you are both calm. He might not realize how you take it.
Admit it sarcastically and then tell him no its your fault you are the head of household right? Right?
Tell him you picked him. That was your fault as well. But you can fix that
My ex did the same thing, finally I asked him who he blamed things on before he married me. He still hasn’t answered me and that was in 1976.
Get a new and better husband. This time an adult not a child.
Take full responsibility and remind every day how powerful you are to be responsible for the good stuff too!!!
Leave run get the hell out. You have to be happy with you don’t be like some of us and stay forever.
Mess up the car! Quit cooking! Instead of making dinner make reservations to a restaurant! Quit using detergent when you wash clothes! Dont clean dishes or the house! Come and go as you please without permission! What are you12? You will get so much advice when you know exactly what you should do. Take it or stop it ,not a very hard decision unless you’re held hostage.
He is a coward and will never take responsibility for his wrong doings as long as you allow him to bully you …Get out now…
Burn the dinner and blame him
Got to hurt your feelings unless he has destoyed all of your feeling…
Buy your own car and if you have to get a different place to live!!
Get rid of his nasty self and tell him this is your fault and you accept full responsibility.
I’d insist on couples therapy. That behavior is so childish.
Don’t most men do this? I just chalk it up to immaturity.
Find someone else to many fish in the waters, to settle for a carp
Run over him with that damn car!
Divorce, nobody needs a lifetime of that
Divorce, it’s just gunna get worse. That is not love
Verbal abuse is worse than physical abuse
Contact domestic violence hotline
Go into shelter they will help you with relocation assistance
HE’S putting the Blame and Focusing on You to keep you from Suspecting Anything about Him.
I would bet my life on it.
Find a new husband. He is mentally abusing you. You will be walking on eggshells forever.
What she describes is the reason I left my ex husband. I’m glad I did I am sure I would have still been miserable. I have been married to my husband now for 15 years and I am very happy.
Stop shopping for food. Sorry honey I don’t want to break the car. You’ll have to do it
Run like the wind sweetie. Nothing will ever be good enough for him.
This is the kind of man that you will never please, stop trying and leave!!
I’m sorry but I don’t understand women that have to ask these questions, tell him to get f’d and move on